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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please stop using rifles....


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Why pick a commando if you're just going to use a blaster rifle.....This boggles my mind. Its not like an "oh my bad" kind of thing at low levels. I've run into commandos well into their late level 40s and mid 50's still using rifles and its becoming common...... Please stop, you're severely gimping yourself. If you wanted to use a rifle you should have rolled vanguard.


/random rant with a mix of confusion.

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Cannons are strictly a ranged damage increase over rifles plus some attack unlocks. As such you can be a healer with no loss of healing power.


It is impossible to play Assault without a cannon not least because Charged Bolts are disabled without a cannon.


You can play Gunnery without a cannon but the ranged damage loss is significant.

Edited by Gyronamics
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So in a stale game filled with tanks and healers the gunnery commando was the best out of the 4 actual dps ;)


Doesn't get around losing IIRC 7% on all white damage attacks and disabling Hail of Bolts which I might add is nevertheless keybound on that rifle using commando.


Roleplay is roleplay but there is no benefit to it.


You're still the character doing a lot of casting and standing about and most obvious of all is the writing next to your name which says commando.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Assault canons look horribad and there's no vanguard tree that really utilizes the rifle. So if you want a rifle and to actually look like you're using it one is basically stuck with a gunnery commando.


It would be nice if we could just equip a weapon in the outfit designer to override the appearance but until that happens I'll continue using a rifle with my gunnery commando.


Min/maxing DPS means very little to me and my guild. I'm here to live out a Stormtrooper fetish, not making other people happy.

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I keep an updated rifle on my mando for knocking out dailys sometimes. Brings back the aspect of npcs being challenging, and let's me play an actual storntrooper. Wouldn't even consider using it for PvP or anything group related however.


Still, it's fun to dream.

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Why pick a commando if you're just going to use a blaster rifle.....This boggles my mind. Its not like an "oh my bad" kind of thing at low levels. I've run into commandos well into their late level 40s and mid 50's still using rifles and its becoming common...... Please stop, you're severely gimping yourself. If you wanted to use a rifle you should have rolled vanguard.


/random rant with a mix of confusion.


How much credits you wanna bet that a ton of troopers will pick the blaster rifle ,even in their sleep, if they removed the damage reduction.


I for one will finally level a Commando.

Edited by Kaedusz
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How much credits you wanna bet that a ton of troopers will pick the blaster rifle ,even in their sleep, if they removed the damage reduction.


I for one will finally level a Commando.


Level a commando ... yes.


Actually take it into PVP ... probably not. Gunnery is fine in 8 man, but get in the arena and you might as well just stay in the spawn area. You won't last long rifle or cannon.


And I think that is the OP's point. It is fine to use the rifle when you are in solo content, but when playing with others you should be doing what you need to help the team and not make matters worse.


So if that is your only draw back, you might as well level one now while the XP is good. Because it is not like you will be doing much with it PVP wise regardless.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Using a rifle in regs is a pretty good trick to avoid some focus fire, especially if you're not using the green beam of murder-me-please. There's no excuse for it in high-end PvE though. I'm one of those who likes the look of the assault rifle a lot better than the cannon, but I need Charged Bolts and I need a max-damage Full Auto and High Impact Bolt. Off-DPS is a very important component of a PvE healer's role, and severely gimping that component just for aesthetic reasons is unjustifiable.
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Using a rifle in regs is a pretty good trick to avoid some focus fire, especially if you're not using the green beam of murder-me-please.

I dunno man, Being a Vanguard might invite even more focus fire.


And I'm hugely surprised by the number of people taking my other post seriously. :<

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Why pick a commando if you're just going to use a blaster rifle.....This boggles my mind. Its not like an "oh my bad" kind of thing at low levels. I've run into commandos well into their late level 40s and mid 50's still using rifles and its becoming common...... Please stop, you're severely gimping yourself. If you wanted to use a rifle you should have rolled vanguard.


/random rant with a mix of confusion.

No matter the game, there are always people that for some reason get upset with other people and how they play the game. Whether I use a rife or not, it does not and should not matter to you at all. Hell, if the game let me, I would use a sling shot just to annoy people that think it's their job to tell me how to play my game.

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No matter the game, there are always people that for some reason get upset with other people and how they play the game. Whether I use a rife or not, it does not and should not matter to you at all. Hell, if the game let me, I would use a sling shot just to annoy people that think it's their job to tell me how to play my game.


Except it does matter, especially in end game. I would kick you out of a raid group immediately if I saw that.

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They should put in a weapon appearance tab for things like this so everyone can be happy. Or unlock the couple of moves that are restricted to assault cannon use only, especially since commando specializes and wields both rifle and assault cannon weaponry.


Also, reason you might be seeing commandos doing this is cause vanguard lost full auto for no good reason i tried using a rifle on my level 43 commando and its not as gimp as some people may think it looks good and it makes me hate they removed the cool full auto move from vanguard. But maybe the devs will get around to improving the game later on after the expansion as opposed to nerfing classes instead of making them better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What abilities are disabled if using a rifle? And how do those abilities in pve solo content?


You lose the ability to use Hail of Bolts, Mag Bolt (I think, I know Mercs need 2 Pistols to use Mag Shot), and Charged Bolts. So, you lose the ability to play Assault Specification. Also, you lose about 30% of your Ranged Damage, because Blaster Rifles deal less ranged damage than Assault Cannons and Sniper Rifles (I think they both deal the same damage coefficent with a similar barrel) So, just don't be stupid and use a bloody Assault Cannon.

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