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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Economy and Ranked Rewards Restructure for Game Update 3.3


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Will balance continue to be addressed Tait? I didn't see it mentioned which is why I'm asking...I think there's a couple classes that still need help being competitive in Ranked play, since that's the goal of these changes. Commando/Merc specifically. Edited by TUXs
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"A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. "


As in, 1 to 18 medals? If so, please reconsider that. Some classes have a very hard time getting that many comms because they don't have both taunts, shields and damage / healing.

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hm, I like the rewards change with ranked and the gear cost reduction and especially that full 2018 requirement, good to see some small but still good changes being made Edited by Sangrar
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"A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. "


As in, 1 to 18 medals? If so, please reconsider that. Some classes have a very hard time getting that many comms because they don't have both taunts, shields and damage / healing.

No the tokens is are awarded at a 18 : 1 ratio between best and worst. A player who gets 8 medals and wins the match gets 18 times more tokens than a person with one medal who lost. At least I assume it's still 8 medals, I believe that was the old cutoff and they didn't mention changing it.

Edited by DarthDymond
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"A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. "


As in, 1 to 18 medals? If so, please reconsider that. Some classes have a very hard time getting that many comms because they don't have both taunts, shields and damage / healing.


This... Seriously, I must be reading the notes wrong or something... In an extensive match, dps classes that can taunt and classes that have the capability of healing will always have more medals than a combat/concentration sentinel or a gunslinger.


Unless you guys are planning on reworking medals, this is a really bad idea.

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This... Seriously, I must be reading the notes wrong or something... In an extensive match, dps classes that can taunt and classes that have the capability of healing will always have more medals than a combat/concentration sentinel or a gunslinger.


Unless you guys are planning on reworking medals, this is a really bad idea.


Someone answered my question.. I WAS reading it wrong... Oops

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Nice to see some more details on the reward, however:

As a few examples of the participation level needed for the Gold tier mount, a player who does not place in Bronze or above would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate, earning max medals each match, while completing every daily and weekly to purchase the mount (but if they lost every game and got the minimum number of medals it would take about 5000 games in a season to accrue the Comms needed).

is way too steep of a cost IMO, making the tokens you get from individual matches virtually useless. I really hope that the other rewards like titles will not nearly be that expensive. Because unless suddenly more players start queueing, it's not possible to play this many matches on my server.

PvP is for me just one of many activities in SWTOR and if I can't get a single reward when playing like 5-10 matches per week, there's no point to queue up in the first place. So I really hope that only the mount is this expensive and things like the titles are cheaper.

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a player who does not place in Bronze or above would need to play more than 60 games per week for the entire season at a 50% win rate


How does one achieve a 50% win rate and not place Bronze or above? I thought the whole idea of letting lower ranked players play more to buy the higher tiered rewards was just that - if it's tied to win rate there's no difference between the old system and the new system.


Also, if you really want to improve participation bring back the old expertise capped blue set for credits.

Edited by FireFoxed
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How does one achieve a 50% win rate and not place Bronze or above? I thought the whole idea of letting lower ranked players play more to buy the higher tiered rewards was just that - if it's tied to win rate there's no difference between the old system and the new system.


Also, if you really want to improve participation bring back the old expertise capped blue set for credits.


The one system now is completely based on win rate. With the new system, you can suck, but if you suck long enough you can get any reward you want. It will get the bads q'ing and it will keep the good players from getting their feelers hurt. Bottom line: PLAY PLAY PLAY Q Q Q Q Q ! MORE Q, MORE PEOPLE, MORE FUN

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We have reduced the entry PvP gear costs by roughly a third, and a full set (not min/maxed) will now cost about 4075 Warzone Commendations.

Er, no. A full set (not min/maxed) costs 12500, not about 6115. 4075 is roughly a 2/3 reduction, a 1/3 reduction. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.


For the Dark Reaver/Ranked set we didn’t reduce the price as much, but Ranked Warzone Comms will no longer be used to buy them; pieces will now be purchased with Warzone Comms and the previous tier gear piece. (Ranked Warzone Comms have been removed from the game, but we’ll touch on that more in the Ranked Reward changes found below.) A full Ranked Gear set will now cost about 16,525 Warzone Comms, much less than the current price of around 39,000 Ranked Comms.

Er, no, it costs 28,975 Ranked Comms at the moment, which is quite a big difference.


Also, since the conversion from RWZ Comms to WZ comms automatically divides the price by 3, saying "we didn't reduce the price as much" is not a very accurate statement to make. You actually raised the price by roughly 10,000 comms (for the total set purchase price) ABOVE your already-incorrect number of 39,000, which in turn is roughly 10,000 above the actual cost. Then you divided it by 3 to get the new cost amount.



I'm not opposed to these new costs, but please do not base these decisions off of inaccurate information. I was under the impression that basic calculator commands (+, -, x, ÷) were not that difficult.



TL:DR - Use the correct current costs of Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations to make your decisions regarding the new costs of the PvP gear, because your current numbers are wrong.

Edited by idnewton
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I find it disconcerting that there is no sign whatsoever that Bioware is heeding, or intends to heed, the feedback regarding the AOE cap changes.


Targeting is atrocious in this game. A cap should not be able to be zerged simply because target cycling fails to produce all the targets that are capping in a timely manner. That is what AOE damage abilities are for.


To the extent that this is actually a problem in producing stalemates (and I'm not certain that it is), the spammable AOE abilities need to be made less spammable.


The Bioware-proposed solutions will merely result in more drama and hate, as a single defender is unlikely to be able to call incoming, cycle through multiple defenders individually (potentially having to be in more than one place at once if a kiting class), all while popping the DCDs to survive long enough for help to arrive. It's gonna result in more rage in ops chat as the defenders necessarily fail more often, even through no fault of their own. Nor do I believe that we should force two or more players to defense to offset that--as defense is already a boring enough job with not enough volunteers as it is, and this proposed change will further solidify that some classes get "stuck" defending more than others. None of that is a good thing.

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In Warzones, capturing an objective (on Alderaan or Voidstar, for example) will no longer be interrupted by AoE effects. This change should reduce the stagnation on objectives and allow for more diverse defensive strategies.


This allows for people to just get the entire 8 man team to cap the objective and eventually one will cap the node, despite an objective based team. All the other changes are really promising. Keep it up guys :D

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I find it disconcerting that there is no sign whatsoever that Bioware is heeding, or intends to heed, the feedback regarding the AOE cap changes.

The change was announced on Thursday and it's now Monday - I don't think there has been time for them to 'heed the feedback' yet. And they're pretty likely to at least let it get to the PTS before they start tinkering with it too much.


EDIT: Copy-pasting my own initial thoughts on the AOE / cap change:

The AoE change - if they were to also limit the number of concurrent cappers to three or so per node, then I think it will be fine (and a good change overall), but without some sort of limit it does seem like this will be a absolute nightmare for a PUG to divvy up targets if the other team zerg-caps a node. Organized teams will go from ROFL-stomping PUGs to OMG!ROFL-stomping PUGs. I guess PTS playtesting will show how this bears out though.

Edited by DarthDymond
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What will happen to the ranked comms currently saved on characters? I have several mid level characters maxed on ranked comms. Will they be reimbursed back into regular war zone comms at the same buy in price 30:1 or whatever it is? The rest seems like decent changes.
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In Warzones, capturing an objective (on Alderaan or Voidstar, for example) will no longer be interrupted by AoE effects. This change should reduce the stagnation on objectives and allow for more diverse defensive strategies.


Look, I get that you want to test this on the PTS, but no one seems to be on board with this decision. I would've thought after the resoundingly negative feedback in the the other thread that you would've seen reason and dropped this idea. I'm worried that you're going to test it on PTS, and then conveniently "not have time" to change it before it goes live.


If you're this determined to have it tested on PTS, then you'd better be ready to remove it based on feedback before 3.3 goes live.

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What will happen to the ranked comms currently saved on characters? I have several mid level characters maxed on ranked comms. Will they be reimbursed back into regular war zone comms at the same buy in price 30:1 or whatever it is? The rest seems like decent changes.
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Look, I get that you want to test this on the PTS, but no one seems to be on board with this decision. I would've thought after the resoundingly negative feedback in the the other thread that you would've seen reason and dropped this idea. I'm worried that you're going to test it on PTS, and then conveniently "not have time" to change it before it goes live.


If you're this determined to have it tested on PTS, then you'd better be ready to remove it based on feedback before 3.3 goes live.

I'm someone...I'm fully in favor of trying this.


I think it's ridiculous that right now, one player can spam AOEs and prevent 8 others from capturing an objective.


A suggestion that's been made is possibly allowing AOE's with timers to still interrupt...but either way, when it's 8 vs 1, the 1 shouldn't be able to spam cheap *** AOE's and stop them from capping. It's nonsensical right now.

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What will happen to the ranked comms currently saved on characters? I have several mid level characters maxed on ranked comms. Will they be reimbursed back into regular war zone comms at the same buy in price 30:1 or whatever it is? The rest seems like decent changes.


1:1 exchange when 3.3 is released. 300 ranked will be 300 reg.

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I'm someone...I'm fully in favor of trying this.


I think it's ridiculous that right now, one player can spam AOEs and prevent 8 others from capturing an objective.


A suggestion that's been made is possibly allowing AOE's with timers to still interrupt...but either way, when it's 8 vs 1, the 1 shouldn't be able to spam cheap *** AOE's and stop them from capping. It's nonsensical right now.


If the 8 are even remotely competent, the 1 will be globalled.


The 1 will typically only be able to delay a few seconds at most, and that assumes popping every available DCD, assuming reasonable competence on the part of the capping team. The only exceptions would probably be stealth (and they're probably not using that much spammable AOE) or a Force Barrier+grenade on objective combo.


If the 1 is skilled enough to survive for longer than a couple seconds against the 8, more power to the 1. Or the 8 are just bads. I think the people complaining about this don't see the second or third sorc LOSing and getting a single tick of FS off to interrupt before LOSing again (but then again I'd be fine with giving FS a short CD).

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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