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Mistake number 3


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The first one was the ridiculous buggy content at the start of SoR. And you do not even acknowledge it. Oh wait, you do, you promise fixes, "fixes" come, but they don't fix it.


The second one was the ridiculous, and I am still mad about it, slot machine nerf to the ground. Seriously Bioware, why are you still ignoring a thread that has continued for over a 100 pages? Fix the damn thing! The whiners had their fun, but the majority that were happy with it are completely ignored which is UNFAIR!


And mistake number 3 was this idiotic FP and Ops change. People DON'T want rescaled content, because we have done them to boredom! We want new stuff. And I want to be able to solo HM 50 and HM 55 FPs! I absolutely request you give us the option of playing the HM 50 and 55 and 60 FPs on their original levels!


Same goes with ops. I have no intention of running EV, KP and EC again! Yes I'll run them, but I ran them because I could faceroll them, and that is what I LIKED about it. And I am pretty sure I am not the only one.


Bioware, do you want us to unsub?

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It is not THAT bad, we get a great story to enjoy


I don't care, three mistakes of Bioware, and they refuse to do anything about it. I am seriously considering unsubbing right now, cause I feel like being lied too at least three times the past year. Hell if I sued them and it wouldn't be an international company, I would probably win. Why? Cause they do bad advertisement and think they can get away with it.

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I don't care, three mistakes of Bioware, and they refuse to do anything about it. I am seriously considering unsubbing right now, cause I feel like being lied too at least three times the past year. Hell if I sued them and it wouldn't be an international company, I would probably win. Why? Cause they do bad advertisement and think they can get away with it.

Ok you do that, I'll be sure to read all about it and get some good laughs in of yet another player who thinks his sub is so valuable that he has to make a thread about it, no one cares about your subscription but yourself.

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BIOWARE, please, when are you going to wake up and realize you only made mistakes in 2015?


I mean Ziost, for another thing was a HUGE letdown. Have us wait a week for a less then 5 minute cutscene and then a daily area.


And I am not gonna repeat the damned slot machine thing again.

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Ok you do that, I'll be sure to read all about it and get some good laughs in of yet another player who thinks his sub is so valuable that he has to make a thread about it, no one cares about your subscription but yourself.


And yes I do think my sub is valuable enough to complain. I have every right to complain. Since I am not getting what I deserve to get.

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Pretty sure people have been wanting more story content over more raids and ops, saw a poll awhile back where the story option was blowing everything else out.


Go look at the number of people doing Ziost and tell me that is going to sustain the game. Busy for 48 hours until everyone had their fill and now its a barren wasteland.

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Actually, plenty of people have been making the suggestion for a very very long time to make old ops, fp's and previous content to be relevant again. Why make 3 years of content if it's only going to be run once and done. Rescaling is a perfect solution. Actually, i'd bet a ton of people would like to run the old content again, but nobody does, because it doesn't provide anything for current max level characters. That's exactly what GW2 does. ALL their content stays relevent as it's all scalable. So does STO, LOTRO. This should have happened awhile ago.
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Go look at the number of people doing Ziost and tell me that is going to sustain the game. Busy for 48 hours until everyone had their fill and now its a barren wasteland.


Barren wasteland?, Ziost is always full when I'm there and usually has second instance open. Depends on how much story content is released soon and how frequent they will release the next chapters after.


More people play this game for the story content then anything else.

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Actually, plenty of people have been making the suggestion for a very very long time to make old ops, fp's and previous content to be relevant again. Why make 3 years of content if it's only going to be run once and done. Rescaling is a perfect solution. Actually, i'd bet a ton of people would like to run the old content again, but nobody does, because it doesn't provide anything for current max level characters. That's exactly what GW2 does. ALL their content stays relevent as it's all scalable. So does STO, LOTRO. This should have happened awhile ago.


This is true, having the old content be relevant has been a request, but NOT at the expense of NEW content. Gearing will be a total joke as EV and KP have virtually NO mechanics besides mild DPS checks. Those will be downed and farmed in famously quick fashion and then what? Re-Run the rest of the old stuff because... why?

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And yes I do think my sub is valuable enough to complain. I have every right to complain. Since I am not getting what I deserve to get.

Two expansions within a span of one year is pretty good, most MMOs don't have that. But you totally "deserve" to get whatever you want.

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The slot machine was nerfed because when it was released the win percentage was too high. They are not going to put it back.


Also sorry mmos they do upgrade old content, I used to love soloing onyxis in wow till they changed it, did people complain, probably, did they put it back, no.


It's done with old content, they are upgrading it, I understand why your upset but its too late to.change that and I feel the upgrades are a good thing.

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The first one was the ridiculous buggy content at the start of SoR. And you do not even acknowledge it. Oh wait, you do, you promise fixes, "fixes" come, but they don't fix it.


The second one was the ridiculous, and I am still mad about it, slot machine nerf to the ground. Seriously Bioware, why are you still ignoring a thread that has continued for over a 100 pages? Fix the damn thing! The whiners had their fun, but the majority that were happy with it are completely ignored which is UNFAIR!


And mistake number 3 was this idiotic FP and Ops change. People DON'T want rescaled content, because we have done them to boredom! We want new stuff. And I want to be able to solo HM 50 and HM 55 FPs! I absolutely request you give us the option of playing the HM 50 and 55 and 60 FPs on their original levels!


Same goes with ops. I have no intention of running EV, KP and EC again! Yes I'll run them, but I ran them because I could faceroll them, and that is what I LIKED about it. And I am pretty sure I am not the only one.


Bioware, do you want us to unsub?


Oh shut up already if you hate it that much then LEAVE!!! It's that simple there is no reason for all you whiners to make post after post saying how much you hate what's coming.

Edited by Anaesha
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OP, I think you are overestimating how many people share your opinion (on #3 anyway). Revamping the old content is going to make some people happy. It also will make some people unhappy. The mistake will be if they have misjudged the size of those two groups. I'm thinking they got this one right. Time will tell.
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People DON'T want rescaled content, because we have done them to boredom


I want rescaled content. I'm not saying I don't want new content, of course I do but I also want more than 2 ops that drop relevant gear. This is a good start imo, it is building a foundation of end game content instead of making older ops irrelevant everytime new ones (with lvl cap raises) are released.

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okay I dont post often but when i do - well


1. the slot machine - honestly you still havnt listened and still havnt fixed it? ignoring an issue such as this won't make it go away it will be here and people will be demanding you do something until it is done, I have an unbound slot machine and refuse to "bind" it until you fix it


2. the handling of exploiters - really a one week ban for the chair mistake (I say mistake because thats what it was a mistake) it wasn't an exploit you guys messed up when you implemented that and you then punish the community for taking advantage of your mistake, and I hear the punishments are weak sauce - uber weak sauce - try that **** in wow they will ban not only you but your children and their children.


3. the CONSTANT nerfing of classes because the tiny pvp community complains about balance issues - reducing a sin deeps from 30 meters to ten - with light armor and your hostile to melee tos/ravagers ops, furthermore what you have done to marauders is downright criminal - split the damned skill trees already make a pvp and a pve one that way your pvp "balancing" wont cluster**** pve and pve raiders.


4. the NERFING of content - really a "de bolster" - really remind me again why i need bother gearing at all with everything bolstered up or down so content can be run "as intended" i mean really why should we bother working to get geared at all? we can all just ride the bolster up and down like a rollercoaster. if thats the case then just remove levelling all together and give everybody the max level abilities and the like upon toon creation and remove all gear from the game besides vanity and then "tune" everything to that, you are heading in this direction anyway.


5. the ziost incident - well what do you expect that was easier to do than many of your datacrons you have scattered about - fleet and makeb to name two - that simply shouldnt have been possible to do what they did and the fact it was (and still is) possible is due to poor design and implementation of new content. Try testing things before setting them live


6. the dread nim soloable exploit - it is my understanding that this issue was reported as a bug when the content was on the PTS giving you time to investigate and fix it, but through outright pig headedness or incompetence you implemented glitchy cheesable content.


7. your in game "support" - heres an idea dont close tickets as soon as you respond to them maybe your copy-and-paste auto generated response didnt fix the issue the player (a paying customer) is having with your product. Furthermore a response such as "we only support story mode content at this time" is a cop out - I am paying a subscription for the entire friggin game, I would love to pick and choose what parts i am subscribed for and neglect the parts I don't want saving me money, but it doesnt work like that now does it?


as far as I can see there are many MANY more mistakes than three OP but maybe you havnt been playing as long as I have and have seen fewer mistakes.


<<EDIT>> - people who preordered SOR need a title given to them for the trauma they went through something like - "shadow of revan test dummy" cmon "resounding success" you said - clearly you arent listening to the community - yet again

Edited by mrxclusiv
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I want rescaled content. I'm not saying I don't want new content, of course I do but I also want more than 2 ops that drop relevant gear. This is a good start imo, it is building a foundation of end game content instead of making older ops irrelevant everytime new ones (with lvl cap raises) are released.


Half of fleet will be BiS in a week from farming SnV, KP, EV. No one will run Tos or Rav.


Other half will be QQ that Soa needs a Nerf.


And why bother with gear if it's going to be outdated and bolster/debolster determines it all.

Edited by FerkWork
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Barren wasteland?, Ziost is always full when I'm there and usually has second instance open. Depends on how much story content is released soon and how frequent they will release the next chapters after.


More people play this game for the story content then anything else.


You are incredibly misinformed if you believe that story content is what keeps people subscribed to an MMO. Sure you've got plenty of people who are altaholics and don't get me wrong I love a good story, played through them all, but its repeatable challenges and communities that keep subs.

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Oh shut up already if you hate it that much then LEAVE!!! It's that simple there is no reason for all you whiners to make post after post saying how much you hate what's coming.

Wow just wow.


The guy pours his heart about about this game and you turn it around and insult him. NEWSFLASH no one is happy about this, there was no end game content when this game launched and now they are just bumping up things to max level? That's not new content.


BioWare should know at this point raiders and pvpers make or break the game. And so far all BioWare wants to do is a single player game in an MMO. And ignore the people who od care about the game. Like the op said, fix the slot machine, fix whats wrong with shadows of revan, put in more ops and more fp's, end this 'story' thing and give us CONTENT!

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Half of fleet will be BiS in a week from farming SnV, KP, EV. No one will run Tos or Rav.


Other half will be QQ that Soa needs a Nerf.


And why bother with gear if it's going to be outdated and bolster/debolster determines it all.


There is no way to satisfy everyone. Best you can do is to try and satisfy mostly everyone.

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Wow just wow.


The guy pours his heart about about this game and you turn it around and insult him. NEWSFLASH no one is happy about this, there was no end game content when this game launched and now they are just bumping up things to max level? That's not new content.


BioWare should know at this point raiders and pvpers make or break the game. And so far all BioWare wants to do is a single player game in an MMO. And ignore the people who od care about the game. Like the op said, fix the slot machine, fix whats wrong with shadows of revan, put in more ops and more fp's, end this 'story' thing and give us CONTENT!


We are getting content, not that you'll see it since you're "leaving".

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