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"Neutral" questhubs needs guards - ganking


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Trying to grab my quests at a neutral quest hub, where it is impossible to grab them because empire players keeps ganking you while you try it. There are guards at the hub but they don't do anything at all.


Here's my situation at Pilgrim Retreat on Voss (there are 4 empire players in this screenshot, but unable to see the name of him because he's at the top of the screenshot): http://imgur.com/MO9Nv


My solution is to put in some neutral quest hub guards or something.

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this is hilarious, its thanks to ******* people like you that swtor has no open world pvp, **** to a pve server and stop ruining the game for ppl that enjoy pvp


Crappy attitude, poorly written, but I agree 100%. You are on the wrong server type.

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this is hilarious, its thanks to ******* people like you that swtor has no open world pvp, **** to a pve server and stop ruining the game for ppl that enjoy pvp


There's a difference between PvP and ganking/griefing.


In one, it's actually fair and you stand a chance. In the other, it's because the player is a jerk who feels the only way to feel good about themself is to prevent other players from enjoying the game.

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If this is bothering you, I suggest that you roll on a PvE server instead. Many of us actually enjoy world PvP......even when we have the short end of the stick in extremely one-sided world PvP. Please don't rain on our parade. Just go play on a server that has a ruleset that matches your desired style of play. Edited by belialle
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There's a difference between PvP and ganking/griefing.


In one, it's actually fair and you stand a chance. In the other, it's because the player is a jerk who feels the only way to feel good about themself is to prevent other players from enjoying the game.


then you should go back to wow.


or stick to swtor since both are a pve game

Edited by Shortcake
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Trying to grab my quests at a neutral quest hub, where it is impossible to grab them because empire players keeps ganking you while you try it. There are guards at the hub but they don't do anything at all.


Here's my situation at Pilgrim Retreat on Voss (there are 4 empire players in this screenshot, but unable to see the name of him because he's at the top of the screenshot): http://imgur.com/MO9Nv


My solution is to put in some neutral quest hub guards or something.


And that's what liberal hipster servers (pve) are for

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There's a difference between PvP and ganking/griefing.


In one, it's actually fair and you stand a chance. In the other, it's because the player is a jerk who feels the only way to feel good about themself is to prevent other players from enjoying the game.




No, there's not. Or did you never quest in Stranglethorn Vale on a PvP server?



Ganking is essentially 90% of a PvP server. Why did you choose a PvP server if you didn't expect to be ganked and griefed?



It's like a fraternity, you get tons of **** when you first start, but eventually you're in a position to give back equal doses of ****.

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No, there's not. Or did you never quest in Stranglethorn Vale on a PvP server?



Ganking is essentially 90% of a PvP server. Why did you choose a PvP server if you didn't expect to be ganked and griefed?



It's like a fraternity, you get tons of **** when you first start, but eventually you're in a position to give back equal doses of ****.


No, I skipped it entirely when I played a RP-PvP.


It's pathetic if PvPers think a form of griefing is "proper" PvP. There's no reason to do it, other then the fact you want to make other people's lives miserable and try to prevent people from actually enjoying the game.


Go pick on people who actually stand a chance, instead of having to beat up people 20-30 levels below you and thinking you're so awesome. You just start a cycle of suffering that makes them want to do the same thing to people who might want some proper PvP instead of just getting curbstomped to build up someone's fragile ego.

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No, I skipped it entirely when I played a RP-PvP.


It's pathetic if PvPers think a form of griefing is "proper" PvP. There's no reason to do it, other then the fact you want to make other people's lives miserable and try to prevent people from actually enjoying the game.


Go pick on people who actually stand a chance, instead of having to beat up people 20-30 levels below you and thinking you're so awesome. You just start a cycle of suffering that makes them want to do the same thing to people who might want some proper PvP instead of just getting curbstomped to build up someone's fragile ego.




it's not proper, but it's been a part of MMO PvP since Meridian 59. Mainly because of people like you, who cry endlessly about it instead of just dealing with it and give the gankers a trollboner.

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it's not proper, but it's been a part of MMO PvP since Meridian 59. Mainly because of people like you, who cry endlessly about it instead of just dealing with it and give the gankers a trollboner.


No I just don't play PvP because if I felt like having my time wasted by gankers who deserve to be punched in the throat, I'd go grind my fingers under a rock or something. It's cheaper and just as annoying.

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No I just don't play PvP because if I felt like having my time wasted by gankers who deserve to be punched in the throat, I'd go grind my fingers under a rock or something. It's cheaper and just as annoying.


god id love to gank you for the lulz




care bears PVE server


gank be ganked fight what ever be nasty go back with ur mates and gank who ganked you then corpse jump and do stupid emotes - PVP server


there is a choice it even warns you when you pick PVP no excuses

Edited by lethal_ghost
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god id love to gank you for the lulz




care bears PVE server


gank be ganked fight what ever be nasty go back with ur mates and gank who ganked you then corpse jump and do stupid emotes - PVP server


there is a choice it even warns you when you pick PVP no excuses


It's so sad that "PvP" is more "Ganker" then anything. No one cares about having "fair" fights, it's all about ganking people who stand no chance against you and bragging about how awesome you are for "pwning some noobs".

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Yep. PvP server is le suck. I'm sorry but I'm good at PvP, I don't need to play on a PvP server and get ganked until I'm foaming at the mouth to validate myself. PvE servers FTW!


The problem isn't the server. It's the world PVP community, they are their own worst enemies. One side will gain a numbers/level advantage and mercilessly gank/zerg the other side until the losing side leaves in frustration ( losing all the time just isn't fun ) except for a few masochistic fools .


Fast forward 3 months... all of the gankers will be screaming about how Bioware " hates world-pvp" or " has forgotten about pvp"


My response at that time will be as always - " You reap what you sow"


Good world pvp takes a great level of commitment from BOTH sides to make work. Occasionally you may want to not kill the lowbie, or if you outnumber 10 -1 you may want to leave folks alone after you've killed them a couple times. Players transfering off are your second worst enemy.





PS - Bioware: server forums could help.

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It's so sad that "PvP" is more "Ganker" then anything. No one cares about having "fair" fights, it's all about ganking people who stand no chance against you and bragging about how awesome you are for "pwning some noobs".



Again, a PvP server implies PvP. It does not imply a fair fight. If you are on a PvP server, you need to be chaotic evil.



If you're not of the mindset of kill or be killed, why did you choose a PvP server? There are warzones.

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The problem isn't the server. It's the world PVP community, they are their own worst enemies. One side will gain a numbers/level advantage and mercilessly gank/zerg the other side until the losing side leaves in frustration ( losing all the time just isn't fun ) except for a few masochistic fools .


Fast forward 3 months... all of the gankers will be screaming about how Bioware " hates world-pvp" or " has forgotten about pvp"


My response at that time will be as always - " You reap what you sow"


Good world pvp takes a great level of commitment from BOTH sides to make work. Occasionally you may want to not kill the lowbie, or if you outnumber 10 -1 you may want to leave folks alone after you've killed them a couple times. Players transfering off are your second worst enemy.





PS - Bioware: server forums could help.


You bring up a good point. I always remember PvPers complaining that "<so and so dev> isn't adding anything to world PvP!". Maybe if you weren't constantly ganking everyone you saw, you'd actually encourage people to stay - aside from masochists or people hell-bent on revenge.

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It's so sad that "PvP" is more "Ganker" then anything. No one cares about having "fair" fights, it's all about ganking people who stand no chance against you and bragging about how awesome you are for "pwning some noobs".


PVP = Player Verse Player, as long as both sides are players its PVP doesn't matter about numbers.

Ganking is part of open world PVP, if im out questing solo bump into 6 enemies i expect all 6 to jump on me. Not just 1 to walk to me and attack me while the other 5 stand there because if they joined it would no longer be PVP but ganking !!



edit: but yeah OP is just saying guards aint doing much at quest hub could be a bug.

Edited by lethal_ghost
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