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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Temple Chair (Basic) Exploit


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Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.



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Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.




Jerba is psychic!

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Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.



Great to hear a patch is coming soon! EU primetime is over in 2-3 hours so there is a short window for patching before US primetime starts. Let's hope this won't cut into anyone's raid time.


Will reserve judgement on action taken until we know the specifics.

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Hey folks,


Quick update. We have already begun taking action against players who have used this exploit and will continue to monitor the situation. Separately, we are working to get this fixed ASAP and are hoping to get it out today. I know many of you have questions about what is being done, how players are being tracked, etc. I will pass on specifics on all of these things once the issue has been resolved and all action has been taken.


I do want to reiterate, do not participate in this exploit. We made sure to notify everyone ASAP that this was an exploit and that action would be taken against its use. We are taking this issue very seriously, and appropriate action will follow.






Is it safe to list our stuff on the GTN, or should we wait till this debacle is over?






Edited by Holocron
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Is it safe to list our stuff on the GTN, or should we wait till this debacle is over?




For what my opinion is worth, I believe if you put an item on the GTN around the market value you see for that item, you are likely safe. Just continue doing business as normal and the risk is incredibly low.

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Confirmed. Jerba is a secret dev. :D

Or more...probably had just finished approving Eric's post. Think about it...Jeff Hickman...Jerba...Je...coincidence? I think not. I think it's pretty clear who Jerba really is. ;)

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Is it safe to list our stuff on the GTN, or should we wait till this debacle is over?







I would say Clear myself. I sell decos and Mats and its silly atm . people are doing one of two things


one> the person buying is the person selling


two> the person selling is not the buyer but he/she knows that if they item is the only item and how easy credits are to get .. will put the price up allot !

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Or more...probably had just finished approving Eric's post. Think about it...Jeff Hickman...Jerba...Je...coincidence? I think not. I think it's pretty clear who Jerba really is. ;)

Naming and shaming is not allowed. :p

But seriously, it was to be expected that they'd give us an update shortly after sending out suspensions. Nothing psychic going on there. :rak_01:

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Naming and shaming is not allowed. :p

But seriously, it was to be expected that they'd give us an update shortly after sending out suspensions. Nothing psychic going on there. :rak_01:


OMG, that's exactly what Jeff Hickman would probably say!!! :p

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Naming and shaming is not allowed. :p

But seriously, it was to be expected that they'd give us an update shortly after sending out suspensions. Nothing psychic going on there. :rak_01:


Damn and here I was going to have you pick the lotto numbers and split the winnings 50/50. :p

Edited by Anaesha
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Is it safe to list our stuff on the GTN, or should we wait till this debacle is over?

Ideally, they'd just undo any GTN transactions that were done by exploiters. Meaning the sellers lose the money but get back their items. That way, they ensure that the illegal credits have left the system and no money was sent between alt accounts. But without knowing how extensive this exploit was, it's hard to say if there were many players doing this. Will have to wait for Musco's update.

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Or more...probably had just finished approving Eric's post. Think about it...Jeff Hickman...Jerba...Je...coincidence? I think not. I think it's pretty clear who Jerba really is. ;)


New theory:

Jerba. Jerfa. Jerfo. Jerfold. Jerfoldblu. Jeffoldblu. Jeffoldblum. Jeff Goldblum.


Well, there it is... Jerba is Jeff Goldblum.


Ideally, they'd just undo any GTN transactions that were done by exploiters. Meaning the sellers lose the money but get back their items. That way, they ensure that the illegal credits have left the system and no money was sent between alt accounts. But without knowing how extensive this exploit was, it's hard to say if there were many players doing this. Will have to wait for Musco's update.


All kidding aside, I believe you have the right stance. The ill-gotten credits ought to be removed, but what will really happen... only Eric / Tait and team can say.

Edited by azudelphi
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I have to say I am thoroughly disappointed at the (perceived + large) number of people on The Red Eclipse who seem to or claim to be doing this and are talking about it or encouraging others (indirectly) to do this exploit.


Eric, I sincerely hope you guys plan roll-backs as part of this punishment, because people are buying stuff on the GTN with the money they are exploiting, fully expecting to get off lightly with a 1-3 day ban and nothing else. If roll-backs are not part of punishment now and in the future, I fear the exploiter community will never take your warnings seriously.


To review the Ziost WB exploit, people got off lightly IMHO because not all of them lost the ill-gotten items. It seems those who stripped mods/barrels etc and stashed them (perhaps on alts -- to be transferred back later) still managed to avoid losing the items.

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7-day ban?


Yeah, that's slap on the wrist territory. At a certain point, you have to start cracking skulls. Start with these people.


I suspect that will be the average but maybe it'll largely depend on how much they actually exploited. I'll wait on the official details.

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I suspect that will be the average but maybe it'll largely depend on how much they actually exploited. I'll wait on the official details.


Still no one said if the credits were fully removed from the game, let alone the items through laundering.

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Still no one said if the credits were fully removed from the game, let alone the items through laundering.


I would surely hope so. If someone managed to rake in more than 100 million credits and keep it, I would say a temp ban was well worth it.


Didn't they take away the stuff from the Ziost exploiters? I would say this was a far bigger grievance.

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