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Poll: Which Server should be "The" Server for Group and Solo Ranked?


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Not to mention, if we all go to one server and the ping is too unbearable, it's only 90 CC to move again so it's not that big of a deal.


As far as all going to Harbinger, my only concern is that it is always the first server to go down when there are issues, so it would suck to all be placed on a server that has a notorious history of going down.

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As far as all going to Harbinger, my only concern is that it is always the first server to go down when there are issues, so it would suck to all be placed on a server that has a notorious history of going down.


The Harbinger may be "notorious" for going down, but in reality it really doesn't happen very often.

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you do realize that whichever server becomes "the server," that's going to become the server with the most trolls.


Ok. Thats possible, but if you want ranked pops trolls are one of the obstacles. It all comes down to if you want ranked pops or not and at what cost. JC is great atm because the ranked pops rotate around a small dedicated pvp community, whereas Harbinger just sounds like a moshpit overpopulated mess of trolls and pve gear. However, if we build the pvp on a good foundation like we have, it could become a competitive ranked server like I remember from seasons 1-3. It has the potential spark, but we have to ignite it.

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Me too.


In my 3ish years of playing I've been on all servers but Bastion was always the most competitive. I think this is a great opportunity we have now though because we have the opportunity to severely change the meta and ANY of the servers could become "the" server to be at for Ranked. We just have to look at the poll and everyone has to dedicate to making it happen.


Like I said earlier, at least give it a try, we should all move to the server that wins and queue ranked. If it's not the place for you, it's only 90 cc to move to the 2nd highest server that won, if it's of a different regional location. The lowest CC bundle gives you about 500 cc so if you can afford 1 transfer then odds are you can afford at least 5 more with the cheapest cc bundle available.


It's up to us to come together and follow through and make this happen. I know that I will at least give it a go and transfer to the winning server, I have 11 toons, what'll it hurt to move one?

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Really; if people want a single server for the most population, Harbinger would be the obvious answer as it has the most now.


Problem is, there is a noticeable latency from east coast players to west coast servers depending on their bandwidth and distance, so I don't think a single server is the best option. Really need an east coast option.


ya,not down for west coast server due to X5 ping and lack of pops on est times. If I could get tank pops on est times maybe I'd be willing to suffer the lag.

Edited by LeglessChair
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You staying on bastion or moving to the new Megaserver?


Megaserver probably, if everyone goes to harbinger Im done on swtor though.


SL and JC seems to me like the best options out there, has the less quantity of trolls, and people actually know how to properly play.

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Sorry, not leaving The Bastion regardless of what the rest of the community does. East Coast ping is a real struggle and Harbinger is a PvE server.


That's fine. Personally I'm an east coaster on a west coast server (bastion) but would rather have more pops than less less ping. On east coast servers I get 15-20 ping. On bastion I'm 80-140, but I've pushed onward :p

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That's fine. Personally I'm an east coaster on a west coast server (bastion) but would rather have more pops than less less ping. On east coast servers I get 15-20 ping. On bastion I'm 80-140, but I've pushed onward :p


Props to you bro...seriously. The increased ping going coast-to-coast made a big difference for me when playing in Ranked matches. I watch your Twitch sometimes and you manage it well. The Bastion has always been berry, berry good to me. So I'm stickin' with it.

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Sorry guys, this game isn't nearly competitive enough to even try such an endeavor. I'm sticking to Bastion until x-server or megaservers happen.


Best to luck to you guys. The answers were already obvious before even making the thread. Everyone is just voting their own server and the most populated will be Harb for PvE-lols and then Bastion, the correctly named, last PvP server.

Edited by Xeraz
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Sorry guys, this game isn't nearly competitive enough to even try such an endeavor. I'm sticking to Bastion until x-server or megaservers happen.


Best to luck to you guys. The answers were already obvious before even making the thread. Everyone is just voting their own server and the most populated will be JC/Harb for PvE lols and then Bastion, the correctly named, last pvp server.


At the cost of 90cc per transfer, I would rather try to migrate to a player made Megaserver and transfer back if I didn't enjoy it as opposed to never trying and never knowing.

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