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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I think this is something that is good to be gone. Sleight of hand in insta-abilities is fine with a game as arcadey as WoW. Bring it into the more stylized realism, heroic gameplay of SWTOR, and doing that would look aweful strange.


It would also give sorcs in swtor a HUGE advantage in PVP because they have the most nuke abilities to queue up. I just don't see how BW could immitate the fluid mechanic that WoW has, without taking a large part of SWTORS current potential, and throwing it to the wolves.


WoW has more fluid animation queueing, but is it a better game because of that? I don't think having invisible magic hands, makes or breaks a game.


To be honest, the OP is right, if it doesn't get fixed, this game will die. To be clear, I'm a SW:TOR fanboy and would defend this game to the death, but after my first 'real' experience with this last night, I cant help but agree with how terrible this delay destroys this game.


So our saying that by making the game 'normal' it would somehow cause imbalance?

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Your solution doesn't imitate WoW.


Few are asking for the game to imitate WoW per say.


All are asking for the game to allow abilities to fire when the clock says they should, not when the animations complete. That's the cart driving the horse right there.


I couldn't care less how BW accomplishes that vis a vis the animations. When my bar says an instant is ready and I punch that key, I want that ability to fire off.

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To be honest, the OP is right, if it doesn't get fixed, this game will die. To be clear, I'm a SW:TOR fanboy and would defend this game to the death, but after my first 'real' experience with this last night, I cant help but agree with how terrible this delay destroys this game.


So our saying that by making the game 'normal' it would somehow cause imbalance?


I just don't think you should look to WoW's casting mechanic to claim normality. Wow's a great game mechanically, but some things just wouldn't translate well if brought into SWTOR.


I think there are alternatives to this idea, as ajjw said, and we've already nit-picked about them and how much better, yet longer they would take to implement.

Edited by Teloss
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Few are asking for the game to imitate WoW per say.


All are asking for the game to allow abilities to fire when the clock says they should, not when the animations complete. That's the cart driving the horse right there.


I couldn't care less how BW accomplishes that vis a vis the animations. When my bar says an instant is ready and I punch that key, I want that ability to fire off.



Claiming that this superficial delay "balances" the game is completely asinine. If the game says I should be able to cast another spell now, I should be able to cast that spell right now.

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Few are asking for the game to imitate WoW per say.


All are asking for the game to allow abilities to fire when the clock says they should, not when the animations complete. That's the cart driving the horse right there.


I couldn't care less how BW accomplishes that vis a vis the animations. When my bar says an instant is ready and I punch that key, I want that ability to fire off.


I can't believe I shifted all of you to the defensive here :eek:


I understand everyone wants a nice change to the current system. I am not against that, I just see the current idea proposed as one that cuts a few too many corners for my tastes.


The current system is flawed, but has potential. I think there are ways to improve the current system without porting WoW's.

Edited by Teloss
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I can't believe I shifted all of you to the defensive here :eek:


I understand everyone wants a nice change to the current system. I am not against that, I just see the current idea proposes as one that cuts a few too many corners for my tastes.


I see the current system as flawed, but with potential. I think there are ways to improve the current system without porting in WoW's.

What problems are there with the method I suggested? What corners does it cut?

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someone tell me exactly what ability in what circumstance, maybe i make another movie to show that you are basically wrong and just too used to WoW.


every time i make a short movie someone comes and says "oh well THAT ability isnt affected" or " oh well, you have to be in combat in zone XY to be affected"

Edited by Nague
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What problems are there with the method I suggested? What corners does it cut?


I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the WoW plan. Your idea is not the WoW plan, it's the animation/castbar sync plan, which is relatively less lazy and gimped than the WoW plan.

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Ability delay is ruining this game for me. My enjoyment is coming 80% out of learning the new game and the storyline, rest is gameplay...I was trying to figure out if anyone else was noticing it, most people online in general chat refuse it or say theres something wrong on my side.


Having played WoW coming here I can see so many issues with the quality. Say what you want about WoW, the high quality of that game is undeniable. The smoothest, cleanest mechanics and gamplay I've seen in any MMO I've played.


Please fix this asap. I'm loving the game so far, but this issue will make me leave soon after capping or sooner.

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someone tell me exactly what ability in what circumstance, maybe i make another movie to show that you are basically wrong and just too used to WoW.


every time i make a short movie someone comes and says "oh well THAT ability isnt affected" or " oh well, you have to be in combat in zone XY to be affected"

There were videos posted ~10 pages back.

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Hoping people read this thread. Combat system make or brake games. It my just be the animation though people want. Right now i have a problem with the health bars and such not really knowing what is doing the damage.. 300 damage looks the same as 100 damage. the bars seem to go down after the damage is done not as it is being done. But this is due to the responsiveness of the combat.


Also some skills seem like they repeat themselves on start up say a lightsaber swing will start then rewind back and then do the full animation, its like your character wines up, This is noticeable on the sith warrior with his aoe skill and vicious strike also the jedi's aoe skill. This may be b/c of spaming keys but it still shouldn't happen.


Also this thread talks about the delay on skills you can see it alot on the bounty hunters power shot where the channel is done then soon after the shot will fire. Thats why i think it has to do with the animations just lining up better.


Like the op said it has nothing to do with lag, its the smoothness that needs to be worked out.

Edited by Littlescuba
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This is a major problem for Madness Inquis, Most of my spells are instant cast, and trying to time them with the GCD is hell because of this. Half the time I'm checking to see if my latency is spiking. This is a MAJOR issue and needs to be addressed.
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someone tell me exactly what ability in what circumstance, maybe i make another movie to show that you are basically wrong and just too used to WoW.


every time i make a short movie someone comes and says "oh well THAT ability isnt affected" or " oh well, you have to be in combat in zone XY to be affected"


there are 100 abilities affected by the delay for every 1 that isnt

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I say someone should just compile all the problems into one big list. Do you have any idea how hard it is to read 100+ pages of vague descriptions and getting specific examples every 20 or so pages o.o


For example -

Riposte - Not animating and its hard t osee if it actually worked or not. It will sometimes trigger its cooldown but not do anything.




Propel - You can not move or use any other abilities for half a sec after its supposedly "done casting"




Ambush - If you use it right after rolling into an environmental cover, it will stop casting halfway throguh




General skills with cast time - It will bug out if you try to tighten your rotation that involves attacks with cast times and instacasts and will cause abilities to not go off, etc


The more examples we give the easier it will be for them to get fixes out and stuff o.o


Edited by Leilei
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The OP described the problem

. But the OP didnt only describe the problem but he has also forseen what will happen to TOR if they dont fix it.


To be honest it is so annoying hearing people saying that they dont see it, that i can easily assume that either they are a bunch of ignorant n00bs or that someone is actually paying em to troll this thread. Its THAT obvious!

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Hey Raz, thanks for the input and support. You can rate the thread as you reply, scroll down and you'll see a "Rate Thread" drop down menu.


thanks Xcore. the fact that you responded to my question speaks volumes and i appreciate it a lot. i hope this helps the overall performance of the game and that we can all enjoy this beautiful MMO a little more.

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