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Re-using area's... come on bioware, really?


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Sundari flatlands is exactly the same as an area i saw while leveling my bounty hunter... different planet and yet looks exactly the same, everything about the are is EXACTLY the same except for the enemies. as an example so you dont get confused it has the same buildings, same paths, same crash sites etc...
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Sundari flatlands is exactly the same as an area i saw while leveling my bounty hunter... different planet and yet looks exactly the same, everything about the are is EXACTLY the same except for the enemies. as an example so you dont get confused it has the same buildings, same paths, same crash sites etc...


This is common practice in any game you play, look close enough and you'll see this. They just may change the scale of the mesh, etc.

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Sundari flatlands is exactly the same as an area i saw while leveling my bounty hunter... different planet and yet looks exactly the same, everything about the are is EXACTLY the same except for the enemies. as an example so you dont get confused it has the same buildings, same paths, same crash sites etc...


Guess you didn't play Dragon Age 2. Game itself was a copy paste all over the place. 100 times worse than this.

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MMOs are big on recycling. How many times and levels do you see the same mobs over over? Just new stats and if you are REALLY lucky now colors.


Yeah not only will MMOs recycle areas they will recycle armor, dungeons, bosses etc. Common practice, if a person is shocked by this they are new to MMOs or just gaming in general.

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I'm sorry but with the budget they had, and considering they are different planets surely they could have come up with every place looking different.


In wow name 2 WHOLE AREAS in the world that are identical.


*inb4 go back to wow (i like this game and do not intend to)

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MMOs are big on recycling. How many times and levels do you see the same mobs over over? Just new stats and if you are REALLY lucky now colors.


If they didn't do this. Instead of having a 12gb game, you'd have a 120gb game. Instead of having slow load times, you'd have insanely slow load times.


In questioning this, it'd behoove anyone to actually check out some game development and what's actually involved in packaging a product and what's pre-loaded during initial load screens.

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Recycling is what killed WoW for me, on top of constant automatization.

How come Bioware is doing the same mistake ?




If they didn't do this. Instead of having a 12gb game, you'd have a 120gb game. Instead of having slow load times, you'd have insanely slow load times.


In questioning this, it'd behoove anyone to actually check out some game development and what's actually involved in packaging a product and what's pre-loaded during initial load screens.


Except the OP is comparing 2 different planets, so nothing to do w ith loading times.

Edited by kineticdamage
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If they didn't do this. Instead of having a 12gb game, you'd have a 120gb game. Instead of having slow load times, you'd have insanely slow load times.


In questioning this, it'd behoove anyone to actually check out some game development and what's actually involved in packaging a product and what's pre-loaded during initial load screens.


Ummm no, models do not take up that much space nor do textures of the quality used in most MMOs. I will bet you 90% of the space of this install...sound files...aka all that voice acting.

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like if WoW never did it... WoW is even worst, it used WarCraft 3 buildings, which is fine. but they popped them everywhere so the game feels ''Warcraft''. you basicly had a human Fortress in almost every *********** zones. don't forget the half dozen of balista towers on each Human Noobie Zone...


most MMOs does that... SWTOR surprises me by the fact that it's done but not ''That'' overexagerated.

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Ummm no, models do not take up that much space nor do textures of the quality used in most MMOs. I will bet you 90% of the space of this install...sound files...aka all that voice acting.


Meshes are insanely hard on CPU usage, and textures are the reason that you have recycling in the first place. LOL

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Meshes are insanely hard on CPU usage, and textures are the reason that you have recycling in the first place. LOL


Meshes being hard on a CPU only matters if you put a lot of them in the same area. If you put different meshes in are B then in area A the CPU usge will be the roughly the same assuming equivalent poly count.


The biggest reason for recycling is time and money.

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Non-instanced open world dungeons. Can't be arsed looking up specific names, but they're there, and they're plentiful.


Im talking about whole areas, not the dungeons and caves...


Put it this way, there are 2 habitable planets... what are the chances there is going to be 2 identical areas on them. Also we will build the same buildings in the same locations and crash land ships there too.

Edited by gangbot
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Im talking about whole areas, not the dungeons and caves...


Put it this way, there are 2 habitable planets... what are the chances there is going to be 2 identical areas on them.


Do you have a problem with developers reusing and recycling dungeons/raids/bosses?


There are many areas recycled in WoW, I remember seeing many of them. But to me it was minor so I didn't complain or write about it.

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Meshes being hard on a CPU only matters if you put a lot of them in the same area.


Which is why they recycle.


Regardless, the amount of DIFFERENT content that's packaged will increase the total size of the game. The amount of DIFFERENT anything - lighting/shaders/meshes/textures that are in an area will affect load times.

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Do you have a problem with developers reusing and recycling dungeons/raids/bosses?


There are many areas recycled in WoW, I remember seeing many of them. But to me it was minor so I didn't complain or write about it.


they re-used instances, caves, models and things you dont really care about. Not the areas on the continents which are all different.

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