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Companions - Take them or leave them? (Fallen Empire speculations)


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Might not be 100 % true or as we want when the release date comes but with the rumors floating around of ditching, betraying or killing your companions off, what do you foresee for your core companions? Keep? Ditch? Kill? Xfer to #?


LS JK: T701 - Xfer to JC, KIra - Keep, Doc - Ditch, Rusk - Keep, Scourge - Keep

LS JC: Qyzen - Keep, Tharan - Ditch, Zenith - Kill, Felix - Ditch, Nadia - Keep

DS Sm: Corso - Ditch, Bowdaar - Ditch, Risha - Keep, Akaavi - Xfer to DS SW, Guss - Kill

DS Tr: Aric - Xfer to JK, Elara - Keep, M14X- Keep, Tanno - Keep, Yuun - Kill

DS SW: Vette - Kill, Quinn - Keep, DS Jaesa - Xfer to SI, Pierce - Keep, Broonmark - Keep

LS SW: Vette - Keep, Quinn- Ditch, LS Jaesa - Xfer to JC, Pierce - Keep, Broonmark - Kill

DS SI: Khem Val - Keep

(Zash Version)

, Adronikos - Xfer to Tr, Ashara - Kill if cannot enslave, Talos - Keep, Xalek - Xfer to DS SW

DS BH: Mako - Kill, Gault - Keep, Torian - Ditch, Blizz - Kill, Skadge - Keep

LS IA: Kaliyo - Xfer to BH, Vector - Keep, Lokin - Keep, Temple - Ditch, Skorpio - Ditch

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I actually might kill of Khem. But that depends on what kind of new companions we'll get. I'm ABSOLUTELY killing of Malavai Quinn. And I don't care whether or not I get a healer to replace him. What I want to see Is the possibility of getting any companion from any class that shares my legacy.
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There are only a couple of companions I wish I could left behind or killed, throughout the class stories:


#1 with a blaster bolt through the head...SKADGE


#2 Rusk, he just does not fit into the JK scheme, same goes for Zenith and the JC


Other than that, none of the other companions "rubbed me the wrong way" or "pissed me off" There are some that are bland like Bowdaar, but I would take him back on both my smugglers; or Xalek on my SI (felt like a tack on... dev team, "OH ****! we are one companion short on the SI..." "Ok let's give the SI an apprentice." Xalek is just kind... there. Scourge and my LS JK are at odds most of the time, but he never bothered me: he's just the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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My Sith may be neutral, but if I get the option Quinn is DEAD. I don't like betrayal...:mad:


Quinn get the boot here too, though my SW is more lightish, so i don't know about killing him off. I might have her kill him off, she's not full light, and also just to, y'know, make sure there's no comeback from that.

But yeah, i was pretty surprised when that happened, and a bit annoyed, too. I guess the story writer succeeded, there.

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I've read a lot about the companions the last two days -- and we'll never know our true options till the game goes live;

but here are my thoughts ----


1) Imperial Agent -- sheesh, really not fond of Lokin -- he kinda of gives me the creeps, but I need a healer and from what I've heard others say about their healers, he's not so bad --- I'll keep him ... so that means all of them stay because I love the others ... well, Kaliyo may betray me, I'm not counting that out ( wouldn't surprise me at all -- and I will not tolerate betrayal -- period )


2) Bounty Hunter -- Skadge goes -- out the air lock --- I never used him and he just annoyed me

I'd love Akkavi to replace him --- that would give me a complete "Mando entourage" so to speak -- killers every one :) --- perfect for the galaxy's best known bounty hunter .....


3) Smuggler --- well she had to be next -- since I gave Akkavi to the BH ---- she's gone

Gus is outa here too -- he just drove me nuts .... to replace him -- hum tough, but I settled on Theran -- sounds like an interesting guy

and Ashara to replace Akkavi --- I had a Sith Inquis till level 36 -- and deleted her -- I was a total fail at that class -- but I loved Ashara


4) Jedi Knight --- not an easy decision -- but it got down to who I wanted to give Niko to -- well he's already had run- ins with Jedi, he will have a preformed opinion, I'm sure -- but it's perfect ( besides, two captains on one smuggler ship never works out imo) -- now, who to drop ..

given my choice -- it would have to be the R2 droid -- yea, he's loyal to the core --- but I had to look at my real game finances --- not going to give Scorpio up, I like her too much -- and droid parts ? yea -- droid parts -- way expensive on the galactic market -- I can only gear up one at a time and I haven't used the little guy since level 50 fight with the Emperor -- so, he goes -- it was either him or Kira ... if she dies ( or becomes a master herself and gets an apprentice), well problem solved -- but we won't know till it's released

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Given choice to keep 5 companions from all classes constrained to faction.



1. Elara (healer from trooper)

2. T7 (tank from knight)

3. Risha (RDPS from smuggler)

4. Kira (MDPS from knight)

5: vacant



1. Blizz (tank from BH)

2. Mako (healer from BH)

3. Vette (RDPS from warrior)

4. Scorpio (tank from agent)

5. Raina (rdps from agent)

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What I think might be fun is Trading companions. Like being able to use the companions of your other character classes. Like, everyones companions get lost in the confusion and, like building a deck, you select the ones you want, find them, and build up new relationships with companions from all classes that you've completed. Up to however many you're capable of having.
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Smuggler -

- Risha: My Captain's lady. Keeping her forever.

- Nico: Would be fun to have around with the crazy Serenity-like vibe the Voidhound's story has had so far. The only problem is that I'd never bring T7 onto any of my ships ever again. Whiny, cantankerous, little box of metal.

- Tyresius: Would be awesome to have on my ship and interacting (even just a little bit) with Risha, Nico, and HK-51. I love that guy.

- Tanno (if they still have him, now): Would be nice to have in a crew of pirates. Dude would finally be in his rightful niche among the gods of piratical-ness rather than with the bunch of f'cking pariahs Havoc turned themselves into.

- Vacant...


Warrior -

- Vette: One of the romances I enjoyed the most. Wrath's skinny little blue wife is staying. Despite the fact that having Risha and her together again would be interesting... Screw that. Wrath needs his girl.

- Scourge: How ****** would it be to have two former Emperor's Wraths on the same ship? Also, giving somebody else for Jaesa to whine at would be nice. Also, my Wrath would hopefully buy the poor bastard some space-Rogaine.

- Jaesa: Because, although she annoys me to no end, she still ICly grew on my Wrath and she's gotta be the one to watch his and Vette's little blue-and-red kids.

- Eh, vacant... Maybe Pierce, though, because I love that guy.


Inq -

- Ashara: Another romance I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Also, the poor woman has her grandpa floating around Nox's ship. I mean, am I really going to split up their little total-lack-of-acknowledgement family those three have going on.

- Khem: Gimmie my goddamn Dashade :D He's my almost-cuddly evil bro. Also, I think he has a thing for Zash, and I won't take that away from him.


- Talos: Fits in nicely with everybody I picked, and I think seeing him and Lokin interact with Khem would be awesome.

- Vacant...


Hunter -

- Mako: She's like my FemChamp's sister, and she's been the only thing keeping her sweet Chissy a*s alive all through the Great Hunt. She stays.

- Blizz: My tech expert and the dude who builds the best toys. The Jawa is my teddy bear forever.

- Torian: I have a serious love/hate relationship with this annoying kid, but I'd still keep him, since we went through all that sh*t together.

- Akaavi: Somebody hot for Torian to speak Mando'a at. Also, she'd probably get along with the Champ, if not Mako. More muscle is always good, but I wish she wasn't melee >_<

- Tharan and Holiday: Another tech dude, and somebody for Mako to chat about slicing with. Bonus points because Tharan is better eye candy for the Champ than Torian could ever be. Holiday and Mako would have so much fun mucking about on the Holonet together.


Haven't played through much of the other four, but I can tell you that my Cipher's keeping his Kaliyo and Lord Bugboy, and my Knight is keeping Kira and Doc, and maybe Rusk.

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- Nico: Would be fun to have around with the crazy Serenity-like vibe the Voidhound's story has had so far. The only problem is that I'd never bring T7 onto any of my ships ever again. Whiny, cantankerous, little box of metal.



Who is Nico again?

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It depends upon the possible companions, and if getting them automatically means you have to get rid of one of your current companions. With HK-51 and Treek, that makes 7 combat-ready companions, but if you don't have HK-51 or Treek, does that mean you automatically have two free spaces open for your crew? And what if you can only trade in certain companions for OTHER companions? For example, you only get Lana if you give up, say, Jaesa, or Kira. Then it totally depends on the companion I'd be loosing.


Also, we don't know whether all classes are going to encounter all the possible (MAYBE possible) companions, or just one or two. A Republic character might encounter Lana and an Imperial character might not.


I'm also curious to see if there are any potential romance companions in the batch. I'm dying to get someone who my Consular won't sound like cardboard next to. Felix just does not do it for me. Would totally have rather had Cedrax.


I'm actually incredibly excited to get Nico Okarr as a companion. He seems like a hoot and half. I hope he's a romance because my Consular would be after that in a second.

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Also, we don't know whether all classes are going to encounter all the possible (MAYBE possible) companions, or just one or two. A Republic character might encounter Lana and an Imperial character might not.


*Is holding out for somebody less annoying than Torian on his one fem character...*

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I'm literally only certain on two, maybe, I'll probably make my choices at the last minute. But, my smuggler needs her bodyguard, so she'll keep Bowdaar (I've changed his name to Kitaddik for RP purposes), she'd be insane to not keep a wookie. Guss has also grown on her, and the little guy's totally adorbs!
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I think if i was a genuine choice of whether or not you would keep your companions for each class I would do the following (I am not sure who I would replace them with at this moment but I know who I would not like to keep:



Jorgen - My second in command I can rely on him to keep the troops ready. - KEEP

Elara - My medic and wife - KEEP of course

M1-FX - Ok character, not really sure how he would fit in a world where Republic has all but fell - MAYBE

Yuun - Don't know why but I do like him he shows a bit of diversity to my squad - KEEP

Vik - A "dirty" trooper who had a dishonourable discharge would never have had a place on my squad - LEAVE



T7 - Love astromech droids, in my opinion would every jedi should have a astromech droid - KEEP

Kira - Wife, good character who I can always have a bit of banter with - KEEP

Doc - Someone who I have no feelings either way but I can see him having more use elsewhere - LEAVE

Rusk - I don't feel he really has a place in the Knight story he might make a good addition to "Havok" though - LEAVE

Scourge - Never had any use for him but I could see teaming up again for mutual benefit - KEEP



Qyzen - I do like him, a very trusted friend and my most used companion, I cant see him abandoning the herald - KEEP

Cedrax - Too smarmy, kill him off and keep holiday - LEAVE

Zenith - I like him as he approves of some of my more ruthless decisions, but I can see him of better use elsewhere - LEAVE

Iresso - MEHH - LEAVE

Nadia - Not enough of her in the vanilla story for me to make up my mind - MAYBE



Corso - Cant see him leaving, brings optimism to my character if a little nieve - KEEP

Bowdaar - I am a smuggler, I need a Wookie - KEEP

Risha - Unless its a character who has romanced her (my scoundrel chose Akaavi) I would not keep her - LEAVE

Akaavi - My wife - KEEP

Guss - I guess he is funny - KEEP


Bounty Hunter

Mako - My wife and information gatherer - KEEP

Gault - In this world he would likely to get himself in too much trouble and be a liability - LEAVE

Torian - We are Mandolorian Brothers - KEEP

Blizz - Not sure he is a funny guy - MAYBE

Skadge - I never figured out why bully boy is even on my ship - LEAVE



Vette - I could see us teaming up again for mutual benefit - KEEP

Quinn - I should have been able to kill him off for betraying me - LEAVE

Jaesa - Crazy sith wife, no reason needed - KEEP

Pierce - he is the type of guy who I can give a mission to and I know he will either complete it or die trying - KEEP

I can't remember the final companion and I know nothing about him as he really did not have many companion conversations - LEAVE


The rest of the companions I have not completed so I will reserve judgement.

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Right then


For my hunter:


Mako - Smart, cute, extremely useful, keeps my *** alive in every fight, wife material. Oh wait, wife. She better not die. If anything happens to Mako I'll nuke whoever's responsible with enough Mandalorian Iron warheads to turn SWTOR into Space Fallout. Then delete my Bounty Hunter.


Gault - He may well be a huge liability, but his god-tier scoundrel skills are always welcome in my crew. Excellent sniper, funny smarmy guy. Gets along well with my hunter, who's also pretty chill. He stays.


Torian - Ehhhhh. I dunno. I'm not a huge fan of the kid. All the Mandalorians we know - Canderous Ordo, Mandalore, Shae Vizla - they've all got their own personalities and senses of self, aside from their Mandalorian identity. Torian was literally the first boring Mandalorian I'd ever seen. Nothing defined him for me other than the whole 'my dad broke laws, my dad must pay' thingy, and after that was done and all, it seems as though Torian looked at "The Mandalorian Cultural Guidebook for What To Do With Your Life" and saw the words "go get yourself in big fights!" and decided to join up with me. Torian reminds me of that uptight stick-up-his-ars* third grader who runs to complain to the teacher every time a classmate breaks a rule. I don't dislike him, but don't want him on my crew either.


Blizz - Keep at all costs. Duh. I don't need to explain this decision.


Skadge - Lots of hunters, light side ones in particular, don't like Skadge because he's a big unruly bully, and want him gone and all. I can't say I'm entirely with them. I actually might keep Skadge because 1) as a Bounty Hunter it only makes sense to have a friggin Hulk in your arsenal of things to take targets down with 2) Because Skadge is interestingly quite self-aware, he wants to be left to skulk by himself on the ship and he knows that he's only there to be a muscly brute at my disposal, and he seems fine with it and 3) He has an ugly personality, but an interesting one all the same. That having been said, he's hardly a priority, I might choose not to take him along if there are good substitutes.



HK51 - I never did get around to collecting the parts for this guy. Always wanted to, never actually got to. Oh well. I guess I'll settle for the new HK55 unit. More than one HK unit somehow doesn't feel right anyway.


Treek - Nah. Never got her, never wanted to.


Niko - Yeah he seems like a cool guy. He might fit in really well with my chill-a*s 420' blazing space mercenary gang. Or he might not, because he seems to root for the Republic - and my Merc (although he isn't an Imperial by any means) is at best non-partisan, at worst, cynical about the Republic and a supporter of the Empire's practicality and meritocracy especially under Marr's leadership.


Roight, other character companions!


Vette - I've always wanted Vette. Vette the dual-wielding pistolerette belongs in MY mercenary crew. She kinda feels really out of place in the Wrath's entourage unless the wrath marries her, which would then make sense.


M14X - Fiercely loyal to the Republic, I know. But the republic no longer exists. Given this, and some changes in circuitry, the M14X would be a perfect mechanical companion for taking down marks with the hunter. Also, two HK droids feel weird but M14X and a HK droid doesn't so.....I can have 2 killer droids!

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