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Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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Anyone saying that FPs or Ops are counted as story content, clearly didn't read the article. I agree there are stories in that content, but this quote from Bruce clearly draws a line between them and story.


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that. But we also heard, loud and clear, this scream for story, for personal custom story.'"


Then he says:


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year.
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Lol. No. Look, I'm not trying to pick on your here. I'm just trying to show you that your "logic" is flawed if you are truly trying to make an argument. Call it opinion, and then you can move past this. Your facts or evidence as you see it below, addressed 1x1. [/Quote]

This is very funny. Feel free to ignore the reality of the situation. All will be well.



- BWs resources are finite. Indisputable. All resources are finite by definition in a free economy.


Yes and Biowares resources for Swtors are so limited they had to move from a six wekk to a twelve week content cycle.

They were struggling to put out enough content before, there is no way that they are suddendly able to produce operations on top of 16 Ziost sized chapters, new companions, level cap raise, new abilities for each class and rescaling old operations.

But sure, 'no evidence for this' rofl. We had years to see what they can and can not do and people still believe everything will change miraculously overnight.



- they are likely already working at full capacity without new ops. Lol. Likely? No evidence to support this. BW has more than one studio there is one in Canada and one in Austin, and they contract out work as well. Not to mention you have no clue what they are working. This is not evidence. It is not even a logical assumption.


Yeah sure. You are just making stuff up.

There is no reason to think that swtor will suddendly developed elsewhere.


Its not like BW Austin in solely responsible for Swtor this ever and Monteral isnt working on Mass Effect in Montreal. And Edmonton is busy too, they are working on an entirely new ip.

They did contract work out in the past, mainly the orignial space game. There is zero evidence for regular game content developed outside Bioware. And why should they? It'll cost them just as much if not more.



- they said they are concentrating on story this year. Fact. Indisputable evidence.


A strong indication that other areas of the gamme will suffer. Finite resources are finite.

Concentrating on story means something else has to give. Its not the Cartel Market Team, thats for sure.



- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG. Not at all what they have said or even indicated. See polygon article. This is not evidence. This is your opinion.


Read beyond the PR and coporate spin and it is crystal clear what they say.



- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever. Forever? Value latent judgments are opinions not facts. They delivered new Ops even if it wasn't at your speed. Again, you don't know what they are working on specifically, the resources involved and how they are working on it.


Dont ignore the actual point. Whether or not i think the wait was too Long (i actually do not think it was) is irrelevant.

We had to wait a Long time between engame updates, even before they were focusing on story.

- and not just ops, go ask the pvp players about waiting for content. With the Focus on story, even less development resources can be allocated to the actual endgame.



- they are not advertising new ops. Fact. But irrelevant. They have not itemized what they are delivering. And what is more, based on the SoR and RoHC, the final list includes items not advertised previously including Ops.


Yeah sure. They chose to advertise the resacling of old operations but they are holding back on new ops. After the a significant portion of the raiding community is already on life Support.

Have ever tried to market something in your life?

Also not that it matters but of course they advertised new operations before SoR and RoHC.



- they are resacling old content. Fact. But irrelevant. No logical connection to your argument.


Haha, sure. I know this is very difficult to understand but bear with me:

If they would have two new operations lined up, there would be no need to rescale old content.

They only did it once before with Asation, since they had only S&V in RotHC.



- story chapters will run through mid of 2016. Incomplete but of no connection to the argument.. Chapters will run every 3 months once the cadence has been established. From what they have said this will be a regular deliverable so it will go well beyond 2016.


Incorrect, check the FAQ. Will get 9 chapters in October and the remaining 7 on a monthly basis beginning in early 2016. This means we get story content until July 2016.



- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening. Suggests? Your opinion is not evidence. Again, you don't know what they are working on. You have no evidence or supporting facts that they have changed anything regarding their plans for continuing Ops


If there is no change we should have already gotten nightmare.

This is just circumstantial of course, but it suggest they have already altered their policy with regards to operations.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.





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Would be nice to get some clarification from Musco on what they are planning to do with end game but I don't think that will happen :(


Love the fact that Eric posted right AFTER you made that comment. LMAO!

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Thanks for addressing this. Though I'm sure the comings weeks is till not soon enough for a lot of people, If or one believe there will be a new OP before end of year. Hopefully that can be confirmed in the upcoming blog.

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.





Yeah, looking forward to the blog!

I've been wanting to do progression of the older level 50 and 55 operations again (esp. the level 50 raids), it just isn't a challenge when you can evade most of the attacks, and hope that there will be some intricate gearing involved where you need to clear multiple operations to get a full set and not just two like it is now.

Specifically, I hope that the blog will mention which operations are scaled up to which level so my raid group can better prepare.


My raid group is currently running Monolith HM and getting some DF/DP timerun achievements so that we are not getting burned out on the Ravagers and ToS HM final bosses and come back to those later. Just because the world-first progression guilds have quit the game doesn't mean all raiders have quit, we still have plenty to do each week. :)

Edited by Jerba
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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Will the blog be released before the first subscription KotFE pre-order (if it can be called pre-order) benefit is in effect ?

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Because of this post I will maintain my subscription at least until this blog comes out.

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hey folks,


lots of good questions around operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






soon tm

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Will the blog be released before the first subscription KotFE pre-order (if it can be called pre-order) benefit is in effect ?


Now there's a very good point i hadn't considered, at a guess i'd say since its end of July before the first reward checkpoint that we should have at least some questions answered but i'd put money on not all sections of the community (Raiders, PvPers, Roleplayers in particular) having all the questions they want answered.

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This is very funny. Feel free to ignore the reality of the situation. All will be well.



- BWs resources are finite. Indisputable. All resources are finite by definition in a free economy.


Yes and Biowares resources for Swtors are so limited they had to move from a six wekk to a twelve week content cycle.

They were struggling to put out enough content before, there is no way that they are suddendly able to produce operations on top of 16 Ziost sized chapters, new companions, level cap raise, new abilities for each class and rescaling old operations.

But sure, 'no evidence for this' rofl. We had years to see what they can and can not do and people still believe everything will change miraculously overnight.



- they are likely already working at full capacity without new ops. Lol. Likely? No evidence to support this. BW has more than one studio there is one in Canada and one in Austin, and they contract out work as well. Not to mention you have no clue what they are working. This is not evidence. It is not even a logical assumption.


Yeah sure. You are just making stuff up.

There is no reason to think that swtor will suddendly developed elsewhere.


Its not like BW Austin in solely responsible for Swtor this ever and Monteral isnt working on Mass Effect in Montreal. And Edmonton is busy too, they are working on an entirely new ip.

They did contract work out in the past, mainly the orignial space game. There is zero evidence for regular game content developed outside Bioware. And why should they? It'll cost them just as much if not more.



- they said they are concentrating on story this year. Fact. Indisputable evidence.


A strong indication that other areas of the gamme will suffer. Finite resources are finite.

Concentrating on story means something else has to give. Its not the Cartel Market Team, thats for sure.



- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG. Not at all what they have said or even indicated. See polygon article. This is not evidence. This is your opinion.


Read beyond the PR and coporate spin and it is crystal clear what they say.



- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever. Forever? Value latent judgments are opinions not facts. They delivered new Ops even if it wasn't at your speed. Again, you don't know what they are working on specifically, the resources involved and how they are working on it.


Dont ignore the actual point. Whether or not i think the wait was too Long (i actually do not think it was) is irrelevant.

We had to wait a Long time between engame updates, even before they were focusing on story.

- and not just ops, go ask the pvp players about waiting for content. With the Focus on story, even less development resources can be allocated to the actual endgame.



- they are not advertising new ops. Fact. But irrelevant. They have not itemized what they are delivering. And what is more, based on the SoR and RoHC, the final list includes items not advertised previously including Ops.


Yeah sure. They chose to advertise the resacling of old operations but they are holding back on new ops. After the a significant portion of the raiding community is already on life Support.

Have ever tried to market something in your life?

Also not that it matters but of course they advertised new operations before SoR and RoHC.



- they are resacling old content. Fact. But irrelevant. No logical connection to your argument.


Haha, sure. I know this is very difficult to understand but bear with me:

If they would have two new operations lined up, there would be no need to rescale old content.

They only did it once before with Asation, since they had only S&V in RotHC.



- story chapters will run through mid of 2016. Incomplete but of no connection to the argument.. Chapters will run every 3 months once the cadence has been established. From what they have said this will be a regular deliverable so it will go well beyond 2016.


Incorrect, check the FAQ. Will get 9 chapters in October and the remaining 7 on a monthly basis beginning in early 2016. This means we get story content until July 2016.



- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening. Suggests? Your opinion is not evidence. Again, you don't know what they are working on. You have no evidence or supporting facts that they have changed anything regarding their plans for continuing Ops


If there is no change we should have already gotten nightmare.

This is just circumstantial of course, but it suggest they have already altered their policy with regards to operations.


So all of your supposition. All of your Dick Cheneyesque "logic" and "facts". I mean really, what you are saying is follow me down the rabbit whole far enough and you will see it my way... Yeah no thanks. I turned in my tin foil hat when I was 12.


I do love how you were so self assured though... right up until...

Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Gold post saying pretty much that you are full of it. Look at that they ARE working on ops, and they are going to give us details on what to expect soon.

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Will the blog be released before the first subscription KotFE pre-order (if it can be called pre-order) benefit is in effect ?


The first subscriber benefit for KotFE is applied at the end of July, so I would wager the "in the coming weeks" will happen before that. :p

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I only read the first couple pages, since it wentnoff topic and nobody answered the OPs question. Will there be new higher level gear required to set foot in HM Rav/Tos? If someone is still working on HM Cor and Revan will their progress be reset basically? Or will gear be frozen and lvl50 amd 55 ops be the only ones scaled (to 60 not 65). And any lvl60 ops will be new and at some point in the future?


Edit: slow typing guess I'll wait for the blog.

Edited by bdatt
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I admit, I was expecting them to ignore this issue. Its encouraging they're presenting blog to explain somethings they have in mind. I suspect it maybe somethings some people don't want to hear, but you never know. Bioware's reinvestment into swtor has made things more unexpected as to the norm.
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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.





Thanks for addressing this, looking forward to the update.



So all of your supposition. All of your Dick Cheneyesque "logic" and "facts". I mean really, what you are saying is follow me down the rabbit whole far enough and you will see it my way... Yeah no thanks. I turned in my tin foil hat when I was 12.


I do love how you were so self assured though... right up until...



Gold post saying pretty much that you are full of it. Look at that they ARE working on ops, and they are going to give us details on what to expect soon.

? The post doesnt say that they are working on ops. I'd guess so, they want to rescale old ones after all.

Jury is still out on whether or not there will be new operations. 'We have plans for Operations' might suggest something new. Maybe an entirely different reason to do ops besides gear progression. We'll see.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






So you're giving us only a few weeks to keep wildly speculating and making preposterous claims. You suck, m8 :rak_01:

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Gold post saying pretty much that you are full of it. Look at that they ARE working on ops, and they are going to give us details on what to expect soon.

Reread that post of Eric's again...where did he say they were working on them? All I saw was:

we have plans for Operations

...PLANS for Ops does not mean that they are working on them. I hope they are, but I assume he'd have said if they were.

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...PLANS for Ops does not mean that they are working on them. I hope they are, but I assume he'd have said if they were.


I think you're reading too much into the wording. Not saying you might not be right, but plans could also mean plans to release something new this year.

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Reread that post of Eric's again...where did he say they were working on them? All I saw was:


...PLANS for Ops does not mean that they are working on them. I hope they are, but I assume he'd have said if they were.


The term 'plans' is generally short for 'plans of action.' So, they 'are' going to be doing something. And I don't see them withholding details on scaling up old Operations since 'that' cat is out of the bag.


So whatever they're talking about when they say 'plans', I have to assume that it's something else other and separate from scaling up the old Operations.


I don't know. I'd have preferred more details now, but they're running this Hype Train at full speed and they can't burn up all their fuel too soon, I guess.

Edited by Infernixx
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I think you're reading too much into the wording. Not saying you might not be right, but plans could also mean plans to release something new this year.


Plans could mean anything. I think they've provided enough information to know that operations are not being removed from the game. And in a few weeks, we'll see the direction they are going and what kind of timetable we're looking at.

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