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Wow, spammer tickets means can't open any new in game tickets AND apparently no posts


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Really... I report in game *mail* spammers, every time. You (bio-ware) create a in game ticket ticket automatically and a THANK YOU message. BUT Bio-ware leaves so many open I now can't create a new ticket? For an actual problem?? "You have exceeded the maximum numbers of tickets that can be open at a time." is the message I get.




I can't create post in CS, I had to try here just because... not even sure this will work.


*edit* Post(s) showed up here and in CS forums after a while - not sure when - I went to bed and gave up on it as they were not showing up Friday night.

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(Not at you, at EAware's incompetence)


I've known that their deeds don't live up to their words for a long time when it comes to gold spammers, but this one just takes the cake. It's tempting to alert this post just to bring it to devs' immediate attention, but you posted it right at the start of a weekend so they probably won't see it.


I would try calling their customer service support line. They might be able to clear some of the spam report tickets for you and/or help you with your actual issues. They can deal with a lot of the...technical limitations of ingame tickets.


Oh, and while you're on the phone with them, when they ask if there's anything else they can help you with, do bring this to their attention. I know this happens frequently with full ignore lists, but I didn't realize it happens with tickets too. LOL

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Thats actually extremely sad, sorry that happened. How many tickets do you have open?


Also is there a way to expedite some of these sorts of reports? Like implementing a system that brings a specific case to the top of a pile based on number of players reporting, this way it can be cleared from as many CS logs as possible as fast as possible. For only spam reports though, where they'd go in a different pile from other CS requests.


Or an auto-ban system for spam, although that could go wonky.

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Don't waste your time reporting email spammers.

They're long gone before CS can deal with them and it just blocks you from creating additional tickets.


I miss the days when the spammers at least used to send me a credit for my trouble.

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Don't waste your time reporting email spammers.

They're long gone before CS can deal with them and it just blocks you from creating additional tickets.


I miss the days when the spammers at least used to send me a credit for my trouble.


The amount of time it takes me to make a single credit is literally measured in milliseconds. That 1 credit is not worth the time required to click the "collect all" button.

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Credit farmer spam has decreased by an incredible amount to the point where I see *maybe* one spam on fleet per evening. In-game mail spam has also decreased by an incredible amount.


Yes, a few still get through but it's nothing compared to what it used to be, so what's the problem?


They've done an AMAZING job over the last few months with the crackdown and people still complain. Why can't people just be happy with what they have? This is what's truly "funny if it wasn't so sad."

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It died down for a month or so back around late spring but now the spam is as bad as ever. 2-3 on fleet and a significant number of my toons have spammed mailboxes whenever I log in to troll crafting (which I do 2-3 times/day, so it's not just accumulated spam, it's new spam).


If Bioware doesn't have the manpower to deal with the spammers, they need to give us the tools we need to FILTER them ourselves, like we can filter spam out of our own e-mail before ever seeing it.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Don't waste your time reporting email spammers.

They're long gone before CS can deal with them and it just blocks you from creating additional tickets.


I miss the days when the spammers at least used to send me a credit for my trouble.


I actually got one of the 1 CR spams this morning, and I did my usual -- take the money and delete w/out reporting.

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Well, now that it's during the week, this should probably be raised again so the appropriate parties have a chance to see it. Posting this during the weekend wasn't the best timing lol.


I meant to make this post this morning, but going to bed at 1:30 AM and waking up again at 4 for conquests was brutal, especially considering that I had to be to work at 8:45!

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This is appauling. I wasn't aware that reporting email spammers/gold sellers in chat/mail would make you reach some sort of open ticket cap so now when I found a botter that keeps botting the same area night after night I can't report him. This is fantastic... why isn't the way this system works changed yesterday already?
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