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Not Enough Quick Bars?


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I was wondering if I was the only one with this issue.


While I do not use all my quick slots with key bindings it is nice to have all my legacy quick travels and heroic moments easy to to see and use at the push of a button. I also like to have my stims ect. out for fast use along with most everyone else.


I personally have all 6 quick bars full and have at least another 1 or 2 quick bars of things I would like to have readily available for use. With them adding more and more legacy use features like quick travels I would like to see another 1 or 2 bars added for us to use.


Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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Havent personally had any problem with 6 quickbars. But to each their own.


Same here. I hardly use more than 4. And that's on my Shadow, which has a button for seemingly everything.

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So do you guys use Legacy travels and such? If so do you open the abilities pane every time to use them?


Thanks for the responses also. I have been wondering for a few months now if I was the only one with quick bar issues.



I also don't know if the matters but I am a Healer Spec Commando so my hot keys are setup to heal and damage without changing anything as I solo stuff a lot and have to DPS while healing my tank companion.

Edited by Wilbus
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I use 4 Quickbars on average. I have Fleet and Quicktravel out. The rest is abilities, relics, adrenals, and medkits/WZ Adrenals.


What else are you putting on these Quickbars? I don't think I have enough abilities on even my Shadow to take up more than 6 quickbars.

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During lvl'ing I actually use more hot bars. Things like legacy travel to ship, my training statues, repair droids, etc. are on hot bars, but not generally bound to a key. After I hit lvl cap, all but the repair droid gets removed from my quick bars. I put medpacks and adrenals on my quickbars, but not stims. My marauder is the only toon I have with their out of combat regen on a hotbar, on all my other toons, that, along with class buffs aren't bound/on a hot bar.


Just because you have an ability for something, doesn't mean it needs its own keybind/hotbar slot. Pretty much anything not related to combat is not on any of my hot bars.

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My abilities tend to fill 3 and a half regular bars. A full set of legacy abilties, plus heroic moment, unity and sacrifice basically fills the 5th


The 6th is taken up by odds and ends like social ability, rocket boots, the holohutt, etc. If the OP has legacy travel and priority travel unlocks for things like starship, Czerka, Section X, etc etc, those can take up a lot of space. There's 9 unlockable legacy travel perks, which is almost a bar in of itself.


Personally, I never unlocked those, and now that we have strongholds I see even less reason to unlock them. Stronghold -> Fleet -> Priority Travel Console is not really that much of a chore.

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I use 4 Quickbars on average. I have Fleet and Quicktravel out. The rest is abilities, relics, adrenals, and medkits/WZ Adrenals.


What else are you putting on these Quickbars? I don't think I have enough abilities on even my Shadow to take up more than 6 quickbars.



I have all 9 Legacy Priority Transports, All 8 Legacy Abilities and Heroic Moment, 3 Cells for the Commando, Quick Travel, Fleet, Mount, Sprint (as sometimes I kick it off by accident), Regen Item, Buff, Med pack, stim, adrenal, PVP Med/adrenal, rocket boost, Throw HuttBall, Revan and Satele/Malgus statues and my Legacy mail. Then I have 3 bars of just abilities.


I would like to add a few other items just so I wouldn't have to dig around for them, like seeker droids and microbinos as they are not always usable with questlog on HUD

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My abilities tend to fill 3 and a half regular bars. A full set of legacy abilties, plus heroic moment, unity and sacrifice basically fills the 5th


The 6th is taken up by odds and ends like social ability, rocket boots, the holohutt, etc. If the OP has legacy travel and priority travel unlocks for things like starship, Czerka, Section X, etc etc, those can take up a lot of space. There's 9 unlockable legacy travel perks, which is almost a bar in of itself.


Personally, I never unlocked those, and now that we have strongholds I see even less reason to unlock them. Stronghold -> Fleet -> Priority Travel Console is not really that much of a chore.



While I do agree with stronghold then fleet, sometimes it is nice to just jump to CZ or something really fast without several load screen, Though I do have a good computer that runs flawlessly on ultra and has rather low load times it allows me to get more done in a short period of time.


They should make it a one use ability that you can choose where you would like to go as in how you leave your stronghold or most instances.

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So do you guys use Legacy travels and such? If so do you open the abilities pane every time to use them?


Thanks for the responses also. I have been wondering for a few months now if I was the only one with quick bar issues.


Yes, I use the Abilities window to access and use my Legacy Quick Travel abilities, as well as many other out-of-combat abilities.


I have seen a few other threads asking for more toolbars. They haven't really generated much in the way of constructive discussion though. It's been mostly a dozen people telling 2 or 3 people who would like more toolbars how to make better use of the ones available.


There are definitely people interested in having more toolbars, but they do seem to be in the minority. Oftentimes it seems like many of them are trying to keep too many different mounts, toys, or recovery items on toolbars as well.


I can't imagine needed more than 4 toolbars myself. However, that doesn't mean adding more is out of the question. It would have to be done in a way that ensures it doesn't degrade game performance though. While the impact of adding 1 or 2 new toolbars may be very small, the players with low-end computers would suffer greatly with any additional hits to performance.


Edit - I also never place Sprint on a toolbar. The ability should never be turned off unless you click the buff icon by mistake. I find that this happens so rarely I have no problem opening the abilities window to turn it back on.

Edited by Orizuru
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Speaking of using strongholds to get to ship quickly, I discovered an entertaining bug the other day.


I don't have priority transport: personal starship, so I don't know how it works, but my suspicion is that it works like any other ability. You click it, and it counts as activating an ability and thus would drop you out of stealth, if you were in stealth.


However, with with the strongholds, we now have a completely out-of-game way of getting to our starships. The "leave area" UI that comes up doesn't count as activating an ability or clicking a shuttle door, or clicking the priority transport console on the fleet or any in-game mechanic that drops you out of stealth.


If you're in stealth, and in your stronghold, and you use the 'Leave Area' quickmenu, all your companions on your ship will be in stealth mode when you arrive.



Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Speaking of using strongholds to get to ship quickly, I discovered an entertaining bug the other day.


I don't have priority transport: personal starship, so I don't know how it works, but my suspicion is that it works like any other ability. You click it, and it counts as activating an ability and thus would drop you out of stealth, if you were in stealth.


However, with with the strongholds, we now have a completely out-of-game way of getting to our starships. The "leave area" UI that comes up doesn't count as activating an ability or clicking a shuttle door, or clicking the priority transport console on the fleet or any in-game mechanic that drops you out of stealth.


If you're in stealth, and in your stronghold, and you use the 'Leave Area' quickmenu, all your companions on your ship will be in stealth mode when you arrive.





Maybe they are just staging a coup? Have you been mean to them :p

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Sadly I agree with the OP, there needs to be more hotbars, period. We should have the option to fill up the screen if we wanted... :eek:


I run into the same problem as the op. Between abilities, legacy perks, pvp stims, regular buffs/stims, travel abilities, vehicles, companion abilities, 1-3 slots for special items (mission/pvp specific), statues (hutt/revan), regen items, and heaven forbid a pet or a toy. There are just simply not enough slots, especially as they add more items/abilities to the game.

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So do you guys use Legacy travels and such? If so do you open the abilities pane every time to use them?


Thanks for the responses also. I have been wondering for a few months now if I was the only one with quick bar issues.



I also don't know if the matters but I am a Healer Spec Commando so my hot keys are setup to heal and damage without changing anything as I solo stuff a lot and have to DPS while healing my tank companion.


Prior to the travel kiosks and Strongholds I used to use legacy travel perks frequently, but anymore the only one I leave loaded up is Rishi. I also remove all of my Legacy Heroic Moment abilities by the time I hit 60, they just don't really do a whole lot post 50.


I have all 6 QBs, they are ore full on some toons than others, but I rarely bind more than 20 additional keys from the base 12.

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I only use five. I figure I don't need every cell or stance out, just the ones I'm most likely to use. My powers take up three bars, maybe a little on a fourth for some classes. I have pets, speeders, Rocket Boost, a handful of quick travels, Heroic Moment, class buff, Legacy Perks, Revan statue, and Op symbols on those five bars.


Edit. Edit. Edit.

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First two are combat abilities and passives.

Third doesn't have keybinding and has class buff, one speeder, stances, Rocket Boost, QT, Fleet Pass, repair droid, legacy travel while leveling (to ship or capital world, if I have it)... Not full basically. Just stuff I can click and use. Macrobinocs, Seekerdroid.

Fourth usually has my Heroic and Bonus Heroic Abilities. Maybe some skills better off not being used (the missile ability that generates up a ton of heat for BH Merc for example).

Fifth has more combat abilities, or my healers have the healing ones there and that's keybound to the number keys above my qwerty keyboard... Board.

Sixth... Doesn't get used most of the time. Partially to cut down on lag at my end (the UI generates a great deal of lag).

I'm not against more Quickbars, I wouldn't use them, but someone would.

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Sadly I agree with the OP, there needs to be more hotbars, period. We should have the option to fill up the screen if we wanted... :eek:


I run into the same problem as the op. Between abilities, legacy perks, pvp stims, regular buffs/stims, travel abilities, vehicles, companion abilities, 1-3 slots for special items (mission/pvp specific), statues (hutt/revan), regen items, and heaven forbid a pet or a toy. There are just simply not enough slots, especially as they add more items/abilities to the game.


Yeah totally. I need at least 600-ish slots on my screen. It's an absolute requirement that everything in my inventory and in my ability window is on my screen. It's literally impossible for me to play without it all.

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It's not really a quick bar issue as much as its a poor UI design issue.


Heroic Moment Legacy Powers should have its own UI element that pops-up when you use the ability, otherwise you are wasting up to 8 quick slots for something that you won't even be using that much.


Same thing with the Priority Travel perks, they should have their own UI element, like planetary quick travel, that opens up a mini galaxy map or even just a list of unlocked destinations, and then lets you choose one. This would allow you to condense these abilities to one slot.

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