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Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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I think you're reading too much into the wording. Not saying you might not be right, but plans could also mean plans to release something new this year.


Hopefully...we will see. I hope you're right, but I doubt you are.

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I only read the first couple pages, since it wentnoff topic and nobody answered the OPs question. Will there be new higher level gear required to set foot in HM Rav/Tos? If someone is still working on HM Cor and Revan will their progress be reset basically? Or will gear be frozen and lvl50 amd 55 ops be the only ones scaled (to 60 not 65). And any lvl60 ops will be new and at some point in the future?


Edit: slow typing guess I'll wait for the blog.


If you haven't killed revan within the 11 months of the content being out, I can't take that complaint seriously.

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






<3 u musco

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So all of your supposition. All of your Dick Cheneyesque "logic" and "facts". I mean really, what you are saying is follow me down the rabbit whole far enough and you will see it my way... Yeah no thanks. I turned in my tin foil hat when I was 12.


I do love how you were so self assured though... right up until...



Gold post saying pretty much that you are full of it. Look at that they ARE working on ops, and they are going to give us details on what to expect soon.


Wrong. They said they have plans,,,not that they are working on Ops. I have plans to take over the world, Not that I am working on it at the moment.

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Now there's a very good point i hadn't considered, at a guess i'd say since its end of July before the first reward checkpoint that we should have at least some questions answered but i'd put money on not all sections of the community (Raiders, PvPers, Roleplayers in particular) having all the questions they want answered.


And that is the problem, if they want to keep subs and gain new ones they need to lay it all out on the table so people can decide to sub, lack of information = lack of deciding to sub in most cases.


I know they are always worried about saying x and not delivering x, but if they say nothing, not enough, or wait too long people will just not bother.


All they need to do is release the plan with a things can always change clause, but this is what we hope to get so to speak.


One last thing, the phrase "...we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about..." is not a positive way of answering it, and based on previous similar statements is not a good thing.

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And that is the problem, if they want to keep subs and gain new ones they need to lay it all out on the table so people can decide to sub, lack of information = lack of deciding to sub in most cases.


I know they are always worried about saying x and not delivering x, but if they say nothing, not enough, or wait too long people will just not bother.


All they need to do is release the plan with a things can always change clause, but this is what we hope to get so to speak.


One last thing, the phrase "...we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about..." is not a positive way of answering it, and based on previous similar statements is not a good thing.


Paced release of information is standard operating procedure for business in general. You want to build excitement and anticipation. You want to build a Hype Train and keep it ramping up right to release.

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I also read the yellow post as "no new ops". Plans for the old ops raised to the new cap seems like trying to find a way to make them part of the new gear grind.


Wild speculation time: with the monolith main hand having the mods and enhancements bound to slot, I'm expecting all new token gear to be bound to slot as well. So for instance, my sorc dps for his boots, for example, will need three tokens to get bis: a force lord for the armoring with set bonus, a force healer for an unlettered willpower mod, and another dps classes piece for the power/accuracy enhancement.


Additional wild speculation: since all ops will be 65, it would be too easy for a raider to run everything in one week to get gear (since each pair of ops currently drop complete token sets). I wonder if completing an op will give some kind of currency like the ziost memory chips that will be used for gear, ie, completing TFB in SM gives one chip, TFB in HM gives two chips, and NM gives three. Then 10 chips will get you one piece of gear.


I'm sure my speculations are wrong but if we're getting one part of the story each month, they'll need someway to keep endgame raiders busy and this would extend the gear grind.

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It'd be kinda cool to have your team of companions with you, taking down a scaled down version of an operation.


Okay, that might actually be kind of fun. Still not as fun as with friends, but still something fun to do, especially if it was a bit challenging.

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Okay, that might actually be kind of fun. Still not as fun as with friends, but still something fun to do, especially if it was a bit challenging.


It'd require a lot of tweaking to current companion behavior to make it challenging. But yeah. Something to do.

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It'd be kinda cool to have your team of companions with you, taking down a scaled down version of an operation.

My thoughts on solo-mode Ops are the same as my thoughts on solo-mode FP - good idea to let each character do once (with reduced / removed loot drops) so that they can see the story of it and do so at their own pace / on their own terms. But allowing repeatable runs in solo-mode is a mistake.


(And yeah, companions would be way better than the GSI GodMode!Droid if they could make it work.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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I only read the first couple pages, since it wentnoff topic and nobody answered the OPs question. Will there be new higher level gear required to set foot in HM Rav/Tos? If someone is still working on HM Cor and Revan will their progress be reset basically? Or will gear be frozen and lvl50 amd 55 ops be the only ones scaled (to 60 not 65). And any lvl60 ops will be new and at some point in the future?


Edit: slow typing guess I'll wait for the blog.


Yes, that was the original thrust of my question, thanks for trying to keep it on track. :)

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This is very funny. Feel free to ignore the reality of the situation. All will be well.



- BWs resources are finite. Indisputable. All resources are finite by definition in a free economy.


Yes and Biowares resources for Swtors are so limited they had to move from a six wekk to a twelve week content cycle.

They were struggling to put out enough content before, there is no way that they are suddendly able to produce operations on top of 16 Ziost sized chapters, new companions, level cap raise, new abilities for each class and rescaling old operations.

But sure, 'no evidence for this' rofl. We had years to see what they can and can not do and people still believe everything will change miraculously overnight.



- they are likely already working at full capacity without new ops. Lol. Likely? No evidence to support this. BW has more than one studio there is one in Canada and one in Austin, and they contract out work as well. Not to mention you have no clue what they are working. This is not evidence. It is not even a logical assumption.


Yeah sure. You are just making stuff up.

There is no reason to think that swtor will suddendly developed elsewhere.


Its not like BW Austin in solely responsible for Swtor this ever and Monteral isnt working on Mass Effect in Montreal. And Edmonton is busy too, they are working on an entirely new ip.

They did contract work out in the past, mainly the orignial space game. There is zero evidence for regular game content developed outside Bioware. And why should they? It'll cost them just as much if not more.



- they said they are concentrating on story this year. Fact. Indisputable evidence.


A strong indication that other areas of the gamme will suffer. Finite resources are finite.

Concentrating on story means something else has to give. Its not the Cartel Market Team, thats for sure.



- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG. Not at all what they have said or even indicated. See polygon article. This is not evidence. This is your opinion.


Read beyond the PR and coporate spin and it is crystal clear what they say.



- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever. Forever? Value latent judgments are opinions not facts. They delivered new Ops even if it wasn't at your speed. Again, you don't know what they are working on specifically, the resources involved and how they are working on it.


Dont ignore the actual point. Whether or not i think the wait was too Long (i actually do not think it was) is irrelevant.

We had to wait a Long time between engame updates, even before they were focusing on story.

- and not just ops, go ask the pvp players about waiting for content. With the Focus on story, even less development resources can be allocated to the actual endgame.



- they are not advertising new ops. Fact. But irrelevant. They have not itemized what they are delivering. And what is more, based on the SoR and RoHC, the final list includes items not advertised previously including Ops.


Yeah sure. They chose to advertise the resacling of old operations but they are holding back on new ops. After the a significant portion of the raiding community is already on life Support.

Have ever tried to market something in your life?

Also not that it matters but of course they advertised new operations before SoR and RoHC.



- they are resacling old content. Fact. But irrelevant. No logical connection to your argument.


Haha, sure. I know this is very difficult to understand but bear with me:

If they would have two new operations lined up, there would be no need to rescale old content.

They only did it once before with Asation, since they had only S&V in RotHC.



- story chapters will run through mid of 2016. Incomplete but of no connection to the argument.. Chapters will run every 3 months once the cadence has been established. From what they have said this will be a regular deliverable so it will go well beyond 2016.


Incorrect, check the FAQ. Will get 9 chapters in October and the remaining 7 on a monthly basis beginning in early 2016. This means we get story content until July 2016.



- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening. Suggests? Your opinion is not evidence. Again, you don't know what they are working on. You have no evidence or supporting facts that they have changed anything regarding their plans for continuing Ops


If there is no change we should have already gotten nightmare.

This is just circumstantial of course, but it suggest they have already altered their policy with regards to operations.


You know that if the raiders and the pvpers were any near in population of the major player base this whole xpac would revolve around raid and pvp, as it stands either of you loudmouths could carry this game passed this summer, hence we got an xpac favoring those who actually play the game to the extent that it still exist, that is logic my friends . . .

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Reread that post of Eric's again...where did he say they were working on them? All I saw was:


...PLANS for Ops does not mean that they are working on them. I hope they are, but I assume he'd have said if they were.


Also, having plans for Ops does not mean that they will be new Ops. Their plans may be just to retune old Ops in order to make them so that they are more relevant with the new level cap.

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Great. We should have had a new Operation by now already. But instead, we get a blog....in the coming weeks.

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Scaling up the same ops we've been doing for years doesn't count :p

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Scaling up the same ops we've been doing for years doesn't count :p


But wait, there is also a nightmare mode of two 7 months old (by then almost 1 year old) operations featuring all new bugs! And of course those which are already present!


Stay tuned for more information soon™.

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Also, having plans for Ops does not mean that they will be new Ops. Their plans may be just to retune old Ops in order to make them so that they are more relevant with the new level cap.

Yikes! Good point.


My suggestion to everyone is to R E L A X...calm down with the outrageous hopes and dreams, and focus only on what they're saying...not what you want them to say, only what they DO say.


There is a 3-1/2 year track record here to pull assumptions from...keep your hopes and expectations in line with what they have shown they're capable of. Stay hopeful, stay excited...but please keep it realistic. It's better to be surprised by what they deliver than it is to be disappointed that they didn't deliver your dream patch.

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Come buy your pitchforks now! I have tons of pitchforks! In all sizes and kinds:


Standard: ---E

Left-handed: 3----


I even offer discounts on used and damage modes


33% off: ----F

66% off: ----L


And for our European servers, I have a special version for you:



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I mean, can you have an expansion in an MMO and not have a new raid? Won't all the other MMOs laugh at you because THERE IS ONE *********** THING YOU HAVE TO PUT IN EVERY EXPANSION and I was under the impression is was a new operation.


Just because the Devs SAY something in an interview, does not mean it's going to manifest in the end in that way. I think we should all have learned that by now... But Bruce's interview is down right terrifying for anyone who plays MMOs for raiding. This is moving towards a Massively Single Player RPG, which is cool if that's what you want to play, but then they should be honest about the future of the game and the direction its going. Solo Ops are on the horizon, and I hate the idea of that with every fiber of my soul.


Friends, if they had new content, they would tell us instead of trying to convince us ONE boss after 6 months is an acceptable content rate. I've read and heard a bunch that Monolith is an Op. No, its a boss. A pretty boring one that takes almost no time and only drops 204 to distract us from the lack of content.

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Plus like, isn't it just easier to be like "Ok guys, we see you're concerned and upset. Yes there are New Ops, we will unveil further info down the line in a blog."


Like, why make your job harder on yourself Eric?! If it's Yes we all say yea, and we get excited for said blog, and all talk about it and spread the word. Now its all just speculation, and rumor, and negativity. If it's No then don't tip toe around. This is constantly our complaint with the information flow between you and us. We WANT to help you. We WANT to get excited with you. Stringing us along as the reading between the lines of what "Story Driven" year means for all the other Pillars of the MMO SWTOR.


Just yes or no. That's all we want. It's not hard. I think we already know the answer. Just will October 27th have a new Operation?

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