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10 Good
  1. I love that Scorpio is ranged but I think most companions should have a option between ranged and melee
  2. Very well put. I will add to this by saying story as KBN mention adds flavor to the content making it more engaging and more meaningful but is not content on it's own!
  3. Makes sense to me. I would even change the Harmode KP and EV Ops to nightmare. It can still be called Hardmode though since HM versions are such jokes and I imagine still will be.
  4. My list: 1. Kell Drake mount ala Dread Master Styrak. 2. Blaster the hillbilly droid mount with a either a buff like Titan 6 mount or a flourish to let him talk. 3. Find a way to have flying mounts that maybe fly a little higher then the Jet pack and the Wings of the architect. I know to have real flying mounts all maps would have to be redesigned to include new distant graphics, exhaustion zones, e.t.c. 4. Pink Fluffy Unicorn mounts would a great CM addition! I know the copyright prohibits that but how about coloring one of those Bathas or Ice Trompers pink and stick a horn in the front.
  5. My group is currently 3/10 in current Hard modes an I love how challenging Hard Modes are! Two Thumbs up Bio Ware!!! Killing HM Bulo was very satisfying. I think the way current hard modes are will benefit the teams that are only interested in HM progression. It will make Hard mode kills more epic! So what it'll take longer then DF and DP as long as next tier of OPs doesn't take as long as this current tier took after DF DP was released. My groups will shoot for NiM once we're done with HM. Not sure how much success we will have but it'll be fun to attempt. Would be awesome if NiM is not released on school/college kids schedules so not in the summer where most of us goes on vaca with our families RAIDING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS !
  6. Where to start. Ok Hard Modes are suppose to be HARD especially in the beginning. We'll see if people still think they're hard once enough time has passed just like it was with 2.0. Yes these ones might be harder but that's how it should be the game is evolving, players skill should be growing and so should the difficulty of GROUP content especially HARD modes. Having said that the new FP's with the exception of couple of fights are not hard at all. The fights that give groups difficulties just require a little thinking like the Korriban Droid bonus boss. Heal through the first 3 chokes and save your CC breaker for the mass choke when the boss is also bezerk for a little while. We got spoiled by SM pug content being way too easy and even Hard Mode flashpoints as well since they were out for way too long. Hard Modes should be hard. I will agree that the rewards should represent the difficulty and bonus bosses in the new HMs should drop Decos at the same rate bonus boses did in HM FPs prior to 3.0 Gearing i this game is far from pay to win! You can't any longer craft or buy the top tier gear and even when you could you couldn't have the set bonuses. You can't craft purple 192 gear unless you can kill last bosses in the new HM OPS which drop some of the mats needed which in turn cannot be sold right now by design. As far as selling packs on the GTN that's gambling and would require for you to get very very lucky. Whether you open the packs for a small chance at a rare people want or sell the packs themselves you still need people willing to gamble. Pay to win systems have no gambling in it other wise it's pay a lot and maybe you'll win but not really cause your bought gear will still suck compared to what you had to pay to get it! If there are idiots that think that can gear out that way and pour a ton of money into this game well good then. The money will go to support the game rather then Chinese gold farmers. Crafting 186 - I personally like that as soon as the expansion dropped Crafters have a reason to learn new schems besides augment kits and augments. Now all professions can make money, at least for awhile, instead of just the ones that craft augs. 186 Relics are way better then even dread master ones so there's a market for those for now. 192 are only marginally better about 20 procced power or main stat. B.t.w. you don't have to have 186s for SM either one of the new OP. Both of my OPs characters for the 2 OPs teams I'm in didn't augment or had any 186 relics, hilts and only handful of previous 186 gear on them not even half. Neither did most of my teammates and both OPs teams downed Ravagers with relative ease and are up to Lurker in ToS. Would be passed him I think if the server lag bug wasn't there. SO 186s are only necessary for those teams that like to have that little extra. The last story arc let's call it the"Kephess 3.0" fight is super easy because IT HAS TO BE!!!! It's designed just as the the Jesus support droid for soloing FPs is designed for people geared or not, skilled or not to see the STORY. The real "Kephess 3.0" fight is in the OPS as it should be! I personally love challenges and if not enough exist I make some up to keep it interesting for me. I would love for that fight to be more difficult that why I was probably the only one that misses when that fight was bugged! Finding sure fire way around the "bug" was quite entertaining for me. Trust me after a lot of trying I finally did find it and worked perfectly for my other toons and it felt good. Then it got fixed it became a joke that it is now but at least it works as intended. It's intended for you to finish the story without going into OPs and nothing more. Want a challenge do it in OPS. People that think that Hard Modes are too hard in my humble opinion need to examine the tactics they're using since 3.0 changed a lot of how we approach the fights with added mobility, utilities e.t.c. Be patient when pugging since 3.0 brought a lot of people back that haven't played in a LOOOOOONG while. They might be trying to remember how to play still on top of the 3.0 changes so no it's not like ridding a bike. Run HMs with people you know for now until pugs catch on if it bothers you that much that they're hard. Plenty of guilds out there it is an MMO afterall don't let one time soloable FPs fool you. Find a different game!
  7. Alexius - Jedi Guardian - Vigilance - 4/36/6 - 4:40,91. Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/600190 ARM: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ec06e528-49f5-4b6d-8b4f-25aa4d9c0f82
  8. Seriously ?! For the same reason PvErs can't be as effective in PvE gear in PvP. Wanna PvP get PvP gear. Wanna do OPS come get PvE gear like the rest of us. IMO opinion expertise should somehow be based on your rank. Current ranking system would need to be reworked obviously. Then it wouldn't matter where you got your gear but only how good you were/are at PvP. It's bad enough the constant crying from PvPers ruined countless DPS classes!!! Now this again. Completly agree.
  9. 1. NiM difficulty is right where it needs to be. It provides a challenge for the well tuned groups that find HM too easy or groups that can do OPS 5 times per week or more. I'm in a semi hardcore group in a mostly very casual guild and we 2 shot Titan 6, Thrasher, OP chief, Olok and one shot Cartel warlords first time we did S&V HM. We didn't even read the guides on how to do the fights prior to the fights. We just like figuring out mechanics on our own and refer to guides only if we get stuck and wanna know if it's a mechanical issue or a bug sorry "random difficulty enhancement". Long story short NiM is a much needed challenge. 2. SWTOR is not going to lose players because they can't do NiM. We have about 13 active OPS teams in my guild and only one that did all of NiM EC and is currently doing NiM TFB/S&V. Other 12 teams didn't even attempt NiM because HM was enough of a challenge and they rather do the new OPS when they come out. At least half those team would do fine in NiM but they just don't feel the need because having lives outside the game is a beautiful thing! NiM is for players that have abundant time for playing. 3. Not getting out of "bad stuff" or getting out and then rubber banding back into "bad stuff" is not a bug! That's lag or a spike in your internet connection. 4. There is only one problem I find with NiM and its a small one. Even tough DPS classes got balanced out and BW did a good job with that. If you want to put out the best DPS out there you still have to be Gunslinger/Sniper or Sentinel/Marauder ?! Making NiM a lot easier for teams that have those classes. The GSSM classes out parse certain DPS almost by a thousand on Master Styrak for example. (Don't believe check TorParse for example) We need a better balance between DPS classes. No not advocating for nerfs. We had enough of those due to PvP crying. GSSM classes can still be ahead in Deeeps but not by astronomical amounts.
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