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Theran Shan?


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I have a Darth Imperius so it was never that much of a stretch for me to romance Theron. That said even my Imperious picked being Emperor because he's a nice guy and power hungry. :D


I do like how the game gives different ways you can play your character. I am often amazed at how my own inquisitor can at times be so polite to an npc before he kills them. Thanking them and then Lightsaber to the face.



The way Satele always acts about Theron in general really kind of makes me sad. If you're romancing Theron, there's a line in the Chapter 12 convo with Satele when she's talking about saving you from being left unconscious in the wilderness, and one of the choices leads to her saying

basically , "eh, I didn't save you because of my son's feelings."



Not to mention...um. She's on Odessen. So is Theron. Would it have killed her to at least drop in and say hello to her kid?


That line is brutal and hits home for me the problems Theron is talking about in regards to his mother. Imagine she had gone through with it and killed a romanced Outlander. That disregard for your lover's life coming from his own mother.

I wonder would he hate her. I certainly don't think he would forgive her.

And I wonder how Theron would feel now if he knew she considered it for a second. Probably very hurt but very not surprised.


My Nox is Dark, but not Dark for the sake of being Dark (in-game I keep her at Dark 1 - Dark 2) - her visions of the Empire are actually really close to Marr's (the whole stronger being unified thing) and Theron gets to a place where he starts to respect them, though grudgingly. I absolutely love the whole politics angle you can continually play with the Inquisitor. And yeah, I envision that Satele did put two and two together (and I actually have a scene where she confronts him about it). In my fic, Theron and Nox get quite a bit closer than the game implies during SoR (using the idea that they've spent a yearish fighting their feelings for each other), and he struggles a bit with his loyalties because of how he feels and what she's shown him in that not all Sith are WEEEEE CRAZY!!! I even touch on his past dealings from the book and comics. I really want to delve into his character more than we see in the game, so for me he's a bit "rougher" around the edges than some might envision. I've only just finished Yavin Four but I have full intentions on going all the way. I started out trying to keep things very close to in-game scenes, but as I got more practice with writing (this is my first fic), I got more comfortable so now my scenes are pretty much my scenes, lol. Truth be told, I'd probably go back and rewrite my first few chapters at some point now that I'm way way more comfortable with it.


I also spend some time focusing on her relationship with Andronikos and I've also written in my main Wrath so the fic will actually have both Sith as pretty central characters (along with Pierce because who doesn't love Pierce, lol). And yeah, for every one fic that centers on the Inquisitor x Theron, there are ten for the Warrior, so I love that I went with the more rare one!


I'm not sure my fic is to everybody's tastes - I write each chapter from the perspective of only one person, I have a potty mouth, and then there's the gratuitous smut. :p


If you're interested, feel free to look me up on Ao3 - MelissaGT. My fic is called "Not Afraid Anymore." And if you love "complicated," yes, I'll have it in spades. I always love feedback!


Hey who doesn't like a little bit of smut;)

I also like the rougher side to Theron. To me he doesn't come across squeaky clean, which I like about him.

But yeah it sounds interesting, I'll have a check it out .

Though I really love some more m/m sith inquisitor x Theron stories. I enjoy different types and I like the male sith warriors too as well as Imperial agents (which I can get the appeal for).

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In my head I always call Theron and my male LS inquisitor who romanced him "Team Mommy Issues" >.>'


He's a sith pureblood because I like the unexpected: a completely LS slave, mild mannered, kind, scary looking red sith (there's even a line on Belsavis that matches this thought perfectly "despite my outward appearance, I'm really not such a bad person")and thinking about how a sith pureblood would be a slave, the implications are dark. A sith pureblood master forcing himself on a female slave (in my character's case his mother is a Twi'lek) and of course since the son was a result of something horrible and looks like the horrible father she rejected and abused him. I figure neither he nor Theron really knew how to love somebody or be loved and

while for my trooper or agent Theron's betrayal would be horrible, for my inquisitor it would be life shattering. Don't do this to me BioWare, especially not for "what a twist, lulz!" or "we don't want to pay Troy Baker anymore." I think your writing has gone to crap in recent years, I'm begging you to prove me wrong and that there's some other explanation.


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Hey who doesn't like a little bit of smut;)

I also like the rougher side to Theron. To me he doesn't come across squeaky clean, which I like about him.

But yeah it sounds interesting, I'll have a check it out .

Though I really love some more m/m sith inquisitor x Theron stories. I enjoy different types and I like the male sith warriors too as well as Imperial agents (which I can get the appeal for).


Ah, sorry. This is all new to me so I try to stick with what I know. I read that's kinda one of the cardinal rules of starting out with fanfiction...stick with what you know so you don't look like an ***, lol. I typically play female characters because that's easier for me to role play. I will have some light f/f stuff (and even a little f/m/f stuff, whooaah hehe), but I'll be kinda winging even that, lol.


You might be interested to check out another one I've been following by Tashlen. It's a Theron x Female Warrior x Arcann and is quite interesting. There's a good bit of just Theron x Arcann as well. She has so many chapters up and she's finishing up Iokath...



though her head might explode when she gets to the upcoming flashpoint. :/


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It actually bothered me that Satele basically didn't acknowledge Theron on Yavin very much, either. Maybe it was different if you played the Republic side, but on the Imperial side, she never once acknowledges that's her kid standing right there. I know Jedis don't have attachments, but that's especially cold. Attachment or not, she gave birth to the kid, she could say that...


Oh man. OH MAN. On Rishi, when you have Marr and Satele in the same room, she's all, "Yes, my agent on the ground informed us of the situation." If you watch Theron, the double take and look on his face of, "What the actual hell! REALLY?!" Is both sad and kind of funny. And I *want* to say that he only mentions this to Imp characters, but after they leave the room, him going (my quotes are all paraphrased), "Did you hear that? 'My agent on the ground.' Ugh." Makes me want to hug the poor guy.

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In my head I always call Theron and my male LS inquisitor who romanced him "Team Mommy Issues" >.>'


He's a sith pureblood because I like the unexpected: a completely LS slave, mild mannered, kind, scary looking red sith (there's even a line on Belsavis that matches this thought perfectly "despite my outward appearance, I'm really not such a bad person")and thinking about how a sith pureblood would be a slave, the implications are dark. A sith pureblood master forcing himself on a female slave (in my character's case his mother is a Twi'lek) and of course since the son was a result of something horrible and looks like the horrible father she rejected and abused him. I figure neither he nor Theron really knew how to love somebody or be loved and

while for my trooper or agent Theron's betrayal would be horrible, for my inquisitor it would be life shattering. Don't do this to me BioWare, especially not for "what a twist, lulz!" or "we don't want to pay Troy Baker anymore." I think your writing has gone to crap in recent years, I'm begging you to prove me wrong and that there's some other explanation.


That is an awesome tale. I would give my sniper's tale in detail... Instead... Click the links in my signature to read the fanfiction. There is his tale :D

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Oh man. OH MAN. On Rishi, when you have Marr and Satele in the same room, she's all, "Yes, my agent on the ground informed us of the situation." If you watch Theron, the double take and look on his face of, "What the actual hell! REALLY?!" Is both sad and kind of funny. And I *want* to say that he only mentions this to Imp characters, but after they leave the room, him going (my quotes are all paraphrased), "Did you hear that? 'My agent on the ground.' Ugh." Makes me want to hug the poor guy.


I recorded that bit from my SW's SoR run, so I just went back and looked at it...he didn't make the comment to my Sith Warrior, but it was still pretty awful to watch that scene. He's standing there with bruises on his face, and his MOTHER is all, "my agent here" and never even addresses him directly. He looks so hurt.


And it's the same conversation where you decide if you want to start something with Lana or Theron, and he seemed pretty sad as he left the room so I could canoodle with Lan


That poor man...he really needed a hug there. I'm just glad I had Lana apologize to him, at least there was that.

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I recorded that bit from my SW's SoR run, so I just went back and looked at it...he didn't make the comment to my Sith Warrior, but it was still pretty awful to watch that scene. He's standing there with bruises on his face, and his MOTHER is all, "my agent here" and never even addresses him directly. He looks so sad.


And it's the same conversation where you decide if you want to start something with Lana or Theron, and he seemed pretty sad as he left the room so I could canoodle with Lana.


That poor man...he really needed a hug there. I'm just glad I had Lana apologize to him, at least there was that.


Ah, okay. I know he said it to a couple of my characters. It might have been through a conversation option? I don't know, haven't played SoR since last year's DvL event. I ran it probably 10 times before all with varying conversation options and stuff, so I'm not sure what the exact combo (Pub/Imp faction) and conversation option 1,2,3 was the trigger for it. I *do* want to say it was during the conversation that triggers his romance in SoR though. My characters were in the room alone with him. Like the player character offers to kiss him to make him feel better. That feels right, like that was the case. Someone will have to absolutely confirm that for us though.

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Ah, okay. I know he said it to a couple of my characters. It might have been through a conversation option? I don't know, haven't played SoR since last year's DvL event. I ran it probably 10 times before all with varying conversation options and stuff, so I'm not sure what the exact combo (Pub/Imp faction) and conversation option 1,2,3 was the trigger for it. I *do* want to say it was during the conversation that triggers his romance in SoR though. Like the player character offers to kiss him to make him feel better. That feels right, like that was the case. Someone will have to absolutely confirm that for us though.


Ah, that would make sense, if he said it once Lana and the others were out of the room and it was the 'trigger the romance' moment, my character wouldn't have heard it. That is really sweet that the player comforts him that way...I actually haven't played through the game at all with a Theron romance (my Sith ladies are all about Lana) but it seems like he has a lot of really good moments in his romance sequences with the player.

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Ah, okay. I know he said it to a couple of my characters. It might have been through a conversation option? I don't know, haven't played SoR since last year's DvL event. I ran it probably 10 times before all with varying conversation options and stuff, so I'm not sure what the exact combo (Pub/Imp faction) and conversation option 1,2,3 was the trigger for it. I *do* want to say it was during the conversation that triggers his romance in SoR though. Like the player character offers to kiss him to make him feel better. That feels right, like that was the case. Someone will have to absolutely confirm that for us though.


Theron to my Agent on Rishi when he asks to speak to him alone: "I love it, she calls me 'her agent' like it's sheer coincidence we have the same name. Though it's not like Master Satele raised me or like we do any mother-son stuff. Just an odd way to refer to your kid, you know?" I don't know if they cut it afterwards or what, this was back when Lana still had her original face (best Lana face IMO).


I've always really hated how Satele handled having Theron. She abandoned Theron because she thought she was such a special snowflake that was integral to the Republic yet instead of telling his FATHER about him and letting his FATHER raise him or at least give him up for adoption to a family who will love him and treat him like a son, she decides to pawn him off on some other jedi to raise as a student rather than a son, to get the idea that he's meant to be a jedi and that there is no other possibility because she thinks she knows best about everything. Every time we've seen them together she acts so cold and detached, even after the jedi order basically falls she doesn't give a crap to tell her son she's alive and on the same planet. Mother of the year right there -_-

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Ah, okay. I know he said it to a couple of my characters. It might have been through a conversation option? I don't know, haven't played SoR since last year's DvL event. I ran it probably 10 times before all with varying conversation options and stuff, so I'm not sure what the exact combo (Pub/Imp faction) and conversation option 1,2,3 was the trigger for it. I *do* want to say it was during the conversation that triggers his romance in SoR though. My characters were in the room alone with him. Like the player character offers to kiss him to make him feel better. That feels right, like that was the case. Someone will have to absolutely confirm that for us though.


I'm pretty sure it happens for both faction players - the conversation goes similar to this (this is exact wording from my Inquisitor playthrough)


Satele - “My agent here has discovered that Revan’s on the fourth moon of Yavin, where he believes the last spark of the Sith Emperor resides.”


Theron (later after everybody else leaves and romance trigger) - “I love it. She calls me her agent, like its sheer coincidence we have the same name. Though it’s not like Master Satele raised me, or like we do any mother-son stuff. Just an odd way to refer to your kid, you know?”

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Theron to my Agent on Rishi when he asks to speak to him alone: "I love it, she calls me 'her agent' like it's sheer coincidence we have the same name. Though it's not like Master Satele raised me or like we do any mother-son stuff. Just an odd way to refer to your kid, you know?" I don't know if they cut it afterwards or what, this was back when Lana still had her original face (best Lana face IMO).


I've always really hated how Satele handled having Theron. She abandoned Theron because she thought she was such a special snowflake that was integral to the Republic yet instead of telling his FATHER about him and letting his FATHER raise him or at least give him up for adoption to a family who will love him and treat him like a son, she decides to pawn him off on some other jedi to raise as a student rather than a son, to get the idea that he's meant to be a jedi and that there is no other possibility because she thinks she knows best about everything. Every time we've seen them together she acts so cold and detached, even after the jedi order basically falls she doesn't give a crap to tell her son she's alive and on the same planet. Mother of the year right there -_-


Oooh no, IMHO Lana's face and hair are far better in KOTFE...I feel like there's just something off about the animation with her in SoR and her hair looks matted. I think she's adorable in KOTFE. But there are fans of both looks, I know. :)


RE: Satele, the way she acts is an example of why I think the Jedi code is so bogus. She's downright cruel to her son, and in her mind it's all okay because she truly believes that emotions and attachments are bad. The compassionate thing *would* have been to make sure he was raised by people who would love and care for him, but nooo...


I used to think that she might have had the idea that if Theron were raised as a Jedi she's still be in his life - it's reasonable to think he *would* have had contact with her as a Jedi and she at least would have seen him around the Temple and such. But she's so coldly dogmatic about the Jedi code, so ten bucks says that if Theron *had* been Force sensitive and raised as a Jedi, she'd have behaved exactly the same way in refusing to acknowledge him or be there.

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Theron to my Agent on Rishi when he asks to speak to him alone: "I love it, she calls me 'her agent' like it's sheer coincidence we have the same name. Though it's not like Master Satele raised me or like we do any mother-son stuff. Just an odd way to refer to your kid, you know?" I don't know if they cut it afterwards or what, this was back when Lana still had her original face (best Lana face IMO).


THAT was it. Like I said, I paraphrase most of the quotes because I don't record anything. I remember the gist of the conversations, but not the word for word. Thank you for clarifying!


I've always really hated how Satele handled having Theron. She abandoned Theron because she thought she was such a special snowflake that was integral to the Republic yet instead of telling his FATHER about him and letting his FATHER raise him or at least give him up for adoption to a family who will love him and treat him like a son, she decides to pawn him off on some other jedi to raise as a student rather than a son, to get the idea that he's meant to be a jedi and that there is no other possibility because she thinks she knows best about everything. Every time we've seen them together she acts so cold and detached, even after the jedi order basically falls she doesn't give a crap to tell her son she's alive and on the same planet. Mother of the year right there -_-


Yeah Satele is kind of terrible. I felt so bad for Jace in Annihilation when he found out. And he was SO EAGER to meet him and he dressed up all nice and stuff and Theron, RIGHTFULLY, was like, "Uhhhh, you're NOT my dad.

You didn't raise me." (I speak as someone who was adopted by my brother and sister's father-all have the same mom and I'm the oldest-and THAT MAN was my dad, not the guy who is my biological father-he rarely had anything to do with me, ever, in all 40 years of my life. Theron is right. JACE isn't his father, he's a sperm donor. Not Jace's fault, but still...)


And poor Theron when it comes to not being Force Sensitive. Again, I'm paraphrasing when I "quote" this, but in the comics, how he explains to Teffith the entire, "Imagine being told that there's this bright, warm light of goodness and being raised to believe you can touch it, only to find out you're blind and you'll never see it." (Again, I'm totally paraphrasing.) Man, even during on of the KotFE/ET chapters (not sure the exact one) where Lana talks about how the Force flows through everyone and everything, "Even you Theron." The camera was on him and the look on his face :(

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THAT was it. Like I said, I paraphrase most of the quotes because I don't record anything. I remember the gist of the conversations, but not the word for word. Thank you for clarifying!


Yeah Satele is kind of terrible. I felt so bad for Jace in Annihilation when he found out. And he was SO EAGER to meet him and he dressed up all nice and stuff and Theron, RIGHTFULLY, was like, "Uhhhh, you're NOT my dad.

You didn't raise me." (I speak as someone who was adopted by my brother and sister's father-all have the same mom and I'm the oldest-and THAT MAN was my dad, not the guy who is my biological father-he rarely had anything to do with me, ever, in all 40 years of my life. Theron is right. JACE isn't his father, he's a sperm donor. Not Jace's fault, but still...)


And poor Theron when it comes to not being Force Sensitive. Again, I'm paraphrasing when I "quote" this, but in the comics, how he explains to Teffith the entire, "Imagine being told that there's this bright, warm light of goodness and being raised to believe you can touch it, only to find out you're blind and you'll never see it." (Again, I'm totally paraphrasing.) Man, even during on of the KotFE/ET chapters (not sure the exact one) where Lana talks about how the Force flows through everyone and everything, "Even you Theron." The camera was on him and the look on his face :(

Yeah, my heart really broke for Jace. He never got to see his son grow up and will never have a true father-son relationship with him and none of that was his fault. It's not like he was some deadbeat who walked out on his son, Satele deemed him unworthy of knowing his own son based on his normal human emotions aka not being a perfect jedi drone.


I record all the things lol

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Yeah Satele is kind of terrible. I felt so bad for Jace in Annihilation when he found out. And he was SO EAGER to meet him and he dressed up all nice and stuff and Theron, RIGHTFULLY, was like, "Uhhhh, you're NOT my dad.

You didn't raise me." (I speak as someone who was adopted by my brother and sister's father-all have the same mom and I'm the oldest-and THAT MAN was my dad, not the guy who is my biological father-he rarely had anything to do with me, ever, in all 40 years of my life. Theron is right. JACE isn't his father, he's a sperm donor. Not Jace's fault, but still...)


Yeah, I agree, Theron was right to tell Jace that he wasn't his father - he basically donated the DNA and that was it, and it's understandable that Theron would be uncomfortable about it. It's a shame that Satele didn't tell him so he *could* have taken the opportunity to be a father when Theron was born.

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I record all the things lol


What program do you use? I was thinking about instead of replaying an Agent multiple times for the Vector romance, that'd I'd just do one more play through and record it. Is FRAPS still a thing? What kind of video editors?

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Yeah, it was a dick move of Satele to do that. As for not acknowledging him on Yavin as her son, I always kinda interpreted it as trying to protect both him and herself from an unknown Sith threat- what would Marr have done if he'd had confirmation from the Grand Master herself that yo, she'd had a kid and that kid was standing in the room right now and was one of the Republic's spies? I can see Satele mentally treating that as something that would cause undue risk to both herself and Theron. Not the BEST way she could have gone about it (and we all know Marr eventually finds out anyway), but maybe I've just been doing Jedi RP for so long that I'm kinda permanently in the mindset of trying to understand Satele's actions. >.>


As I say with my main lady-Knight (and my lady Consular and male Smuggler) who've all three had the pants wooed off them by Theron. :p


(I don't quite get the appeal between Theron and any Sith, but that might be because my LS eventually-defects-to-the-Republic Imperius is an ace/demisexual dude who, in RP/fanfic lore, is married to a Mando lady, and my Warrior is a psychotic DS-aligned hardcore douchecanoe who'd happily skin any Republic ally alive if he got the chance to do so and probably still secretly supports Vitiate/Valkorion/Voldemort/whatsisnamenow for Supreme Emperor and Overlord Of All, so...)

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What program do you use? I was thinking about instead of replaying an Agent multiple times for the Vector romance, that'd I'd just do one more play through and record it. Is FRAPS still a thing? What kind of video editors?

I use Bandicam to record and VirtualDub to edit :3

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What program do you use? I was thinking about instead of replaying an Agent multiple times for the Vector romance, that'd I'd just do one more play through and record it. Is FRAPS still a thing? What kind of video editors?


I use fraps to record, and ulead video studio to edit.

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(I don't quite get the appeal between Theron and any Sith, but that might be because my LS eventually-defects-to-the-Republic Imperius is an ace/demisexual dude who, in RP/fanfic lore, is married to a Mando lady, and my Warrior is a psychotic DS-aligned hardcore douchecanoe who'd happily skin any Republic ally alive if he got the chance to do so and probably still secretly supports Vitiate/Valkorion/Voldemort/whatsisnamenow for Supreme Emperor and Overlord Of All, so...)


Yeah, honestly all to do with my characters, more then with their class for me. I pair Theron up with my Sith Warrior who is a light sided blood knight. She will do whatever she needs to, within reason, to get the job done yet understands, and is strategically quick thinking enough to spot multiple ways to do said job, not just one. She doesn't like killing or threatening unarmed or innocents/civilians because she only likes to fight those worthy of the effort. She is a weapon, a tool of war. nothing more, and finds some solace in that outlook and approach to her job. After reading the comics, and book after playing the game I'm more sure it's a great match up, not based on my character being a Sith, that just adds more stuff, awkwardness and hesitancy on his part (shown in SoR). But just how I portrayed my character through even dialogue as intelligent, scheming, professional.. history nerd. She fits a spy pair-up more then a military officer really.


I always found it a pity he got over the hesitant stuff from SoR with an imp romance, in KotFE like completely instantly. A bit sad they dwindled the writing so much, I enjoyed how he approached the romance with an Imp and a Rep character so differently, body language, flirts, how he spoke. everything. All gone in KotFE/KotET.

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(I don't quite get the appeal between Theron and any Sith, but that might be because my LS eventually-defects-to-the-Republic Imperius is an ace/demisexual dude who, in RP/fanfic lore, is married to a Mando lady, and my Warrior is a psychotic DS-aligned hardcore douchecanoe who'd happily skin any Republic ally alive if he got the chance to do so and probably still secretly supports Vitiate/Valkorion/Voldemort/whatsisnamenow for Supreme Emperor and Overlord Of All, so...)


I've never played an "evil to the core" Sith, but I think it's easy to role play him with one that is moderately Dark. My Nox most certainly has her "Sithy" moments (like shredding through every Revanite in that camp on Rishi because she was ticked off that Theron had been taken), but she also has her surprising moments of restraint, which is what initially moves Theron from "yeah I'd like a piece of that hot lady Sith" to "I think I really have feelings for her." My Nox is all about the politics and I've role played that she's really close with Marr and together they plan to lead the Sith (forcefully if necessary) to unity. Just like him, she hates the backstabbing and posturing, yada yada. When Theron sees this, it just intrigues him further. Theron himself has quite a few "darkish" moments in his history, so it's not that much of a stretch that he'd be attracted to it. Total monster? No, but moderate? Hell yeah.


I've always enjoyed Theron's romance (gone through it with both a Knight and a Warrior), but what really really called to me was the romance with an Inquisitor, Nox in particular. It's so "star-crossed" in the beginning, it's awesome. One of the leading members of the Dark Council with the son of the Grand Master and Supreme Commander? *chills*

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I always found it a pity he got over the hesitant stuff from SoR with an imp romance, in KotFE like completely instantly. A bit sad they dwindled the writing so much, I enjoyed how he approached the romance with an Imp and a Rep character so differently, body language, flirts, how he spoke. everything. All gone in KotFE/KotET.


I think by the time we get to FE, he's over it. He's had five years to say "yes, this is what I want." It might feel like yesterday for the Outlander, but for everybody else so much time has passed.


I can totally buy this, which is how I'm going to be writing it for my fanfic.

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Summary of my opinon on Satele: Pardon my French, but she's a bi.tch! And part of the reason I stopped believe Jedi= good and Sith= bad. Nope, for me Jedi= 1 philosophy, Sith = another philosophy.


Pairing Theron Shan: Well, Theron ends up with Crimsen because they're a like in the sense they come from Force using families and end up going a different way. Also, they're both spies so they are similar, and can complement each other given they're spies, but trained differently. Then of course is the fact that Crim is as lightside as a Sith pureblood can be with some dark tendencies. The two connect.


Why a Sith?: I think the answer is simple from Theron's end- A Sith represents 'forbidden love affair' to someone who's a descendant of a Jedi. Why not?

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I think by the time we get to FE, he's over it. He's had five years to say "yes, this is what I want." It might feel like yesterday for the Outlander, but for everybody else so much time has passed.


I can totally buy this, which is how I'm going to be writing it for my fanfic.


Yup, I see it that way logically, I just miss the SoR stuff sometimes is all, lol. Just cute, but I'm glad the romance matured for KotFE even though Outlander was gone for 5 years, that is a looong time to wait for someone who is not even a girl/boyfriend at that time. I get that from his letter, which specifically says they'd never actually declared what their relationship was. But ends up really nice in the end.


My writing is barely up to chapter 2 of class stories, been at it ages but I'm just very slow, I write with third person tone following my character around, started over a few times too. I'm slow since I despise changing characters written by others to suit myself so try very hard to get them as close to what I've been shown in-game/other media as possible.

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Can we just, y'know, retcon KOTFE/KOTET/Iokath/ensuing osik-show and just go back to Shadow of Revan forever? Because those Theron interactions. <3


(But with new-Lana's hair and wardrobe. >.>)


(Although I did love the way the Theron-Lana dynamics played out more over KOTET in particular, with Dromund Kaas and Iokath. That bickering does good things for my soul. ^^)

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Yup, I see it that way logically, I just miss the SoR stuff sometimes is all, lol. Just cute, but I'm glad the romance matured for KotFE even though Outlander was gone for 5 years, that is a looong time to wait for someone who is not even a girl/boyfriend at that time. I get that from his letter, which specifically says they'd never actually declared what their relationship was. But ends up really nice in the end.


My writing is barely up to chapter 2 of class stories, been at it ages but I'm just very slow, I write with third person tone following my character around, started over a few times too. I'm slow since I despise changing characters written by others to suit myself so try very hard to get them as close to what I've been shown in-game/other media as possible.


Yeah, I started mine right during the prelude for SoR. I might go back and do a prequel of the class story...but that would be a long way off since I have so much left to do with what I'm working on. I wouldn't mind writing about the beginning of Nox and Nikki's relationship, since I've gone and painted myself in a corner with realizing how much I liked his character now. It's going to be so messy when he eventually comes back!

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