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The Season 5 Nexu


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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






Oh good game. I'm not surprised though. My ability to be optimistic about almost anything with this game when crap like this occurs is all but shot. This not only takes away the exclusivity of the item, but invalidates the often stress-filled time spent for legitimate players who earned their rating fair and square.


I forced myself to do ranked last season despite having been completely burned out from the previous season, because I wanted that Nexu, and I wanted to be sure I wouldn't miss out on rewards that wouldn't ever be available again. This feels like a total lack of integrity on your part, and gives PvPers very little reason to have any respect or trust in how you handle any kind of error like this in the future. It certainly goes a long way in degrading the little interest I had gained again in participating in a constantly diminishing subset of your game due to countless little mistakes, a big amount of ignorance, and a lack of any obvious interest in cultivating a healthier PvP experience.


I'd so love it if you could confirm that the "exclusive item" will finally be a new set of armor, or some really cool item we all never dreamed would be awesome. Alas, the pessimism has already set in. I expect nothing short of a rushed through, unimaginative load of sad little pixels. I'm sure you're all "inclined" to do your very, very best. After all, you didn't/cant' fix your mistake in the first place, right? That gives us reason to trust you with the patched up "new" reward! Wait...


To everyone else: Yeah, I get it. Nexu mount isn't exclusive anymore. No, I guess it's not cool you can't get it after Bioware made a mistake despite you not having earned the adequate rating. I'm still disappointed in the outcome and the way this has been handled. Good news though, eh?


In the end I really just want to be able to keep loving this game, but this throws a pretty rusty wrench into my feelings about it, Eric.

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They're *still* messing up. Today many Tier 1 players got extra Nexu's on toons they had already received them on, whilst others didn't.


Not sure which was the mistake since they couldn't be more vague with their current plan, despite it being over a week.



Edited by MrRuck
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I have a friend that received 2 nexu in the same character (one yesterday). I also know someone that WASN'T EVEN A SUB FOR THE PAST 6 MONTHS and got one.


I can't see how someone wouldn't be pessimistic with the handling of this situation. The way Eric and the dev team is doing this is beyond pathetic. A complete lack of professionalism and respect for every player.


The message is pretty clear: they don't give a single ****. Be glad if you recveive some extremely crap pet.


Really, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations. You really deserve it this time. I don't think that even crap ported indie korean MMOs are so bad administrated.


No information on the patch date, the item reward or anything else. I wish I could stand and clap in front of you, you really deserve it.

Edited by Capote
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Wow really why don't you just give everyone a Nexu now there is 3/4 of the community that has one do you really think that is fair that the others didn't get one I believe that would be unethical for SWTOR if you didn't . You could allow Nexu purchasable for warzone comms from the Vendor.


First of all, I would guess that based on my observations, that less then 5% of the population got the Nexu illegitimately. So your claim of "3/4" or 75% of the population having the mount is extremely exaggerated. Now, I realise you didn't get one and your entitlement complex has you sitting there with your hand out like a street beggar. Secondly, you mention "fair" and "unethical," so why don't you put yourself in the shoes of players that spent many hours competing in ranked to earn the Nexu fairly... do you think it would be "fair" to them if BW just gave everyone in the community the reward they've been working toward??? No, it would be "unethical"...

Edited by J_McSkill
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First of all, I would guess that based on my observations, that less then 5% of the population got the Nexu illegitimately. So your claim of "3/4" or 75% of the population having the mount is extremely exaggerated. Now, I realise you didn't get one and your entitlement complex has you sitting there with your hand out like a street beggar. Secondly, you mention "fair" and "unethical," so why don't you put yourself in the shoes of players that spent many hours competing in ranked to earn the Nexu fairly... do you think it would be "fair" to them if BW just gave everyone in the community the reward they've been working toward???


Lol so this.


I'm okay if more Tier One people got extra Nexus. Its legacy anyway.


I'm curious to see what their "special" reward will be. I'm happy with anything except a title tbh

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I did get the Nexu in the mail on 4 toons, and I think that it should be offered as a purchasable mount for anyone that didn't get it. Sorry, but Bioware you need to make this right for everyone involved, those that didn't get it, and the ranked PvP'ers that earned it. It's poor service if you don't. For once do something that proves you actually care about your customers.
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I did get the Nexu in the mail on 4 toons, and I think that it should be offered as a purchasable mount for anyone that didn't get it. Sorry, but Bioware you need to make this right for everyone involved, those that didn't get it, and the ranked PvP'ers that earned it. It's poor service if you don't. For once do something that proves you actually care about your customers.


You got it on 4 toons and you still feel passionate enough about it to comment on the forums.... RIGHT, we all believe that.....


When you say, "Sorry, but Bioware you need to make this right for everyone involved," do you realize that the people "involved" are the ones that earned by achieving 1600 or greater in ranked PvP? With that logic, why not take a poll of all the players that got it from putting in hours of competitive PvP and see if they want to give it to everyone?

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I did get the Nexu in the mail on 4 toons, and I think that it should be offered as a purchasable mount for anyone that didn't get it. Sorry, but Bioware you need to make this right for everyone involved, those that didn't get it, and the ranked PvP'ers that earned it. It's poor service if you don't. For once do something that proves you actually care about your customers.


Fixing the problem in the first place to "make it right for everyone involved" would have been removing the Nexu mounts from those who did not earn them. That would have proved Bioware cared about customers and their integrity far more than your proposed solution. Your solution does nothing for the ranked PvPers.

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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






Ever get the feeling you cant do right for doing wrong ?


Mistakes happen, in this great universe of ours real and fantasy life moves on.

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I did get the Nexu in the mail on 4 toons, and I think that it should be offered as a purchasable mount for anyone that didn't get it. Sorry, but Bioware you need to make this right for everyone involved, those that didn't get it, and the ranked PvP'ers that earned it. It's poor service if you don't. For once do something that proves you actually care about your customers.


SORRY MATE but.no body is buying your pathetic ********. By your approach and disrespect in the matter of.begging for a mount that people put hours in ranked pvp to earn, you sure as hell dont deserve one nore will bioware be stupid enough to put it on a vendor you scrub. So beg some more ;)

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What kind of logic is this? You plebs should just get good and earn a mount the right way. :cool:

What they should do is take it away from people who earned it. Becauze 12 year old beggers such as yourself wish you had the mount scrub. This iz what makes us pvprs feel honoured about having thr mount we put in hours to earn that pvp to show it off to try hard wana bees liks you who never even tried for the mount.and did PVE never stepped foot in am arena. So **** and keep asmiring what you will never have you pathetic scrub

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Wow really why don't you just give everyone a Nexu now there is 3/4 of the community that has one do you really think that is fair that the others didn't get one I believe that would be unethical for SWTOR if you didn't . You could allow Nexu purchasable for warzone comms from the Vendor.


HONESTLY i feel like punching you in the face with the lack of disrespect you have towards ranked pvprs who earned tbis mount. Undthical of bioware?? Listen tou littlr **** you had four months to get your rating passes 1600 but you did not ecen do 1 ranked game so dont sit back now and call the devs a dick for not making it availabke to everyone. Infact us pvprs enjoy seeing you wish you had it times when we needed people to que for ranjed but no body was you could have and got your rating up. Your begging is immature you stupid pleb.

The only thing bioware ****ed up is giving it to a few randoms by accident which they ahould take back. Not make it purchasable for everyone yoy brainless diarespectfukl retard. Pls un install scrub

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HONESTLY i feel like punching you in the face with the lack of disrespect you have towards ranked pvprs who earned tbis mount. Undthical of bioware?? Listen tou littlr **** you had four months to get your rating passes 1600 but you did not ecen do 1 ranked game so dont sit back now and call the devs a dick for not making it availabke to everyone. Infact us pvprs enjoy seeing you wish you had it times when we needed people to que for ranjed but no body was you could have and got your rating up. Your begging is immature you stupid pleb.

The only thing bioware ****ed up is giving it to a few randoms by accident which they ahould take back. Not make it purchasable for everyone yoy brainless diarespectfukl retard. Pls un install scrub


diarespectfukl you write like i speak after a bottle of JD without the abuse.

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HONESTLY i feel like punching you in the face with the lack of disrespect you have towards ranked pvprs who earned tbis mount. Undthical of bioware?? Listen tou littlr **** you had four months to get your rating passes 1600 but you did not ecen do 1 ranked game so dont sit back now and call the devs a dick for not making it availabke to everyone. Infact us pvprs enjoy seeing you wish you had it times when we needed people to que for ranjed but no body was you could have and got your rating up. Your begging is immature you stupid pleb.

The only thing bioware ****ed up is giving it to a few randoms by accident which they ahould take back. Not make it purchasable for everyone yoy brainless diarespectfukl retard. Pls un install scrub


The dark side is strong with this one...


Agree with the overall msg though, minus the violence and double negatives lol.

Edited by J_McSkill
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Hey folks,


Good news! We have granted Nexu to all of the remaining Gold tier characters who had not yet received it. If you were missing the Nexu, we isolated the issue to characters who had transferred or changed their names during the course of the season.


I know there are questions about what will happen now, so here’s our current plans:


  • Mistakenly Granted Nexu - Anyone who was granted a Nexu, will be allowed to keep it. This was our error and we are not inclined to take it away from everyone.
  • Gold Tier Exclusive Reward - We know letting those extra players keep the Nexu, it takes away the exclusivity for our Gold tier PvPers. So, we want to fix that situation and the plan is with Game Update 3.3.1 all Gold tier PvPers will be receiving an exclusive item. No specifics are available at this time and we’ll announce it the day we release the patch.


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through getting this resolved. We know this was frustrating so we have changed internal processes to help prevent this type of situation in the future.






I don't know, Eric, that seems a pretty crappy way to treat your PvPers that didn't get one that were of the same rating of the players that shouldn't have gotten one. Poor solution regardless of if it was your guy's fault and not the players that got them on accident. The best solution would've been to look at the lowest rating person that did get one then remail them out to everyone that had at least that rating-- then do your new exclusive reward for Gold rating players.


Either that or do, indeed, take them away from everyone that shouldn't have gotten one. I don't think I'm the only one unhappy about how this has been handled.

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Pretty poor from the dev team. Anyone not stupid could see you had two options.

1) Take it away from anyone who wrongly got it, and reward it to those who deserve it.

2) If your Neanderthal coders cant figure out how to reclaim the mounts from those who don't deserve it. Just give it to everyone and make an entirely new mount for the pvpers who deserved it. Give them a choice of a few designs and get them to choose their favorite. Most are happy to wait if they've got a nexu in the meantime.


Honestly the worst way you could've gone about fixing this is what you have done. Making the ranked players unhappy as they no longer have an exclusive season 5 mount. And made everyone else unhappy that their friends got a shiny new mount for doing nothing, while they are forgotton about.


0/10 for BW.

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You all should remember that a lot of the decisions BW makes first must be brought up to EA. and usually EA will do the least cost effective way of going about things. As they truly don't care about the pvpers since they bring in little revenue we get what we've always gotten in the past. . BW has come out several times at the cantinas saying they don't like EA either and wish they could do things their own way. But unfortunately EA is the final authorization.
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HONESTLY i feel like punching you in the face with the lack of disrespect you have towards ranked pvprs who earned tbis mount. Undthical of bioware?? Listen tou littlr **** you had four months to get your rating passes 1600 but you did not ecen do 1 ranked game so dont sit back now and call the devs a dick for not making it availabke to everyone. Infact us pvprs enjoy seeing you wish you had it times when we needed people to que for ranjed but no body was you could have and got your rating up. Your begging is immature you stupid pleb.

The only thing bioware ****ed up is giving it to a few randoms by accident which they ahould take back. Not make it purchasable for everyone yoy brainless diarespectfukl retard. Pls un install scrub


I'm surprised that this long line of words even contains a few dots.

No commas, though.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Can't wait to see the gold tier reward get sent to random people too!:rolleyes:


Right? This fail is epic even for BW standards. Honestly, by Eric's post it seems to me they still have absolutely no idea on what they'll give, so they just said a random future patch to try to calm people down.

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Yeah, you don't have the capability to remove mount abilities and/or mail messages - we get it. It's not exactly a secret.



I'm still waiting for the day when your decisions are no longer dictated by a limited understanding of your own game's inner workings.


I'm a bit worried about this upcoming expansion. BW is consistently showing us a lack of proficiency with the engine.


Here's a tip, guys: The next time around, don't fire your original design team, ESPECIALLY if you're going to use a heavily modded engine. Doesn't say much for the Devs if they don't even understand their own game's engine.


Don't care about mount at all. But yeah, it's really sad to see these levels of inco... coding skills.

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