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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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There is certainly a slight delay when using abilities. I have experienced it in other MMO's, other than wow. I would like them to tighten up the system a bit though in my personal opinion I don't know that its game breaking, just a touch annoying, and really if your not from wow, you may or may not even notice it.
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Same problem here.


If I press 1 for "Shiv" more than once I can hear the shiving sound more than once before the animation starts. I really want to see a fix for this.

And when I say "Shiv" I could say any other ability. It's getting old now.


I love how elaborate the Backstab animation is. It's nice, but...I really just want that burst damage, given when I use it.

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There is certainly a slight delay when using abilities. I have experienced it in other MMO's, other than wow. I would like them to tighten up the system a bit though in my personal opinion I don't know that its game breaking, just a touch annoying, and really if your not from wow, you may or may not even notice it.


Yeah 'just a touch annoying' in every fight for the rest of the time you play SWTOR - could cause a lot of problems.


All big problems stir from something small, I believe the OP is perfectly right in saying this could be very gamebreaking (or at least it will be for me)

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hate to break your precious snow flake bubble but you few whinny folks are not the majority...theres around 2million subs atm.. even being subjectively nice theres only around 250,000 unhappy folks. every one whos happy is busy playing which is what im about to do just popd it to check my late night posts from last night....


And how many Warzones have you done? I'm guessing less than 10. Again, you are not experiencing this issue, because you most likely play to quest and enjoy the story. So, you ARE in fact experiencing it, just not advanced enough to detect it.


It's like complaining over a TI calculator that won't display enough decimal places. You chime in with, but 2+4 shows 6 for me everytime, it's working fine. However, people like us want:


504.154*411.121 to show up = 207268.296634, not 207268.30.


If you're playing this game on an elementary level, you will not notice the flaws. If you're playing this game on a mastery level, you will notice it. Sorry to be so blount, but you questing with your companion will not display it in an obvious manner.

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The problem isn't what the game "looks" like. It's how it feels. Nobody is saying , ***, I can't win a WZ because my stinking character is using the same tired animation. We are saying that Bioware put too much thought into animation. They want a pretty game that looks fluid, unfortunately, until someone comes up with a genius system, you have to choose between "looking fluid" and "feel fluid". This game chose "looking fluid".


That's great for people who aren't into twitch movement and highly competitive gameplay; for those of us who play in that hyper-competitive mode, we are unable to overlook something so glaring.


Thanks for the assist, sir.


High five.

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You guys do realize that some abilities are supposed to have a delay through an animation, right? That's why the speeder is a bad example. It is specifically programmed to have that one-second animation before a player is actually mounted. It's the same thing with some class abilities, like Force Wave.


I'm not saying there is no universal delay, but show better examples with better evidence or Bioware won't be able to take any of this seriously.

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Really? People will just complain about anything and everything.


Everybody wants the game to feel like WoW, since that's what they're used to. I tell them to go play WoW if they want to play WoW.


This is a different game, different engine, and it's a much better game overall IMO.


Sure the delay may take a bit to get used to, but once you get used to it there is nothing wrong with it at all. People need to stop whining and adapt, rather than wanting everything catered to their whiny needs and demands all the time.


I actually got used to the delay overall. It may be a 0.5 second rotation delay, but once the rotation is started the delay isn't that noticeable, since the rotation has started. And people who say this will affect PvP are delusional since everybody is dealing with the same thing.


I would have no problem if they tightened the timing down, but the amount of QQ going out over this is a bit ridiculous IMO.

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You guys do realize that some abilities are supposed to have a delay through an animation, right? That's why the speeder is a bad example. It is specifically programmed to have that one-second animation before a player is actually mounted. It's the same thing with some class abilities, like Force Wave.


I'm not saying there is no universal delay, but show better examples with better evidence or Bioware won't be able to take any of this seriously.


That's fair.


My issue is things like Grenade and Force Leap knocking enemy health down before the move even animates.


And Riposte and Backstab (one of which is an Off the GCD move) still taking their pretty animations before actually doing what the move is intended.

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You guys do realize that some abilities are supposed to have a delay through an animation, right? That's why the speeder is a bad example. It is specifically programmed to have that one-second animation before a player is actually mounted. It's the same thing with some class abilities, like Force Wave.


I'm not saying there is no universal delay, but show better examples with better evidence or Bioware won't be able to take any of this seriously.


So, they intentionally made a system to where when the global finishes the UI shows that "Hey, you can now use this move"; however, it's in fact a lie because there is still an animation that needs finish?


I just wish they would at least add an in game verbal warning that says "HAHA SIKE!!" anytime you try to use a move that says is ready, but technically not ready. Then at least I could say, "haha Bioware, you got me again!"

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You guys do realize that some abilities are supposed to have a delay through an animation, right? That's why the speeder is a bad example. It is specifically programmed to have that one-second animation before a player is actually mounted. It's the same thing with some class abilities, like Force Wave.


I'm not saying there is no universal delay, but show better examples with better evidence or Bioware won't be able to take any of this seriously.


Ok, if the ability is supposed to have a 1 second animation, why does it have, display and cast in 0.5?


If it is a 1 second cast, it should be down as a 1 second cast. The ability should say:


"Hop on your pimping speedmobile - 1 second cast".


The casting bar should say:


"0.0 - 1.0 - woooooooooo filling up yaaaaaaaay"


But the thing is, it doesn't.

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Really? People will just complain about anything and everything.


Everybody wants the game to feel like WoW, since that's what they're used to. I tell them to go play WoW if they want to play WoW.


This is a different game, different engine, and it's a much better game overall IMO.


Sure the delay may take a bit to get used to, but once you get used to it there is nothing wrong with it at all. People need to stop whining and adapt, rather than wanting everything catered to their whiny needs and demands all the time.


I actually got used to the delay overall. It may be a 0.5 second rotation delay, but once the rotation is started the delay isn't that noticeable, since the rotation has started. And people who say this will affect PvP are delusional since everybody is dealing with the same thing.


I would have no problem if they tightened the timing down, but the amount of QQ going out over this is a bit ridiculous IMO.


My standard reply to this: How many warzones have you done? How well did you perform in those and if you played WoW what was your highest PvP experience and or Raiding experience. No need to reply, I know all of those answers already :D

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Not much to say, just saying I have a huge problem with this too. I was trying to figure out what it was about the characters that made me get so damn pissed off, and now that you mention it, it's this. I love the rest of the game, but this responsiveness is just bad. City of Heroes (the mmo I've played the most) actually has pretty decent responsiveness too, not quite on WoW's level but it feels very natural.
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You guys do realize that some abilities are supposed to have a delay through an animation, right? That's why the speeder is a bad example. It is specifically programmed to have that one-second animation before a player is actually mounted. It's the same thing with some class abilities, like Force Wave.


I'm not saying there is no universal delay, but show better examples with better evidence or Bioware won't be able to take any of this seriously.


I'd also like to see your source for this.


Please direct me to a developer quote where they stated this is intended.

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Really? People will just complain about anything and everything.


Everybody wants the game to feel like WoW, since that's what they're used to. I tell them to go play WoW if they want to play WoW.


You sure that's what you want? That's what people said on all the other MMO forums and then they sank down below 100k subs. You'd think you'd want your MMO to be successful, and that means actually convincing the former WoW players to stay around.

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The biggest issue is many people will not be able to put a finger on why this game isn't for them. They will just end up un-subbing after a few months stating, "I can't explain it, it just didn't feel right." Now, for the first time, those of us who experience this issue have a place to put into words what "doesn't feel right."
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Very well said.


/agree and hope bioware can do something about this as it will make the game last long if they do, because otherwise I'm also afraid that this will turn out just as the other MMO's and I really want it too succed.


Also, gives us that damn combat log......

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