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Thanks to Bioware for a clear path for solo gear...


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The Rishi Questline.


The Yavin Questline.


The Ziost Questline.


Ziost Dailies to complete 190 set.


Yavin Weeklies For companion Weapons and Armor.


Rishi Daily for companion offhands.


It's the first MMO I've played where I don't feel like as a soloist I'm treated as much like a second class citizen. It doesn't feel like the "raid or die" mentality that other MMOs that shall remain nameless have once you reach the level cap.


Of course it would be nice if some non-raid sets had some set bonuses, the raid sets still have better stats.

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It is nice also the Forged Alliances gear you get is another one.




And the amount of comms you get from Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, Ziost by the time you're done all of those and at 60 I usually have enough basic comms to buy nearly a full set.

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Yes, it is much easier to get gear now, but I have to wonder if some of these steps won't become obsolete with the new expansion coming in just a few more months. Places like Yavin 4 that you have to run over the course of several weeks to get all your companions geared up seems pointless if you have access to better gear at Ziost or the new planet(s) coming with the expansion.


Why waste time doing dailies to get companion gear when you can do higher level dailies to get higher level gear to begin with?


The answer is you won't. We will all run Rishi and Yavin once to get our main companion geared and then offset everyone else with gear from higher level planets.

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It's the first MMO I've played where I don't feel like as a soloist I'm treated as much like a second class citizen. It doesn't feel like the "raid or die" mentality that other MMOs that shall remain nameless have once you reach the level cap.


Totally agree, im also a soloist for either pve or pvp, and usually wanna do everything on my own, at my own pace. Its nice to be able to gear up without needing other people. Of.course, its good to have both options, and be able to play grouping, or solo.

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Of course the down side to this is that when trying to queue a group for raid style content, you might be looked at poorly if you don't at least have 186 gear that is fully augmented.


Would it take long to get there doing story mode content? No, which is just part of the problem. People are going to expect you to have at least completed this content before even looking to join a group for a high level instance run.

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Yes, it is much easier to get gear now, but I have to wonder if some of these steps won't become obsolete with the new expansion coming in just a few more months. Places like Yavin 4 that you have to run over the course of several weeks to get all your companions geared up seems pointless if you have access to better gear at Ziost or the new planet(s) coming with the expansion.


Why waste time doing dailies to get companion gear when you can do higher level dailies to get higher level gear to begin with?


The answer is you won't. We will all run Rishi and Yavin once to get our main companion geared and then offset everyone else with gear from higher level planets.


This is a concern I have too.


My semi longterm goal was to outfit myself for DPS and then get both sets of gear for all companions on all characters. That's A LOT of weeklies.


It would be nice if Bioware would tell us if there will be Yavin weekly equivalents in KotFE. I doubt they would though, that's generally the type of info they don't give out.


So I'll probably split the difference and do one set per companion....that's still 64 runs of the weeklies.

Edited by Conundrum-NSA
Edit because math is hard
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On a side note, if you have even one toon you PVP on regularily, with the changes coming to PVP, you can farm the comms, and hand them off to another toon. Get a full set of 168 / 172 gear instantly on hitting 60. This all but makes Rishi obsolete outside of leveling purposes.
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Of course the down side to this is that when trying to queue a group for raid style content, you might be looked at poorly if you don't at least have 186 gear that is fully augmented.


Would it take long to get there doing story mode content? No, which is just part of the problem. People are going to expect you to have at least completed this content before even looking to join a group for a high level instance run.


I actually have 186 mods in my weapons.


I'm a soloist, I don't care how hypothetical people would view me in group content I probably won't do unless I overlevel it then solo it.

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Of course the down side to this is that when trying to queue a group for raid style content, you might be looked at poorly if you don't at least have 186 gear that is fully augmented.


Would it take long to get there doing story mode content? No, which is just part of the problem. People are going to expect you to have at least completed this content before even looking to join a group for a high level instance run.


The 190 gear on Ziost is easier to obtain for less cost, since they give you most in drops and you do not need to spend tons of basics as you would for 186 purples.


The OP, based on what I seen in another post, has NO INTEREST in grouping for FP's or OPS....

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The Rishi Questline.


The Yavin Questline.


The Ziost Questline.


Ziost Dailies to complete 190 set.


Yavin Weeklies For companion Weapons and Armor.


Rishi Daily for companion offhands.


It's the first MMO I've played where I don't feel like as a soloist I'm treated as much like a second class citizen. It doesn't feel like the "raid or die" mentality that other MMOs that shall remain nameless have once you reach the level cap.


Of course it would be nice if some non-raid sets had some set bonuses, the raid sets still have better stats.


Yes this is nice for people who like to solo but it makes it difficult for those of us that run missions with boyfriends, girlfriends, friends as we have to repeat the missions twice. The Yavin weekly can be done in a group but doing the Revan fight twice, or how many is in your group can be a headache.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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The 190 gear on Ziost is easier to obtain for less cost, since they give you most in drops and you do not need to spend tons of basics as you would for 186 purples.


The OP, based on what I seen in another post, has NO INTEREST in grouping for FP's or OPS....


You are correct.


Also, I believe the numbers you need to complete a Ziost set...going from memory, and assuming you get none in drops...


Ziost Holowhatsits = 57

Basic Coms = 380

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I actually have 186 mods in my weapons.


I'm a soloist, I don't care how hypothetical people would view me in group content I probably won't do unless I overlevel it then solo it.


I actually take the same approach myself. With real life, I may have step away from the computer at any given time while gaming and I just can't dedicate a solid block of time to group instance runs unless I'm the only one in the house. I just don't feel it is fair to other players if I have to bounce on very short notice in the middle of a run.


But my initial thought on this is that not everyone that goes this route will be soloists. Many will be group content players and I think even when doing guild runs they may be looked down on simply because they are trying to jump over solo content with raid rewards.


I do believe the intention of the game developers was to ease tensions within the community. Give everyone access to basic level gear that should be sufficient to get the average pug group through content that they otherwise would not be ready for.

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KotFE makes me happy to take an hiatus from ops for a while (because I'm just BORED with it,) but I have to say - PVE content is much more fun with my geared character. I know that, on that toon, I can kill any mob I see (Commander Janarus, or whatever is his name is, for example.) Pulling three or four groups and using AoE is fun. It's nice.
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Yes, it is much easier to get gear now, but I have to wonder if some of these steps won't become obsolete with the new expansion coming in just a few more months. Places like Yavin 4 that you have to run over the course of several weeks to get all your companions geared up seems pointless if you have access to better gear at Ziost or the new planet(s) coming with the expansion.


Why waste time doing dailies to get companion gear when you can do higher level dailies to get higher level gear to begin with?


The answer is you won't. We will all run Rishi and Yavin once to get our main companion geared and then offset everyone else with gear from higher level planets.


Nothing wrong with that.


That's how MMO's evolve.


Old content becomes obsolete and replaced by new content.

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Granted 186 and 190 gear is not the same as raid gear since there are no bonuses to the gear, but it IS nice to be able to gear alts and companions with the lower tier gear and only have to worry about one main toon for raiding gear if you go that route. I remember in the past, whenever I did raids, I wanted gear for my mains and alts and companions because it was the only gear good enough. But now that we can at least get fair quality lower non raiding tier gear, it doesn't feel like I HAVE to raid. I can do raids now if I want to see them or do something different without feeling like it's mandatory just to do normal pve questing.
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Agreed! I love that about 3.0. As a solo player, my gear is far from the best, but I don't feel like I'm pathetically weak anymore compared to people who group up and do the hard stuff. I especially like how they made companion gearing easier for solo players. It is a nice way to boost the power of a solo player without impacting group content, and probably makes it easier to balance the difficulty level of solo content.


I don't play a ton of characters, so honestly, I don't think I'll mind doing this gearing thing again with KotFE, provided it isn't a longer or more arduous process.

Edited by Gwena
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Yes, it is much easier to get gear now, but I have to wonder if some of these steps won't become obsolete with the new expansion coming in just a few more months. Places like Yavin 4 that you have to run over the course of several weeks to get all your companions geared up seems pointless if you have access to better gear at Ziost or the new planet(s) coming with the expansion.


Why waste time doing dailies to get companion gear when you can do higher level dailies to get higher level gear to begin with?


The answer is you won't. We will all run Rishi and Yavin once to get our main companion geared and then offset everyone else with gear from higher level planets.


If you think that is brutal, you should have been around for the transition from Vanilla WoW to its first expansion. PvE and especially PvP gear were absurdly grind-hard in varying ways. Raid gear was even worse. Like incredibly worse.


All of it was obsolete in the first few hours of the expansion, save for stuff .1% of the playerbase had. And their stuff was still junked at cap, which they reached in like a day because they were the sorts of players that had it in the first place.


MMOs do this.

Edited by Canareth
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The Rishi Questline.


The Yavin Questline.


The Ziost Questline.


Ziost Dailies to complete 190 set.


Yavin Weeklies For companion Weapons and Armor.


Rishi Daily for companion offhands..


I find myself feeling like I have run out of things to do at this point. I am running some weeklies to get Ultimate comms, but without grouping, that is one loooooong trek. At the very end now it feels just a bit too easy/fast, wouldn't mind some kind of grind.

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