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There are 16 people on Pub Fleet right now on PoT5 at 5 PM EST....


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Please guys, for the love of all that's Holy, roll some toons on Harbinger. Test out your ping, see our consistent PVP pops day and night... give the server a chance. Don't sit there and just take it, do something about it. If Harb isn't to your liking some of the other PVE servers might suffice. Use 12xXP to your advantage and find some fertile grounds. Click on one of the chaps referral links in their sig for a free transfer and lets do this man.
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It's a price PoT5 should have to pay for getting off a low pop server without having to pay for a transfer.


And why should we have to "pay" a price for the population getting low & BW not doing anything? You make it sound like it's our fault, when in reality we are hanging on hoping for the best. I still have 8 toons on Pot5. Still have friends there. But it's a dead server with no fault to us.

That's why BW should do something.


You will lose your name.


Who cares?! For a lot of us that's not a big deal. We would rather have a playable game server with our leveled, geared toons & lose our names than sit on a dead server, over the principal of "Oh but I've got my original name!". lol I most likely wouldn't lose most if not all mine anyway as I use alt codes in almost all my names. Heck the one toon I transferred over to the Harb, had no alt codes & I didn't have to change it either.


Please guys, for the love of all that's Holy, roll some toons on Harbinger. Test out your ping, see our consistent PVP pops day and night... give the server a chance. Don't sit there and just take it, do something about it. If Harb isn't to your liking some of the other PVE servers might suffice. Use 12xXP to your advantage and find some fertile grounds. Click on one of the chaps referral links in their sig for a free transfer and lets do this man.


Have 6 toons there so far. 4 level 60s. :D

Although PvP as of yesterday on pub side has become a joke for most matches. lol

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How are conquests? If Pot5is as empty as everyone says I might want to park a toon just to do conquests so I don't have to put up with having to craft 5 million points just to compete.


Well POT5 posts higher scores for the winner every week than Jung Ma does. Most weeks on JM, you can place in the top 10 just getting a half dozen alts to the personal goal, although getting the top spot will probably take 2-5 million points depending on who goes where since there's a bunch of guilds that more or less work together.


If you are interested in the titles, you are better off joining a conquest guild on your server than switching. But if all you are after is getting the weekly goal rewards with minimal effort, it can be done quite easily on the smaller servers.

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In the context of this issue idgaf about my toon names or anyone else's. I do gaf about myself and others being able to play this MMO with enough other people and not waiting a while-indefinitely for pops.


"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few nerdy name-huggers."


- Mr. Spock, 1982

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Please guys, for the love of all that's Holy, roll some toons on Harbinger. Test out your ping, see our consistent PVP pops day and night... give the server a chance. Don't sit there and just take it, do something about it. If Harb isn't to your liking some of the other PVE servers might suffice. Use 12xXP to your advantage and find some fertile grounds. Click on one of the chaps referral links in their sig for a free transfer and lets do this man.


Did this and so far I love it, way better than the bastion and the only diff is the bastion having "world pvp" oh wait i can toggle my flag on.... theres no point in going back now :cool:


As for people on pvp servers I'd say transfer out or roll some new ones, I doubt BW will merge again when like posted above, they can get your $$$$ from transfers, they got mine lol.

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As a east coaster, I'm not really trying to roll on a west coast server like Harb, so which would you chose? JC or Shadowlands? Are the pub populations there healthy, both are pve servers which I'm cool with. Are there any differences in the pve populations there?
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While some players might not be aware of the transfer your legacy, re-level characters option; I think there is a really strong majority of players who are very aware of it and simply have no desire to do so. For those who have and enjoy it, more power to you, but I think that's an unsatisfactory solution for the many subscribers on some of these barren servers that are working hard to keep communities together and do what they can to enjoy playing the game.


The bigger issue is not that yes these things are happening but we can transfer! and have new life. The problem is subscribers are getting burnt out, disconnected, and I suspect (again- I could be wrong) are unsubbing. Even many who are not unsubbing are playing less and (projecting my personal experiences on to some of the players I know and what I imagine from others out there) really won't have the same energy/desire to get back to activity levels of the past. Active subscribers are a healthy and important part of the game, more than a lot of these things. Single player "content" (ziost) doesn't provide much replay value in the same way that raiding, pvping, and the many other social aspects that gameplay with other players brings (and is typically a big part of the MMO experience)

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Tbh I don't see what the current problem is. With 12x XP you can easily level a few characters up on a new server within weeks. You could transfer one character to bring your legacy first and be done with it. Your PVP server is never going to be populated well and this game is hardly PVP focused anyways if you're playing for the sole purpose of PVP I'd think there's better games to play
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Tbh I don't see what the current problem is. With 12x XP you can easily level a few characters up on a new server within weeks. You could transfer one character to bring your legacy first and be done with it. Your PVP server is never going to be populated well and this game is hardly PVP focused anyways if you're playing for the sole purpose of PVP I'd think there's better games to play


The problem is what has already been invested in the current server. Things like guild ships that are at 100% complete. Not even taking decorations into account, that's what 125 mill. plus 54 frameworks that took a lot of time and effort by several people.

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The problem is what has already been invested in the current server. Things like guild ships that are at 100% complete. Not even taking decorations into account, that's what 125 mill. plus 54 frameworks that took a lot of time and effort by several people.


You don't have to leave that server entirely, transfer one character can be a level 1, give it what you want so you have credits and legacy still and levels some new characters on a a populated server. I live in Western Canada and have toons on the Harbinger but around the time of ROTHC I started on the Red Eclipse instead where I have friends that play there, I haven't played on the Harbinger forever in fact my toons there still wear Columni and Tionese armour but I found starting on a new server to be sort of refreshing like back at launch.

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Tbh I don't see what the current problem is. With 12x XP you can easily level a few characters up on a new server within weeks. You could transfer one character to bring your legacy first and be done with it. Your PVP server is never going to be populated well and this game is hardly PVP focused anyways if you're playing for the sole purpose of PVP I'd think there's better games to play


I dont think anyone on PoT5 cares about being on a PVP server anymore, and I know the only reason why back at launch I picked a PVP server was because I enjoy some good old fashion open world battles, which is pretty much out of the game anyways. And lets flip the scenario, lets say you are the guildmaster of a very large guild, you have two fully unlocked guild ships, decorated, 5 bank tabs unlocked on each side, two ADDITIONAL overflow guilds for alts that each have strongholds fully unlocked, and magically someone is telling you that its NBD and to just level another toon on another server because hey, 12x XP. That argument holds zero water.

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this all happened once before, and they were pretty clear that abandoning whatever you've worked towards is part of the fun, and at least half the staff would rather be fired than fix the problem. maybe that's part of what's going on now; a bit of restructuring, so nobody wants to move forward with the game until 'the bobs' settle out who gets the axe.
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Tbh I don't see what the current problem is. With 12x XP you can easily level a few characters up on a new server within weeks. You could transfer one character to bring your legacy first and be done with it. Your PVP server is never going to be populated well and this game is hardly PVP focused anyways if you're playing for the sole purpose of PVP I'd think there's better games to play


because many players who are paying subscribers don't want to (for some players) pay for a transfer, just to invest hours again (yay its faster with 12x- I still would rather do other things with the game then spend hours re-leveling a character to then re-gear that character to THEN start doing what I have the characters and gear to do currently) to do the things we have already earned and worked to accomplish with our existing characters.


This is before factoring in the community, guild, etc aspects that other players have mentioned. Yes I still have it, but does it matter if it's had on a dead server? Guilds have worked to earn their guildships and that can be a thing that enhances your guild experience and adds another (albeit minor) plus for recruiting. The relationships, /f lists, communities and the like that are already built by players on a server are incredibly valuable for subscriber retention. Setting sail to a new server away from those ties players less to the game.

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So, starting at 10:30 EST on Pot5 someone attempted to get a pug going for groupfinder ToS. As of 11:30 the group hadn't filled (six people) and the que never popped. There are 35 on fleet right now. No multi instances, just a sea of dead.
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I dont think anyone on PoT5 cares about being on a PVP server anymore, and I know the only reason why back at launch I picked a PVP server was because I enjoy some good old fashion open world battles, which is pretty much out of the game anyways. And lets flip the scenario, lets say you are the guildmaster of a very large guild, you have two fully unlocked guild ships, decorated, 5 bank tabs unlocked on each side, two ADDITIONAL overflow guilds for alts that each have strongholds fully unlocked, and magically someone is telling you that its NBD and to just level another toon on another server because hey, 12x XP. That argument holds zero water.


Well this no point in holding out for a server merge anytime soon either as you are prime targets for EA and Biowares trap to make you pay for transfers.

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Well this no point in holding out for a server merge anytime soon either as you are prime targets for EA and Biowares trap to make you pay for transfers.


Man you just keep missing the message... we aren't going to transfer, whats going to happen is we are going to quit. None of us want too but holy crap we spent way too much time and effort building the community we have to "go level". I'll play with my friends on my server and hope they do something, and if they don't and it gets to the point of hopeless and 100% barren, I wont re-roll somewhere, I'll quit.

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Man you just keep missing the message... we aren't going to transfer, whats going to happen is we are going to quit. None of us want too but holy crap we spent way too much time and effort building the community we have to "go level". I'll play with my friends on my server and hope they do something, and if they don't and it gets to the point of hopeless and 100% barren, I wont re-roll somewhere, I'll quit.


Ok farewell then, you will be gone before Summers end I'd assume

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I'm with the people who think it's crazy to expect players to


  • pay for multiple transfers to get characters off a dying server.
  • expect people to leave behind guilds with large investments and resources (ships, strongholds, fully unlocked guild banks, etc)
  • transfer one character (not everyone has a free transfer available - I used mine a long time ago to bring a character TO Pot5 before it was in the terrible shape it's in now) and then start over from scratch with all the other characters they've leveled and geared.


(You know, the people who are actually impacted by the situation...)


My ideas for a solution? Free character transfers away from Pot5 and a mechanism for transferring a guild('s resources).


Right now, guilds are 100% owned and controlled by the guild masters - if they want to kick everyone and keep things for themselves, they can; if they want to type /gdisband and make everything disappear into nothingness, they can. So maybe a solution could be that if someone transfers a character that is a guild master, the guild and its resources (ship, bank unlocks, strongholds, decorations list) goes with them - ownership of it is tied to them already anyway. I'm no programmer, so I won't say "that can't be hard to do!" (but that can't be that hard to do, right?).


(Heck, once that system is designed it could be packaged as a more expensive server transfer option in the future - want to transfer for regular price? Transfer guild leadership first! Want to transfer your guild with you? Pay 3600 coins!)


Then a guild can pack up and move together without having to leave everything behind and find an extra 39600 cartel coins each (for people with 22 characters). I don't really care all that much if I lose any character names (most of my character names are unique anyway - and I'd welcome an opportunity for a "free" name change for those that aren't!).


It's not our fault our server is dying - we're the ones who stayed!

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