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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Telling other players not to queue for PVP


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There is a reason the ranked scene is so dead atm on certain servers (and how pvp servers go to die). I could list the obvious reasons (ie. trolls and win traders) but instead I will just stick with the simple truth that negativity DOES effect the pvp community especially hard.


Lastly, telling people not to queue because they don't have the gear is an entirely different story. but I digress, 3.3 will fix that problem.


Problem is, toxicity is rampant in any game with PvE focus with PvP. I really don't know or can say why for sure. Playing strictly PvP games, I really don't see the level of toxic spew that I have in PvE games.


As for 3.3 fixing it, I still have reservations. It still takes roughly finishing the weekly to get a full set, which while getting people gear faster, will still lend to people queuing in 178+ PvE gear for at least 9 matches or more before they get said gear. Which will still spew hate sadly...

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Mom someone told me I'm bad at PvP, please ban them!


This sums up the thread and is hilarious.


The only reason someone would tell you "DONT QUE" Is either because the player is absolutely terrible, or has bad bad gear for pvp. Or the person saying it is just a jerk. But its one of the three.


and if more than one person said it too you it might be the first 2 possibilities.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I have been sorely tempted to lash out in this manner myself, but so far I have managed to keep a lid on it.


But you know those times where you are holding off 2-4 players for an extended period of time, and somehow the rest of your team still can't manage to cap or even fraking lose a node? Or those matches when you feel like the only one contributing (hero complex I know) and the final score board basically confirms it?


Yeah. Those matches are frustrating. :rolleyes:

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Telling people not to queue for PVP matches <-- Do I report this AND is it harassment? Serious question.


It's not harrasment. What is is though is "braindead zombie in action"-speak. Discouraging players from participating in PVP will just lessen the population and get you longer queues with less fun matches as everyone knows everyone and the element of surprises in matches will be lost.


See also: "Pugs vs premades" problem.

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Going to call BS on this, there are multiple mandos and mercs that people are happy to see on their team, only trolls call out good mercs and mandos while good players understand that a merc that is capable of kiting and enetting the focus target is a strong asset.


Classes are not equal, and it's easier to win in solo queue on a fotm class, but if you are being asked not to play you're either having a bad night or you need to work on your play.




Outside of being a healer class, in what world would a group of players want a DPS mando or merc playing with them in ranked?


To shut one down all you have to do is slap back to back stuns on top of focus fire. Without a dedicated healer they are dead within 10 seconds. And on my server (PoT5) healers in solo queue rank are as mythical a creature as unicorns. You go in with all DPS and if you aren't self sufficient (able to break focus) you are dead weight.


Talk about enet and kiting all you want, but the reality is as your team is focused on killing somebody else, their team is focused on the merc / mando. You get no help and no chance to pop an enet on their target or kit anyone. You died as soon as their stealth players got behind you and nailed your #$@ to the wall.


When faced with all DPS, it literally turns into a race. To see who can kill the first player on the opposing team first. And sadly as a merc or mando, odds are you are tagged "it".

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Teach me way of pvp

so that i may become elite status

to get elite status nexu mount

and tell peple u bad u no q for wz

then complain in chat y r q's so slow


To shut one down all you have to do is slap back to back stuns on top of focus fire.

Side note: Ok come on... that's really how you shut down most classes, unless you have a DCD off CD and your CC breaker ready to go for the second stun (or are an Op and have your roll ready to scamper away you sly fox you) you're going to die...

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Going to call BS on this, there are multiple mandos and mercs that people are happy to see on their team, only trolls call out good mercs and mandos while good players understand that a merc that is capable of kiting and enetting the focus target is a strong asset.


Classes are not equal, and it's easier to win in solo queue on a fotm class, but if you are being asked not to play you're either having a bad night or you need to work on your play.


nah. I thought my initial success on the merc was a result of having either a healer or a tank on my team. with both (very rare, it actually IS very high). but when other mercs stopped Qing, my rating dropped like a rock. I know I'm not the best, but there is really nothing a merc can do in the face of team composition. part of that is poor matchmaking. but you can't match teams with a merc on each side of there's only one in the queue. I shoulda just taken my ~1350 with ~30 wins and been happy. but I stayed after the others stopped dropping their mercs into the water, and I'm down ~1100. lol so bad.


edit: and the healer who was whispering me praise the first couple weeks started whining and b*tching about having a merc on his team in the last few weeks. it's not about whether the merc is good or bad. it's about whether you win or lose and who you can hate on.

Edited by foxmob
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Just don't tolerate that kind of behavior. If you see somebody doing this to a newer player, call them out for it. Defend the new guy. Constructive tips are cool, destructive behavior is not.

^^THIS! I could not agree more. Belittle the twit acting like a d-bag.

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nah. I thought my initial success on the merc was a result of having either a healer or a tank on my team. with both (very rare, it actually IS very high). but when other mercs stopped Qing, my rating dropped like a rock. I know I'm not the best, but there is really nothing a merc can do in the face of team composition. part of that is poor matchmaking. but you can't match teams with a merc on each side of there's only one in the queue. I shoulda just taken my ~1350 with ~30 wins and been happy. but I stayed after the others stopped dropping their mercs into the water, and I'm down ~1100. lol so bad.


You're like a superhero, man.

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