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It's time for SWTOR to allow mods


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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this.


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.

Edited by RolyartNala
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Re: #2

Aren't we already able to click on character frames for healing? Or is the thing you're wanting is to be able to click on a frame for a group member for healing and have your "target" remain on an enemy during the cast?

(this is the only MMO I play, so I don't know what a different process would look like)

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The first one are you talking about for looks or for stats. If it for looks that's already in game if it for stats then meh.


The second one If I'm understand yo right, I believe is already in game you just have to set you stuff up properly.


Macros.... no thank you. Allowing that will just make gold farmers worse and Player skill worse.


As for you last point are you talking about the what 5 points you have to pick to put in to things.... if so meh not something that seems important.

Edited by LordRichardEW
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#1 is nice and since you can't swap during battle I don't see why not.

#2 And 3# are horrible as they would make an arms race in PvP with sides winning based on how many mods you have installed. Progression raiding would be complicated as some would use mods and macros while others didn't.

#4 is trivial as the utilities take 5 seconds to program compared to before

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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click. THey added this essentially with the outfit designer. now if you want actual stats, swap, its not hard and only really matters for pvp


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this. i have never had to click a person to heal, click ops frame, select ability. I get to chose which heal to use and when


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing.not necessary and in my opinion, worthelss it can give an unfair advantage over others (takes player skill out of the equation) they have said many many many times they will never allow macros and I for one agree they are not needed. Can't play the game, don't.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build. people have been asking for dual spec for some time, it may or may never get implemented. IF they feel it is necessary they will add it.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.


mods are not necessary. they usually cause more problems than they are worth and are if not, they rarely become optional and then give people more reason to witch about not having xxx mod installed and kicking you from group.

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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this.


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.


Well for #1 you have Outfit Designer, now don't tell me it is not the same or it costs credits get over it, it is here so goodbye number 1.


Number 2 well if you need healbot to heal then maybe you should go and play wow, we do not need it in this game.


Number 3 well do you have a keyboard? Does it have the ability to make a macro, well you can do it that way.


Number 4 is the only 1 that I would like to see implemented. It could be helpful but its not a deal breaker.


Lets see them fix the bugs in the game first before asking for more crap.

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Well for #1 you have Outfit Designer, now don't tell me it is not the same or it costs credits get over it, it is here so goodbye number 1.


Number 2 well if you need healbot to heal then maybe you should go and play wow, we do not need it in this game.


Number 3 well do you have a keyboard? Does it have the ability to make a macro, well you can do it that way.


Number 4 is the only 1 that I would like to see implemented. It could be helpful but its not a deal breaker.


Lets see them fix the bugs in the game first before asking for more crap.


macros are against the TOS and if discovered could result in you just getting out right banned...if you want the risk feel free.

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Number 3 well do you have a keyboard? Does it have the ability to make a macro, well you can do it that way


Not really, macros are against the TOS.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this.


You already can click people's names in the operations frames and then cast your ability. If this takes too long for you to perform effectively, then the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair, not within the game.

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Love the keyboard warriors here, I was making a point that it is not in game and not needed, if the op wants to run a macro I am sure he knows how to, just pointing out its not in the game.


Keep calm


move along

move along

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(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros


A couple of years ago, Bioware composed a very detailed post regarding macros, including when they can, and when they must not, be used. The bottom line is that emotes are the only acceptable use of macros, and any other use of macros is considered a serious violation of the ToS.

If its for emotes etc and isn't being used as a way to advise others of an impending attack in a Warzone (inc snow! for example), then we will turn a blind eye to an extent.
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Love the keyboard warriors here, I was making a point that it is not in game and not needed, if the op wants to run a macro I am sure he knows how to, just pointing out its not in the game.


Keep calm


move along

move along


you mentioned to use his keyboard which is against the TOS. so you are basically encouraging him to break the TOS and risk getting banned, not the greatest of advice.

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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this.


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.


# 3 - People too lazy to use their eyes and fingers.

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Love the keyboard warriors here, I was making a point that it is not in game and not needed, if the op wants to run a macro I am sure he knows how to, just pointing out its not in the game.


Keep calm


move along

move along


And they were just pointing out that macros are against the TOS.


Keep calm


move along

move along

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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click. Like others said, if you mean appearance only, it's already there. If you mean stats, it's not that hard to swap your gear every now and then.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this. Sorry, not sure what you want to change here.


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing. No. No, no, no. In my mind, macros are cheating. Do it right, or don't do it at all.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build. From what I understand, some people swap around utilities between bosses anyways, besides, it's only a couple clicks. I'd rather save abilities to quickbar slots so I don't have to completely rearrange them every time I switch from DPS to healing.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.


That's my opinion, at least.

Edited by Dontelar
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Again Re: #2, since I didn't elaborate

This is the only one in your list that can be done by yourself very quickly. You can customize your UI to show your group and operation frames, and you can move them to wherever you like on your screen, and can adjust the scale.

(When I was a newb I was always clicking on targets. The UI editor actually helped me learn to play better and gave me more control over the way I prefer to play)

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I can support #1 to enhance the Outfit Designer to offer stat-gear tabs in addition to the appearance-only gear tabs that it currently has. It seems as though most QoL features added nowadays need to provide an ROI for Bioware. Question for the OP: How many Cartel Coins would you be willing to spend per stat-gear tab? For example, I don't pvp, so I never need to change my stat-gear, and I would probably not buy any stat-gear tabs. How many players would pay for this feature? If enough players would pay for it, then Yes, it would be great for Bioware to build it.


Regarding #2, I have never played WoW, and I haven't used healbot. However, Bioware's stance is very clear that any "automation" to perform two or more in-game activities with a single keyclick or mouse-click is considered a ToS violation. As I noted earlier, the only (unofficial) exception is macros for emotes.


Regarding #4 to save character builds, I agree with other folks that respeccing utility points is so simple now it really doesn't need to be automated. In my opinion, the bigger problem with respeccing is keybinds -- going from healer to dps or vice-versa changes quite a few abilities, and they just get dumped in random hotbar locations. I would like to see the ability to save and load keybind setups, in the same way that we can save and load UI layouts.

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Short & sweet:


This game makes me crazy. It is 70% fun, 30% frustrating. My frustration stems from the lack of certain quality-of-life features that should exist in an MMO in 2015, that simply do not exist in SWTOR. Many of these QOL features would no doubt rapidly be added to the game if SWTOR just enabled third-party mods via, say, Curse, in the way that several other popular MMOs have done.


Here are four features that I consider basic conveniences in MMOs, but that SWTOR maddeningly lacks.


(1) Wardrobes. Many MMOs allow players to set wardrobes for particular activities, such as raiding, role-playing, or PVP, and then to swap between those sets with a single button click.

Agreed it would be convenient. Better yet a true multispec ablility with gear sets swapping automatically would be a nice to have. As long as you put proper restrictions on it like not being able to respec/change gear in a Warzone, not being able to do it while in combat etc. then it doesn't hurt anything.


(2) Click-to-Cast. Mods like Healbot and Grid, which allow players to click directly on character frames to cast spells on those characters (without having to target them), are very helpful, especially when healing. Really, healing is a stone-age practice without the ability to do this.

Based on the comments from others it's clear they don't know what that functionality means. For those of you that never used this utility in WoW what it does is effectively gives you mouse over healing. In SWTOR you select the character and then cast. With Healbot/Grid you mouse over the character then use key press or mouse binding (or both) to cast on that person you have moused over in the raid frame.

From a practical perspective it simplifies your healing and gives you more options to use more of your healing abilities. It also can prevent you from wasting a cast on someone out or range. It is very convenient to be able to mouse over someone and shift+left click, for example, to cast a cleanse, left click to cast your little heal, or right click to cast your big heal.


Is it absolutely required, no. You can heal quite effectively without it. I've healed in WOW both with and without it, and in SWTOR (obviously) without it. It is however a QoL type of thing. I'm too lazy to look but mouse over healing is actually one of the things that the Devs had said at one point in time they would like to see in the game, and that it was one of the acceptable uses for multibutton mice as it still adheres to the restriction of one click/press 1 action.


(3) Macros. Being able to set up your own macros---to intelligently pair together certain abilities with one another, with messages to other players, or to target enemies---is the bread & butter of most MMOs. It helps reduce toolbar clutter, and facilitates quick communication of important information, as well as quick target-swapping to frequently-targeted objects. The lack of macros in SWTOR is mind-blowing.

There are certain things it would be nice to macro and others that I'm actually glad they don't have in game.

It's nice to have ability to target something with a macro. e.g. /target Underlurker That I would like to see.

It's also nice to be able to macro simple things like "/ops Vent Info: server:blah.typefrag.org Port: 123123 Pwd: Vaderforever" or "/ops Ok for this fight ...."


However, I really don't want to see combat macros that do multiple abilities.


(4) Saving Character Builds. It's good that the game has field respecs now, but the lack of the ability to SAVE favorite specs is crazy-making. Having to reassign Utility Points each and every time you switch specs is downright absurd. In 2015, an MMO should be able to save your freaking build.


Can we please have this stuff, BioWare? Bring your game into the modern gaming era. Allow mods.[/color]


As I said above, I would like to see saved configs for respec that change armor, change your quickbars etc. Again, no harm if it's done right.

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A couple of years ago, Bioware composed a very detailed post regarding macros, including when they can, and when they must not, be used. The bottom line is that emotes are the only acceptable use of macros, and any other use of macros is considered a serious violation of the ToS.


I remember that thread and how silly that stance comes across.


When you are in a WZ in a mixed team and get put up against a pre-made that are running with third party coms. So, a macro that helps a PUG to communicate better is against TOS while a third party aid that allows a pre-made to dominate is fine.


It's a shame the Devs don't see this as a thing they could develop and maybe add in some basic tactical communication abilities. They could tie it into character voiced emotes. Maybe put them up on the Cartel Market if they really must. But not everyone has voice comms or wants to use them.


As for third party macros... no thanks.

Didn't enjoy being told what I had to have in WoW (especially the Boss Mods) and think SWTOR has most of the basics covered. Modifiable UI and quest tracker.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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#1 & #4: QoL items, and while it isn't that difficult to manage with what we have, the ability to save gear sets or disciplines / utilities / ability bars would be nice.


#2: Most players in ToR have no idea how less 'clunky' healing is in other games (many have never played another MMO) with mouseover / frame based healing, so good luck getting them to understand that it isn't automation that is being requested, simply the ability to mouseover players or frames and cast heals without having to change hard targets.


Personally, as I've gone back and forth between games, I just generally don't heal in this one because of how clunky healing feels to me with how poor the UI is in allowing customization to see only what I want to see when I want to see it.


#3: I have mixed feeling on this one.


On one hand, certain macro capabilities simply add QoL functions or reduce key binds / number of keys used, but do not automate play - these I wouldn't mind having in game (e.g. incorporating chat when an ability is used such as an interrupt, target key modifiers).


On the other hand, I've seen macros in some games (Rift) and I know people do it with hardware in this game, that stack multiple abilities to single key presses and effectively automate play - these I would not want to see added.


The worst example of this type of macro (and what they should never add) is what is possible in Rift.


I once stacked over 12 abilities in one macro listed in priority order such that I could simply spam the key and have the game use the first valid ability (e.g. not on cd, esources or proc available, target within range / at range, % enemy health).


For me, I'd love to see them add APIs which allowed player add-ons (we have some very creative and able members in our community), though of limited functionality (no automation - just QoL items and the granular ability to control the display of data).


In the absence of APIs, my priorities would be to provide more customization with the existing UI (specifically to filter, sort and display buffs / debuffs / procs as well as change fonts, colors, and size of frames), provide basic in-game combat data (including group data), and provide mouseover healing capabilities.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Nope. No mods. Don't need them. Next?

Since when are you the voice of the entire community?


On topic, yeah, having some types of mods allowed in this game would be nice, but... Bioware will keep silence as always and all you'll get with this thread will be tons of rage and insults from haters.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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none of the points in OP require mods.


they just require bioware to add them as features. (at least some of them)


mouseover casting would be fabulous (btw, you don't need mods for that in WoW either - mods just make it easier to program buttons for that functionality, but ability itself? exists in base game) what I'm not sure of is whether the game itself is capable of this functionality - engine and stuff you know? becasue if engine cannot handle it, no mods in a world will fix that.


that said... I'm so used to healing one way in Tor, and another way in other MMO's that it doesn't even bother me anymore O_O


saving ability bar/gear presets that automatically load when you switch disciplines (your pints 1 and 4 can honestly be combined into single request) - again, would be something I would absolutely love. but.. it doesn't need to be done with mods


macros...... that's a tricky one. there is a lot of murky areas to macros. I would guess they are not implementing them mainly becasue its a headache to program restrictions to macros in a way that allows you to streamline some of the processes (for example - ability to use random speeder without having to go into speeder window and scroll down) without it affecting actual gameplay (for example - cast sequence macros)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Since when are you the voice of the entire community?


On topic, yeah, having some types of mods allowed in this game would be nice, but... Bioware will keep silence as always and all you'll get with this thread will be tons of rage and insults from haters.


well pretty sure if they wanted mods they would have developed for it, since they haven't pretty sure there never will be otherwise it would be part of the game day 1.


we have been laying this game for almost 4 years without them, and have done very well.


as for the "haters" we're disagreeing they are needed. you are the one that is claiming they are and calling the rest of us "haters' simply because we disagree.

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