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Think they may allow multiple companions out for 60+ Content?


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Maybe part of the core game revamp as seen in the new thread with new info they are changing how questing zones are balanced around a player and up to 3 companions at a time.

Uh huh...


That's not happening Reno. Don't get peoples hopes/hype up.

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Uh huh...


That's not happening Reno. Don't get peoples hopes/hype up.


You don't know that for shure, TUXs. They keep putting a lot of emphasis on companions in regards to this new expansion everytime new info gets released, so it's an actual possibility.

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no don't listen to tux...build up their hopes to an unreasonable level. So that we may feed on the tears!


Oh wow...I always knew you were mean, but this is like kicking puppies mean...:(

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You don't know that for shure, TUXs. They keep putting a lot of emphasis on companions in regards to this new expansion everytime new info gets released, so it's an actual possibility.

I "hope" it happens, but I have zero doubt that it won't. That would require far too much work on the rest of the game.

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I "hope" it happens, but I have zero doubt that it won't. That would require far too much work on the rest of the game.


Well october needs to hurry up then. (Well at a reasonable pace so it's a smooth launch. Not that any MMO expansion launch has ever been fully smooth...)

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Still 3 months and 20 some days until Fallen empire launches and on top of that we have no idea how long they have been working on all the changes they plan to make to the "Core Game" for all we know they could have started working on this stuff way back in 2014. Edited by Anaesha
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More companions at the same time are reducing the impact your character has. The player will be more and more passiv. Why is this any good ?


And ofc it will make the game easier. BW is balancing the game around "normal" equipped companions not raid gear companions. two overpowered companions = more easy game


Not much imagination there huh?


With more than 1 companion, as in 2 companion you have a Trinity Group and can freely consider playing as a Tank/Healer/DPS without too much compromise.




You play a healer, now you have a Tank Companion AND a DPS Companion destroying the enemy while you support them.


You play a DPS, now you have a Tank Companion, Healer and/or Another DPS to speed up the killing or another backup healer for some hilarious immortal party action. etc


You play a Tank, now you have a Healer Companion named TREEK (my buddy) and a DPS to battle against mobs.


The more the merrier :p

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Oh wow...I always knew you were mean, but this is like kicking puppies mean...:(


not really mean, just gives us something to argue about when people come up here and say they didn't deliver XXX when they "promised" (mentioned something vague in random obscure post somewhere decade ago yet held as gospel truth)


if people are going to complain, give them something to complain about. they'll do it anyway.

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not really mean, just gives us something to argue about when people come up here and say they didn't deliver XXX when they "promised" (mentioned something vague in random obscure post somewhere decade ago yet held as gospel truth)


if people are going to complain, give them something to complain about. they'll do it anyway.


That's a fair point. Over hype or no overhype, it does seem complaints will still follow.

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The game is balanced around 1 player / 1 companion. Anything more does destroy any remaining semblance of "difficulty" to the game.


Maybe 2 companions for very specific missions, but for open "questing"? No. Shouldn't happen.

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The game is balanced around 1 player / 1 companion. Anything more does destroy any remaining semblance of "difficulty" to the game.


Maybe 2 companions for very specific missions, but for open "questing"? No. Shouldn't happen.


They are revamping the core of the game according to new info and they've place heavy emphasis on companions, so it possible they're rebalancing it for multiple companions

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The game is balanced around 1 player / 1 companion. Anything more does destroy any remaining semblance of "difficulty" to the game.


Maybe 2 companions for very specific missions, but for open "questing"? No. Shouldn't happen.


Yeah, maybe for specific missions, but not the whole game...the problem with them is the pathing sucks - companions don't follow for ****, they would be stacked up on things, hovering over you, missing elevators and never seen again, locked behind walls...etc.

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They are revamping the core of the game according to new info and they've place heavy emphasis on companions, so it possible they're rebalancing it for multiple companions


Whenever they talk about the emphasis on companions its always "going back to bioware's storytelling roots and having a bigger emphasis on companions." So most likely they just mean that the companions are going to be playing a bigger role in stories rather than being silent tag-alongs.


They have also mentioned "Aliiances" so its likely something else with companions is going to be going on but that doesn't sound at all like giving you an army of zerglings (which would be dumb). What is that? We don't know, maybe story related, maybe an answer to warlords of draenor's garrison style deal, maybe it's like the suicide squad from Mass Effect 2. That's all speculative, but it's doubtful that multiple companions being out at once would be called "alliances".

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If by some miracle we get to have more than one companion at a time, and they talk to each other à la Mass Effect & Dragon Age, I will positively swoon. :D


Of course I don't really see it happen, but one can dream. :o


BEHOLD before there was Mass Effect & Dragon Age there was Baldur's Gate where companions bantered between each other.


I think with the idea of "wouldn't it be interesting to interact with companions in this or that way' per BW interview that yes it is time to let more than one companion join us on our adventures.

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Actually, for the player(s) that are bit challenged or dont understand what an RPG mechanic is, cant solo simple missions. ***Baffled still actually if they ever played an RPG, they should understand uppgraded equipment = success***


Sorry, had to toss that out there. I wont say the names, but they get help from others in the game to walk through the worlds without him knowing how to gear up properly. Two companions being available might help that guy......maybe not... most likely not.


*shrugs* ***tried teaching him but wouldnt listen, maybe is a bit slow on what to do and could learn after many years***



But, my point is, there is at least one person that might, just might, benefit for having two companions to help them get through side quests..... yeah... side ... quests......


I would love to have two if they interacted with each other, if they didnt, wouldnt matter that much then but still be interesting to see otherwise.


Second companions would go away due to grouping with one other person, putting the teamup back down to 4, and so on as normally does now.

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