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Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






[Anakin rage] No, you're releasing it NOW! [/Anakin rage]

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I suspect you and others won't be happy with the answer. A blog will probably ease the blow with the rationale behind their decision instead of a curt "no".


If the answer is no, there is absolutely nothing they could put in a blog that would ease the blow.

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Yes and Biowares resources for Swtors are so limited they had to move from a six wekk to a twelve week content cycle.


It's worth noting that the point at which they moved from a 6 week to 12 week cycle is about where they would have started working on Fallen Empire.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I was just over on the mmo-champs forums and I saw a post where some WoW player was pointing out that minus the 6.0 WoD launch patch, that game had a nice 22 Month stretch with no new content.


Kinda puts things into perspective.

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I was just over on the mmo-champs forums and I saw a post where some WoW player was pointing out that minus the 6.0 WoD launch patch, that game had a nice 22 Month stretch with no new content.


Kinda puts things into perspective.


I saw that post. I don't think things here are any better, tbh. I'd have to do the math, but I'm fairly sure between the 14 or so months that was DF/DP and now going on what 7 or 8 for ToS/Rav, we've got them beat in terms of devs failing to deliver content.

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I saw that post. I don't think things here are any better, tbh. I'd have to do the math, but I'm fairly sure between the 14 or so months that was DF/DP and now going on what 7 or 8 for ToS/Rav, we've got them beat in terms of devs failing to deliver content.


You mean 'raids.'


If this was a raid-centric game, I'd be concerned.


Do remember that during that long year of no-content that WoW had, we got GSF and GSH expansions, along with some new FPs and Nightlife event.

Edited by Infernixx
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You mean 'raids.'


If this was a raid-centric game, I'd be concerned.


Do remember that during that long year of no-content that WoW had, we got GSF and GSH expansions, along with some new FPs and Nightlife event.


Plus SoR, Ziost and doesn't all the prequel SoR stuff fit into that gap also?


As they say ... haters gotta hate but I really wonder if they are so displeased with this game why not go play something else.

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I was just over on the mmo-champs forums and I saw a post where some WoW player was pointing out that minus the 6.0 WoD launch patch, that game had a nice 22 Month stretch with no new content.


Kinda puts things into perspective.


Comparing games is always tough - and while my wallet and play time vote SWTOR ahead of all others - I had to double check that comment and found WoW's content gap to WoD was 14 months, not 22 months - similar to gaps we've seen in SWTOR.


The consistent challenge though for SWTOR, WoW and just about ever other MMO I've ever seen or played is that players consume faster than developers create - which is why every single one has filler and repeatable content, from PVP to raiding to collecting rare items to achievements to reputations to stuff most people call grinds.


And no matter how great the new content coming from Bioware looks at this point, I very much doubt it will solve the creation consumption gap, nor that it will be all 'fun' story without gates and grinds, nor that population won't take a noise dive after launch should BIoware fail to deliver engaging repeatable content for various types of players.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I was just over on the mmo-champs forums and I saw a post where some WoW player was pointing out that minus the 6.0 WoD launch patch, that game had a nice 22 Month stretch with no new content.


Kinda puts things into perspective.


You don't know how much torment and pain it was to run that one raid for 22 months the worse raid groups EVER. Almost every group ignored mechanics.

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I am a part of a raiding guild and i can say more than a half of our players play ONLY for raiding, they dont do anythingelse in the game and i know 5 guilds like this on my pvp server. We heard some stuff from E3 since we had a guildie there and you raider friends will not like the answers. Try to focus on other aspects of game like pvp(oh wait:rak_03:) till spring 2016 , or just unsub with the incoming SUPER DUPER CHANGES INCOMING TO RAIDING blog . Your choice , but hey you can still get new companions and max their affections and never talk to them again, am i rite ppl :cool:
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I am a part of a raiding guild and i can say more than a half of our players play ONLY for raiding, they dont do anythingelse in the game and i know 5 guilds like this on my pvp server. We heard some stuff from E3 since we had a guildie there and you raider friends will not like the answers. Try to focus on other aspects of game like pvp(oh wait:rak_03:) till spring 2016 , or just unsub with the incoming SUPER DUPER CHANGES INCOMING TO RAIDING blog . Your choice , but hey you can still get new companions and max their affections and never talk to them again, am i rite ppl :cool:


Raiders are still a small fraction of the total player base.


They wouldn't be doing this if Raiders were a significant portion.


Leave if you need to leave.

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Raiders are still a small fraction of the total player base.


They wouldn't be doing this if Raiders were a significant portion.


Leave if you need to leave.


How rude of you. Remember what you forum warriors keep saying to ppl since the launch . LEAVE IF YOU DONT LIKE . yea thats the solution :)

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How rude of you. Remember what you forum warriors keep saying to ppl since the launch . LEAVE IF YOU DONT LIKE . yea thats the solution :)


People see what they want to see.


I'm just saying that if you want to go, then...go. Farewell, good bye, may the wind be forever at your back and the sun upon your face.


If raiding is your thing, go play WoW. That's a raid-centric game with little else going on in it. You can even Transmog some of your weapons to look like lightsabers if that matters to you.

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I am a part of a raiding guild and i can say more than a half of our players play ONLY for raiding, they dont do anythingelse in the game and i know 5 guilds like this on my pvp server. We heard some stuff from E3 since we had a guildie there and you raider friends will not like the answers. Try to focus on other aspects of game like pvp(oh wait:rak_03:) till spring 2016 , or just unsub with the incoming SUPER DUPER CHANGES INCOMING TO RAIDING blog . Your choice , but hey you can still get new companions and max their affections and never talk to them again, am i rite ppl :cool:


Can i haz all your stuffs?

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I'm figureing the old raids will likely drop the level 60 end game gear (maybe BW'll give TOS and ravangers a new tier to reflect that they're harder then EV) and then we'll get new raids with another tier.


this strikes me as a good way to do it. in retrospect ravagers and TOS are a little tooo hard for a first tier of content

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Infernixx I have to say, I find your attitude on this subject appallingly rude and selfish.


It really isn't. People are really fed up with the "I will leave if you don't develop the game to my liking" attitude. Leave then, stop the blackmail. No, if I want to stay and play, and pay for it too, that's my business, and none of yours. If you say you don't enjoy the game and want to leave, so be it. It's your business, and none of mine.

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11 pages of blather, all because people can't be bothered to wait until they know what they're talking about. What is this, training ground for future politicians???


This is where we are headed. No one really knows anything. Just a ton of assumptions and you know what they say about assumptions.


I can't wait for backtracking of doom and gloom when the announce a new raid before end of year.

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This is where we are headed. No one really knows anything. Just a ton of assumptions and you know what they say about assumptions.


I can't wait for backtracking of doom and gloom when the announce a new raid before end of year.


I didn't know you had the same fetish as me: being dissapointed. Because that's all you're in for.

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It really isn't. People are really fed up with the "I will leave if you don't develop the game to my liking" attitude. Leave then, stop the blackmail. No, if I want to stay and play, and pay for it too, that's my business, and none of yours. If you say you don't enjoy the game and want to leave, so be it. It's your business, and none of mine.


Actually it is...


Just as many people are fed up with threads that have nothing to do with "If you don't do X I quit" or "This expansion sucks" but rather are people expressing concerns or desires for more information around aspects of the game they enjoy, and instead of a conversation, get trolled with nonsensical posts along the lines of 'you are a minority', 'no one cares what you like', and 'just leave'.


Everyone has an opinion - and no ones opinion is necessarily wrong.


Expressing disappointment or apprehension concerning the announced expansion with 'this sucks' or 'fail Bioware' doesn't offer anything of value to anyone, but neither does responding with 'no one cares about what you like' or 'just leave' to posts asking for more details or expressing concerns over the lack of information around social and group activities in the upcoming expansion.

Edited by DawnAskham
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