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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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Except you can't just throw in Operations/Raids for Operations sake. You kind of need a REASON for said Operation to exist in the first place, you need a story as to why the Operation is taking place, why you are needing to go to the Operation, etc. ALL of which does, you know, take time.
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Except you can't just throw in Operations/Raids for Operations sake. You kind of need a REASON for said Operation to exist in the first place, you need a story as to why the Operation is taking place, why you are needing to go to the Operation, etc. ALL of which does, you know, take time.


Oh I agree it does. Story takes time as well but which one is consumed faster? That would be story. Doesn't mean it should be done though.


similar for OPS. It can have a story that builds up to it though the games story like we have seen for Dread masters or Soa or any number of OPS.


They also take time but also take longer to consume.


It just blows my mind in this day and age, an MMO would come out and pretty much say, no new OPS and it's likely you wont get them for quite a long time. Up to a year or more. WOW might be able to get away with going 10 months without anything new and lose 3 million gamers. I don't think SWTOR can risk that on the hopes that really old OPS will fill the bill. Bw does seem to want to try though.

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The use of chillax pretty much nulifies any idea you used critical thinking. The fact you think the coming story will be some long amount of content is laughable at the least. YOu might get a makeb / Sor combined length but that will be a long shot


More hope and wishful thinking I see. You are getting a story that will draw in new people and old OPS that will not sustain the game.


Except its content that is so old, I doubt you will get the sustainability to think it will. IT's old now, it will be really old come OCT. Rehashing content has never be a solid gaming development move.


I guess you mean story because there is nothing new about that ops except the gear and that alone wont keep long times gamers playing when they have done it over and over well before they were asked to do it over and over again.


You've failed to explain how my use of a word negates critical thinking beyond it just does, so in fact it actually doesn't. Try not to criticize people on their vocabulary and only on their post context. It makes you appear immature.


The OPs will sustain the new players coming in and existing players. And it won't be old to those new players and existing ones that haven't done it.


Gear always keeps people doing OPs. Greed and self progression drive the basic mmo player.

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Fox News once sued the FCC so they could have the right to lie to their audience.




You should read that. But in the event that you choose not to, here are the cliff's notes:


It was NOT FoxNews, it was a Fox affiliate (as in the greater Fox network) - a local station in Tampa WTVT.


The FCC was not even involved. It was a local trial because two reporters were fired.


The "argument" that WTVT had the 1st Amendment Right to lie on air was never advanced in court.


And Politifact also rates the "original" story as False.


Sorry to say, but someone fed you bogus information.


"One should never rely solely on Facebook for their news" - Abraham Lincoln, 1866.

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Hmmm, if this new planet I go to has Heroic 2+ or 4+, I will be enjoying an MMO aspect of grouping with others but I also will be enjoying MMO style by running by dozens of players standing around in a circle chatting away too.



Err....,,. did I just say its new MMO content regardless if grouping or not on that new world? :p




EDIT: Oh sorry, a FP and OPS is the only thing MMO worthy, not running by the many people that just ran the other direction by me.....


Last heroics are seeker and macrobin ones, none at rishi and yavin i 5lvl increase and you expect heroics? Rofl

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You've failed to explain how my use of a word negates critical thinking beyond it just does, so in fact it actually doesn't. Try not to criticize people on their vocabulary and only on their post context. It makes you appear immature.


Vocabulary is important. IF you want to come across as actually thinking. I wouldn't use chillax - ever. You have failed to present a reasonable idea that rehashed content is a good thing. Gamers don't ever particularly like that and has historicaly not been recaived all that well. Scaled content gets played a few times then they realize, W,-T-F this is no different and presents a weaker challenge we have done years ago..


The OPs will sustain the new players coming in and existing players. And it won't be old to those new players and existing ones that haven't done it.

I disagree about older players. New players sure, they have never done it.


Gear always keeps people doing OPs. Greed and self progression drive the basic mmo player.


Self-progression does drive a game and rehashing old content no matter the gear isn't self progressions gamers tend to like because they have done it before numerous times. Self-progressions isn't all about gear. Many times it's doing things that few others can do because of skill not gear.

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You can tell who around here has never done serious end-game progression. Are there loot queens out there who only care about the purples? Sure...but if we're going to talk in generalities let me clue you in on something.


"Progression raiding" isn't about the loot treadmill. Loot is merely a means to an end, which is to beat new content. Taking all your old content and giving it new loot doesn't make it new. It means you've really just given up and turned it into the thing everyone has assumed it is that has never really done it. A loot treadmill. Doing the same content you already know how to beat over and over just for better gear?


THERE'S your loot treadmill now.

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Vocabulary is important. IF you want to come across as actually thinking. I wouldn't use chillax - ever. You have failed to present a reasonable idea that rehashed content is a good thing. Gamers don't ever particularly like that and has historicaly not been recaived all that well. Scaled content gets played a few times then they realize, W,-T-F this is no different and presents a weaker challenge we have done years ago..


I disagree about older players. New players sure, they have never done it.


Self-progression does drive a game and rehashing old content no matter the gear isn't self progressions gamers tend to like because they have done it before numerous times. Self-progressions isn't all about gear. Many times it's doing things that few others can do because of skill not gear.


You need to chillax on the issues of what words I choose to use in my vocabulary and focus on the content of my posts. It makes you sound immature because what I use in my vocabulary is irrelevant to the discussion.


Re-hashed content as you describe it usually means updating said older outdated content to make them relevant again by streamlining outdated archaic things about said content. That's what they are doing here. They are streamlining it for easier accessibility rather than let it sit by the waste side and be steamrolled or forgotten.


By streamlining it new and exisiting players get a chance to do them for the challenge at the max level as they were intended to be instead of being over leveled and having zero challenge to them. Also not every exisiting player has been here thru launch and experienced everything at the intended level. People come and go and when they go, they miss out on things.


I left during the summer of 2012 to go play with wow friends for mop and came back in January of 2013 because I missed swtor and as such I missed out on doing EC and LI at their intended levels as I didn't have a raid guild and those weren't things you simply pugged. I only did them after getting to a higher level and steam rolling thru them later on. I for one am excited to try my hand at seeing them at max level again and I'm positive I'm not the only one either.


Speaking of EC and Self Progression. With them being at Max Level again, how often are you going to see it cleared on NIM again with scaled up numbers and dmg mechanics? I and from what I can see ina t least one other thread and talking to my guildies last night predict there will be a rage outburst on the forums regarding how hard this will be for the average player. And that's good, Challenges extend the life of a raid. Leaving them at 50 to rot away doesn't.


This is going to be good for End Game while giving solo players what they want, while they focus on the story setting up w/e new op we will eventually wander into, unless you think we're never getting any ops any more?

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You can tell who around here has never done serious end-game progression. Are there loot queens out there who only care about the purples? Sure...but if we're going to talk in generalities let me clue you in on something.


"Progression raiding" isn't about the loot treadmill. Loot is merely a means to an end, which is to beat new content. Taking all your old content and giving it new loot doesn't make it new. It means you've really just given up and turned it into the thing everyone has assumed it is that has never really done it. A loot treadmill. Doing the same content you already know how to beat over and over just for better gear?


THERE'S your loot treadmill now.


I'm a casual now but I've played WoW since TBC and I was raider there up until Cata launched RF. We were never hardcore raiders but did down Hard mode bosses with glee when we tried. And it was always about Loot with most people I played with. They would go weeks, even months before getting anything while others ended up getting everything.


And in LFR, people would cry and moan about never getting any loot while others would always get lucky and get loot.


So to say Self Progression in regards to loot isn't important to serious raiding is silly at best.

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You need to chillax on the issues of what words I choose to use in my vocabulary and focus on the content of my posts. It makes you sound immature because what I use in my vocabulary is irrelevant to the discussion.


Sorry I just can't. It's like looking at a car wreck. Vocab is extremely important to any discussion.


Re-hashed content as you describe it usually means updating said older outdated content to make them relevant again by streamlining outdated archaic things about said content. That's what they are doing here. They are streamlining it for easier accessibility rather than let it sit by the waste side and be steamrolled or forgotten.


By streamlining it new and exisiting players get a chance to do them for the challenge at the max level as they were intended to be instead of being over leveled and having zero challenge to them. Also not every exisiting player has been here thru launch and experienced everything at the intended level. People come and go and when they go, they miss out on things.


They are doing nothing to change the FP's and OPS except raise their levels. they will be the same FP and OPS you have been running off and on for hte past 4 years. If you hav ran them at all, they will offer nothing new, nothing interesting on the content side and will only offer a new loot list. Thats pretty "F"ing deplorable to rehash content and then claim we have all these new challenges for you when you have ran those challenges. There is nothing new about it.


New players will get to see them new but they would be new to them no matter what.


SNIP for irrelevance......


I for one am excited to try my hand at seeing them at max level again and I'm positive I'm not the only one either.


I think more will see them for what they are and thats rehashed content because BW didn't care to offer anything new in a new expansion except story and some rep grinds.


Speaking of EC and Self Progression. With them being at Max Level again, how often are you going to see it cleared on NIM again with scaled up numbers and dmg mechanics?


Why would people run it NM. Gear is the same as HM.

Maybe they want the challenge but really, how many run it NM? Very small percentage.

You're not going to see that much NM so once again, it's a wasted rehash of content. More people did it when it was out level than what you will see with it being rehashed.



I and from what I can see ina t least one other thread and talking to my guildies last night predict there will be a rage outburst on the forums regarding how hard this will be for the average player. And that's good, Challenges extend the life of a raid. Leaving them at 50 to rot away doesn't.


Not for the ones that have done those challenges already. We didn't put in weeks of work to clear EC so that BW could rehash the area and say, "Hey you! Do that crap all over again why don't ya." and from what we have learned about gamers most do not rise to the occasion when it comes to difficulty. They will take the easy road and they will stick to HM i they run old content at all given the gear is the same.


This is going to be good for End Game while giving solo players what they want, while they focus on the story setting up w/e new op we will eventually wander into, unless you think we're never getting any ops any more?


Solo will get what they want. Story will be awesome but quickly devoured. End game wil suffer with rehashed content but I find your optimism endearing but not realistic when it comes to gaming and gamers.

Edited by Quraswren
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Solo will get what they want. Story will be awesome but quickly devoured. End game wil suffer with rehashed content but I find your optimism endearing but not realistic when it comes to gaming and gamers.


Clearly leveling from 1-60 will bes sped up to get to the new content more quickly. The solo experience as such will therefore be shortened as it takes less time to do it.


From an objective point of view the game will have 9 operations and 24 flash point at end level game. This means that in the balance there will be more relevant endgame GROUP content than ever before. It just won't be brand new content, but the fact that it isn't new, doesn't mean it isn't content.


Older jaded players will be upset at this, as some group of players will always be upset at a new expansion, because it's always missing something for someone.


You call him unrealistic but I call you unrealistic. Various times it has been made clear that so many players haven't touched operations and that we've had an increase in players in the last year or so. These are a huge amount of players that haven't done any or very little of this content that you and I will call rehashed. Except I don't mind it so much.


The reason I call you unrealistic is that I have clear reasons to believe that your viewpoint represents a minority within the player base of this game. That doesn't mean that your opinion doesn't count, but I think you are grossly misreading the impact this will have on the player base because I see that these changes are good for a whole lot of players. You're just not part of that group as it stands, but just cause you hate it doesn't mean the majority of the player base does.


And don't start about the amount of posts/threads on the forum. It is a given that most players never post on forums and of the ones who do there is an overrepresentation of complainers. That's just the way it is.

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Sorry I just can't. It's like looking at a car wreck. Vocab is extremely important to any discussion.


They are doing nothing to change the FP's and OPS except raise their levels. they will be the same FP and OPS you have been running off and on for hte past 4 years. If you hav ran them at all, they will offer nothing new, nothing interesting on the content side and will only offer a new loot list. Thats pretty "F"ing deplorable to rehash content and then claim we have all these new challenges for you when you have ran those challenges. There is nothing new about it.


New players will get to see them new but they would be new to them no matter what.


I think more will see them for what they are and thats rehashed content because BW didn't care to offer anything new in a new expansion except story and some rep grinds.


Why would people run it NM. Gear is the same as HM.

Maybe they want the challenge but really, how many run it NM? Very small percentage.

You're not going to see that much NM so once again, it's a wasted rehash of content. More people did it when it was out level than what you will see with it being rehashed.


Not for the ones that have done those challenges already. We didn't put in weeks of work to clear EC so that BW could rehash the area and say, "Hey you! Do that crap all over again why don't ya." and from what we have learned about gamers most do not rise to the occasion when it comes to difficulty. They will take the easy road and they will stick to HM i they run old content at all given the gear is the same.


Solo will get what they want. Story will be awesome but quickly devoured. End game wil suffer with rehashed content but I find your optimism endearing but not realistic when it comes to gaming and gamers.


If someone's irrelevant vocabulary in a discussion bothers you that much then you should take a break, chillax and avoid forum discussions.


They are raising their levels and adding bolster, and tactical modes to several flashpoints and bolste rot all solo modes so levels 50-65 and can do ops together even if they are not at max level. The fact you think they are changing flashpoints and ops at all makes me think you didn't read the blog beyond "There will be no new ops in KOTFE".


NiM is for the challenge of being able to say you've done it. And How many existing players are there really who can claim they've done it fully on NiM when it was relevant before fading away to waste side. Now with it being scaled up, if you clear it in NiM you can have something to be proud of.


WoW rehashes old stuff all the same and makes them relevant again for an expansion and they add new loot to it, which is what BW is doing since they said they are adding new mounts and decos to their old raids and as I've said before new progression gear which is what raiders strive to obtain so they can clear harder content more easily. If they stick to HM then that just means they arn't cut out for the challenges of NiM raiding then.


Story players are getting what they've been asking for patiently since launch. SWTOR will be fine without a new OP till the next year or sooner if you're patient.


Till then, chillax take a MMO break if you need to. If you really want to voice your displeasure for content you're not getting or content you don't care for: Don't give them money. That will either cause change that you want because no one is giving enough money or no change at all because people actually want to pay for the story they are getting finally and they out weigh the losses.


Basically vote with your wallet if you want change, cause it'll come when it comes otherwise.

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If someone's irrelevant vocabulary in a discussion bothers you that much then you should take a break, chillax and avoid forum discussions.


They are raising their levels and adding bolster, and tactical modes to several flashpoints and bolste rot all solo modes so levels 50-65 and can do ops together even if they are not at max level. The fact you think they are changing flashpoints and ops at all makes me think you didn't read the blog beyond "There will be no new ops in KOTFE".


NiM is for the challenge of being able to say you've done it. And How many existing players are there really who can claim they've done it fully on NiM when it was relevant before fading away to waste side. Now with it being scaled up, if you clear it in NiM you can have something to be proud of.


WoW rehashes old stuff all the same and makes them relevant again for an expansion and they add new loot to it, which is what BW is doing since they said they are adding new mounts and decos to their old raids and as I've said before new progression gear which is what raiders strive to obtain so they can clear harder content more easily. If they stick to HM then that just means they arn't cut out for the challenges of NiM raiding then.


Story players are getting what they've been asking for patiently since launch. SWTOR will be fine without a new OP till the next year or sooner if you're patient.


Till then, chillax take a MMO break if you need to. If you really want to voice your displeasure for content you're not getting or content you don't care for: Don't give them money. That will either cause change that you want because no one is giving enough money or no change at all because people actually want to pay for the story they are getting finally and they out weigh the losses.


Basically vote with your wallet if you want change, cause it'll come when it comes otherwise.


Yes, WoW rehashes old stuff...but not as an exclusive expansion. And their rehashes are often quite different from the orignial.


And telling people to just not give money instead of not voicing their displeasure is wrong. The only way things are changed is by people raising their voices. If BW isn't made aware that waiting more than a year for a new operation is unacceptable to people who enjoy operations and that people don't consider old operations being buffed for new levels to be new operations it won't change.


This game can't afford any losses. Not if all players want to see money spent on it by EA/BW to improve it for everyone.


Your assertion that raiders raid just for gear is wrong. Some raiders raid because they enjoy group activities, others because they like, yes, the story aspects of the raids.


If you are so satisfied with how the game is, why aren't you taking your own advice and just "chillaxin'"? After all, you apparently got the story buff you wanted. Those of us who want new end game aren't going to remain silent just because you say so.

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As I said in another thread...


Everyone involved in these debates -- raiders, PvPers, story-consumers, daily grinders, atl-aholics, etc, etc -- need to realize that the content they care about isn't the only content that matters, and that all types of content matter to an MMO. None of you are the "key players" that "make the game" and "keep it going". ALL of you are.


The game suffers greatly if Bioware ignores ANY type of content for too long.

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Yes, WoW rehashes old stuff...but not as an exclusive expansion. And their rehashes are often quite different from the orignial.


And telling people to just not give money instead of not voicing their displeasure is wrong. The only way things are changed is by people raising their voices. If BW isn't made aware that waiting more than a year for a new operation is unacceptable to people who enjoy operations and that people don't consider old operations being buffed for new levels to be new operations it won't change.


This game can't afford any losses. Not if all players want to see money spent on it by EA/BW to improve it for everyone.


Your assertion that raiders raid just for gear is wrong. Some raiders raid because they enjoy group activities, others because they like, yes, the story aspects of the raids.


If you are so satisfied with how the game is, why aren't you taking your own advice and just "chillaxin'"? After all, you apparently got the story buff you wanted. Those of us who want new end game aren't going to remain silent just because you say so.


Except that's just it. People voicing their displeasure on a forum that they themselves said do not represent the majority of the game isn't going to change anything. People leaving and not giving them money changes things. Huge drops in money made the game change for the better. You want changes to your liking unsub and tell them why. Telling them on a forum doesn't prove anything or make any difference because you can say you've unsubbed on a forum but still be there secretly giving them money and money is all they care about. it's silly to think otherwise.


The game can't afford any losses? Apparently they can since they're not charging you for the expansion and catering to a large group of players who have been clamoring for story for years and finally getting it. You'll get your brand new never before played ops soon but not at launch and they are okay with that.


My assertion that raiders only raid for gear is more truthful than you think as it's basic human nature for people to want more and more. Shure some people act like they don't but they do. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. It's perfectly human to want to get gear for your self progression so you can do harder content more easily. That what raiding is. gearing up and taking on harder challenges. And come October you'll have the biggest amount of End Game Content to do.


I am chillaxing. I'm chillaxing and expressing my opinion on discussions as I see fit within the boundaries that are allowed. By all means keep posting but if you feel yourself getting frustrated and going no where just take a break and do something else. I am most certain, 99.99% shure (Always account for 00.01% otherwise, have to be realistic.) That even without a new OP coming in KOTFE that the game will still be here and still the same and maybe even better.

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I'm a casual now but I've played WoW since TBC and I was raider there up until Cata launched RF. We were never hardcore raiders but did down Hard mode bosses with glee when we tried. And it was always about Loot with most people I played with. They would go weeks, even months before getting anything while others ended up getting everything.


And in LFR, people would cry and moan about never getting any loot while others would always get lucky and get loot.


So to say Self Progression in regards to loot isn't important to serious raiding is silly at best.


LFR != progression raiding.

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You know what sucks about awesome multi million dollar 4 min daddy issue CGI? It lasts for 4 mins. And, say, 10 hours of story content, no matter how good or bad, lasts for 10 hours. Post vanilla story content is exactly what people have been asking for and what they want. But how long will the same people keep playing and paying for this slice of 10 hour content?


A lot of people!

I was here from the beginning and I've done the story on more alts, than I almost care to admit. Story, story, story - only because I don't do Ops, FP, PVP etc.

For a long time I've been hoping for new refreshing story with my companions, but all I got was more OPs and FP and a little story, that only made me want more real story.

And now I get it! I'm a happy panda! :D


There's really no difference between us story folks and endgame folks. They have done the OPs and FP over and over, just like I have with the story for all my alts.

This time around though, I'm getting my wish fulfilled and endgame people have to wait a bit to get theirs.

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If someone's irrelevant vocabulary in a discussion bothers you that much then you should take a break, chillax and avoid forum discussions.


Maybe someone use use acquire an intelligent vocab and it wont be viewed as irrelevant.


They are raising their levels and adding bolster, and tactical modes to several flashpoints and bolste rot all solo modes so levels 50-65 and can do ops together even if they are not at max level. The fact you think they are changing flashpoints and ops at all makes me think you didn't read the blog beyond "There will be no new ops in KOTFE".


Thats right. I didn't say they were changing them, I said they are doing nothing to them but raising the level cap and then raising the level cap for under geared gamers so they can do them.


There is no new challenge for gamers that have done them. The challenge is the same as when they were first done. When they were done 20 times and now asked to run them some more because BW can't be bothered to do something with a new challenge.


NiM is for the challenge of being able to say you've done it. And How many existing players are there really who can claim they've done it fully on NiM when it was relevant before fading away to waste side. Now with it being scaled up, if you clear it in NiM you can have something to be proud of.


Few did do it because not enough can do that challenge. It will be no different now. They will stick to SMa nd HM if tey get that far. Rehashing the content will not change that. Raising the level cap of those areas wont make them more interesting or provide a new challenge for those doing them because they will still stick the difficulty level they can complete the easiest. It wont be about challenge, it will be about gear at that point and we don't need rehashed content to provide something as simple as gear.


A new challenge would be a selling point for end game or players that have been around SW. Telling them to do it all again is a cluster "F" in design.


WoW rehashes old stuff all the same and makes them relevant again for an expansion and they add new loot to it,


and wow gets it's balls busted all the time for doing it. Be it bringing back Onxyia for the 4th time or putting in time walking dungeons. There still taking crap for that mediocre idea.


which is what BW is doing since they said they are adding new mounts and decos to their old raids and as I've said before new progression gear which is what raiders strive to obtain so they can clear harder content more easily. If they stick to HM then that just means they arn't cut out for the challenges of NiM raiding then.


Some raiders do strive for gear. others do not. Running rehashed content is not historically known to be all that interesting or have longevity.


Story players are getting what they've been asking for patiently since launch.


Incorrect. You are not getting a class story. You are getting another over all encompassion story like makeb or SOR that will have a few more individual points. Some that will have a secondary effect. It is not class stories and not what was really asked for.


SWTOR will be fine without a new OP till the next year or sooner if you're patient.


Story content will be find for a very short amount of time. Then end game will hit, rinse and repeat FPs and OPS that have been done to death and boredom will set in. New players will get a bit more activity out of it but every thing is now to them so it wouldn't matter a new or old ops/FP would it?




I'll just snip the crap you have that was so irrelevant to prevent me from poking fun at you.

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Maybe someone use use acquire an intelligent vocab and it wont be viewed as irrelevant.


Thats right. I didn't say they were changing them, I said they are doing nothing to them but raising the level cap and then raising the level cap for under geared gamers so they can do them.


There is no new challenge for gamers that have done them. The challenge is the same as when they were first done. When they were done 20 times and now asked to run them some more because BW can't be bothered to do something with a new challenge.


Few did do it because not enough can do that challenge. It will be no different now. They will stick to SMa nd HM if tey get that far. Rehashing the content will not change that. Raising the level cap of those areas wont make them more interesting or provide a new challenge for those doing them because they will still stick the difficulty level they can complete the easiest. It wont be about challenge, it will be about gear at that point and we don't need rehashed content to provide something as simple as gear.


A new challenge would be a selling point for end game or players that have been around SW. Telling them to do it all again is a cluster "F" in design.


and wow gets it's balls busted all the time for doing it. Be it bringing back Onxyia for the 4th time or putting in time walking dungeons. There still taking crap for that mediocre idea.


Some raiders do strive for gear. others do not. Running rehashed content is not historically known to be all that interesting or have longevity.


Incorrect. You are not getting a class story. You are getting another over all encompassion story like makeb or SOR that will have a few more individual points. Some that will have a secondary effect. It is not class stories and not what was really asked for.


Story content will be find for a very short amount of time. Then end game will hit, rinse and repeat FPs and OPS that have been done to death and boredom will set in. New players will get a bit more activity out of it but every thing is now to them so it wouldn't matter a new or old ops/FP would it?


I'll just snip the crap you have that was so irrelevant to prevent me from poking fun at you.


"Maybe someone use use acquire an intelligent vocab and it wont be viewed as irrelevant." Your intelligence excuse for my vocabulary usage is now null and void. Check what you're writing before you slip up and look foolish yourself.


Raising the level cap and increasing the level range of which you can participate in a certain group content environment that is different from what it is currently is considered "changing something."


BTW They only revamped Onyxia once and when they did it was widely celebrated and ran constnatly since it dropped current raid appropriate helmets, trinkets and weapons and had new achievements, a feat of strength and a new mount. This is what's going to happen similar to all the raids being scaled up. They are adding new stuff to it.


This whole no new op thing can be summed up to life isn't fair. People asking for more personal story which we are getting because they said that the story will still be different enough for the class that you will be on. So essentially we are getting new class stories.


If you are getting bored quickly of story and fps/ops than you need a break from this mmo or mmo's in general because the current game you are playing is not able to meet your needs, and guess what it's not going to.


Basically you just need to chillax and take a break from this game.

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"Maybe someone use use acquire an intelligent vocab and it wont be viewed as irrelevant." Your intelligence excuse for my vocabulary usage is now null and void. Check what you're writing before you slip up and look foolish yourself.


Right - cause a slip up is the same as your poor vocab skills. Keep trying though you'll eventually get better at it.


Raising the level cap and increasing the level range of which you can participate in a certain group content environment that is different from what it is currently is considered "changing something."


Only in the loosest term. The ops and FP will be the exact same and offer no different challenge than when you run them 1 year ago or 4 years ago. Again, rehashing old content has never been all that good.


BTW They only revamped Onyxia once and when they did it was widely celebrated and ran constnatly since it dropped current raid appropriate helmets, trinkets and weapons and had new achievements, a feat of strength and a new mount. This is what's going to happen similar to all the raids being scaled up. They are adding new stuff to it.


No onyxia wasn't. It was viewed as a rehash of content just like it was because the encounter didn't change. Nothing was new except the level of it, a few drops and was easily forgotten. Why - Because most had done it so many times it was no longer interesting. The gear didn't trump it being a rehash.


This whole no new op thing can be summed up to life isn't fair. People asking for more personal story which we are getting...


Personal story is not the same as a class story which gamers asked for. This will be similar to makeb and SoR where you have a large encompassing story with some choices that will have a secondary effect later. It will not be the class story gamers wanted.


because they said that the story will still be different enough for the class that you will be on. So essentially we are getting new class stories.


Not a chance in hell this is a class story. You'll get a few personalized elements but a class story. Ugh no. BW was pretty specific to make sure and not use the term class story.


SNIP for irrelevance as quitting mean I would miss out on the story but that doesn't mean end game wont be a repeat of the past years.
Edited by Quraswren
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Right - cause a slip up is the same as your poor vocab skills. Keep trying though you'll eventually get better at it.


Only in the loosest term. The ops and FP will be the exact same and offer no different challenge than when you run them 1 year ago or 4 years ago. Again, rehashing old content has never been all that good.


No onyxia wasn't. It was viewed as a rehash of content just like it was because the encounter didn't change. Nothing was new except the level of it, a few drops and was easily forgotten. Why - Because most had done it so many times it was no longer interesting. The gear didn't trump it being a rehash.


Personal story is not the same as a class story which gamers asked for. This will be similar to makeb and SoR where you have a large encompassing story with some choices that will have a secondary effect later. It will not be the class story gamers wanted.


Not a chance in hell this is a class story. You'll get a few personalized elements but a class story. Ugh no.


Sorry but you no longer get to claim the intelligence card. An Intelligent person would have let it go and not judged someone based on their vocabulary but on the content of their posts. Since you continued on and refused to chillax, you got frustrated and slipped up proving yourself a hypocrite.


Rehashing old content is great for the people who love running them. That's why Onyxia was chosen for a re-vamp in line with WoW's anniversary that year, because it was a widely loved raid and people enjoyed getting to see it again at current level and actually have better rewards to get by doing it. Nostalgia can be a good thing when rehashed and streamlined.


The same thing is what's going to happen to the end game we are receiving at launch in October this year. It will be the largest amount of end game content available for players new and old to run and experience with new rewards (like gear for self progression and new mounts and decorations) and possibly new achievements. A lot of new stuff.


That's what class stories are, they are personal stories revolved around your class. From what they've explained this will be just like that. :)


And since you continue to snip away what you consider irrelevant information while being a hypocrite for not letting go the fact that other people have different vocabularies that are irrelevant (when you should instead focus on what they are saying) I'm sure you'll just ignore and get into a frenzy instead of chillaxing like I suggested you do multiple times already.


I can't wait to see SWTOR launch this epic expansion and extend it's life into another year with lots of personal/class story content that you can replay with multiple classes and companion crew variations! :D

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Just out of curiosity, where are all of these statistics numbers coming from? I just tried to do a search for current population and got no data.


If you are offering statistics, facts, percentages, quotes, or any other metric to back up your argument, please include a link. This way we can all be on the same page.


If however you are just relying on what your Guildmate told you, repeating what someone else said in another thread, or generally just guessing, please stop. That's how rumors get started.

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