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Significant power shift @ the Harbinger


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Firstly.. I don't believe anyone was discussing the dps.. but rather the overall damage.. since that was his/her argument. Secondly.. I have partaken in several warzones where both sides farmed a good 2-3M a piece.. with no one really dying.. leaving the win/loss up to the final point system of such pvp breakdowns. And finally.. I don't believe anyone was saying low dps was okay either.. but rather that high dps alone.. does not win a match. It sure as hell doesn't make enough difference when it's a 3M dot sorc.. vs a team of 4 healers.
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With the massive "fluff" I did that at the very least pressured the healer... Shouldn't it have been easier for my superior burst spec teammates to finish off the enemies? Why is what I did not helping?


How is what they did more respectable?


I cannot rationally argue the specifics of your solitary matched based on the one variable you provided me. My initial post is really much more about this 'type' of behavior than you as a specific player. Though I can tell you when I play you.. that seeing you on the other team doesn't worry me in the least. lol.

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Firstly.. I don't believe anyone was discussing the dps.. but rather the overall damage.. since that was his/her argument. Secondly.. I have partaken in several warzones where both sides farmed a good 2-3M a piece.. with no one really dying.. leaving the win/loss up to the final point system of such pvp breakdowns. And finally.. I don't believe anyone was saying low dps was okay either.. but rather that high dps alone.. does not win a match. It sure as hell doesn't make enough difference when it's a 3M dot sorc.. vs a team of 4 healers.


He linked his dps in that picture, it was over 3k....

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I cannot rationally argue the specifics of your solitary matched based on the one variable you provided me. My initial post is really much more about this 'type' of behavior than you as a specific player. Though I can tell you when I play you.. that seeing you on the other team doesn't worry me in the least. lol.


K'senia on my team = K'senia heals me = I KEEL YOU ALL.

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K'senia is far and away better than the vast majority of sage healers playing. The dude queues solo and still wins a bunch.


The sight of his/her name on my ops frame makes me adjust how I was planning to play, because I know that I have a pretty good healer who knows objectives. This allows me (and the people I play with) to take a few more chances and play a little more loosely.



So yes, K'senia makes a huge impact on a warzone if the team is halfway decent.












Most healers just rez repeatedly if their team is any less than stellar.

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Eh.. admittedly.. everyone rates other players anonymously. I also have a tendency to rate them verbally one on one.. but this accomplishes nothing.. as people prefer their ignorance. So my goal here isn't to pick on one individual.. but sometimes things are said that inspire certain responses. :)


I have never played against 'K' when we have voiced concern that he/she was present.. even with their group. He/she is not someone we would worry about. There ARE healers on server that we would. But the discussion isn't about healing either. So let's refocus on the topic at hand..

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Eh.. admittedly.. everyone rates other players anonymously. I also have a tendency to rate them verbally one on one.. but this accomplishes nothing.. as people prefer their ignorance. So my goal here isn't to pick on one individual.. but sometimes things are said that inspire certain responses. :)


I have never played against 'K' when we have voiced concern that he/she was present.. even with their group. He/she is not someone we would worry about. There ARE healers on server that we would. But the discussion isn't about healing either. So let's refocus on the topic at hand..


I'm going to continue to assume you are a random guy, and you can think what you like.

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Again, that wasn't part of the discussion. I don't care what his dps was, I didn't even care enough to look at the picture. The issue is the mindset.


The picture is what spurred the conversation and it practically nullifies your original argument (that big damage doesn't win games).


The point that I made was that when you get down to brass tacts you need to be able to pull the numbers, because when it comes right down to it any good game is going to be decided by who controls the central fight, not which side has the worse derp sleeping at the off node/watching netflix because he is bored.


On another note anyone who spends an entire match getting "farmed" at mid while half of their team takes the sides may see a victory on their screen at the end of the match, but if they're honest with themselves they will admit that they felt like they lost the match.


Edit: To clarify, I agree that pulling copious amounts of overall damage doesn't equate to a win/skill, but when you are also pulling high dps then you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do; if everyone could pull 3k+ dps pvp in this game would be 10000000x better.

Edited by alexsamma
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The picture is what spurred the conversation and it practically nullifies your original argument (that big damage doesn't win games).


The point that I made was that when you get down to brass tacts you need to be able to pull the numbers, because when it comes right down to it any good game is going to be decided by who controls the central fight, not which side has the worse derp sleeping at the off node/watching netflix because he is bored.


On another note anyone who spends an entire match getting "farmed" at mid while half of their team takes the sides may see a victory on their screen at the end of the match, but if they're honest with themselves they will admit that they felt like they lost the match.


Edit: To clarify, I agree that pulling copious amounts of overall damage doesn't equate to a win/skill, but when you are also pulling high dps then you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do; if everyone could pull 3k+ dps pvp in this game would be 10000000x better.


Incorrect. Because if everyone was pulling 3k+ dps (which btw is only above average).. you'd be at the same crossroads you are now. A bunch of players damaging each other and accomplishing nothing. lol.

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Not everyone likes the arena format. This notion that PvP guilds should only be doing ranked is asinine.


Agreed... I hate arena... Well not hate... I don't mind doing it occassionally... But I love objective pvp...

I was gutted when they removed ranked 8 man...

They need to reintroduce 8 man ranked... Before anyone says it never worked... Bio have already supplied some evidence as to why... If you look at their comments recently regarding arena ranked... They say participation in yolo is a lot higher than team arena

They could easily bring back 8 man in 3 different formats...

1. Yolo 8 man ranked

2. Team 8 man ranked

3. 2 x 4 premades vs 2 x 4 premades... This one mainly because it's not always possible to get an 8 man team together... Plus peope like to have their 4 man premade with some friends... It would also add a little yolo to the process allowing different groups to play together on the same teams... Really it's no different to how it is in regs at the moment when 2 premades queue and end up against other premades... These are usually the best matches... And it would also stop the premades from farming yolo pugs or atleast make them look like noobs if they did... Lastly if you are already in your 4 man premade and want to switch to the arena team ranked for a quick match or change... You don't have to worry so much about reforming with different people


One last thing, we need a Hutt ball league... Bio said they liked this idea 2 years ago and we are still waiting...

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I actually really love arena.. when it comes down to straight team play strats bursting the other team to pieces. And it's even better when you find a good team to play that isn't that easy to kill. But I do agree that it would be more fun for everyone if there was more choice as to which type of warzone they q for. The unfortunate thing is.. we don't have a solid enough pvp community to support additional q's like that. People would just complain about the longer q times.. as they have in the past.
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Incorrect. Because if everyone was pulling 3k+ dps (which btw is only above average).. you'd be at the same crossroads you are now. A bunch of players damaging each other and accomplishing nothing. lol.


Can you please post screenies, I find that very few people are capable of breaking 3k, even on dot specs.

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Probably THIS is what he is referring to. A strange idea IMO.


Yeah, he explained it already in his reply to me


Back to Hutt Ball

Still, we need a Hutt Ball league.... I love Hutt Ball when played right (like a sport)... Its so different to the other forms of the game... Any class can contribute as well

Imagine having teams with names, not just guilds... You could recruit players outside your guild... You would have reserve players on the official team roster as substitutes when people can't play... Or you need to run a different configuration against certain teams

It would develop as an eSport, tactics and plays would develop... Certain players might be sort after by other teams, so you could induce them to trade or change teams at the end of a season... You would have a rule maybe that only 2-4 change swaps between teams of sort after players

You could have recruit draw at the beginning of the season to induce new players into the team

Lastly... A spectator option would be awesome, but unlikely... Except imagine people streaming it with live commentators... How awesome would that be

Edited by Icykill_
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