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What's your legacy surname?


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The legacy name I pick was a surname of a Bounty Hunter from Star Wars the old republic Fatal Alliance His full name was Dao Stryver, see spoiler for more info.



Stryver was an awesome Bounter Hunter that could take on a jedi and sith at the same time and still live to tell the tale, ok so she made easy work of them and yeah its a she not a he, you find that out at the end of the book also a cat thing?!?, but still the best Bounty Hunter ever.


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I picked Starscream


At first, I was gonna hide it, because I thought, having a last name would be lame, but it works quite well.


it is also "spacey" n all. I couldn't think of any really good name that would fit every character I was gonna make. therefore, I decided to just hide it on those that it doesn't go well with, such as my main, who's name is actually a last name to begin with, since she's an agent.

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Mine is Antarian


Yeah, for those that are Star Wars buffs I got the name from the Antarian Rangers. Happens to be an old guild name back in SWG, some of the best times ever, and some of the best people I ever met. So I have the name to keep, well, the legacy going and remembered.

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The legacy name I pick was a surname of a Bounty Hunter from Star Wars the old republic Fatal Alliance His full name was Dao Stryver, see spoiler for more info.



Stryver was an awesome Bounter Hunter that could take on a jedi and sith at the same time and still live to tell the tale, ok so she made easy work of them and yeah its a she not a he, you find that out at the end of the book also a cat thing?!?, but still the best Bounty Hunter ever.



lizard thing. good book. dao was a Gektl http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gektl



My legacy name is Saw


bleh, all the ones I wanted were taken. Plus at the time I had a bounty hunter named Nevada I thought that would be funny. Nevada Saw reversed Sierra Nevada and half-translated from spanish of course.


Mostly, I couldn't think of a name that worked for multiple species. I figured Saw was cool like M.C. Hammer but a decent rapper.

Edited by CFourPO
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Character names are:







Legacy Name:

The Reborn


Awsome remembrance on Skywarp:)


Mine: The Veckt Legacy (I was unable to us Vect for any Dark Eldar fans:D)


Tikka Veckt--Commando (and that's how she rolls);)

Dethen Veckt--Gunslinger

Chianna Veckt--Sage

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In alphabetical order, like log in:




Atrocitas, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary (couldn't bring myself to Powertech, not sure why)

Custos, Agent, Operative/heals

Faeles, Sith Warrior, Juggernaut, Immortal

Impera, Sith Warrior, Marauder,

Junoesque, Sith Inquisitor, Sorceress/heals

Jurat, Agent, Sniper

Mouser, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary (first one), "Got Credits"?

Vitabrevis, Sith Inquisitor, Assassin, Darkness, main


Legacy name, Orcus




Advorsus, Trooper, Commando/dps

Bellona, Trooper, Commando/heals

Crudus, JediKnight, Guardian/?? Tank

Impera, Jedi Knight, Sentinel

Malns, Smuggler, Gunslinger

Orcus, Jedi Consular, Sage/Balance

Proserpina, Smuggler, Gunslinger

Vitalonga, Jedi Consular, Sage/Heals


Legacy Name, ??? :) will see.

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Expatre (Ex parte in reality but no spaces allowed)

Meaning "From or on one side only, with the other side absent or unrepresented". The idea was to only play republic characters. That of course didn't last long before alt-itis kicked in.

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Figured it could work with different types. It's neutral in nature, so dark or light friendly. Not terribly "alien" friendly... but I simply immagine my big, blue Twilik Scoundrel as a child having been 'rescued' (won in a game of some sort) from some wicked Hutt's slave pens by a Smuggler and raised by him/her. Thus using the human last name and speaking basic like a Republic citizen.

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