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Story and MMOs don't mix. ToR the most underwhelming game ever made.


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Maybe you're just unable to see it #'


Then go back to wow, no one cares about YOUR opinion. hey WoW is still up and running.

Either way id say the majority of people are enjoying Swtor and are IN game right now. If you are trying to persuade anyone well then god luck!!!

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I have beta tested for 6+ months, and no I am not 'dissapointed.' I am a huge star wars fan, I love Bioware's work, and I know if the game is given a chance it is worth it.


Something like this takes a lot of resources to make. To expect perfection is something anyone should not expect.


Overall, the release of this game and the content is not nearly as buggy as other games I have Beta Tested and have played on release. This game revolves around the "RPG" part in mmo. And I really believe that a lot of new, interesting, and innovative things can come from it(use your imagination!)


Except a few minor bugs, and certain things that are not perfect for you (but acceptable by me) the game is really good.


But this always happens, when an mmo releases, you get the people that compare everything to wow, or cry about how the game is missing things that other mmo's have. Go play Everquest, or go find an original wow server to see how things used to be. And the funny thing is, those were still good games even when they released.

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It was reasonable earlier in Beta, but people still chanted it even during beta 2 weeks from release. Learn to adapt to the play style? Really? One of the main complaints is that the game is buggy as hell. I have to adapt because they released an incomplete game? What? The game was made poorly, that's the issue.





Sigh. Fanboys gonna fanboy.


The game isn't really buggy at all, dont know what game you play. Delayed casting is to prevent spamming, and sometimes your casting is delayed if you are in the middle of a swarm getting pounded. It's a new mechanic to make combat more real and fresh.


The game is hardly incomplete with a compelling story, great combat, hidden treasures across every planet, thrilling space combat, etc, etc.


If any game was poorly made, it was WoW at launch, with 5 working servers online, no story to this day, an incredibly unbalanced combat system, and terrible, terrible bugs.


THAT'S an incomplete game, and it STILL is in many ways, just like TOR is because it's an MMO, things need to be added and will constantly be added. But it's the most complete MMO on the market and the most complete MMO at launch ever.

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Then go back to wow, no one cares about YOUR opinion. hey WoW is still up and running.

Either way id say the majority of people are enjoying Swtor and are IN game right now. If you are trying to persuade anyone well then god luck!!!


I would not have made the thread if I hated ToR. I made the thread b/c I was to see t win since I have invested in it. Believe it or not we're both on the same side.

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Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



It has been proven time and time again in many MMOs that the majority of people prefer to level solo.

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I would not have made the thread if I hated ToR. I made the thread b/c I was to see t win since I have invested in it. Believe it or not we're both on the same side.


Yet you call it "the most underwhelming game ever made", If i thought that about any game i wouldn't touch it with a twenty foot barge pole.

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The game isn't really buggy at all, dont know what game you play. Delayed casting is to prevent spamming, and sometimes your casting is delayed if you are in the middle of a swarm getting pounded. It's a new mechanic to make combat more real and fresh.


The game is hardly incomplete with a compelling story, great combat, hidden treasures across every planet, thrilling space combat, etc, etc.


If any game was poorly made, it was WoW at launch, with 5 working servers online, no story to this day, an incredibly unbalanced combat system, and terrible, terrible bugs.


THAT'S an incomplete game, and it STILL is in many ways, just like TOR is because it's an MMO, things need to be added and will constantly be added. But it's the most complete MMO on the market and the most complete MMO at launch ever.


..You seriously don't consider a .5 delay in spell casting a major game breaking issue? Oh, so now it's a new feature to prevent spamming. Wow. I am utterly shocked. A game breaking bug and you praise it as a new mechanic and feature. The GCD is there to prevent spamming, a 1.5 second delay after the spell has been executed is a bug.


Compelling story. What pray tell did you find compelling about it? I found nothing compelling about it. With poorly written dialog, a cliche and dull plot-lines and no notable characters it was far from compelling. Your character is also either a heroic god, a baby eater or a sarcastic ***.


The combat is a clone from WoW. The cover system is a complete joke in PvP and whoever though it was a good idea should be fired. I like that it feels more mobile but that's about it.


THRILLING SPACE COMBAT? No. Just stop. The space combat is the original Star Fox with better graphics. I wish I was kidding. Halo Reach campaign has better space combat.


And WoW launchd what, 6 years ago? If your only way to make this game look good is to compare it to the launch of a game that came out 6 years ago I take pity on you. TOR should have learned from WoW and other MMO's failures. Instead we got a WoW reskin in space from 6 years ago.

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I'd like to know the same, with all the retarded threads on this forum right now, i'm certain that Blizzard is paying people to try to sway people's opinions, it seems like the kind of thing ACTIVISION Blizzard would do... (Damn you Bobby Kotick you greedy bastard!)


Blizzard is not paying them, they are just bored of patch 4.3 already, cause you know wow is the same old same old.:D

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I mean no offence what so ever but I thing the game was desgined for you. People who are going to take it very slow and without a competitive edge. I can see ToR making money but holding no more than 1/2million subs world wide at its peek. I think anyone else who desires a smooth combat MMO will play GW2 / wow / titen or what ever is out at the time.


funny its holding over 1million so your dumb...........

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..You seriously don't consider a .5 delay in spell casting a major game breaking issue? Oh, so now it's a new feature to prevent spamming. Wow. I am utterly shocked. A game breaking bug and you praise it as a new mechanic and feature. The GCD is there to prevent spamming, a 1.5 second delay after the spell has been executed is a bug.


Compelling story. What pray tell did you find compelling about it? I found nothing compelling about it. With poorly written dialog, a cliche and dull plot-lines and no notable characters it was far from compelling. Your character is also either a heroic god, a baby eater or a sarcastic ***.


The combat is a clone from WoW. The cover system is a complete joke in PvP and whoever though it was a good idea should be fired. I like that it feels more mobile but that's about it.


THRILLING SPACE COMBAT? No. Just stop. The space combat is the original Star Fox with better graphics. I wish I was kidding. Halo Reach campaign has better space combat.


And WoW launchd what, 6 years ago? If your only way to make this game look good is to compare it to the launch of a game that came out 6 years ago I take pity on you. TOR should have learned from WoW and other MMO's failures. Instead we got a WoW reskin in space from 6 years ago.


There are many a factors that prevents spells from going off on time. It can be easily interrupted while you are being attacked, or while your target is being attacked, and to prevent spamming like I said previously. Take it as you want, but it's a different mechanic BW has implemented. I have hardly came across an issue with this, and I'm a Jedi Sage who relies heavily on healing and I was at first flustered, but soon adapted and realized that sometimes you have to anticipate your health dropping instead of attempting to spam it at the LAST second and hoping you can survive, because you won't.


You're talking about WoW's story? Yea it's horrible, exactly as you described. But TOR's story is extremely involving with plot twists, incredible voice-acting, etc. You don't even pay attention to the story, I bet you give your spacebar a real work-out and just want to grind to endgame for the "real game" when the game is ALREADY IN FRONT OF YOU.


The cover system is extremely helpful if you know what you're doing. There is a youtube video of an Imperial Agent that was only level 18 or so (using the cover system mind you) ended up with the top 3 DPS damage at the end of the PvP warzone, ranking with a level 50 Bounty Hunter and another high level DPS spec.


It is a fine MINI-GAME (as in, NOT one of the main tenets of the game) and it pretty fun. It serves its purpose well.


If you're comparing a game that JUST released to a game with 7 YEARS OF IMPROVEMENT and saying that they are relatively similar, aren't you just giving props to BioWare?


Besides, that's like comparing a newly formed Basketball team with incredible talent to an extremely solid Basketball team that's been together for 7 years. The solid team has years of experience, has patched up their game play, and knows exactly how to execute plays, when to do it, etc, etc.

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Obviously you didn't notice the 1.2 million subs. Anyways,





That number is rather deceptive. At launch you are literally forced to get a subscription if you want to keep playing even though you are supposed to get your 30 days free. Now once the 30 days are up....now THEN is when you'll tell what the true number of subs are. That and the 3 and 6 month marks are also crucial for gauging how well the game holds on to subs.


As for the OP, I sort of agree and disagree. I really like the story quests. They are fun. I just feel they didn't push it enough. There aren't enough story quests and there are too many side quests. And I do agree I don't really feel a sense of community. The cities seem rather empty so far. But I'll try to give that more time and see if things change on that front.

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That number is rather deceptive. At launch you are literally forced to get a subscription if you want to keep playing even though you are supposed to get your 30 days free. Now once the 30 days are up....now THEN is when you'll tell what the true number of subs are. That and the 3 and 6 month marks are also crucial for gauging how well the game holds on to subs.


As for the OP, I sort of agree and disagree. I really like the story quests. They are fun. I just feel they didn't push it enough. There aren't enough story quests and there are too many side quests. And I do agree I don't really feel a sense of community. The cities seem rather empty so far. But I'll try to give that more time and see if things change on that front.


I genuinely thank you for your netural and honest reply.

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There are many a factors that prevents spells from going off on time. It can be easily interrupted while you are being attacked, or while your target is being attacked, and to prevent spamming like I said previously. Take it as you want, but it's a different mechanic BW has implemented. I have hardly came across an issue with this, and I'm a Jedi Sage who relies heavily on healing and I was at first flustered, but soon adapted and realized that sometimes you have to anticipate your health dropping instead of attempting to spam it at the LAST second and hoping you can survive, because you won't.


You're talking about WoW's story? Yea it's horrible, exactly as you described. But TOR's story is extremely involving with plot twists, incredible voice-acting, etc. You don't even pay attention to the story, I bet you give your spacebar a real work-out and just want to grind to endgame for the "real game" when the game is ALREADY IN FRONT OF YOU.


The cover system is extremely helpful if you know what you're doing. There is a youtube video of an Imperial Agent that was only level 18 or so (using the cover system mind you) ended up with the top 3 DPS damage at the end of the PvP warzone, ranking with a level 50 Bounty Hunter and another high level DPS spec.


It is a fine MINI-GAME (as in, NOT one of the main tenets of the game) and it pretty fun. It serves its purpose well.


If you're comparing a game that JUST released to a game with 7 YEARS OF IMPROVEMENT and saying that they are relatively similar, aren't you just giving props to BioWare?


Besides, that's like comparing a newly formed Basketball team with incredible talent to an extremely solid Basketball team that's been together for 7 years. The solid team has years of experience, has patched up their game play, and knows exactly how to execute plays, when to do it, etc, etc.


Totally agree with everything you just posted. Very well said !

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I understand opinions but there's a few things to be said about this post:


1. Idk how much you've "analyzed" the game it hasn't been out long enough to judge it like this... period. (especially if your not even max level)


2. Tor is ALOT better than many other games already and is no where near as bad as the op said. (not sayin it doesn't do some things wrong)


3. It sounds like the op never gave the game a chance, no game is perfect and no game ever will be, but what this game does right is what other games wishes they could do.


4. I don't know about everyone else, but having a decent story is better than not having a story(that isn't auxiliary BS that no one cares about)


5. Chat bubbles are dumb :p (deal with it)


I am in no way a fanboy and I don't even like Star Wars that much but just like the majority of other people I am having a ton of fun with this game.

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There are many a factors that prevents spells from going off on time. It can be easily interrupted while you are being attacked, or while your target is being attacked, and to prevent spamming like I said previously. Take it as you want, but it's a different mechanic BW has implemented. I have hardly came across an issue with this, and I'm a Jedi Sage who relies heavily on healing and I was at first flustered, but soon adapted and realized that sometimes you have to anticipate your health dropping instead of attempting to spam it at the LAST second and hoping you can survive, because you won't.


You're talking about WoW's story? Yea it's horrible, exactly as you described. But TOR's story is extremely involving with plot twists, incredible voice-acting, etc. You don't even pay attention to the story, I bet you give your spacebar a real work-out and just want to grind to endgame for the "real game" when the game is ALREADY IN FRONT OF YOU.


The cover system is extremely helpful if you know what you're doing. There is a youtube video of an Imperial Agent that was only level 18 or so (using the cover system mind you) ended up with the top 3 DPS damage at the end of the PvP warzone, ranking with a level 50 Bounty Hunter and another high level DPS spec.


It is a fine MINI-GAME (as in, NOT one of the main tenets of the game) and it pretty fun. It serves its purpose well.


If you're comparing a game that JUST released to a game with 7 YEARS OF IMPROVEMENT and saying that they are relatively similar, aren't you just giving props to BioWare?


Besides, that's like comparing a newly formed Basketball team with incredible talent to an extremely solid Basketball team that's been together for 7 years. The solid team has years of experience, has patched up their game play, and knows exactly how to execute plays, when to do it, etc, etc.


No, it's a very clear delay regardless of attack. I'm not talking about casting the spell or ability I'm talking about executing it. Try mounting, you won't be able to until about .5 seconds after the ability has completed. Try to PvP competitively with it, you'll see how bad it is.


WoW's story is horrible. I never denied that, that doesn't however make TOR'S story any less horrible. Tell me what parts are so thrilling and what voice actors in particular you enjoyed. I did pay attention, I was incredibly bored and no character stood out for me. I hit the space bar on a couple of the side missions to grind, but that's because the cut scenes moved so slowly and got pointless after awhile. Just give me the quest to kill 30 monsters. I hated the Trooper Male VA. It's the same guy they used for Shepard and he sounded bored and monotone through it just like in Mass Effect.


Please link said video. The cover system is pointless and will not have any use against a PvP player with a brain.


It should have been more than a mini-game. This is Star Wars, I think space battles should have had a larger presence than a Star Fox mini game they slapped together. I'm not asking for EVE Online, but something with a bit more work put into it. Also, you just described it as "thrilling". Now it's okay for a mini-game?


I don't see how comparing an MMO with another MMO that is one of its main competitors is unreasonable. Yes, WoW has had several years to refine the game. TOR should have also learned from WoW's mistakes and successes. It'd be like if I released a crappy flip phone with no features but for the same price as an Iphone tomorrow and expected you to wait over several years for the same updates the Iphone already had.


This game isn't even completely new like said basketball team. They've been working on it since 2006 and have had several months of beta and five days of early release. They should have fixed these issues by now. Also, if said basketball team is in the NBA and this 7 year basketball team is one of it's prime rivals they should expect to be compared to them.

Edited by Sgtcrispy
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Opinions of anyone during there free 30 day sub are going to fall on deaf ears from my point of view. After about 2 months I will actually read some of this dribble on the forums.


My full server seems full to me. They obviously kept the 2 factions separate on the later planets which really disturbed me but whatever.


I am 50 no and still enjoying playing my first character, the story was GREAT. I will gear up my toons and play the operations and actually give the GAME more then 5 days of a chance before writing it off.


Sorry I wont see you around. Um, not really.

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No, it's a very clear delay regardless of attack. I'm not talking about casting the spell or ability I'm talking about executing it. Try mounting, you won't be able to until about .5 seconds after the ability has completed. Try to PvP competitively with it, you'll see how bad it is.


WoW's story is horrible. I never denied that, that doesn't however make TOR'S story any less horrible. Tell me what parts are so thrilling and what voice actors in particular you enjoyed. I did pay attention, I was incredibly bored and no character stood out for me. I hit the space bar on a couple of the side missions to grind, but that's because the cut scenes moved so slowly and got pointless after awhile. Just give me the quest to kill 30 monsters. I hated the Trooper Male VA. It's the same guy they used for Shepard and he sounded bored and monotone through it just like in Mass Effect.


Please link said video. The cover system is pointless and will not have any use against a PvP player with a brain.


It should have been more than a mini-game. This is Star Wars, I think space battles should have had a larger presence than a Star Fox mini game they slapped together. I'm not asking for EVE Online, but something with a bit more work put into it. Also, you just described it as "thrilling". Now it's okay for a mini-game?


I don't see how comparing an MMO with another MMO that is one of its main competitors is unreasonable. Yes, WoW has had several years to refine the game. TOR should have also learned from WoW's mistakes and successes. It'd be like if I released a crappy flip phone with no features but for the same price as an Iphone tomorrow and expected you to wait over several years for the same updates the Iphone already had.


This game isn't even completely new like said basketball team. They've been working on it since 2006 and have had several months of beta and five days of early release. They should have fixed these issues by now. Also, if said basketball team is in the NBA and this 7 year basketball team is one of it's prime rivals they should expect to be compared to them.

I have done PvP and it is not a major issue in the least. If you learn to adapt to the mechanic instead of trying to keep things the same as it was before then you will be frustrated like many others.


I don't have specific names, but I noticed some familiar voice-actors like The Green Lantern from Justice League Unlimited, the voice actor for the Jedi Knight and Smuggler stands out to me the most, and sometimes the voices take a drastic change in tone and pitch if you pick an exceedingly darker/lighter option. It happened in particular when I was a JK and I was in the cave on Tython with the dying Selkath and I choose to "draw on my hate and anger", the voice made a shift from a noble knight to a darker, angrier knight. I'm not too far into the game so I dont have many examples for you but it's great form what I've seen and it's only going to get better I imagine.


The Jedi Sentinel faced the Imperial Agent and nearly died but he was a pretty amazing player and he had the advantage but the Agent's stats is at the end.


It's a thrilling mini-game that serves it's purpose. The connotation of "thrilling" made it seem that I was saying it was "incredibly epic" but it can really suck you in if you have an open mind about it and see it for what it is instead of what you want it to be.


Bad analogy. TOR is the Android, WoW is the Iphone. The Android is extremely refined and polished, needing very little patching to completely out-do the Iphone which needed SEVERAL refinements over the years and even releases patches for patches every few months. Their both good and reliable, but I feel safer with the more refined model from the jump and needs little improvement to a older model that is still taking large steps for the better.


There are an incredibly lot of factors you have to examine. They needed to get the voice-actors together, shoot the voice-acting, create the script, refine the script, determine the classes, create quests, trash bad quest ideas, re-do quests, determine which quests need to be done in which order, etc, etc, etc. And that's before actually working ON the game.


Same with the basketball analogy. The talented team is good, extremely good, fresh, new, and brings new things to the table. They spent a lot of time in practice and training camp pre-season to get the basics down(NOT perfected) and started working on the MAIN core of their game which could be shooting, passing in the paint, alley-oops, etc.


The solid basketball team has GREATLY IMPROVED their fundamentals to the point in which they do not need to work on it, and thus is not prone to the small "bugs" and patches that the talented team needs, and has greatly refined their game altogether.


The two will undoubtedly be compared to each other since they are both high performance, high octane teams that have a lot of expectations set upon them.

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