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Why is the Jedi council so small?


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In playing all 8 classes, we only ever see a handful of Jedi council members yet we see 12 dark council members and several replacement members. Shouldn't these be equal, especially given how often dark council members are defeated in the storylines?


jedi usually take a lot more care who they include into their ranks as a member of the council. the dark council are usually more oreintated towards whos apprentices can kill their master and take their place or rivals who can kill their dark council rivals and they haz all that stuff. sometimes a darth can gain the position through power alone.


looking at both sith inquisitor and consular.



The consular becomes a jedi council member because of the countless selfless acts performed at the risk of their own life withou hesitation to defeat the darkness. its that kind of heroism, selflessness and dedication that was rewarded. gaining all that and having a wealth of experience to back it up as one of the more wiser jedi around in knowing what evil could await.




The inquisitor on the other hand builds power, after thanaton fled the kaggath, all his powerbase basically turned on him and fell into the inquisitors hands. you got your fleet because of Pyron, you got your followers on NS and you got the force ghosts, which makes you significantly more powerful then any other standard dark council member, darth marr included. only a fool on the council would ever want to oppose you and your sheer power and considering how small the empires forces are, that makes your inquisitor one of the most valauble members on the council.


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You see more than just those few spread throughout the game, though. The Imperials fight one in the Ilum story, for instance.


jedi usually take a lot more care who they include into their ranks as a member of the council. the dark council are usually more oreintated towards whos apprentices can kill their master and take their place or rivals who can kill their dark council rivals and they haz all that stuff. sometimes a darth can gain the position through power alone.


looking at both sith inquisitor and consular.



The consular becomes a jedi council member because of the countless selfless acts performed at the risk of their own life withou hesitation to defeat the darkness. its that kind of heroism, selflessness and dedication that was rewarded. gaining all that and having a wealth of experience to back it up as one of the more wiser jedi around in knowing what evil could await.




The inquisitor on the other hand builds power, after thanaton fled the kaggath, all his powerbase basically turned on him and fell into the inquisitors hands. you got your fleet because of Pyron, you got your followers on NS and you got the force ghosts, which makes you significantly more powerful then any other standard dark council member, darth marr included. only a fool on the council would ever want to oppose you and your sheer power and considering how small the empires forces are, that makes your inquisitor one of the most valauble members on the council.

That's not always the case in this Sith Empire, though. It's explicitly stated more than once that killing your superior does not necessarily net you their position, and in fact, doing so openly is typically illegal. More often than not, a member of the Dark Council is elected, or chosen by the rest of the Dark Council, like Darth Arkous.

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Possibly because most Jedi would rather not be on their council. That includes the current council. If you recall the cut scenes there are normally 2-3 physically present, 2-3 attending by Holo-net, and everyone else is "unable" to make it.


Why go to boring and unpleasant meetings when you could be out having fun saving the galaxy?




The Dark Council on the other hand is one of the most powerful organizations in the Empire, and the Sith tend to be all over opportunities to gain power. Sith actually want to be on their council.

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Do you really need an 12 people to decide how an organization goes. Dark Council are running a galaxy wide Empire. Jedi are running a small group of individuals. Small being relative to the population of a planet.




The Dark Council controls 12 Spheres of Influence that make up the Sith Empire. Even the smallest of these Pyramids consists of thousands of sentient beings. The largest pyramids consist of tens to hundreds of thousands of sentient (which as this is the Sith Empire, would be the military and logistic spheres).

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That's not always the case in this Sith Empire, though. It's explicitly stated more than once that killing your superior does not necessarily net you their position, and in fact, doing so openly is typically illegal. More often than not, a member of the Dark Council is elected, or chosen by the rest of the Dark Council, like Darth Arkous.


that would entirely depend if the apprentice of the slain master had already built themselves a power base, enough that the dark council can not ignore.


remember your inqusitor? your original master died and your masters master tried to have you murdered, you took all his stuff when you killed him, including his council seat to which darth marr immediately granted. usually sith ignore their own rules if the situation warrented it.


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You see more than just those few spread throughout the game, though. The Imperials fight one in the Ilum story, for instance.


That's the same guy you physically see in the Consular storyline. He's typically present in most council meetings along with Satele and 1 other. But for some strange reason, that's often it for the Consular.


There are 12 named members pieced together on Wookieepedia. Problem is, many of them never appear in game. Gnost-Dural for instance who is in the history videos from pre-launch never appears in game. Giffis Fane was named in "Fatal Alliance" novel but never depicted. I see no reason these characters couldn't at least have appeared in one hologram to make the Jedi order not look so decimated. Keep in mind, a prolonged cold war gave plenty of time to at least refill the ranks of the council even if the order was a bit down from it's previous levels.

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Do you really need an 12 people to decide how an organization goes. Dark Council are running a galaxy wide Empire. Jedi are running a small group of individuals. Small being relative to the population of a planet.


That's a good point. However, 12 is the movie based number for the Jedi Council so it seems strange not to even have that many chairs depicted in the room.

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You see more than just those few spread throughout the game, though. The Imperials fight one in the Ilum story, for instance.


Indeed. And that particular council member was one that the JK/JC always saw in person when they visited the council on Tython, which makes the choice of that council member being on Ilum a little strange.


Illo dicto, the Jedi Council and Dark Council operate slightly differently. Both act as governing bodies for their respective organizations, but with the former, the individual members don't actually wield any more influence than any other person of their experience in their field. Satele Shan talks to you, you should listen because she has wisdom and experience. Darth Marr talks to you, you should listen because he either directly (through his personal fleet) or indirectly (through the Imperial war machine) controls the entire Imperial Navy, since he's the head of the Sphere of Curbstomping the Empire's Enemies (...I mean Defense of the Empire).


The Dark Council as individual members wield considerable power over a facet of the Empire; the Jedi have no analogous power structure within their own ranks, and the Jedi certainly don't wield influence in the Republic at the level of law.


Because of this, the Empire can't have an empty seat on the Council, or, essentially 1/12 of its government is directionless and useless. Sometimes this is hereditary (Darth Jadus' daughter assumes his seat), sometimes it is part of the Apprentice gaining the power of the slain master (Darth Nox), and sometimes it is because there is a vacuum from the untimely death of a council member (Darth Soverus dying in battle during the Republic-side Korriban Incursion), and a replacement must be appointed (Darth Arkous).


The Jedi, conversely, and crucially, have no such need to immediately fill that empty chair.

Edited by Diviciacus
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  • 2 weeks later...
In playing all 8 classes, we only ever see a handful of Jedi council members yet we see 12 dark council members and several replacement members. Shouldn't these be equal, especially given how often dark council members are defeated in the storylines?


The thing with the Dark council is that they are the main power in the entire empire not just the sith. The Jedi council only has really order giving authority in the Jedi Order unless given command by the republic. The Dark council has to constantly keep all the seats filled so every aspect of the Empire has a leader (the different spheres of power) so members are almost immediately replaced after the death of a member of the dark council while the Jedi have time to think about who is worthy of a seat on the council and can uphold jedi values the most.

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As others have stated, that is mostly because of the different way power is distributed in the respective governments of the Sith and the Republic. Basically you have the Dark Council providing, through the spheres of influence, all of the government over the Sith - whereas on the Republic side the Senate provides this function, not the Jedi council.


Still, though, it would be neat if in game there would be a listing of "who's who on the council" for both factions - and their respective positions - which would be representative of "at that point in time" - so would appear with different names at various points in time through the story <i.e. if you clicked on the "triangle" on Korriban you'd see Thanaton - if you clicked on the "triangle" on Ilum, you'd see Darth Nox <unless you are an Inquisitor that is Darth Imperius or Darth Occulas> ; the "Nox" would be the accepted canon to the other classes - as the games assumption is Empire = Darkside choices, Republic = Lightside>

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