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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone else feeling hopeless?


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Why do people keep saying they don't care about PvP? Didn't they nerf assassin 3 times even though they are the worst dps in PvE now? Didn't they nerf lightning sorcs seriously decreasing their AoE dps in PvE? Didn't they give mercs a defensive buff that is actually pretty strong in 1v1 and has a short CD even though they are probably the best dps in PvE now? What about those sentinel fixes? Immunity, predation on a CD instead of 30 stacks, undying rage fix, 10m leg slash? Those all sound like PvP fixes.


Aren't they going to decrease the cost of wz comms, remove ranked wz comms, improve solo "ranked" by forcing people to queue with 2018 expertise, make rating matter less to increase queues and give everyone some nice rewards even if they get unlucky with their queues?


What are you guys complaining about? Not being able to play a few classes in **** ranked (the one that only bads think is actually competitive)? boohoo, play another class. Almost every class can play in regs while I only have 2 classes I can use in raids without being a burden on the rest of my team. No new wzs? How about everyone actually learn the current wzs first. Like 60-70% of people still don't understand the point system in AHG, or any decent strategy in either huttball wz, and don't even get me started on how many people run left in VS when people ask them to "go right".


They didnt nerf the assassins where they should have thats why they are so weak in pve. Lightning sorc nerf wasnt just pvp related, it was broken in pve too (healer having better burst than non-sorc dps...). Mercs only stand chance in 1v1, they are focused first in every warzones, and have no way to drop focus right now. Mara didnt get a single thing we asked for, they gave us a bunch of buffs we never wanted and we still struggle with the same problems.


So thats dev caring about balance problems for you.

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This community has been asking for a lot of things... some of which are ridiculous (I won't deny it, I probably asked for a few things myself.) But if you look very carefully, you'll see that some of what is asked of Bioware makes total sense and rather feels mandatory for a better experience.


The community? You mean the geniuses who jumped down my throat for saying that the merc chaffe flare fix would be useless in the one place we actually needed a fix (gee I wonder who was right ... )? Those are the guys you think BW should be listening to? The guys who still don't know the difference between deception and hatred assassins? Those guys? Listening to those guys is like the blind leading the blind.


In short this is what every member of the community wants: "Dear BW, please nerf paper and buff rock, scissors is fine, signed rock".



To me, it just feels like PvPers are the red headed step child of this game/community, we're frowned upon and nobody truly wants us around.


Really? It's funny you say that as almost every buff and nerf recently was pvp related, while I still can't use my assassin in the new ops without being carried or being a burden on the healers.

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The community? You mean the geniuses who jumped down my throat for saying that the merc chaffe flare fix would be useless in the one place we actually needed a fix .


the adjustments to chaff flares weren't fundamentally bad. basically, Arsenal flares is the sin's shroud (immunity to force & tech). but while the shroud is on a timer, the flares is on a probe count. with 2-3 ppl hitting you, the flares last less than 2 gcd. but I dunno. I don't think the Arsenal adjustment was that far off.


the IO adjustment is pretty frustrating. the % is quite low. I'd rather shave 2 seconds off it and have the percentage MUCH higher than something as ridiculous as under 50% for 6s. or if you make it 50% for 12s (lolright? not a chance).


I also don't have a problem with putting it on the same cd as shroud if it actually worked for more than 2 gcd (arsenal) or 35% (io).

Edited by foxmob
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the adjustments to chaff flares weren't fundamentally bad. basically, Arsenal flares is the sin's shroud (immunity to force & tech). but while the shroud is on a timer, the flares is on a probe count. with 2-3 ppl hitting you, the flares last less than 2 gcd. but I dunno. I don't think the Arsenal adjustment was that far off.


And that was exactly what I recommended. Making chaffe flare work like force shroud (I even said let it last 5 seconds), that way it wouldn't be too OP in a 1v1 and it would be more useful in a group setting where 4 PTS/hatred sins jump you. Guess what their reaction was? That's right, jumping down my throat. Once again, blind leading the blind.


If you can only play 2 classes in PvE, then you need to re-evaluate your life. Every class can be used in Ops, but you probably don't want more than 1 melee DPS simply because BW doesn't know how to create decent mechanics.


Not to mention you make irrelevant comments like Lightning getting AoE damage lowered when the AoE was literally a better single target ability than the single target abilities in both PvP and PvE. Force Storm should never be rotational. And then you talk about Merc survivability buffs to make them better in 1v1s as if they still weren't total garbage in PvP and as if this buff was relevant in PvE. The only DPS DCD that is OP in Ops right now is Dodge/Evasion during UL.


And recently we have yet another example of a genius community member jumping down my throat and completely misrepresenting what I said. When I said that BW isn't ignoring PvP because of the changes, he thinks I believe force storm was fine where it was and that chaffe flare is a great DCD in 4s. And he wonders why BW ignores him ...

Edited by sithBracer
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Why do people keep saying they don't care about PvP? Didn't they nerf assassin 3 times even though they are the worst dps in PvE now?

And so? Hatred was so absurdly overpowered in PvP it had to be done. No nerfing Sins out of PvE was not a ideal situation, but it was necessary as a temporary solution to the fact that pre nerf "L2P" was the same as "reroll Hatred sin"

Didn't they nerf lightning sorcs seriously decreasing their AoE dps in PvE? Didn't they give mercs a defensive buff that is actually pretty strong in 1v1 and has a short CD even though they are probably the best dps in PvE now? What about those sentinel fixes? Immunity, predation on a CD instead of 30 stacks, undying rage fix, 10m leg slash? Those all sound like PvP fixes.

Lightning pre nerf was broken in every facet of the game, heck it was more broken in PvE than in PvP. You could level from 12 to 60 with 1 button. Add mechanics in raids could be fudged in seconds. It was broken.


The rest of your post is just blind anger. There are raid teams that are using triple marauders in HM raids. Yeah it's not as easy as running ranged, but it's well within doable. That is no different than PvP where some classes are "viable in regs"


You say people wanting to do ranked should just "reroll" yet you apparently are unwilling to take your own advice for raids. Drop the double standards.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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And that was exactly what I recommended. Making chaffe flare work like force shroud (I even said let it last 5 seconds), that way it wouldn't be too OP in a 1v1 and it would be more useful in a group setting where 4 PTS/hatred sins jump you. Guess what their reaction was? That's right, jumping down my throat. Once again, blind leading the blind.


Shroud-like mechanics should not be allowed on a ranged class. That level of immunity would be broken as hell.


You speak of others as blind yet you fail to even understand the true weaknesses of a Commando. Commandos are defensively similar to a PT. Keeping a Commando alive is no more difficult than keeping a DPS vanguard alive. The difference between the two is that Powertechs have the ability to maintain their DPS output under fire. Commandos cannot maintain DPS output under fire.

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And so? Hatred was so absurdly overpowered in PvP it had to be done. No nerfing Sins out of PvE was not a ideal situation, but it was necessary as a temporary solution to the fact that pre nerf "L2P" was the same as "reroll Hatred sin"


So my entire point was that BW was NOT ignoring PvP like people in this topic are claiming. What is yours?


Lightning pre nerf was broken in every facet of the game, heck it was more broken in PvE than in PvP. You could level from 12 to 60 with 1 button. Add mechanics in raids could be fudged in seconds. It was broken.


Once again, what is your point? The nerf was still a response to it being broken in PvP, which once again proves my point that PvP is not being ignored. Again, what is your point other than stating the obvious?


The rest of your post is just blind anger. There are raid teams that are using triple marauders in HM raids. Yeah it's not as easy as running ranged, but it's well within doable. That is no different than PvP where some classes are "viable in regs"


You say people wanting to do ranked should just "reroll" yet you apparently are unwilling to take your own advice for raids. Drop the double standards.


The L2R is strong with you (and to be honest it sounds like you're projecting at me at this point), glad jung ma/TEH is teaching you well. I did reroll and I am using a commando and sorc for PvE. And while it is POSSIBLE to do a raid with sentinels and assassins, the fact remains that they are still being carried and being a burden. Please L2R ... oops forgot who I was talking to.

Edited by sithBracer
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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.




Welcome to Regstar Cemetary, graveyard of ranked players.

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Honestly I quit. I took out my sketch book started drawing again. Ordered some DVDs off the internet so i can learn Japanese. I'm also hitting the gym a lot more then usual and eating right. So far dropping video games in general (which is not the first time of done it but it gets addicting tbh) is the best thing for me.
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Honestly I quit. I took out my sketch book started drawing again. Ordered some DVDs off the internet so i can learn Japanese. I'm also hitting the gym a lot more then usual and eating right. So far dropping video games in general (which is not the first time of done it but it gets addicting tbh) is the best thing for me.


And SWTOR forum is the one thing you can't resist coming back to

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Shroud-like mechanics should not be allowed on a ranged class. That level of immunity would be broken as hell.


You speak of others as blind yet you fail to even understand the true weaknesses of a Commando. Commandos are defensively similar to a PT. Keeping a Commando alive is no more difficult than keeping a DPS vanguard alive. The difference between the two is that Powertechs have the ability to maintain their DPS output under fire. Commandos cannot maintain DPS output under fire.


the 7 heal missiles are quite helpful, especially in regs. it's better healing than a merc can do under pressure. lol


yes. they are about the same defensives. but the PT/VG isn't totally reliant on rng (flares) and has better options when stunned or facing an opponent that cannot be stunned/mezzed. it's nothing that matters under focus in arenas (maybe the difference of 1 or 1.5 gcd).

Edited by foxmob
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I'd rather queue up then go searching for a datacron.


It's funny that you say this. I try to get datacrons on my toons, but I queue up while doing it...so most of my toons literally have almost none of them.



if they take away 4v4 and put in 1v1 this game would be so bad it would be unreal.


Why would Bee-Dubya do that though? Peeps can 1v1 anytime they want and tourneys happen all the time.



Well I'm taking a dump atm and had to check out what's going... But I can't resist I love the toxic community. Lol



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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.




Honestly, I am getting there I would love to play my commando, but its like, what is the point? Really ? Obviously BW doesnt give two ***** about any other classes except shadow / sin.

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Ahhh, player versus player and the never ending debate. If you've been doing it for 15 years, you realize that class balance is a myth. You realize that developers will never, ever give you nearly as much attention as player versus environment. And you remember the times you beat your fist on the desk (breaking your hand), yelled at the screen, and cursed at the stupidity of the developers for this and that. You've written posts like the OP.


You also remember cancelling your sub in protest over stupid, obvious class balance issues that just got WORSE with the game update, because of some kind of PvE game mechanic.


You then look at game review sites for "the next great PvP game", and the review of the game is done by someone who admits in the review that they don't even like to PvP (why are they doing the review you ask?).


Eventually, at some point, you realize that, yes, a PvP lover is truly a minority. You come to finally accept that no game (well, no commercially successful game), will actually balance and focus on PvP since there simply aren't enough people who PvP and are willing to pay for it. Half the blame is probably the PvP community itself, with the constant taunting like a 12-year old should they actually kill you, which sends people right back to focusing on PvE, and the developers go with them.


In the end, I've come to terms with what PvP will be, and what it never will be. It took a long time to reach that place, but I can only hope that more of you can come to terms with it and enjoy.

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Eventually, at some point, you realize that, yes, a PvP lover is truly a minority. You come to finally accept that no game (well, no commercially successful game), will actually balance and focus on PvP since there simply aren't enough people who PvP and are willing to pay for it.

Eve-online. But eve may not fit the "commercially successful" criterion. They have a few hundred k subscribers IIRC. But the game is a pvp game, first and foremost. Everybody does it, like it or not. Especially the ones who like it not. :p

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