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Do you think we will see new player ships?


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So.. this is my first ever forum post and my English isn't that good :p but I'll try :).


Just as the title says, I think it would be pretty nice to have some new ships maybe some larger ones and even be able to decorate them? Just my idea

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I would love to see new ships implemented into the game. If it's only one I would severely disappointed. I could see there being an option to steal one of a few different ships at a ship yard. More than likely you keep the same ships though..
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I can just imagine a cutscene where we walk into an abandoned, bombed, and dark hangar bay where our ship is dusty but still in flying condition, harkened back to our glory days. I get the allure of a new ship but with both sides battered I don't think they could spare the ship, unless it's like a huge war ship that allows us to build up our own army.

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They are not giving people new player ships, remember lvl 50 space missions are still in game. They would have to remodel all of those to give people correct ships.


Ships are staying the same because they are not going to roll back content, UNLESS they have some other type of gameplay to offer to replace it.


Personally, I want to keep my ship but I would I love to decorate it.

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I doubt we will get a new ship odds are we will found our old ship repair or damage with i hope the droid in many pieces. Still it just a wait and see but i doubt we get new ships and my Agent would be very unhappy to give up that ship.
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That droid was a huge help in crew skills, without him I would've had to send my original companion, therefore weakening my character. Although he is annoying, without him I wouldn't have got crew skills up so quickly.


On the other hand having another ship could be interesting.... If the Sith and Jedi have retreated to their temples having a Fury just screams "Sith! Open fire!". But who knows, anything could happen.

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If we will it will most likely be just one ship, shared by everyone. I'm not sure I'd like that.


For the early part of KOTFE this will certainly be the case.




A couple of weeks ago there was a minor press-release type thing from a person who saw demo gameplay (and yes, they were allowed to release that info. Original link to the forum thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=819245 )


Anyway. When Lana Beniko, Koth Vortena, and HK-55 rescue you from carbonite and the Zakuul homeworld, it's highly unlikely they're doing it from your old ship. Considering Koth is the pilot, it's likely a "borrowed" Zakuul courier/diplomatic-type ship, equivalent in size and capabilities to the player ships.




Perhaps a ship that is not a guild ship but just a bit smaller like an Essels or black talon type ship


Despite naming conventions and duties, the Black Talon is a Terminus-class destroyer, and the Esseles is a Thranta-class corvette.


You can see them if you look out the docking bay when you're on the attacking enemy faction vessel.


That escape hatch is there for a reason.


And not for the one you think. I suppose it's possible that it could be coopted for story purposes, but... it's actually what happens if you're on a party member's ship and they enter into a space combat mission.

Edited by Diviciacus
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With the story now eliminating factions and there no longer being any more class specific missions I'd strongly bet we will. As our characters are most likely defeated and thus placed into carbonite for 5 years it sounds like a good time for Bioware to say all our ships were toast and we now get a super frigate (ala the Normandy SR-2) to call our own. It's streamlined for all players so it might be larger with multi decks, allow more crew, allow customization, and act as a mobile stronghold where we interact with all our NPC's and accept missions.
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That escape hatch is there for a reason.


Finally put that sucker to use! Plus it could be a very cool scene harking back to Mass Effect 2. Ship gets blown up by new enemy, only way to escape is using the escape pod and your companions put you in carbonite because your wounds are so severe. Wake up 5 years later, BAM, new setting.

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I was wondering this myself. With all the talk of new and old companions being recruited, I'm wondering where they'd fit them all on our current ships without making it too crowded (well, crossing my fingers that we'll have a fair amount of companions, anyway). I'd love it if instead of giving us a new ship altogether they just retrofitted or improved our current ones with more space, but I have no idea how they'd manage that without it seeming illogical.


I just really hope if they are planning to change things up that they don't give every single class the same ship. I love the character of the current ships, and I am so tired of seeing/doing the same thing over and over with every character in terms of the RotHC and SoR stories. The last thing I want to see is all of my characters having the same ship on top of that.

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