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Do the right thing Bioware: Go free to play with periodic DLC.


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Hi all,


I just wanted to post and try to encourage Bioware to not be greedy and do the right thing. I usually have no problems with paying a subscription fee for MMOs. I understand that they need the money to turn a profit and keep servers up. It's the price you pay to play with a massive amount of other players.


The thing is this isn't an MMO. There is nothing massive about it. The worlds are barren waste lands devoid of other players... Yet we still have to sit in a Queue to explore those barren wastelands.


Since this is basically a single player game and quazy lobby game I have a hard time understanding how they justify the subscription fee. COD multiplayer is more of an MMO than SWTOR yet they don't charge a subscription fee.


If Bioware doesn't do the right thing and go F2P with periodic DLC every few months I'm afraid I and many others will not sub after our free time is used. I have a hard time justifying paying $15 a month for a single player game with a chat room.


Bioware either needs to up the server loads and get rid of sharding or stop calling the game an MMO and go F2P. There's no way around it.


I can only imagine this is a troll thread. Barren wasteland? Where? I would like to go there and get some resources. Even the most remote areas of taris have people running around in it. Please point me in the direction so that I don't have to play competitive resource gathering.


The right thing? You state it as if it were some self evident truth that going f2p is the right thing. Look I'm sorry that WoW is going down the drain. I hope it doesn't, you guys love your game. You should get to keep playing it. Don't blame bioware though, blizz has already started on a new game, they pulled away their dev team. You can't blame bioware for that.


So have fun over there, but keep the trolling to yourself.

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"wow is far superior this is crap"

Despite fact that I hate WoW and Blizz lazy developers, actually it is.

UI could be customised, frames could be moved. WoW has so much flexibility.

Many peoples felt insulted buy throwing them back in to 2004, with similar lame WoW vanilla UI. It is nearly 2012 not 2004.


Imagine buying a brand new car, it is in perfect condition. Everything works: engine, gearbox, lights, even stereo. But that car has a little drawback, no steering wheel. Would you buy it?

Well, you can still enjoy ride it and steer it buy bouncing off from street lights and other cars.

But it is not right way, isn't?


What is UI for any game, it is a steering wheel, nothing else.


Now on topic, before asking F2P, I think Bioware should show some good will and try release patch as soon as possible, with lot of fixes.

As they already did buy granting 5 days early access mostly to everyone plus adding 2 days grace period.

Form that part, well done Bioware.

Edited by Chaffery
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Yeah, bioware is surely going to follow some no-nothing-about-this-game miss and poan idjit.


If anyone sincerely dislikes the game why are they still here?


This game isn't going f2p... there are more than enough subscribers like me that thoroughly enjoy this game as it is.


There are other games out there...

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Hey guys,


We have removed several off topic, rude, and insulting posts from this thread. Please remember to keep your posts on topic, polite, and constructive to the discussion.


We also ask that members use the flag feature to report a post that may violate the Rules of Conduct rather than respond to it.


Thanks everyone!

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Rolling "alts" is, for intents and purposes, quitting. They'll just get that Class to 40, and make another one


Once they've got all 8 Classes at 40, but don't feel like doing the mindless 40-50 grind, they will quit for good


you have a serious problem flower. yet you made it to 50 in 2 days and now you complain that you are alone. Self ignore will help you meditate upon 'There is more to life than increasing its speed'


If thats your opinion what you doing on these forums? Move along to a better mmo or your choice, how hard that can be?

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Despite fact that I hate WoW and Blizz lazy developers, actually it is.

UI could be customised, frames could be moved. WoW has so much flexibility.

Many peoples felt insulted buy throwing them back in to 2004, with similar lame WoW vanilla UI. It is nearly 2012 not 2004.


Imagine buying a brand new car, it is in perfect condition. Everything works: engine, gearbox, lights, even stereo. But that car has a little drawback, no steering wheel. Would you buy it?

Well, you can still enjoy ride it and steer it buy bouncing off from street lights and other cars.

But it is not right way, isn't?


What is UI for any game, it is a steering wheel, nothing else.


Now on topic, before asking F2P, I think Bioware should show some good will and try release patch as soon as possible, with lot of fixes.

As they already did buy granting 5 days early access mostly to everyone plus adding 2 days grace period.

Form that part, well done Bioware.


your post is pointless and the analogy even worse: while of course a car without steering wheel won't work very well, most of those "features" you mention as fundamental for a modern MMO are either personal opinions and tastes or anyway coming in the future

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Go Free To Play and hundreds of thousands of people will join only from my country.


Are you kidding?


Will OP pay all server expenses? :rolleyes:


Edit: And no, they won't pay any DLC money, they will just enjoy free to play parts of the game.

Edited by Jieljak
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Yeah, bioware is surely going to follow some no-nothing-about-this-game miss and poan idjit.


If anyone sincerely dislikes the game why are they still here?


This game isn't going f2p... there are more than enough subscribers like me that thoroughly enjoy this game as it is.


There are other games out there...


Every MMO that's come out since WoW has had a lot of subscribers at launch, and a ton of box sales


None of them have been successful for more than a couple months though, and sadly, I don't see SWTOR being any different at this point

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Every MMO that's come out since WoW has had a lot of subscribers at launch, and a ton of box sales


None of them have been successful for more than a couple months though, and sadly, I don't see SWTOR being any different at this point


The main difference is that those games were horribly broken, TOR is better than wow. I mean wow now not 7 years ago

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Rolling "alts" is, for intents and purposes, quitting. They'll just get that Class to 40, and make another one


Once they've got all 8 Classes at 40, but don't feel like doing the mindless 40-50 grind, they will quit for good


Your statements here are rather silly and not well thought out.


First, how is rolling an alt quitting? I roll alts to enjoy a different character class or story content. I am not quitting the game, just enjoying more of it.


Second, Why would I quit at level 40 because of the grind from 40-50? If I always quit at lvl 40 I have never seen the content from 40-50 and wouldn't know if it was a grind, boring, or just bad content to begin with... Unless I just compiled all of your 1Billion posts on the subject and just took your word for it. (that would be rather foolish on my part, me thinks)


I fail to see the purpose in your posts, honestly. You are not trying to make the game better, you are just trashing the game for trashing sake.

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your post is pointless and the analogy even worse: while of course a car without steering wheel won't work very well, most of those "features" you mention as fundamental for a modern MMO are either personal opinions and tastes or anyway coming in the future

Even saying thank you to Bioware is pointless? Now I'm lost and totally confused. How I could please fan boys?

Witch future you talking about? ETA please, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years.


/sarcasm off

Edited by Chaffery
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You should end your subscription just so we dont have to listen to your hyperbole on these boards. Also please provide your game critic cridentials that makes you more of and expert then evey one else. I have this vision in my head of the Drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket when he tells PVT Pyle to quit when they are on the obstical.
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Even saying thank you to Bioware is pointless? Now I'm lost and totally confused. How I could please fan boys?


/sarcasm off


still, the rest of the post and analogy is pointless, no amount of pseudo-witticism will make it acceptable




bout the ETA, I think the devs said WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER


not been able to get an estimate for that to happen, sorry

Edited by mutharex
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Even saying thank you to Bioware is pointless? Now I'm lost and totally confused. How I could please fan boys?

Witch future you talking about? ETA please, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years.


/sarcasm off


Just get a job at BioWare, and they'll automatically like you, regardless of what you, or how you treat them

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Every MMO that's come out since WoW has had a lot of subscribers at launch, and a ton of box sales


None of them have been successful for more than a couple months though, and sadly, I don't see SWTOR being any different at this point


and again same question, what are you doing on these forums? if you dont like the game why bother so much. It makes you sad this game is not what you have expected? nightmares? insomnia? cant eat? your partner left you cos of the game? u made debts at bank cos of this game?


if the game is not at your like just quit flower cant be that hard and dont forget to make 'adio letter' on forums before you go for good cos this is the 'fashion' now

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Yep. all us level 50's can do. I my self am working on PvP gear to more people hit 50. in a week or two a lot more people well be 50 or close to it.


I wont be 50 in a week and i dont intend to be. i might roll an alt just so i can hold of hitting level cap.

Whats the rush. Dont get me wrong, i love to raid, but theres plenty of time for that, the games only been a little while, it can only get better. I dont know what it is you people expect ?


So the longer i hold out, the more BW will put into the game. New ui and all the little tweaks...


Again, whats the rush?

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Funny i got a server who is most of the time full , and at most you got wait 2/3 mins to go in on peak hours , also everytime im playing usually there are 100+ players on that area with me and i see them all the time.


You got into the wrong server and most likely you joined the republic , which we all know has less players.


Dont blame BW if you dont think about the decisions you make , the game is awesome and can go paid for years yet.

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The game just started. There aren't going to be a lot of 40s and 50s yet. Give it a month. Everyone will be a 50.


I would like to see CoH (LOVED the issues) or STO style content updates, but who knows.


Oh and join a guild if you're not in one, then you always have someone to do flashpoints with.

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