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Can you please make the Revan weekly a little less obnoxious?

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I'm not really interested in seeing the weekly made harder, I'd prefer not to worry about failing on it when I have to do it across a bunch of characters weekly.


Yeah, all the knockbacks and stuns are just a way to artificially lengthen the fights. It's especially annoying when the knock-back:


a: knocks you off of a cliff


b: knocks you back through one or more mob packs now agroing them.

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Oh, yeah. It is sad. Just alt+tab out, give it 3-5 minutes and do the first round of orbs and then another 3-5 minutes for the second and a final 1-2 minutes to kill him off. I tend to read the forums and reddit during the 'fight.'


Actually a guildmate of mine did it without bothering to do the orbs either. Apparently the stasis bubbles all pop after about 3 minutes and the fight continues. I haven't personally tried that yet but my guildie said you can LITERALLY AFK the entire fight from start to finish; it took about 15-20 minutes for her companion and NPCs to do it all.

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It's not a difficult fight, it's pretty much impossible to fail...but...


Is it really necessary to spend half the fight on your back or floating in the air due to force choke and knockdowns? I mean it's at least every 10 to 15 seconds he spams one of those attacks.


A quote I often use in MMOs...


Tedium is not difficulty.


I fully agree! Making something frustrating does not make it difficult or challenging.

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I don't see a problem with the fight. Pull, get yourself a coffee or have a bio break, come back, get everyone out of the stun, go have a smoke or make yourself a sandwich, come back, get everyone out of the stun again, call your girlfriend, mom or whoever and have a chat, come back and it's done :D
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I'm not really interested in seeing the weekly made harder, I'd prefer not to worry about failing on it when I have to do it across a bunch of characters weekly.


Yeah, all the knockbacks and stuns are just a way to artificially lengthen the fights. It's especially annoying when the knock-back:


a: knocks you off of a cliff


b: knocks you back through one or more mob packs now agroing them.

I have yet to be knocked off a cliff or into a pack of "mobs" during this quest. And for quests that do have that possibility, yeah, it's pretty unfair of them to require even a modicum of tactics on the players' part.


I fully agree! Making something frustrating does not make it difficult or challenging.

If you find this frustrating, you must find cracking eggs frustrating.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have yet to be knocked off a cliff or into a pack of "mobs" during this quest. And for quests that do have that possibility, yeah, it's pretty unfair of them to require even a modicum of tactics on the players' part.



If you find this frustrating, you must find cracking eggs frustrating.


Sometimes it isn't about no or failed tactics it's just pure old fashioned bad luck. You move to avoid an AOE and the boss hits you with a knock back that throws you into a mob.


The Revan fight has no mobs or cliffs so you don't have to worry about it but other fights with stun and knock back heavy bosses do.

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Sometimes it isn't about no or failed tactics it's just pure old fashioned bad luck. You move to avoid an AOE and the boss hits you with a knock back that throws you into a mob.


The Revan fight has no mobs or cliffs so you don't have to worry about it but other fights with stun and knock back heavy bosses do.


I generally ignore him, he's the type that gives MMO players a bad name.

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Sometimes it isn't about no or failed tactics it's just pure old fashioned bad luck. You move to avoid an AOE and the boss hits you with a knock back that throws you into a mob.

If there are monsters nearby that your character might get knocked back into, you kill them before you engage the boss. If there is a cliff, you position your character to get knocked away from the cliff.




Are there fights where you can't do this? If there are, then I guess luck is an issue. Why would that be a problem?


I generally ignore him, he's the type that gives MMO players a bad name.

As opposed to players who continually post troll topics.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If there are monsters nearby that your character might get knocked back into, you kill them before you engage the boss. If there is a cliff, you position your character to get knocked away from the cliff.




Are there fights where you can't do this? If there are, then I guess luck is an issue. Why would that be a problem?



As opposed to players who continually post troll topics.


iirc there are a few bosses where attacking the surrounding mobs will agro the boss so tactics wise it's better to leave the surrounding mobs alone.

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For you, the OP and anyone else who finds it too tedious, don't do it. "Problem" solved. I find raiding tedious, so guess what? I don't do it.


so do you actually play the game or do you spend all your time on the forums?

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iirc there are a few bosses where attacking the surrounding mobs will agro the boss so tactics wise it's better to leave the surrounding mobs alone.

Then I guess that answers my question. Then it's a matter of making sure your character does get knocked into them. Maybe that's an issue of tactics, maybe it's an issue of luck. Don't see why it would be a problem either way.

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As someone pointed out earlier, bring a tank companion. I can out threat them easily, but their taunts seem to be timed pretty well and with good use of interrupt I rarely get knocked back.


Bioware's encounters team has made some really awesome flashpoint and operation boss fights. If they did this solo version of revan they really dropped the ball.

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People complaining about this fight must be taking a very long time to do the orb part or something. It's practically a 'push this button for weekly rewards' quest as is.


I am not so sure he/she is complaining about the fight, and is aware it is easy. I think it was directed at the constant knockbacks as a frustrating addition to the fight, with no real element to it other then to make it annoying. If the knockbacks also added a challenge, like Bran pointed out, you get knocked off a cliff or into a mob, I could live with that more myself since it would add challenge in developing tactics.


All BW did here was to make the fight seem hard and challenging but in reality, they did not. it is an illusion element they added.


I would love to see the fight be made more challenging myself, it seems very epic until you realize it may be impossible to lose....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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As someone pointed out earlier, bring a tank companion. I can out threat them easily, but their taunts seem to be timed pretty well and with good use of interrupt I rarely get knocked back.


Bioware's encounters team has made some really awesome flashpoint and operation boss fights. If they did this solo version of revan they really dropped the ball.


I'll try the tank thing, but I'm using Treek already.

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All BW did here was to make the fight seem hard and challenging but in reality, they did not. it is an illusion element they added.


This is the part I don't understand. The fight isn't meant to be hard or challenging. Only to feel tough. The only thing they can really do to make it feel tough is hit you with CCs (which as pointed out by some can be mitigated a lot by a tank companion).


I think the mistake BioWare made was not in the design for the fight, but making it a weekly (or at least, attaching rewards to it). It's really meant to be like any of the fights in the rest of the story - mostly mindless combat with the goal of furthering the plot, not giving you a challenge.

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This is the part I don't understand. The fight isn't meant to be hard or challenging. Only to feel tough. The only thing they can really do to make it feel tough is hit you with CCs (which as pointed out by some can be mitigated a lot by a tank companion).


I think the mistake BioWare made was not in the design for the fight, but making it a weekly (or at least, attaching rewards to it). It's really meant to be like any of the fights in the rest of the story - mostly mindless combat with the goal of furthering the plot, not giving you a challenge.


You have a valid point.....They also wanted there to be the resemblance of effort in obtaining the main hand weapon for the companions. The first time I did the fight, it took me a few min to figure out what to do with the orbs, and I was sweating thinking Ill be getting killed, then it was over and I said to my wife, I can't believe I won (she was still engaged in her fight that she eventually won).


After that I went into the forums to see if the fight could even be lost. apparently, her and I did not experience the earlier "bugged" version....


No way, did her or I deserve victory the first time, and it lost all its epic feel after that. Since we wanted legend and companion weapons, we did it many more times with alts as well. But instead of looking forward to the fight, I dreaded it because it felt like nothing more than an epic "time sink".... An Epic battle would have been WAY more fun, especially one that may get repeated often. :)

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I agree with you 100%, OP.


I realize I'm burying the lead here, but just bear with me for a moment. One of the (only) things I really disliked about GW2 was that the end of your soloable, "personal" story you were required to do a 5 man dungeon to confront Zhaitan, no ifs, ands, or buts. And it's impossible to find a PUG to run that dungeon with you because once you've run it on story mode, you don't get credit or treasure for running it on story mode again, so nobody wants to help. To top it all off, if you didn't do any of the other dungeons throughout the game, you weren't familiar with the Shining Blade's story-the people who are present to "help" for the final fight. My husband and I can also never get our guild members to help us because in our guild (of RL friends), my husband and I are always, ALWAYS (in every game we all play together) the highest level characters/further along in our stories. With all of our GW2 characters, we've only completed our stories once and that was with begging the zone and including snarky comments about Trahearne, advertising that we take (ineffectual) pot shots at that Gary-Stu NPC. People joined our group because they liked our style.


In regards to SWTOR and SoR in particular, I've really appreciated the solo modes for SoR. I appreciate that as a solo/duo player, I get to see the big finale. And the first time I ran through it (with what I consider my "canon" character-Fem IA) it was awesome. Epic. I loved participating, even though G0D-DR0ID was right there. I still do everything I can to dodge the red indicators and such.


But Revan, man. Revan is a big cheater. The first time I played through I just thought I was inept. So with my second character, I paid even more attention to indicators. It didn't help. Third character. Fourth. By the fifth character, I've taken to calling Revan every foul name in the book because he's a big, stunny-stun-stun cheater. Even with his dual blade throw (which follows you), that red indicator is on the ground for less than a second, and so even if you wanted to have that vein hope of dodging it, you can't unless you have lightning fast reflexes. NOT that it matters.


So battling Revan is a chore. Something we (my husband and I) have to swallow like nasty tasting medicine, to get to Ziost. And it's not something I want to do daily, which is a shame because, again, I really, really liked the SoR story and mechanics (read: G0D-DR0ID) as a whole.

Edited by AngFour
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I agree with you 100%, OP.


I realize I'm burying the lead here, but just bear with me for a moment. One of the (only) things I really disliked about GW2 was that the end of your soloable, "personal" story you were required to do a 5 man dungeon to confront Zhaitan, no ifs, ands, or buts. And it's impossible to find a PUG to run that dungeon with you because once you've run it on story mode, you don't get credit or treasure for running it on story mode again, so nobody wants to help. To top it all off, if you didn't do any of the other dungeons throughout the game, you weren't familiar with the Shining Blade's story-the people who are present to "help" for the final fight. My husband and I can also never get our guild members to help us because in our guild (of RL friends), my husband and I are always, ALWAYS (in every game we all play together) the highest level characters/further along in our stories. With all of our GW2 characters, we've only completed our stories once and that was with begging the zone and including snarky comments about Trahearne, advertising that we take (ineffectual) pot shots at that Gary-Stu NPC. People joined our group because they liked our style.


In regards to SWTOR and SoR in particular, I've really appreciated the solo modes for SoR. I appreciate that as a solo/duo player, I get to see the big finale. And the first time I ran through it (with what I consider my "canon" character-Fem IA) it was awesome. Epic. I loved participating, even though G0D-DR0ID was right there. I still do everything I can to dodge the red indicators and such.


But Revan, man. Revan is a big cheater. The first time I played through I just thought I was inept. So with my second character, I paid even more attention to indicators. It didn't help. Third character. Fourth. By the fifth character, I've taken to calling Revan every foul name in the book because he's a big, stunny-stun-stun cheater. Even with his dual blade throw (which follows you), that red indicator is on the ground for less than a second, and so even if you wanted to have that vein hope of dodging it, you can't unless you have lightning fast reflexes. NOT that it matters.


So battling Revan is a chore. Something we (my husband and I) have to swallow like nasty tasting medicine, to get to Ziost. And it's not something I want to do daily, which is a shame because, again, I really, really liked the SoR story and mechanics (read: G0D-DR0ID) as a whole.


You don't have to do it daily...you do it weekly..unless you have 8 alts..then...well


Join me in lying here flat on my back on the Forgotten Terrace for the next 5 seconds.

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You don't have to do it daily...you do it weekly..unless you have 8 alts..then...well


Join me in lying here flat on my back on the Forgotten Terrace for the next 5 seconds.


Yeah, I realized my mistake and was going to edit it to weekly. But I DO have 5 alts-not that I've repeated the Revan fight on them. I only did it once to get them to Ziost.




/me gets Force Choked by Revan for a few seconds, then gets knocked over by Conundrum and lays there for a while.

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You cannot dodge anything (like twin saber throw's knockback) so just use a tank comp and be in a DPS spec to speed things up (about 10 minutes if you never attack him at all but run orbs and 5 minutes if you DPS well enough, which means your DPS is about = to all the NPC's DPS combined... *sigh*). Only interrupt those attacks that stun and are targeted at you. Stun break any that catch you while your interrupt is on CD, aggro drop on CD to help your tank and Marr keep aggro on them (I mean LET them get stunned, who cares?) and this helps a lot.


Or have a player partner that helps you... DPS faster, run orbs faster, twice as many interrupts, and an extra tank comp to taunt Revan. Yeah you have to run it twice but it is still shorter than AFKing for one fight.


And to all those that say "just AFK and grab a drink" the OP is complaining that this aspect of playing this game is not fun, and you are agreeing by your actions.

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I'd rather BW spent dev cycles on other things. The Revan fight is fine for what it is.


So please don't make the Revan weekly any less obnoxious until you fix the laundry list of bugs that are well ahead of it.

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I'd rather BW spent dev cycles on other things. The Revan fight is fine for what it is.


So please don't make the Revan weekly any less obnoxious until you fix the laundry list of bugs that are well ahead of it.


I totally agree. The fight is definitely obnoxious, but you know what it isn't? It's not broken. Unfortunately the same can't be said of other encounters in the game.

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