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Could make reality worse than anything else anyone could have imagined.


You really needed to make a new thread? I guess there was not enough of them...:rolleyes:


THANK YOU EA and BW for an exciting new direction..... This is BETTER than many of us could have imagined, its been over three years, it was time for a new direction and with the new movie coming, timing is perfect.

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You really needed to make a new thread? I guess there was not enough of them...:rolleyes:


THANK YOU EA and BW for an exciting new direction..... This is BETTER than many of us could have imagined, its been over three years, it was time for a new direction and with the new movie coming, timing is perfect.


I'm with this guy. Sorry, OP.

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How could you not imagine it being worse? Once we knew no new ops were to hit and old ones being brought to level cap there was a range of 1-8 ops to be scaled to lvl 65. Worse than the 8 we got would obviously be 7,6,5,4,3,2 or 1. Surely someone was able to imagine a world in which only 3-4 ops got scaled. :p
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You really needed to make a new thread? I guess there was not enough of them...:rolleyes:


THANK YOU EA and BW for an exciting new direction..... This is BETTER than many of us could have imagined, its been over three years, it was time for a new direction and with the new movie coming, timing is perfect.


I'm with this guy. Sorry, OP.


Yeah I third that. You've been 3rded OP, time to pack up the haterade and just leave with what little dignity you still have.

Edited by OrinVlado
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You really needed to make a new thread? I guess there was not enough of them...:rolleyes:


THANK YOU EA and BW for an exciting new direction..... This is BETTER than many of us could have imagined, its been over three years, it was time for a new direction and with the new movie coming, timing is perfect.


I'm with this guy. Sorry, OP.


Yeah I third that. You've been 3rded OP, time to pack up the haterade and just leave with what little dignity you still have.



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How could you not imagine it being worse? Once we knew no new ops were to hit and old ones being brought to level cap there was a range of 1-8 ops to be scaled to lvl 65. Worse than the 8 we got would obviously be 7,6,5,4,3,2 or 1. Surely someone was able to imagine a world in which only 3-4 ops got scaled. :p




yeah, honestly? given the info we had prior? this is a best case scenerio

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You really needed to make a new thread? I guess there was not enough of them...:rolleyes:


THANK YOU EA and BW for an exciting new direction..... This is BETTER than many of us could have imagined, its been over three years, it was time for a new direction and with the new movie coming, timing is perfect.


add me to that list, it's good to see an RPG company act like they make RPGs and give us some story after what? 3 years of anything but story being released?.. these Ops and PvP people need to get over it, they got theirs (nearly 3 years of it), it's the story fans turn now...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I asked in another thread, ill ask here, for "new" raids, how exactly would a raid really work right out the gate?


If this is supposed to be story driven its pretty stupid for them to say "We are making a raid for you to take down X, X, X, and X, even though you have no clue who they are and they wont even be introduced til chapter 17!"


As for pvp maps, I honestly couldnt care less about how killing other people via pixel makes you feel all superior and skilled, and how being denied new ways of doing so RIGHT NAOW!!!!!!!!!! apparently makes you feel less a person somehow? :p


(If you really reeaally reeeaaallly need to get your kill other people via pixel fix with different scenery there are only about eleventy bajillion first person shooters out their you can play to take the edge off :p )


In another thread i read this in regards to people complaining about more story and not enough instant ops et cetera:


I still don't quite get how they're bored of the 10 hours of story, won't even think of running it twice, but run the same handful of OPS ad infinitum. I get that you're grinding for drops, comms, tokens, and achievements, but really? *shrug*


It sums up my question along the same lines as well as well. :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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As someone who plays this game for the story I'm excited for the expansion.


I feel bad for the people who love Operations though.


Do not feel bad for them, I don't...


If they want to rage quit after all the new stuff BW is doing because they can't wait for a new OPS, that is on them.


This is the biggest story driven MMO on the market, and its the only one featuring Star Wars...


BTW, I also do OPS, but I am not so single minded that I can't be extremely excited about all the new ideas and positive direction of this great game.... Lets have fun and enjoy it. :D

Edited by Themanthatisi
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While it is disappointing that there wont be a new OP at launch(as expected), i am excited about the direction the elder game is going. That is to say i am looking forward to the fact that when a new OP comes out there will still be a reason to do the old and get relevant gear from it. That way i don't get burnt out on the new OP. When i was hardcore raiding in WoW in BC and Wrath, i would get burnt out on a raid after a month of having it on farm. Having the old content will help eliminate that.


I am also extremely happy to see the direction they are taking the core game and small group content. An emphasis on story, and the RPG in MMORPG. Being able to run the core story FP solo is big benefit when i am leveling. Most of all, the ability to run FP changes, making them 10-65 with a sync is a huge bonus. FFXIV got it right, if this is like that it will be a huge improvement to the game.


While the lack of a new OP, new PvP maps are disappointing the overall direction the game is going seems to be positive. We can only hope that brand new elder game content wont take to long to come out. While Story is great and the main reason i play, new group content is a must in any MMO.

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I think that is the biggest thing, there are no new ops or fps right away, but doesn't necessarily mean they won't be added later on down the road. I highly doubt they will never make a new OP or FP again. It just not right away. The story should lead into them and not make them available right away.


I also agree on the fact that for a long time its always been about new ops or fps or PVP, story has been on the back burner too long.


I know it would be best to add story plus OPS / FP / PVP at the same time but clearly they cannot so at least story which has been ignored for a long time is now the focus.


Hopefully it'll be like a rotation, story for a bit, then new OPS / FP, then PVP, then back to story so that it has a good cycle, stays fresh and while they are at it hopefully throw in new features at the same time.

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Could make reality worse than anything else anyone could have imagined.


I'm not sure what you're upset about. EA has put me in a bad mood before...so I can't fault you for that...but this seems to me like a good time to be a SW:TOR player. Don't let EA crap on your regard for Bioware.

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Don't worry... I'm sure they'll find a way to nerf sentinels too. ;)


On a serious note, no new ops kinda stinks... but the scaling of all the ops and making that system work for future ops is a very positive change.

Edited by azudelphi
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Do not feel bad for them, I don't...


If they want to rage quit after all the new stuff BW is doing because they can't wait for a new OPS, that is on them.


This is the biggest story driven MMO on the market, and its the only one featuring Star Wars...


BTW, I also do OPS, but I am not so single minded that I can't be extremely excited about all the new ideas and positive direction of this great game.... Lets have fun and enjoy it. :D


FFXIV is heavily story driven AND releases end game content constantly. Your argument is voided. BW is a AAA developer backed by EA. There's no excuse for them to not be able to do both, especially since by the time they do release new raids it will be WELL over a year since we had new end game content.

Edited by Raansu
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FFXIV is heavily story driven AND releases end game content constantly. Your argument is voided. BW is a AAA developer backed by EA. There's no excuse for them to not be able to do both, especially since by the time they do release new raids it will be WELL over a year since we had new end game content.


Yeah let me know when FFXIV spends as much as EA does on voice overs. Then tell me it's doable for them to do both. Until then, your argument is voided. Apples and Oranges. Two completely different game designs.

Edited by Tharenisis
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Yeah let me know when FFXIV spends as much as EA does on voice overs. Then tell me it's doable for them to do both. Until then, your argument is voided. Apples and Oranges. Two completely different game designs.


VA's are nowhere near as expensive as people pretend to think it is. Also, FFXIV is voiced.

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If the people who have these huge problems with what's going on actually unsubbed the forums would be a much nicer place.


Also @ the above conversation, tell me when FF14 lets your player character actually have a personality and not just be a mute protagonist. <3

Edited by Djiini
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