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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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Is he not right, though?


It does depend on your playstyle and the choices you make.




In the chapter 3 demo, there was a choice where you could either save the solar generator (or whatever) or just leave. Saving it meant playing through more content, leaving meant skipping to the end. How does that not translate into playtime depending on your playstyle?



But just to be clear here, are you saying that 1-hour (minimum) of cutscenes per month is too little?


Was i not hearing clearly when she said some will also be significantly less? I haven't seen anyone mention this. So maybe i misheard...

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Okay, so, to copy pasta what I said on my blog and elaborate on my earlier post about cutscene lengths:


"Basically, if we go with the minimum of 9 hours cutscenes based on the info we have available? If we say a planet during the prologue and chapter 1 has an average of 40 minutes of cutscenes, we get 160 minutes/2 hours and 40 minutes. Add to that… another 30 minutes for inbetween planet quests and companion conversations and we get 190 minutes/3 hours and 10 minutes.


Now based on me doing most of the prologue and Chapter 1 on a healspecced Sorc using two 3 hours exp boosts, the gameplay there is about 6 and a half hours.


We’re getting 9 chapters right off the bat. Each one a minimum of 1 hour cutscenes. So we have almost *triple* of the prologue and chapter 1 right there. If we also triple playtime we get roughly 20 hours of gameplay. That’s not little. That’s not even approaching little. Look at what you got with RotHC, with *SoR* and we’re getting all of KotFE with the same money spend on a sub anyway (provided, well, that you usually sub)."


Seriously, if 1 hour of cutscenes per chapter is really the minimum, KotFE is really, really big. Please do the math before you start yelling about how ~pathetic~ it is.

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No offence to the OP, but I have never heard from her before, how reliable is this information likely to be (I have not seen the video yet as I am stuck at work) does she refer to her source, have we seen any sort of "insider info" from her before?
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No offence to the OP, but I have never heard from her before, how reliable is this information likely to be (I have not seen the video yet as I am stuck at work) does she refer to her source, have we seen any sort of "insider info" from her before?


This is kind of of an aside, but if you can't watch it at work because they are blocking flash player, then just go to google and type youtube html 5. Then click get player, and you can then watch the video.

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No offence to the OP, but I have never heard from her before, how reliable is this information likely to be (I have not seen the video yet as I am stuck at work) does she refer to her source, have we seen any sort of "insider info" from her before?


She's big in DA:I and ME fandom and has also watched the devs play Chapter 3 and worked with the DA:I team to an extent. She hasn't really been big in the SWTOR fandom yet, but I imagine they chose her as one of the people to give info to because of her previous experience as well as her popularity with other Bioware fandoms, since people there are more likely to pay attention to KotFE news -- and start getting interested in this game -- when they're from her than, say, dulfy, or other people established in *this* community.

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No offence to the OP, but I have never heard from her before, how reliable is this information likely to be (I have not seen the video yet as I am stuck at work) does she refer to her source, have we seen any sort of "insider info" from her before?


She has literally dozens of videos and interviews under her belt, and has done this for years. If you look her up on YouTube you'll find she's easily got 100 videos on inside game info, all of them fairly lengthy.

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This is kind of of an aside, but if you can't watch it at work because they are blocking flash player, then just go to google and type youtube html 5. Then click get player, and you can then watch the video.


its more of a case I am stuck in a main office, with no sound.


But thanks to the others for their replies, it makes it easier if you hear from other people that its likely to be "good info"

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Okay, so, to copy pasta what I said on my blog and elaborate on my earlier post about cutscene lengths:


"Basically, if we go with the minimum of 9 hours cutscenes based on the info we have available? If we say a planet during the prologue and chapter 1 has an average of 40 minutes of cutscenes, we get 160 minutes/2 hours and 40 minutes. Add to that… another 30 minutes for inbetween planet quests and companion conversations and we get 190 minutes/3 hours and 10 minutes.


Now based on me doing most of the prologue and Chapter 1 on a healspecced Sorc using two 3 hours exp boosts, the gameplay there is about 6 and a half hours.


We’re getting 9 chapters right off the bat. Each one a minimum of 1 hour cutscenes. So we have almost *triple* of the prologue and chapter 1 right there. If we also triple playtime we get roughly 20 hours of gameplay. That’s not little. That’s not even approaching little. Look at what you got with RotHC, with *SoR* and we’re getting all of KotFE with the same money spend on a sub anyway (provided, well, that you usually sub)."


Seriously, if 1 hour of cutscenes per chapter is really the minimum, KotFE is really, really big. Please do the math before you start yelling about how ~pathetic~ it is.


Trying to discuss with dumb people is useless. Just let the trolls-wannabe keep crying in each and every single post about how bad the next dlc will be, that doing the same 2 ops over and over is boring (But they still keep doing them with more than 1 alt every day) and that they'll leave the game becaue the new dlc will not include any new content (But they'll stay and keep playing the same 2 ops anyway), if they see the fun in it.


But there's one more thing to consider, that someone already pointed out. If (IF!) the cutscenes alone are at least 1-hour long in total, the actual gameplay between each of them is to be calculated aswell. Things such as actual gameplay (Exploration, fights, travel, going from point a to point b for the next quest, etc). If I speedrun through Ziost I only take around 30 minutes or so to complete it, side quests included (Not counting the first wave of dailies that drops the OH at the end), but only because I already know all the routes, the fights, the little shortcuts here and there, etc.

But when I first went there, it took me a couple of hours just to figure out where to go, what to do, explore, scavenge the map for the ZX1, getting wiped by it 5 or 6 times, sitting on station waiting for may the 4th to unlock the ending, etc.


Heck, people cry and complain that Ziost was bad and short, but truth is it just feel short, it actually has a lot to offer (Not counting the goldmine that is the 1st landing zone where you can farm tons of elites and 1 champion).




Let them cry like toddlers, they're just trolls-wannabe.

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Again, did i mishear when i thought she said some of the chapters will be significantly less than one hour?


She worded it kinda confusingly insofar as that she said that the minimum is 1 hour with some significantly longer and some shorter. But... if the minimum is 1 hour, which people on reddit have been rolling with in their thread about the video and which she hasn't corrected (she actually clarified that she meant 1 hour of cutscenes here I'm assuming it was a hiccup in how she worded things rather than the minimum she gave us... not being the minimum :p

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The only part of that video I care about is at the 5 minute mark where she says there's some ultra secret end game content that bioware is keeping tight lipped about until closer to release besides the story, ops, fps, etc.


Going to reserve hope since EA and BW love to do the "we have great things coming but we can't tell you about it yet" line... EAs gotten away with that since warhammer... but I digress, hopefully it is something actually cool and fun to do at end game. Because only one story to play through will only go so far.

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She worded it kinda confusingly insofar as that she said that the minimum is 1 hour with some significantly longer and some shorter. But... if the minimum is 1 hour, which people on reddit have been rolling with in their thread about the video and which she hasn't corrected (she actually clarified that she meant 1 hour of cutscenes here I'm assuming it was a hiccup in how she worded things rather than the minimum she gave us... not being the minimum :p


Okay. I thought she said minimum is 1 hour and some will be longer and some significantly less

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the chapters being an hour long only confirms my fears and assumptions. it's a glorified new quest series u can finish in an afternoon


add the fact there is no new operations and they are killing our current gear with the level increase...will not be playing this.

Edited by Pagy
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I think some are so bummed with no new ops and flashpoints at release of KotFE that they are grasping at whatever they can to knock down everyone else's enthusiasm.


Maybe I am foolish, stupid, or whatever, but I'm looking forward to the expansion. 1 hour of cutscenes is good per chapter, 1 hour of playthrough (cutscenes and quests included) per chapter is ok too. Im not going to go back and listen to exactly what Ashe said about the 1 hour minimum, whether its strictly cutscenes or playthrough. In the end it is what it is.


One thing I wont do is go on a crusade to save the poor unfortunate souls who are being "duped". Pretty laughable if you ask me. Hey, random crusader on the forum, I'll pass on your "help", thanks.

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She worded it kinda confusingly insofar as that she said that the minimum is 1 hour with some significantly longer and some shorter. But... if the minimum is 1 hour, which people on reddit have been rolling with in their thread about the video and which she hasn't corrected (she actually clarified that she meant 1 hour of cutscenes here I'm assuming it was a hiccup in how she worded things rather than the minimum she gave us... not being the minimum :p


Thanks for the update. Still...1-hour of cut-scenes seems kinda weak. How long will these updates take players to complete? 2 nights? Then what?

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I romanced

Jaxo and let her live on my vanguard.

I wonder if my persistence will be rewarded.


Negative. She develops PTSD (as you find out from an in-game mail), and I'm pretty sure she'd just end up committing suicide. It is time you faced the music.


Jaxo died a hero. Honor that sacrifice; do not try to change it, for that is the path to the Dark Side.


I only romanced Theron with my Consular and Sith Warrior. My Consular is fine, she never married Iresso because she has a thing for Cedrax, but my Warrior and Quinn are going to have a frank discussion about the state of their marriage... Such as it is.




Quinn: "I'm sick of this rapey relationship and your gross abuse of virtually unlimited social power!" *Throws self out airlock, saving you the trouble*




Okay. I thought she said minimum is 1 hour and some will be longer and some significantly less


Do you not understand what minimum means?

Edited by Diviciacus
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Thanks for the update. Still...1-hour of cut-scenes seems kinda weak. How long will these updates take players to complete? 2 nights? Then what?


Does it seem weak? To me it seems so large that I'm skeptical they can actually deliver that much per month. Think about it - how many hours of cut-scenes did Makeb have? Or SoR? An hour of just cut-scenes is a lot.

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Trying to discuss with dumb people is useless. Just let the trolls-wannabe keep crying in each and every single post about how bad the next dlc will be, that doing the same 2 ops over and over is boring (But they still keep doing them with more than 1 alt every day) and that they'll leave the game becaue the new dlc will not include any new content (But they'll stay and keep playing the same 2 ops anyway), if they see the fun in it.


But there's one more thing to consider, that someone already pointed out. If (IF!) the cutscenes alone are at least 1-hour long in total, the actual gameplay between each of them is to be calculated aswell. Things such as actual gameplay (Exploration, fights, travel, going from point a to point b for the next quest, etc). If I speedrun through Ziost I only take around 30 minutes or so to complete it, side quests included (Not counting the first wave of dailies that drops the OH at the end), but only because I already know all the routes, the fights, the little shortcuts here and there, etc.

But when I first went there, it took me a couple of hours just to figure out where to go, what to do, explore, scavenge the map for the ZX1, getting wiped by it 5 or 6 times, sitting on station waiting for may the 4th to unlock the ending, etc.


Heck, people cry and complain that Ziost was bad and short, but truth is it just feel short, it actually has a lot to offer (Not counting the goldmine that is the 1st landing zone where you can farm tons of elites and 1 champion).




Let them cry like toddlers, they're just trolls-wannabe.


And you are a serious person? Get real sycho

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Again, did i mishear when i thought she said some of the chapters will be significantly less than one hour?


She ever said or implied "shorter than one hour". Just that some will be longer than others.

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