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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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One thing I would really like to see more of are stripped down or partially-built speeders, like the Aratech Basic.


My RP guild runs a "Swoop Garage" where we purport to rebuild and customize speeder bikes, so anything that looks like it's undergoing some repairs is great for our stronghold.


Besides the Basic, I really liked the "malfunctioning" Hyrotii Scrapper and the recently-added Lhosan with the front forks taken off. Anything with an "unfinished" texture, like bare metal, mismatched colors or spots of primer is appreciated for the same reason.


Conversely, it's always fun to have more speeders with really fancy paint jobs for our "showroom." Glittering candy paint, polished chrome, flames on the side, neon accents etc. are all very good.

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my wishlist is not a new mount, it is the Wish that mount drops are accountwide accessable. when i farm a Mount once with 1 charakter, i actually need to farm it with another char again. with Cartell Mounts does it works. if i want one mount i buy with another Char i have access with Collection to use it with next chars. Why not with Drops from any Operations. and if this would implement other Gamers have a better chance to get it too.the same question i have with some special Drops : the legendary Mask from Scum and Villany. please give it a chance and like this Thread.


Greetings Kimbalae from T3-M4



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Hey there :),

Ever since I started playing Star Wars The Old Republic, wandering and exploring Bioware's masterpiece, I often wondered if creature mounts would ever make it to the game. It all started with the taun tauns, followed by the glorious Varactyls,... Indeed, we now have a huge collection of creature mounts, with new cool flourish mounts making their way to the market as well. But when am asked the question of what mounts do you like to see implemented in future updates of the game, I can without any hesitation say:

1-Reek, a large thick-skinned, horned, bovine-esque quadruped, first appeared in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, mounted by anakin skywalker.

2-Acklay (spider-like creature mounts should make their way to the market as well)

3-Thranta, those flying creatures native to Alderaan would make cool mounts to wonder around the fleet with.

4-Nexu, (I know armored Nexu was a Season 5 pvp reward, but would like to see more on cartel market.)

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3-Thranta, those flying creatures native to Alderaan would make cool mounts to wonder around the fleet with.


Impossible, unless they shrink thantas to the size of a chicken, which would be ridiculous. Thrantas are too wide to be a viable mount. Just 2 of them would totally cover a GTN kiosk.

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Well, here's a few vehicles I would absolutely love to see in a reasonably obtainable form.

  • A fully enclosed small-scale walker. Something that could potentially withstand vacuum for EVA, preferably with a military style design. It could probably utilize the mount flourish tech, such as a warning (or decorative) display of firepower from weapons pods. Visible thrusters to show off EVA capabilities would be a nice bonus.
  • A jetpack with a pair of disc-shaped thrusters or tilt-rotor lift fans, similar to the ones on the Lergo line of vehicles. It could probably use the mount flourish tech.
  • A jetpack with VTOL thrusters on extendable armatures, to allow for thrust exhaust a safe distance from the body with the ability to collapse the unit for storage. Due to its design, I figure it could use the mount flourish tech, such as an in-flight wiggle or acrobatic stunt.


One thing that I would LOVE with the addition of jetpack vehicles to this game is an ability to keep them displayed in an inactive form on the character, even in combat. The jetpack wouldn't technically be "in use", providing no bonus to speed while cosmetically displayed, but would still be visible. Although I figure this would require a fair bit of tech and therefore be very unlikely to make it into the game...

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Last time i went to a cantina event in texas (PAX SOUTH) i spoke to about 3 of the devs. about doing an acklay mount! and even the lead animator.(or so he called himself) stated that that would indeed be aa cool mount . then we went on to discuss the battle of geonosis arena. anyways almost a year ago i wanted an acklay mount and now a year later i still want an acklay mount!:cool:



...also a massasi on 4 legs would be cool to ride and more pod racers!!!

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anything that 2 or more can ride in at once


Remember Kai Sazen's April fools? http://www.swtor.com/blog/go-big-go-small-go-nowhere. Giant mounts (sandcrawler for example) , mini mounts (mouse droid) and immobile mounts (log or tree for example) would be hilarious."look at my awsome mount!" "Well I have this- *gets sandcrawler* hello down there!"

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I know some of these have been listed time and again, so sorry if you're sick of reading them:

-Reek -Yara

-Nexu -Manka

-Acklay -Duneclaw

-Jaggalor -Vorn Tiger

-Kath Hound -Underwalker

-Cyber-exoboar -Mawvorr/Crysfang

- Force powered cloud (akin to Monkey Magic)

- a Koensayr twin-wheel bike (akin to TRON lightcycles)

Finally, many are supporting the Basilisk War Droid idea as either a mount or companion. How about both?

Having a side quest (similar to the HK aquisition) where you travel to key Mandalorian worlds or sites of major Mandalorian battles to attain the parts/programming/knowledge to utilise one (hopefully not a dig chain like HK) but incorporate more Mandalorian lore and language into the game. Once done you'd have access to a semi-sentient battle companion that ALSO could be used as a means of travel.

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Mount customization for existing and new vehicles (and creatures). Give us a Dye slot for primary/secondary colors and a color crystal slot for exhaust color. I realize this would probably cut into the way mounts are currently monetized and implemented via recolors of the same model. As a way to offset any loss It could be a purchasable upgrade via cartel market for example. I have never been a fan of buying the same mount 3-4 times to get recolors, but sometimes I just have to color coordinate with my character's outfit. So in addition to new mount designs, this would be a way to add value to mounts already in game as well as future releases.


Afterthought: How about a Vehicle customization kiosk similar to character customization? Like "Zerka Customs Shop" or something. You could select from your available vehicles/mounts then preview and cycle through different color combinations for paint schemes and exhaust color. Changes could be applied by purchasing them via cartel coins or credits similar to the way the character kiosk functions.

Edited by Metalzen
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I've got a big list of wants :p


-Krayt Dragon. Of course not a full sized adult, but seeing a Krayt in SWTOR would be awesome! http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090709062857/starwars/images/3/3f/KraytDragon_NEGAS.jpg


-Basilisk War Droid. Preferably painted in the colors of Clan Vizla, with the appropriate symbols http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061103130258/starwars/images/9/92/Basilisk.jpg


-A regular, Episode VI style speeder bike would be nice. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131003050004/starwars/images/4/41/74Zspeederboke-TCWBRBD2.png


-A big Republic walker, with the Imperial one too. Probably not that size, but it would be really cool to have a big, imposing military mount http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/swtor/images/1/1a/SWTOR-Republic_Walker.png/revision/latest?cb=20130914172851


-A Storm Squadron walker. Would be cool as a Nightmare Mode drop. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/swtor-sword-squadron-operation-guide-5.jpg


-Darth Malgus's throne, from The False Emperor. This would be amazing! http://i.ytimg.com/vi/4j02LqLq2gw/maxresdefault.jpg


-Some mounts that have a side car/second seat for other players or for companions


-More jetpacks! I'd love to see Shae Vizla's jetpack for example, or just any that isn't that enormous one :p

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Acklay mount

Acklay mount

Acklay mount

Acklay mount

Acklay mount

Acklay mount!!





kotor swoop bike

oh wait .. already getting that in time


Acklay mount

Acklay mount

Acklay mount :D


The acklay mount shall also be called the "Rick Acklay" mount. It'll never give you up, or let you down, or run around and desert you

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