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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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There are going to be dozens of problems in a game of this size at launch (which, again, we aren't even to launch).


Spare us the legal verbiage. This is a Launch i.e. people are playing characters on live servers that won't be wiped. Just because BioWare decided to call it early access doesn't change the facts.

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Sure there is. Is the person in question over level 30? If yes, exploiter. A smart person wouldn't continue to queue while they see themselves leveling amazingly fast.


Can you say without a doubt that those people queuing for pvp knew there wont be enough people for the next match?

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Sure there is. Is the person in question over level 30? If yes, exploiter. A smart person wouldn't continue to queue while they see themselves leveling amazingly fast.


I want to play a game feature. Nobody there yet? Not my problem. I will keep trying till I can finally kill somebody. That's why I am here.


So where did I exploit?

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Sure there is. Is the person in question over level 30? If yes, exploiter. A smart person wouldn't continue to queue while they see themselves leveling amazingly fast.


So true. I would probably quit after 5 tries, because at that point you know that either the queue system is bugged or not enough people are joining.


Exploiting is exploiting, read the ToS.

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I dont see how its the players fault. You cant tell the players that they cant join warzones when the feature is accessible from within the game. How are players supposed to know that there wont be enough players for the next match?


this is why they should shutdown servers right now.

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Not sure exactly how they can roll these people back. Its a random queue, they arent picking empty warzones. It's on Bioware. This was happening in the beta and was supposed to be fixed.


Maybe they wanted to leave it in so they could filter the idiots who try to use it. Ya know, preventitive measures to keep them from trying again in the future. I'd do something like that. lol It's like leaving a hundred sticking out of your pocket, but having the other end attached to a string so that if anybody tries to take it, you notice immediately and bust them on it.

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I dont see how its the players fault. You cant tell the players that they cant join warzones when the feature is accessible from within the game. How are players supposed to know that there wont be enough players for the next match?


if there hasnt been enough players the past ooh lets say 15 matches. and you have gained lvls and maybe hit a new BG what makes you think this new one will have enough people.


Use whats in your head

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if ppl want to lvl to 50 asap, let them, even if they use a bug, this game is about me, i could care less what others do


i plan to take my own sweet time getting to 50


and when they 3 shot you in warzones(possible with pvp gear)?

Edited by zeroburrito
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I am waiting to hear how this is all handled...will Bioware take a hardline stance against exploits (remove gains and/or temp ban exploiters) & address this issue quickly with a temp closure of pvp or hotfix? Do they even have the staff & resources in place?


Or will Bioware drag their feet on patching it and do nothing to the exploiters?


I think the former is best but I don't really care. If exploiting is consequence free, I am happy to stay in the loop & take avantage. I am more curious to how long they take to fix it.


Welcome to MMOs Bioware. Let's see where you set the bar :D

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Stephen said, " We'll take appropriate action against any players who are found to be exploiting the game in any way"


we will be waiting result.

Remember, if it comes from "The Man", it can be easily misunderstood. After all, the word "appropriate" can be interpreted in so very many different ways, depending on what country you are from, what language you speak, if you follow Sharia Law, etc.



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This isn't a BUG...this a legitimate way to gain XP and people grinding it. Nothing wrong with it. If BW punishes these players, people should absolutely cancel - a sign of things to come.


And not everyone knows it's an "exploit", how am I supposed to know I'm not supposed to level after 20 PVP battlegrounds?!?! I just wanted to PvP!!


And who cares if level 50's are ganking?!?! It's not like anything remotely significant happens if you die. Don't roll pvp if you don't want to be ganked when you level - not that there's any repercussions for dying anyways. Why do these games continue to remove the consequences of doing anything or choices??

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I want to play a game feature. Nobody there yet? Not my problem. I will keep trying till I can finally kill somebody. That's why I am here.


So where did I exploit?


When you saw the rewards you got for the 4 minute matches that you constantly queue for. Showing some self-restraint will show that you are smart enough to avoid action against you from GM's.

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If I can get banned in Rift for doing a repeatable quest then im sure using some kind of trick in the warzones to get large amounts of xp in a short time is a bannable offense


Rift is not SW is not WAR is not WoW is not UI is not EQ

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Compared to what for example has this launch been so terrible? People are playing a free game for the time being at bioware´s expense, its a gift they decided to bestow the player base for no other reason than to thank people for pre-ordering...


But people just loose their ***** for no other reason than to sound dramatic.


It's free? That's funny because EA has already hit my credit card for the full amount of the game, ok "technically" they haven't fully hit it, it just shows a pending hold for ~$160 since this morning (2 copies of digital deluxe, one for me and one for the wife). But that is still money I can't use that they are holding.

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I was one of the first to bring this bug/exploit to life...


1. Dont kill the messanger...


2. I dont think it is the players fault...


3. Dont kill the messanger...


4. Fight club does not exist!


Of course it is not a players issue. There's their awesome staggering launch hitting them right back at the face. just a bug which is caused by low population and not exploiters.

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I don't understand why some ppl can't see the obvious.


If you queue for WZ and kicked out early and gain tons of xp and then you repeat this --> EXPLOIT


It's easy to deal with anyway:


1) Just shut WZ's while hotfix is being ready.

2) Check the extra xp and rewards from prematurely ended WZs.

3) Delete the extra xp and rewards from pre-ended WZs.

4) Temp-BAN the exploiters from EGA till 20th December.



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When you saw the rewards you got for the 4 minute matches that you constantly queue for. Showing some self-restraint will show that you are smart enough to avoid action against you from GM's.


I am a fat kid in a candy shop with Mom's credit card....

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