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Sick and Tired ..............


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Tell ya what...You start paying for my subscriptions to games, THEN you can tell me how to play.


Dang socialists, commies, Social Justice Wimps, Paid Protesters....First you'll tell us to spacebar through the cutscenes, next you'll try to tell us what our skill rotations should be, and then comes telling us what we should need/greed. Give 'em an inch they'll take a lightyear!!


Back in my day, we used to game uphill, barefoot, in the snow, with nothing to eat except cardboard...and that was on Tuesday's during downtime only....<mumble,grumble,rumble>...


Git off'n mah hyperlawn!!


Barefoot? In my day, we did not even have feet.... :D

Edited by Themanthatisi
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There is a phrase for this kind of thinking: cutting off your nose to spite your face.


If your time truly is that valuable (which I doubt, in any event), you should not be wasting it playing a computer game.


If someone posts "spacebar plz" I don't space bar (or I may just drop group, as I have better things to do than play with an impatient toddler). If they ask "Can we space bar?" or similar, then I space bar.


Naw, it's called utilizing the time the group would otherwise waste by not spacebarring to do other things (like catch up on news).


If someone wants to waste my time like that, I'll only ask once before I reallocate it to other purposes. I won't allow them to completely waste my time; I'll salvage something out of it.


If they then complain that I'm AFK when the convo option comes up, oh well. They should have thought of that before trying to make me stare at a still picture for five minutes (some of the cutscenes in Manaan and SoR were fairly long).

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....../facepalm Unbelievable.


You're getting such pushback because of the way you are approaching this. In that thick wall of text of your OP, there's more rage, tantrum, entitlement than a thoughtful suggestion.

I get it. You are frustrated and you decided to come here and dump all of it. Your prerogative, but don't be naive, you should expect the responses you are getting.


Next time, if you have a genuine suggestion, do it where we are supposed to do it and do it in calm manner. Just a suggestion ;)

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Although I can't remember the last time I didn't hit space bar in cut scenes with other people, your'e inspiring me to stop using it


Ive got a sudden desire to queue GF and watch the TOR movies as well. :rolleyes:

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Ive got a sudden desire to queue GF and watch the TOR movies as well. :rolleyes:


I've seen the cutscenes plenty of times so by default I hit spacebar. But if someone gets heavy with the "spacebar is your friend" or crap like that, I start watching them :D

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I am one of those people who will tell you that if someone wants to watch a cut scene then you should let them, they want to enjoy the story and its an integral part of the game. If you are going to queue for matchmaking then you default to house rules, which is if someone wants to enjoy the story let them. The best way to get around that is to find a guild or make a group yourself using general chat and friends that agree with how you want to play and skip everything. Your group, your rules.


All that being said I actually agree with the OP here. For hardmode specifically there should be an option to play the flashpoints skipping the cutscenes, maybe even doing it for all hardmode. Basically split it from a Storymode Flashpoint and a Challenge Mode Flashpoint. Although I think the better option would be going forward Bioware making the Story less invasive in Flashpoints, telling more of the story in what's happening around you and in Dialogue outside of cutscenes without taking control from the character. They have been doing this a bit in Shadow of Revan, they could do it here as well.


Personally I think outside of important scenes primarily for the main story they should try to add in conversations like they had in Dragon Age Inquisition, where it didn't shift to a scene, the camera just focused on the person you were talking to and you were given options to respond, it was a lot easier then being shifted into conversation for every little convo.

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...option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline...

It is indeed needed. HM is not the place to run for the story.


If story is so important to some of you folk, join a guild. HM runs are for comms and gear, not story.

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Kinda agree with op

In hm fp's shouldn't have to wait all day


If you want the story- solo the sm modes- that is how I saw they story and the runs are quite pleasant


Story Mode yes, Solo, no. Some people like doing story with multiple people. I think that as long as you are doing story then yes you should be allowed to watch. I also think that if you are doing Hardmode and if Bioware doesn't create a no story option then if someone wants to watch the story then that is there choice.


I do think that hard mode should probably skip over cutscenes, and probably require you to do story mode first to unlock it.

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Story Mode yes, Solo, no. Some people like doing story with multiple people. I think that as long as you are doing story then yes you should be allowed to watch. I also think that if you are doing Hardmode and if Bioware doesn't create a no story option then if someone wants to watch the story then that is there choice.


I do think that hard mode should probably skip over cutscenes, and probably require you to do story mode first to unlock it.


That is a good idea! (in bold). That way you know for sure that the people grouped with you in a HM have already seen the story....

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Wow guess none you read the actual post! I want to play the game not watch a movie.


No we did, the problem is in an FP you are playing with other people, often random because of the queue. Some of those people may want to view the story. Simply because you do not should not give you control over THEIR enjoyment. The cost of doing something with other people is that you actually have to <gasp> consider what those other people want to do.


So people will say "HM" should be different. Well news flash there are people who do HMs who want to see the story too. To say "well they should just do SM then if they want to see the story" is being more than a little arrogant and tbh ignorant of what BW games are about... because every BW game has story.


I rate playable content > story myself.... however this does not mean I somehow place my person preferences as superior to others, nor am I ignorant of the way BW makes their games.

Edited by Ghisallo
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It's people like you who bizarrely describe doing something with as little interaction with others as possible as a "social activity."

It's people like you who mistake watching a movie as a "social activity". I never said anything about little interaction...chat up a storm if ya like...just keep up and keep hitting your spacebar, because HM's aren't run for the story.

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While I find the OP's alleged outrage silly, and the tone and text of his posts poorly crafted to persuade, I actually agree with the salient point of his rant: Tweaking Group Finder to allow a check-box for HM FPs sans convos is a fine idea. It is the shortcut to what many posters have (rightly) suggested: "Work out the details of the run before you start the FP." A simple check-box would avoid unnecessary pre-FP discussion over space-barring and accomplishes another sage bit of advice given in this thread: "Find others who want to play the way you do." Theoretically, checking the "no-convos" box announces that a player does, indeed, want to play the way the OP does.


And while we're tweaking Group Finder, perhaps we can add check-boxes for agreed-upon loot rules. Offer a box for every player who wants to Need on every drop in the FP regardless of class. Imagine the heartbreak and Forum rants avoided by such an option.


I'm sure there are other ways we could micro-manage Group Finder options to ensure that we only play with others who share our respective perspectives, opinions, and sensibilities.


Finally, for the record, I try to avoid petty lashing out at players who demand "MOAR SPACBRZ NOW!!!" But even a friendly, rational request to space-bar will not affect my response. If I've seen the FP dialogue, I don't care whether we space-bar or not, and I say so regardless of the tenor of the request. But, yes, the overly insistent player ends up on my Ignore list as soon as the FP ends. If anyone in the group is running the FP for the first time or (especially Esselles or Black Talon) on a new class, I don't care if they want to watch the show.


TLDR: Options are good. Especially if they help me avoid tools like the OP when queuing for a FP.

Edited by Thoronmir
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It's people like you that do things just to annoy someone else, that ruin social activities.


Erm, if someone is making a comeplete ******* of themself with 'SPACEBAR SPACEBAR **** USE THE F*CKING SPACEBAR NAO!!!!!' why should I want to make them happy? If they're polite, I'll skip. If they act like a toddler throwing a tantrum? Nope.

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Erm, if someone is making a comeplete ******* of themself with 'SPACEBAR SPACEBAR **** USE THE F*CKING SPACEBAR NAO!!!!!' why should I want to make them happy? If they're polite, I'll skip. If they act like a toddler throwing a tantrum? Nope.




If you ask nicely I'm more then happy to skip through the cut scenes but if you act like a complete dick and demand that I do it then I'll either drop group or if I'm the leader I'll boot your ***.

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Erm, if someone is making a comeplete ******* of themself with 'SPACEBAR SPACEBAR **** USE THE F*CKING SPACEBAR NAO!!!!!' why should I want to make them happy? If they're polite, I'll skip. If they act like a toddler throwing a tantrum? Nope.


You shouldn't. You should say something and then initiate a vote kick. It's the intentionally trying to irritate someone I disagree with.

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It's people like you who mistake watching a movie as a "social activity".

That is how our characters earn social points. No, it's not very social at a player level, but that's how it is on a character level. And sure, if you wanted to socialize with other players, you'd just stay on fleet and chat.


I never said anything about little interaction...chat up a storm if ya like...just keep up and keep hitting your spacebar, because HM's aren't run for the story.

You are seriously telling us that you're OK with people chatting in HMs, which might very well take way more time than watching a couple of cut scenes, but watching those few cut scenes is beyond the pale? Does not compute. The silliest t hing is that most FPs do indeed have very few cut scenes, so the time "wasted" is a couple of minutes. If you can't spare a couple of minutes in a computer game, you should not be playing a game in the first place because you clearly have some important matters to attend to.


Lucky for the adults that the toddlers can't force the adults to space bar.


Edit: what they should do is make a GF tool like DDO: you advertise that you are LFM or LFG for a certain quest and you can put a note about it, like "RP run," or "zerg run" or "all optionals" or "no optionals." That way you get grouped with like-minded players.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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