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Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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Economics 101, buy cheap, sell for more. ;)


Which is great and completely irrelevant when you're dealing with obvious error.


If Walmart was to accidentally post a circular advertising 100% off of HD TVs instead of 10% as they intended, they're not legally obligated to give away all their HD TVs.


On another note, I'm surprised it didn't occur to you that it might be bugged and you might face some repercussions for exploiting things.

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Some people have done it without even realizing and they will be punished as well.




I'm sure they can tell the difference between someone buying a chair or two and selling them back, versus someone buying stacks and stacks of chairs, selling them back for stacks and stacks of credits, and then trying to hide the credits by buying expensive unlocks, buying stuff on the GTN, or even transferring the credits to another account.


I'm going to assume the first won't have anything happen to their account while the later hopefully loses their account for good.

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Thank you. We aren't talking about people "hacking" the game. Bioware, if you don't want people to play the game in a certain way, fix the game where they can't do it! This is your world, you set the rules and laws of physics, don't leave a door open then tell people not to walk through it. Close the blasted door! You shouldn't hold people responsible for using something that you put in the game game - intentionally or not.


Mistakes happen, bugs happen. You're expected to act responsibly.


And there's no logical, rational way you could buy something that costs $1 and resell it back for $100 and think that this is how it's meant to be.


I'm just facepalming at all these geniuses who are going to end up flaming the forums when they get banned for their exploiting, all of them claiming ignorance as an excuse.

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Hey folks,


In today's patch, we placed Temple Chair (Basic) onto the Esstran Exports vendor for one credit. After bringing the servers live today we noticed that currently, you can sell the Chair back to the vendor for 100 credits. Obviously, this is not intended. As stated before, when these issues arise we want to make sure we get out in front of it as quickly as possible and are open with you about what is being done.


For the time being, please do not buy and sell the Temple Chair (Basic) in this manner. This behavior is considered an exploit. We will be addressing this issue as soon as possible. Once fixed, we will investigate and then take appropriate action for use of this exploit.


Thanks everyone. I will pass on update as I have them.




So you would have to do this 10,000 time to make a million credits even a thousand times to make 100k credits?? Umm why would anyone be so stupid lol. You could make that in a fraction of the time doing something legally intended :p

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Well, I was planning on buying 50 of the chairs.


I hope you can differentiate between those who just buy them and use them and those who buy them and sell them back... :eek:


I would guess that if like me, you buy them and immediately add them to your decorations pool - it shouldn't flag you at all. since 50 purchased= 50 used and all.

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So you would have to do this 10,000 time to make a million credits even a thousand times to make 100k credits?? Umm why would anyone be so stupid lol. You could make that in a fraction of the time doing something legally intended :p

You can buy a stack of 99 items and sell it, making 10k credits in less than a second. If you are fast enough with clicking or write a macro, you can easily make tens of millions of credits per hour. Definitely something they need to act upon.

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So you would have to do this 10,000 time to make a million credits even a thousand times to make 100k credits?? Umm why would anyone be so stupid lol. You could make that in a fraction of the time doing something legally intended :p


People on other forums have stated that it's possible to make 11mil in an hour doing this.


And the vendor is swamped, apparently, with people who don't know or don't care.

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I'd imagine that the players that will get flagged for using an exploit are the ones that are seen buying hundreds upon hundreds.

Yeah, I hope so...I wanted to unlock 5 or 10, and in the process a couple times I accidentally right-clicked (intending to unlock) while the vendor was still open. So...hopefully that isn't actionable.

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You would have to buy and sell 1010 chairs to get 99,990 creds. Chairs you couldn't use. If at some point during this silly process you didn't realize this was some sort of exploit, then whatever incoming punishment from Bio should help remind you in the future. This is kinda common sense stuff...not much "grey area" in this one. :rolleyes:
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Mistakes happen, bugs happen. You're expected to act responsibly.


And there's no logical, rational way you could buy something that costs $1 and resell it back for $100 and think that this is how it's meant to be.


I'm just facepalming at all these geniuses who are going to end up flaming the forums when they get banned for their exploiting, all of them claiming ignorance as an excuse.


Then fix the exploit! It's that simple! This is their screw up, they need to fix it. Don't make the players responsible for the devs' mistake. Oh, and before you start flinging accusations, no I didn't take advantage of this exploit, nor do I participate in "win-trading" or anything else. I mostly play for the stories.

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Then fix the exploit! It's that simple! This is their screw up, they need to fix it. Don't make the players responsible for the devs' mistake. Oh, and before you start flinging accusations, no I didn't take advantage of this exploit, nor do I participate in "win-trading" or anything else. I mostly play for the stories.


Mistakes happen, bugs happen. Responsible fair-minded people don't take advantage of those mistakes for their own gain.

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Then fix the exploit! It's that simple! This is their screw up, they need to fix it. Don't make the players responsible for the devs' mistake. Oh, and before you start flinging accusations, no I didn't take advantage of this exploit, nor do I participate in "win-trading" or anything else. I mostly play for the stories.


I am the exact same way. I bought 99 chairs and clicked to unlock them but they sold back to the vendor. So I did it again and was sure to close my vendor screen that time. I sell back so many pieces of gear on accident because i forget to close the window.


And how in the world would taking one item off of a vendor screw up something else? They already screwed something up, and with the processing power they have at their disposal I highly doubt that taking one item off of a vendor would take an hour, if it does, then I would stand to say that 4 hour patches that fix maps, quests, achievements, etc are easier to perform than one measly item off of a vendor.

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I guess if one only attributed this "I can rightfully do anything the game allows me to do" attitude towards just this game...then yes...totally reasonable. But, when you apply it to almost anything else in the real world, well...it just gets silly. Seems complicated and tiresome to have such various ethical standards for so many situations. I just stick with one. Maybe I'm lazy. To each their own... Edited by UberSamoyed
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There's an old saying: When in doubt, don't.


If you buy and sell the chairs knowing that it's NEVER been intended to sell back an item for more than you paid for it (and come on, this has been around for the history of RPGs, let alone MMOs), then you're committing exploitative behavior. The extent of such behavior, of course, will be evaluated by BW but the fact remains: You're exploiting. Even more so if you choose not to heed the warning when you log in at this point.


Mistakes happen. Saying "nyaa nyaa, YOU made the mistake, so YOU deal with it" is simply attempting to rationalize behavior you know is wrong.


"Oh, you pulled an oopsy and left the bank vault unlocked, so why shouldn't I be allowed to just walk in and take as much as I want? It's YOUR fault for leaving the vault open like that!!"


No, just no. Doesn't work that way.

Edited by Lewintelamon
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I can see how this would be a MAJOR problem in the game. I get spammed by gold sellers constantly. PVP players run the game, (thanks, why would I want to use cascading debris on the run). Your concern is a stupid chair? This explains why the same stuff has been broken for 4 years, your priority system seems a little screwed up.
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I am the exact same way. I bought 99 chairs and clicked to unlock them but they sold back to the vendor. So I did it again and was sure to close my vendor screen that time. I sell back so many pieces of gear on accident because i forget to close the window.

You can only have 50 chairs. It says so right in the tool tip. Your story does not wash.

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As per ticket 17734200


I had bought 2 stacks of 50 (one to give to a friend who lags a lot when on fleet), and forgetting to leave the vendor before using my decorations. So ended up with a profit of 4950 as per the exploit (only one stack of 50).


Response to the ticket came fairly fast and was directed to this thread. Glad the exploit will be dealt with, not asking to keep the ill gotten credits or anything (less than 5k, so not that big of a deal to me either way).


The one handling the ticket let me keep them for now, pending the investigation, I just hope this accidentally sold stack of 50 isn't going to give me a suspension.


If this accident costs me 50k credits for example, so be it. A small price to pay if it helps you make a point.


Edit: And apparently there was a change of launcher message between I logged on and the ticket was handled and all. Explains why he assumed I already saw this thread, guess that's cause I was waiting on someone running into that other issue most likely so never logged.


Well the same basic thing with those of us who were pulled into exploit area of Ziost by ship transport, immediately left(without fighting WB) , and filed a ticket. Things happen by accident but you still exploited. So long as you can prove it was an accident, like those of us who were tricked into the exploit area of ZIost, you will probably only get a three day suspension.

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