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Start at Level 60 in Fallen Empire


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Hey folks,


I have seen a few questions around how the “Start at Level 60” will work that comes with Fallen Empire. I want to start by saying that we will be releasing a blog when we get a bit closer to launch that describes all of the nitty gritty details and walks you through everything. But for now I wanted to cover a bit about how it works and address some of the things I have been seeing.


As a subscriber, when you get Fallen Empire you will receive one free level 60 character. This character must be a new character, you cannot “boost” an existing character up to 60. Beyond that first one which is included free with KOTFE, you can purchase additional level 60 characters through the Cartel Market at any time. I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


I know you still have many questions, such as how this impacts Class story, etc. We will be revealing all of these details down the line as we get closer to launch.





Edited by EricMusco
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I'm not sure if I understand but when you say new level 60 character does that mean I can't use any of my existing level 60 characters to do the Knights of the Fallen Empire content or does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?


It's kind of confusing.

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Thank you for clarifying that Eric.


Now I have one final question, if you can, on the grouping, Is the missions class specific, i.e. Smuggler, Jedi Knight or generic? If generic are we going to have to do them like we did on SOR and Ziost where when I group with my boyfriend we had to do them twice or like on Makeb we can do them once?


Thank you for your time.

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I'm not sure if I understand but when you say new level 60 character does that mean I can't use any of my existing level 60 characters to do the Knights of the Fallen Empire content or does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?


It's kind of confusing.


It sounds like to me you can't bumped up a lower level to 60 from my understanding.

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I'm not sure if I understand but when you say new level 60 character does that mean I can't use any of my existing level 60 characters to do the Knights of the Fallen Empire content or does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?


It's kind of confusing.


It shouldn't be confusing. He directly says that you cannot boost an existing character to 60.

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Eric this is cool i do have a question about are exiting characters do we loose every thing including gear/strongholds this kinda raises a red flag if so.


I can't imagine that they'd 'ever' do anything to the game that would cause us to lose our strongholds.

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does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?

This one. You can level up as normal (or use a character who is already max-level) to get into the KotFE content, or you can use the insta-60 option to create a brand new character at level 60 to get into the KotFE content, but you cannot take an existing low-level character and boost that character to 60 instantly.


Any characters you've already created / started leveling you'll have to level the old-fashioned way to get to max level and into the new stuff.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm not sure if I understand but when you say new level 60 character does that mean I can't use any of my existing level 60 characters to do the Knights of the Fallen Empire content or does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?


It's kind of confusing.


Stop... take a deep breath (or 10), re-read your questions. Ask yourself if they make sense...re-read his post and see that most of the answers are there and also realize that most of this wouldn't need to have been stated if other people took a moment and re-read things to up their comprehension a bit...

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So, in other words, folks, expect the usual BioWare radio silence until the next cantina crawl at the very earliest.


*Sigh*, with such an awesome expansion, I had hoped the Community aspect would have also been revamped to where it functions like other MMOs.


No such luck I suppose. :(



Just more of "Just shut up and we'll talk to you when we feel like it" :mad:

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I'm not sure if I understand but when you say new level 60 character does that mean I can't use any of my existing level 60 characters to do the Knights of the Fallen Empire content or does it just mean that I can't take a lower level character, at say level 24, and automatically boost them up to 60?


It's kind of confusing.


That's what I see it being. You can take any character once you get to 60 through the new expansion, you just can't boost an already created character to 60. But, a newly created character you will get to boost to 60.

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It shouldn't be confusing. He directly says that you cannot boost an existing character to 60.


This. No boosting, new character only.


Can't say that I approve of this, but if it's to be done at all, this seems like the best place/time to do it. FE is looking more and more like a whole new game, separate and apart from the 1-60 content.

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Eric this is cool i do have a question about are exiting characters do we loose every thing including gear/strongholds this kinda raises a red flag if so.


I doubt they are going to take anything from us with this new expac.


My only concern with the start at 60 is the gear itself. I see this being done in one of two ways.


One: when you choose your AC and AC Tree you will be given a bag with gear appropriate to your lvl and the spec you've chosen

Two: You are given enough comms to outfit yourself with lvl appropriate gear.

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So, in other words, folks, expect the usual BioWare radio silence until the next cantina crawl at the very earliest.


*Sigh*, with such an awesome expansion, I had hoped the Community aspect would have also been revamped to where it functions like other MMOs.


No such luck I suppose. :(


We're on the Hype Train, man. And information is the fuel for the Hype Train. They're going to parcel out information at a certain rate to keep that Hype Train at full speed, right into October.

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Are you upping the character cap or does it have to be on another server? I'm on a server, let's for the sake of anonymity, call it "Shmarbinger". On Shmarbinger I have 22 toons. Or does this mean that my 60 has to be placed on another server?


No, he was quite clear. The character cap is going from 22 to 24.

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Are you upping the character cap or does it have to be on another server? I'm on a server, let's for the sake of anonymity, call it "Shmarbinger". On Shmarbinger I have 22 toons. Or does this mean that my 60 has to be placed on another server?


now that is a good question.


No, he was quite clear. The character cap is going from 22 to 24.


Indeed it does look to be that :)

Edited by ikinai
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Are you upping the character cap or does it have to be on another server? I'm on a server, let's for the sake of anonymity, call it "Shmarbinger". On Shmarbinger I have 22 toons. Or does this mean that my 60 has to be placed on another server?


I know that this raised the question of character limits as well. In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!


Edited by DarthDymond
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Whoops! I will edit that into the original post, it is two per server.




Sweet, hmmm, what was the max character cap again on all servers? It's been a while for me, and I'm old and senile and forget things like this easily these days :p

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