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Pvp and Cc + stuns


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It's clearly a l2play issue... You realise that every class has a break right? Also, if you don't like the tactics involved with stun, go play call of duty. gg!


Go back to beating up preschool kids. They can't fight back either.

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I'm actually with J_McSkill it is an L2P issue. Each class has a breaker. Most classes have some sort of stun immunity somewhere, and then there is resolve. Learn to use it! Don't use your stunbreak just because soemone used Spinning Kick/Spike on you! Or carbonize!


And anyway, getting stunned is after whitebarred will no longer be possible - all roots, snares and stuns will simply add a 50% movement reduction after whitebar with 3.2.1.


Oh and also, CC = Stun. You mean snare & stuff.

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It's clearly a l2play issue... You realise that every class has a break right? Also, if you don't like the tactics involved with stun, go play call of duty. gg!


How many breaks do you have? How many CC's do you have that stop movement? On my Mando I can have up to 4 CC's that stop the player from moving, the type of CC that drives players nuts...he only has ONE CC break. Now, if I have 4 CC's that stop him, and my teammates all have 4, that's 32 CC's that stop a player from moving vs their 1 CC break....or 8 CC breaks if you include their teammates.


Do you honestly not see how 32 vs 1 or 8 isn't an issue? LOL!

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How many breaks do you have? How many CC's do you have that stop movement? On my Mando I can have up to 4 CC's that stop the player from moving, the type of CC that drives players nuts...he only has ONE CC break. Now, if I have 4 CC's that stop him, and my teammates all have 4, that's 32 CC's that stop a player from moving vs their 1 CC break....or 8 CC breaks if you include their teammates.


Do you honestly not see how 32 vs 1 or 8 isn't an issue? LOL!


Nevermind that many of the ccs are aoe (aoe typically means the ability can effect more than one player at a time in a certain target area). Against an arena team with a few inqs, a sentinel or jugg can easily be getting hit with a kb and root every few seconds... along with everyone else on his team that is near him. Juggs have one way to break that unless they're gimp spec'd and two ways to be immune but for most of their uptime they will be stuck.

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Nevermind that many of the ccs are aoe (aoe typically means the ability can effect more than one player at a time in a certain target area).


Duh! Good point that I completely missed. :o

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No..no..no .no... NO... a thousand times NO.


CC - in particular STUNS are out of control in SWTOR. We have 1 CC breaker on a 2 min cool-down. 1:30 if talented. This isn't even considering that 'some' classes can completely blow up 'other' classes in 3 GCD.


I'm sorry, but I don't care WHO you are, getting CC'd and destroyed by 1 player in the time it takes for their CC to wear off, is just not fun. ( save for the person doing the killing.. I suppose )


Hence, why Operatives are so vastly different than they were at launch.


No class should be able to do that to another class, ever. It isn't balanced for 1 v 1, it isn't balanced for team vrs team, it isn't fun. Period. End of story.


For me personally - I tend to agree with the idea that there is far too much CC in SWTOR, yet we have to admit it's become absolutely critical to how many of our classes are played. But?? Without a complete overhaul (which isn't going to happen) of the game system... CC is here to stay. So.. I think a compromise is in order. Or CC breakers need to be on shorter cool downs. I do not believe this will radically alter the game. Even from a teamwork perspective as TTK is just too quick to begin with, and as others have pointed out.. we have a plethora of CC to throw around.


1:30 by default

1:00 with talent


This at least allows every player to have 1 self controlled CC breaker available for 'nearly' every fight.


I wont go into my list of changes for Hutt Ball, as the 30 second reduction in CC breakers would definitely affect that map...

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No..no..no .no... NO... a thousand times NO.


CC - in particular STUNS are out of control in SWTOR. We have 1 CC breaker on a 2 min cool-down. 1:30 if talented. This isn't even considering that 'some' classes can completely blow up 'other' classes in 3 GCD.


I'm sorry, but I don't care WHO you are, getting CC'd and destroyed by 1 player in the time it takes for their CC to wear off, is just not fun. ( save for the person doing the killing.. I suppose )


Hence, why Operatives are so vastly different than they were at launch.


No class should be able to do that to another class, ever. It isn't balanced for 1 v 1, it isn't balanced for team vrs team, it isn't fun. Period. End of story.


For me personally - I tend to agree with the idea that there is far too much CC in SWTOR, yet we have to admit it's become absolutely critical to how many of our classes are played. But?? Without a complete overhaul (which isn't going to happen) of the game system... CC is here to stay. So.. I think a compromise is in order. Or CC breakers need to be on shorter cool downs. I do not believe this will radically alter the game. Even from a teamwork perspective as TTK is just too quick to begin with, and as others have pointed out.. we have a plethora of CC to throw around.


1:30 by default

1:00 with talent


This at least allows every player to have 1 self controlled CC breaker available for 'nearly' every fight.


I wont go into my list of changes for Hutt Ball, as the 30 second reduction in CC breakers would definitely affect that map...


I think the OP agrees with you. No need to disagree with him.


BTW, stuns aren't crowd control. They're single target control. A single target =/= a crowd.

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