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Story and MMOs don't mix. ToR the most underwhelming game ever made.


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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.


This is good and true post.

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"It's the most underwhelming game ever made"


"I'm having fun"


Did the OP bother to read his own post?


First off, drop the ridiculous hyperbole. You might not know much about games, and that's fine, but it doesn't take much to deduce that there have been some pretty terrible games in the past. This isn't even remotely close to the most underwhelming game ever made, no matter what else you might think of it.


Second, you admit that you're having fun, though there are things you don't like. So clearly the game isn't all that underwhelming even to you.


Third, this is nothing but opinions, and I don't share them, so meh. And bah humbug. And Happy Life Day (by any other name), as well. ;)

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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.



Agree Tatooine was my biggest hope and my biggest disapointment, I cancelled my sub after seing noone.

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Agree Tatooine was my biggest hope and my biggest disapointment, I cancelled my sub after seing noone.


When I got to Tatooine and tried to explore a bit and got hit with exhaustion zones I died a little bit inside. So disappointing.

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Am I the only one that actually thinks the story is awful? I won't speak on Imperial Agent as I haven't played it yet but all the others are completely terrible. People are confusing narrative and story.


Cliche and poorly written dialog? Check.

Black and white morale choices that is made even worse by a tacked on point system? Check.

Soulless characters who are either cookie cutters or completely lifeless? Check.

Contrived and cliche plot lines that make me wonder what I'm doing or just have me rolling my eyes? Check.


The way the story is presented is pretty good. Making choices makes me feel a lot more immersed, too bad the choices, story and tacked on point system is awful. I can't wait to be told to go back to WoW ect.

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IMO they really needed to create a sand-box world and allow us to do what we want more or less. I don't understand making a MMO with a million or more ppl then forcing us into a single player RPG (at least thats the lvl'ing process more or less)


They could have saved a bout $100 million and let me make up my own story

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Am I the only one that actually thinks the story is awful? I won't speak on Imperial Agent as I haven't played it yet but all the others are completely terrible. People are confusing narrative and story.


Cliche and poorly written dialog? Check.

Black and white morale choices that is made even worse by a tacked on point system? Check.

Soulless characters who are either cookie cutters or completely lifeless? Check.

Contrived and cliche plot lines that make me wonder what I'm doing or just have me rolling my eyes? Check.


The way the story is presented is pretty good. Making choices makes me feel a lot more immersed, too bad the choices, story and tacked on point system is awful. I can't wait to be told to go back to WoW ect.


What level have you gotten to, and on what classes?

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I love the game, flaws and all. Nothing in te game that irks me can't be fixed in a patch. It's like a KoTOR online.


The core of the game is the best I've played in a long time. Some of the side-quest stories can seem a little "meh", but I'll take a little meh over a big "who cares about all of the story, let's just kill these boars so we can raid" any day.

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I love ******* that post a thread about how bad things are when people like me are having a blast destroying people in pvp, and enjoying the story.


Lets all give a critical analysis of something that has been out for less than a week!


I bet the original poster didn't even get 50.



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Lets all give a critical analysis of something that has been out for less than a week!


This doesn't sound unreasonable at all, considering the months of beta as well as the pre-release. The whole excuse for this game in beta when people brought up this stuff was "IT'S JUST BETA GUYS." now when the game is actually out it's "IT JUST CAME OUT GUYS."

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This doesn't sound unreasonable at all, considering the months of beta as well as the pre-release. The whole excuse for this game in beta when people brought up this stuff was "IT'S JUST BETA GUYS." now when the game is actually out it's "IT JUST CAME OUT GUYS."


Beta is an incomplete product to be improved, how is that not a reasonable argument?


Also, since the release is fairly new, it needs time to sink in people's brains. People need to learn to adapt to the playstyle, the way the game is made, etc, etc.


In other words, go back to WoW if you want a familiar MMO experience. This isn't it.

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I love ******* that post a thread about how bad things are when people like me are having a blast destroying people in pvp, and enjoying the story.


Lets all give a critical analysis of something that has been out for less than a week!


I bet the original poster didn't even get 50.




I'm level 35 IA. I will play because I hope to see the game evolve. However I am also able to spot the cracks in the brick work.

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Beta is an incomplete product to be improved, how is that not a reasonable argument?


Also, since the release is fairly new, it needs time to sink in people's brains. People need to learn to adapt to the playstyle, the way the game is made, etc, etc.


In other words, go back to WoW if you want a familiar MMO experience. This isn't it.



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Beta is an incomplete product to be improved, how is that not a reasonable argument?


Also, since the release is fairly new, it needs time to sink in people's brains. People need to learn to adapt to the playstyle, the way the game is made, etc, etc.


In other words, go back to WoW if you want a familiar MMO experience. This isn't it.


It was reasonable earlier in Beta, but people still chanted it even during beta 2 weeks from release. Learn to adapt to the play style? Really? One of the main complaints is that the game is buggy as hell. I have to adapt because they released an incomplete game? What? The game was made poorly, that's the issue.


In other words, go back to WoW if you want a familiar MMO experience. This isn't it.[/font]

I can't wait to be told to go back to WoW ect.


Sigh. Fanboys gonna fanboy. Is "GO BACK TO WOW" seriously the only defense you guys have when somebody points out faults with your beloved game? It's even more hilarious because this game is basically WoW from 2005 with a dialog wheel and tacked on morality system.

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