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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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I actually feel that AOE damage attacks preventing caps is a good thing, as it will now reward the team/players who are paying attention to who's trying to cap, and will also require better guarding.


Laying down an AOE takes no skill to prevent a cap, for the same reason they removed DOTs from preventing cap, no skill back in the day dotting everything up and just running around while.


Will it be a pain in the butt with most pugs? Sure will because it's something we're not used to, but this also means the tables will flip more often, which makes things more exciting.

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I like this info, I really think that we could see an uptick in PvP, but I also fear that we will see an uptick in jerks in the Ques.

Over all these PvP changes are a good thing. Now if we could separate PvP and PvE stats completely so we wouldn't need bolster and PvP could get balance while leaving PvE balanced that would be awesome.

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I like the fact that you made 2018 expertise a requirement, but also made it that much easier to get. Great changes and cant wait to see more participation in the ranked environment


i think this is wishful thinking. the reason more people arent in ranked isnt expertise, its balance. i fully support this requirement as long overdue, but i dont think its going to help population much.

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This is going to be really disruptive in Voidstar. Once the bomb is put onto the door, it can be pulled off really, really fast. When there are multiple smart alecs trying to pull it off at once, AOE damage is usually the only thing that's able to manage them. If the development team is going forward with this change, it definitely needs to also consider doubling the time it takes to remove a placed bomb. If anything, this change might result in MORE Voidstar stalemates because of increased cases where planted bombs are removed before they detonate.


I don't see that as a bad thing. This also will encourage players to use their AOE mezes' knock-backs etc more strategically. Again, this will end up rewarding smart players, and flip the dynamic to preventing stalemates at certain choke points.


The more I think of it from a different angle, the more excited I am for it.

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A good change IMO, it'll definitely reward smart players who los when capping. Kind of depends on what counts as AoE...I have no problem with Force Storm, Oribital, DoA, etc not stopping caps but an attack that requires a target like Thermal Grenade should at least stop the targeted player.


Inc. healer/tank spam capping node in voidstar.


I like the idea, but my experience tells me that the reality will be /facepalm inducing.

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- Ranked Warzones comms removed from daily/weekly.

- XP and Credit rewards have been increased. (he said doubled, but might not be 100% yet.)


Hello Alex,


Thank you for sharing the information about PVP changes coming in 3.3. I have a couple of follow-up questions I was hoping you could address.


Will the XP and Credit rewards increase also include an increase to valor gained in a warzone (at roughly the same percentage)?


With the removal of ranked warzone comms, when 3.3 arrives will existing ranked comms be converted back to regular warzone comms at a 1 (ranked) to 3 (regular) ratio allowing the warzone comms cap to be exceeded for a period of time?


Thanks again!

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Did I miss something or did they really not ask about "better than cross server"? Or did they want to ask and bioware wouldn't green light the question?


Yeah that was an interesting omission. Its too bad as we could really use some clarification on that. With that being said, I'd recommend reading the interview with the Bioware metrics guy that came out recently. In the answer to the question about ranked PvP he heavily implied that mega servers are something on their radar, stating that "higher server populations" would be a good start for improving ranked PvP. If I recall, we were actually supposed to get an update from the devs on player populations some time in January, but that never happened, so maybe they're finally ready to announce whatever they are doing.

Edited by iamnotshrek
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The more I think of it from a different angle, the more excited I am for it.

I'm the same way. As a Commando, I've used Explosive Round, sticky grenades, mortar volley, hail of bolts or pulse cannon literally thousands of times to prevent caps/plants...but I've also been interrupted thousands of times by lightning storm, where an indirect attack has stopped 2-3 of us from capping.


This change will absolutely hurt how I've played for years...but I'm still excited about it...I think it'll be a good change overall.

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Upcoming PvP Changes:

Goals are to increase pvp population, increase competitiveness, and speed up pvp progression:


Good stuff in general, reckon I'll start playing again to check it out.


Couple thoughts:

- Good addendum, players should be able to wear whatever they want in 4s. Yolo is where the problem is with morons or trolls in terrible gear.


- AOEs not interrupting caps doesn't sound good. The people who get :( and discouraged by stalemates I doubt will be thrilled by getting steamrolled more often instead. But what the hell, as long as BW is actually going to monitor this and actually consider feedback sure try it out.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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6. RANKED CHANGE: Starting in Season 6, the way ranked rewards are distributed are being changed. You will now be getting ranked tokens which you can trade in for a variety of different rewards. The amount you get at the end of the season is based on your rating, but you also will get tokens after every ranked match. A bronze player could theoretically get enough tokens to get the gold speeder, but they would need to play A LOT of games. However, there will still be one exclusive reward per rating tier. Top 96 players get one of every item.

My feeling about this is that it will encourage bads to queue much as they can not caring about the result of the match.


In example, this person http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611686506354316088 has 226 wins on season 4 solo ranked, and a rating of 1.


This person http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/character/4611687485068771470 has a rating of 1302 and 755 wins. Probably a 50/50 win/lose ratio.


So not trying to call people out, just use them as example that tier has to work as a restriction to get certain rewards. The guy with 226 wins and a rating of 1 might have enough to get the gold speeder, considering that he is a troll, and pobably not even bronze tier lol.


The other guy not doing much, probably below or an average player, is going to get the top rewards that should be only for lets call it top 2-5% of all the people who queued for either solo or team ranked, by being a bronze tier player.


I think the token idea is nice, but I dont see it working in a positive way. If on season 6 we have a super-cool-amazing-impresive mount everyone is going to want it, and it is only going to take you to queue all you want without requiring being decent, aceptable or good, you just have to queue and get carried hard, because you will need tokens, which seems you can get even by losing, so I log in, play 15 daily games and wait until the end of season when Im going to get the superkewl reward.


By the way, thanks for finally adding 2018 requeriment for solo ranked, would apreciate even more if you could add it soon as possible, no need to wait until 3.3, could be next patch or the one after that..


But thanks for trying to do something positive for the pvp community!

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Good stuff in general, reckon I'll start playing again to check it out.


Couple thoughts:

- Good addendum, players should be able to wear whatever they want in 4s. Yolo is where the problem is with morons or trolls in terrible gear.


- AOEs not interrupting caps doesn't sound good. The people who get :( and discouraged by stalemates I doubt will be thrilled by getting steamrolled more often instead. But what the hell, as long as BW is actually going to monitor this and actually consider feedback sure try it out.


Out of all the changes, that is the worst idea to be honest, I mean, sometimes my whole team just died, and I manage to get off some AOEs to prevent the enemy team, who has 6 players by node, from capping. The rest of the changes I welcome, but making aoes not interrupt cap is silly.

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I'm the same way. As a Commando, I've used Explosive Round, sticky grenades, mortar volley, hail of bolts or pulse cannon literally thousands of times to prevent caps/plants...but I've also been interrupted thousands of times by lightning storm, where an indirect attack has stopped 2-3 of us from capping.


This change will absolutely hurt how I've played for years...but I'm still excited about it...I think it'll be a good change overall.


Yes, the commando has a large number of AOE options to prevent a cap, now all of those options go out the window and you will need line of sight to do anything.


About the only AOE you have that would do anything is knockback and you would have to practically be on top of the node to make that work. So you would be better off trying to single target the capper than charge in and use knockback.


And using knockback in this matter is practically a waste of your best melee CC.

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Out of all the changes, that is the worst idea to be honest, I mean, sometimes my whole team just died, and I manage to get off some AOEs to prevent the enemy team, who has 6 players by node, from capping. The rest of the changes I welcome, but making aoes not interrupt cap is silly.


Well. What it does is makes the team have to focus on the doors more to stop caps, unless the other team is simply going for kills too. Objective play will win the wz now. All of the AE spamming classes that love to put up those huge numbers by targeting the doors will not be helping with door caps, because they will have to target individuals to stop the bomb plants. Less numbers, but better team play will be required if people want to win the match. I will try it out on the PTS when available before I rush to judgment.

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Out of all the changes, that is the worst idea to be honest, I mean, sometimes my whole team just died, and I manage to get off some AOEs to prevent the enemy team, who has 6 players by node, from capping. The rest of the changes I welcome, but making aoes not interrupt cap is silly.


Mmhmm. But at least the exponential increase in threads ************ and moaning about premades and CC will be entertaining. :rak_07:

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Wow, what an info dump. I feel like they addressed 90% of the legitimate gripes with pvp (class specific balance being one issue). Not thrilled with all of the changes, but thrilled or not a lot of them are better than what's currently going on.
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Out of all the changes, that is the worst idea to be honest, I mean, sometimes my whole team just died, and I manage to get off some AOEs to prevent the enemy team, who has 6 players by node, from capping. The rest of the changes I welcome, but making aoes not interrupt cap is silly.

I felt the same way initially...but 1 person just randomly tossing out an AOE, shouldn't be able to prevent 6 from capping. I know this change is going to hurt my playstyle, but I believe it'll improve PvP in the long run.

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Well. What it does is makes the team have to focus on the doors more to stop caps, unless the other team is simply going for kills too. Objective play will win the wz now. All of the AE spamming classes that love to put up those huge numbers by targeting the doors will not be helping with door caps, because they will have to target individuals to stop the bomb plants. Less numbers, but better team play will be required if people want to win the match. I will try it out on the PTS when available before I rush to judgment.


That is only on ONE map though, what about civil war, what about denova? Those two are going to suffer horribly from this, a lot of the time on alderaan I will be in cover with my GS, and i will notice the other team trying to steal the point while their team fights my team. As is now, I simply use an aoe to prevent them from taking the node, AFTER these changes I will have to somehow manage to get behind ALL their team mates without getting stun locked, knocked back, or focused by 7 people. Sure it will help with stalemates, but it will negatively effect people trying to defend nodes on the other maps.

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Where are you getting these metrics from?


You told the Marauder/Sent players that this AC was doing amazing in PvP and was vital to a win. Yet the playerbase and the leaderboard do not support this. Now you are doing it again with the sniper class. You appear to be taking statics as a percentage ignoring the number of players involved and saying well of the 4 snipers 2 of them are winning in Ranked PvP therefore 50% of the players are doing fine. Therefore snipers are doing fine. The reason only 4 people are taking snipers into PvP is cause they suck and not because sniper players don't like pvping as I'm sure your backward metrics have it.


While we are on metrics have you thought that the reason only 10% of the player base seems to do end game content is because there isn't that much of it and it isn't very good. So people get there, they play it they find it unenjoyable and go role another class to see the story. I.e. the content that the original team produced rather than SoR which just wasn't as good rehashing the same enemy and having both factions play through the exact same content.


The same goes for GSF, the reason people aren't playing it is because firstly its only PvP and dominated by people with certain ships. Poor design has made it a mess, I take my gunship out and go long range snipe with the other gunships while the poor people in fighters are a joke. Would I prefer this wasn't the case and the galactic star fighter was worth flying and we had some dog fights. Sure I do but it aint going to happen gunships rule the game. Of course your metric will show that firstly GSF isn't very popular, which is true but not because people don't want a space sim, simply because the PvP only aspect, the lack of new ships, the lack of new maps, the god awful use of gunships, the lack of any meaningful reward and it takes forever for a game to pop cause of the afore mentioned issues. Yet your metrics will be, GSF is amazing but players aren't interested in space so lets ignore it.


As for the PvP changes, can you explain what you are doing about balancing classes. Take a look at the leaderboards to see where there is some difference in where classes rank at the moment. Though your combat team seem to be totally unable to achieve this as can be seen by the QoL improvements done to Annihilation and the defensive form utility that screwed over an under performing class and made their QoL worse. Which would make the combat team worse than useless.

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Out of all the changes, that is the worst idea to be honest, I mean, sometimes my whole team just died, and I manage to get off some AOEs to prevent the enemy team, who has 6 players by node, from capping. The rest of the changes I welcome, but making aoes not interrupt cap is silly.


Agreed. And not everyone has an AoE cc either. So the advantage goes to classes like PTs and Juggs. And what about rotations from classes that are aoe heavy? Even engi snipers were fairly good node guarders, and now their aoe ability is rendered useless. A sin need only cc them in stelath, run over to the node, on top of the sniper's aoe ability, taking a little damage, and cap the node anyway. It feels like being cheated.


It's difficult enough when the enemy team is clumped up at the node, to single target the person (or people) that are capping. When you're in a tight spot like that you're not only fighting other players, you're fighting their stuns, and your GCD, why make it flagrantly more difficult when an aoe could be great at this point? As it is right now, I don't think there's a problem.


DoTs not being able to stop someone from capping, makes sense, cause in some cases some can last up to 18 seconds - a total nuisance. But AoEs preventing caps are a mechanic must.

Edited by MasterFeign
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On the AOE not preventing a cap; I mainly used it to keep something on the node when I was on my slinger running sab when node guarding just in case of the occasional double stealther cap. Where one saps you at the same time the other starts capping while you are a safe distance away to prevent one from doing it alone and incendiary being on the node.


I do realize that my class is not the best for doing this duty but it happens. With the change, its just going to be an even worse idea.

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