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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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My list:

1. Kell Drake mount ala Dread Master Styrak.

2. Blaster the hillbilly droid mount with a either a buff like Titan 6 mount or a flourish to let him talk.

3. Find a way to have flying mounts that maybe fly a little higher then the Jet pack and the Wings of the architect.

I know to have real flying mounts all maps would have to be redesigned to include new distant graphics, exhaustion zones, e.t.c.

4. Pink Fluffy Unicorn mounts would a great CM addition! I know the copyright prohibits that but how about coloring one of those Bathas or Ice Trompers pink and stick a horn in the front.

Edited by Praetorian_jedi
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Would like a Rocket Boost style jetpack mount, and miniature capital ship mounts would also be cool. Also, please make the Titan 6 Containment Vehicle's flourish (not a actual flourish, but a early version of the same) sound able to be heard in the area around the person with the speeder, not just by them.
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Sorry, I know this isn't a request for a type of mount.

I would like to see the mount achievement system changed.

Reward players for collecting X amount of mounts.

With rewards for collecting 50, 100, 150, 200 mounts etc.

This would encourage people to buy more mounts, whether from the GTN or the Cartel Market

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A Hover Board of some kind. A bit bigger than the one from Back To The Future II maybe, with small engine nozzles on the underside. doesnt have to be exactle board shaped - make it a hover plattform, maybe a disk shaped thing. I can see a lot of variation possibilities with that! :cool:
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  • Four Ewoks carrying me around in a chair, like C-3PO.
  • Me frozen in a repulsorlift carbonite slab, being wheeled around by bounty hunters.
  • M1-4X



  • A speeder that looks cobbled-together. Lists to one side, uneven idle sound, backfires occasionally, small pieces appear to fall off as I drive (like the Lucky-77's coins)
  • Dread-seeded anything (although it "feels like" this should be some kind of PvP reward)
  • Something that looks like a forklift or tow truck, like the "mule" in Joss Whedon's Serenity.
  • Nexu cats



  • Any mount with two seats, that allows your active companion to ride with you.


Black Korrealis

Speeder Bikes with Imperial/Republic Insignia


I'd also like to see this!


Designs paying tribute to Kenner's Star Wars mini rigs and body rigs!


I love you for pointing these out. The young nerd in me salutes the young nerd in you. :)

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Krayt Dragon. A barbed ginx like Bilingus on Makeb.

White-fang. Primal Destroyer titan.


Only problem with a Thranta is its biology. It uses a lighter gas than gasses in the Alderaanian atmosphere. While most habitable planets and space stations use similar mixes of gasses, there is no guarantee it would float at the same level in all places. Smaller Thrantas would naturally fly at lower levels, such as ground speeder height, but would invariably crash in lighter density atmospheres.


Physics aside, Thranta wings are ugly as sin.

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