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Why Pre-made raid groups and fully equip ships, actually harm GSF and PvP matches.


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If you all are so sick of pre-mades then why don't you come to Jedi Cov?


Sure we have veteran players who group together but they're not using teamspeak and using coordinated hyperspace beacon drops to spawn a whole 8-man op on capture point the other team is trying to take. The people who group here just do it to play together, and if the teams are mismatched it's usually not impossible to come out with a good score or even win.


Granted it's not as active as harbinger but GSF queue pops like every 5-15 minutes from about 11 AM to at least 2 AM EST every day (never stayed up past 2 so I wouldn't know). Last night it was popping in seconds. It would be nice to see more good Imps and pubs too.


~ Eudoxia


I have no motivation to transfer characters to yet another server unless I wanted to instantly boost my legacy on another server. I've already spent enough cartel coins recently (great price, but still) parking toons that I don't want to play any more on Bastion (until such time as there becomes a reason to play on a PVP server again) and moving some of the Bastion toons I had and liked to Harbinger so I could have one of every role on one server for when I want to do ground PVP and play any role.


I am gonna put an alt on the Shadowlands server because I think that event sounds like a great idea and I'm thinking a similar event on Harbinger would be equally great and a good way to promote more involvement in GSF, which is far and away the most compelling part of the game for me right now. I'm doing very little ground PVP at the moment, even though I like the pub PVP guild I'm in very much. I'm just a little burned on ground PVP at the moment.

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He is a sore loser and will snap at anyone including Drak when it is happening.


Of course, the game is to win. You can hear me on Drak's stream when I get pissed. But "snapping" doesn't include personal attacks.


When he came over to The Harbinger solo queuing and not getting carried and peeled for by Drak and Sanic he would constantly berate his team.


You know I've been on Harb since well before bombers launched, right? I absolutely will tell people what's up, and when people say really dumb stuff, I absolutely will argue. I can't recall any specific thing, but trying to phrase this as if I came over and didn't have a team and flipped out is simply not correct.

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I play on Harbinger under Zyrieas. You've seen me there.


Oooh, insults now!


If you really think "I really don't care about your opinion on me or anything else" is an insult, then you just simply aren't very mature. You clearly have a high opinion of yourself in this game and it provides some level of self-satisfaction. That's fine for you, but it doesn't mean that I have to care about your opinion any more than you care about mine. But you can't seem to want to just let it go and agree to disagree.


My impression is that Drakolich and I have reached an unspoken understanding that we are both invested in the success of the game and that we put our efforts into different aspects of it. But we both want there to be more good pilots, which lead to more fun matches. Other parts of the group that play with him regularly, much less so. I've encountered some unprovoked abuse both here and within the game. I've decided to just ignore it. Presumably eventually they'll get bored with it. Maybe not.


Get this through your head: I don't care what you do with your time. I'd rather you didn't spread a bunch of misinformation


I know you think this is insulting, but when other pilots who are as good as you disagree with you and are willing to join my little insignificant guild because they think what I'm trying to do with my free time to try to help the competent pilot base of this game grow (which I never imagined would happen, I just wanted people to know a few basic things that would make a tremendous difference in their ability to make a positive contribution in the game), I don't care if 500 other good pilots think I'm an idiot or incompetent or whatever other types of things you're trying to convince me of. It didn't work in chat the other night, it's not going to work in the forums, so you may as well stop trying.


If it makes you feel any better, I haven't berated anyone for playing with what I consider to be bad sportsmanship since you decided to take it up with me the other night. So consider that a positive accomplishment.


My problem with you is that you think it's okay to attack players who have done nothing to deserve it because you think they aren't doing enough to make sure you enjoy the game or some other such nonsense.


For what it's worth, another pilot messaged me and spoke positively about your efforts to make the game better. Unfortunately, you're not really enhancing their opinion of you in this response.


As far as my enjoyment of the game, I'm already enjoying the game. A lot. Even though I know perfectly well that I'm not even in the top 10% of all pilots who play the game even on my own server. And I'm fine with that. I'm fine with the fact that there will be some matches that I enter into where it will be an automatic loss. Sometimes I'll stay, sometimes I'll decide to use my time working on another aspect of the game until the supergroup either self-regulates or decides to move on to whatever else they do with their time. But I won't rush to switch to the winning side because honestly, participating in those matches on the winning side bothers me much more than being on the losing side. If I'm on a low level ship, I don't worry about it because I'm as easy for the other team to kill as it is for them to be killed and they'll get the satisfaction of killing a low level ship. Most of the time, I'm trying to get in my striker at the first kill to make things harder on me and easier on them. I'm an awful striker pilot. But it also gives me a chance to think about whether there's a way that the damn ship could be effective or perform a niche role in a domination game to make it worth flying.


Side note: MissilesOnly is kinda my hero.


If I want to level one of my leveled ships, then I have a problem.


How do I balance out the fact that I want to finish the double requisition portion of the day on that ship with the fact that I'm now part of the problem?


Today how I dealt with it was I only took one shot at each player and then moved on. Or I tried to see how many powerups I could collect. Or sometimes I died cause I was typing in chat, rather than worrying about whether I died two more times or not. Ended up with zero kills and a fairly modest amount of assists and very little damage. And now I have my first ship where at least one talent in every section is at T3/T5. Which is great. Now if I'm on one faction and the games are imbalanced on my side, I can switch to the other faction, play that ship, and feel OK about the fact that I'm not taking advantage of another player's inexperience or lack of req invested in their ship. Then I can try to work on improving my actual skill in the ship instead of feeling bad about what, in my opinion, is griefing players that I want to stay interested in the game.


Here's the type of wonderful conversation you have to look forward to, if people ever start thinking you owe them something: (language warning, if you care about that) http://i.imgur.com/93WKpjS.png


I'm familiar wtih those words.


I don't think a conversation like that has much benefit, just like I didn't think the conversation you were trying to have with me last night had much benefit (although as I said, I thought about it and modified one of my behaviors as a result). But then, I have a thicker skin than most. And I don't anticipate having any of those conversation because I go way out of my way to avoid ships that I can see are still trying to work things out or learn the keyboard and try to focus on players that I know are good or at least have established that they can kill me better than or at least at a roughly equal level to how much I can kill them.


I used to get crap like that once a week. At least. It quit (mostly) when I quit trying to get people to listen. Still wondering why I don't care anymore?


I think there's a lesson in there and I think it's not a good thing that you don't care anymore. I care.


I think ground PVP is largely beyond repair because of the personality type that gravitates towards the game, but I did finally end up with a transplant guild from Bastion that's committed to good manners and not griefing and I do enjoy playing with them. But as I said, I'm a little burned out on ground PVP right now. I'm much more interested in GSF. And because I'm much more interested in it than the other aspects of the game, which have either become too easy or not fun, that's where the majority of my time and effort is going right now. The rest of it is merely "what I do I do while I'm waiting for the next GSF pop."


So I'm having fun. I'm invigorated.


I'm hoping that the changes in 4.0 will reinvigorate my interest in other parts of the game, though what I've heard sounds like a very sharp departure from what we're used to. Could be good, could be awful. Given how EA has botched so many things with this game (the initial launch, the great server purge of ought 13, the debut of GSF and lack of development once they realized it wouldn't be the big money spinner they were hoping for), I"m leaning towards the side of "Here's comes their next big mistake which they will then have to recover from 3-6 months later." But maybe I'll be surprised and they'll have learned from their mistakes this time and create something compelling.


But if it doesn't, I'll still have this part of the game. At least until the point where either it becomes too easy (Can't see that happening), or the queue waits become too long as they are on the other more lightly populated servers. But the single best thing this game has going for it is that the grand majority of the best players in this game (and I'm assuming this is across servers since I'm discovering that a lot of the top pilots play on multiple servers) want this game to be better. But it's going to fall on us to make it better, because I just don't see EA having any interest in the game anymore.

Edited by ShallowHal
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If you're just incredibly bored with GSF forum content make a wall-of-text epic on how to make Interdiction Drive a meta-worthy component.


I have a ship where that was the tree I picked, so I've been messing with it a bit lately to see if I can make anything of it. Probably not, but it adds another bit of diversity to the game.

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This is just not true he can and will cross the line. He is a sore loser and will snap at anyone including Drak when it is happening. He is the "only" non bot on my ignore list and for good reason. When he came over to The Harbinger solo queuing and not getting carried and peeled for by Drak and Sanic he would constantly berate his team. Drak even said over his stream that he has to be exceedingly nice to compensate for Verain's despicableness. And all the while it seemed like he was explaining a foreign concept to him. Since there is no questioning Verain's intelligence that makes it all that much the worse.


I was talking about forum behavior, not about griping in Mumble or chat.

Edited by Ramalina
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You know I've been on Harb since well before bombers launched, right? I absolutely will tell people what's up, and when people say really dumb stuff, I absolutely will argue. I can't recall any specific thing, but trying to phrase this as if I came over and didn't have a team and flipped out is simply not correct.

It is absolutely correct and it did happen. Just to further the point I didn't know that Ion Kitty = Verain at the time either. You earned your spot purely with the way you conduct yourself in game. Berating 2 shippers because they do not know how to deal with someone circling a satellite accomplishes nothing positive. So once again congratulations on being the only person on my ignore list and also being the epitome of every negative concern contained within this thread. Your intelligence and knowledge of the game does not justify your actions in game.
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Berating 2 shippers because they do not know how to deal with someone circling a satellite accomplishes nothing positive.


I'm not sure about that!


Your intelligence and knowledge of the game does not justify your actions in game.


To be clear, my harb alt is on ignore because I told some noobs to l2p a year ago, in a conversation neither of us can recall any details from, starting from a point that you may or may not have seen and I can't recall the first thing about, and neither of us has any context for?


The natural result of this possible set of events should obviously be this stream of posts. I mean, it follows logically, right?

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I'm not sure about that!




To be clear, my harb alt is on ignore because I told some noobs to l2p a year ago, in a conversation neither of us can recall any details from, starting from a point that you may or may not have seen and I can't recall the first thing about, and neither of us has any context for?


The natural result of this possible set of events should obviously be this stream of posts. I mean, it follows logically, right?

1st incorrect assumption is that I do not recall the event. Did I not just recall the event? BTW in said event while you were berating the 2 shippers. I asked why you did not deal with the situation which lead to you going completely off the chart. Proceeding to tear into me even though with you flying a gunship and refusing to switch to anything else and with me flying a Pike. I got more kills than you, more damage than you, captured more satellites than you, destroyed more turrets than you. None of it was your fault and it was a game our team lost 900ish-1000. Most people would have said GG, but not you your response was to berate the new people and you did in fact say that if they couldn't deal with circlers that they should stop queuing. I do though understand why you can't recall which time you did this. You most likely lost count once it got up in the thousands.


The funny and most ironic thing about all of this is you analyze, break down and pronounce the world before you guilty of all it's faults, but completely lack any sort of introspection. A psychologist would probably be able to write a very defensible thesis on you.

Edited by Lendul
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1st incorrect assumption is that I do not recall the event. Did I not just recall the event?


Not really, no. You've certainly said your side of something that you remember, which is not at all the same thing.



BTW in said event while you were berating the 2 shippers. I asked why you did not deal with the situation which lead to you going completely off the chart.


I don't recall this at all. Hard to defend myself. I don't screenshot everything I say or anything. It doesn't sound correct to me, or at least is missing a great deal of detail.


Proceeding to tear into me even though with you flying a gunship and refusing to switch to anything else and with me flying a Pike.


Wait, I was "refusing to switch" out of a gunship, and you were still on a damned Pike, and the game loss was my fault? What was I supposed to get on, a frigging Suncrusher? Ion-Kitty didn't even have a mastered bomber until a couple months ago, I played largely strikes on that character for a long time- because no one knew who the character was, I wouldn't ALWAYS get instant aggro (but it happens anyway if you ion people and have ion in your name). If I was on the gunship, it was because I was doing the best I could.


I got more kills than you, more damage than you, captured more satellites than you, destroyed more turrets than you.


And were we against some ships that were hunting me down based on being ionned in a previous game, or based on something else entirely? Again, without remembering which random game this was, I can't really respond usefully.


your response was to berate the new people and you did in fact say that if they couldn't deal with circlers that they should stop queuing


Well, I certainly hope they either learned to deal with circlers, or stopped queuing!


I don't recall saying any of this. That doesn't mean I didn't, but it's almost impossible for me to respond to such a vintage accusation.


The funny and most ironic thing about all of this is you analyze, break down and pronounce the world before you guilty of all it's faults, but completely lack any sort of introspection.


I think jumping from "I want to win the game I'm playing" to "lack any introspection", based on some stuff you think happened and that I can't call to mind the event about (and certainly don't have any context I can provide), is pretty wild.


A psychologist would probably be able to write a very defensible thesis on you.


This is a very solid contender for a sig.

Edited by Verain
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And here Verain does his Oliver North impersonation. Thank you for proving my point. It was everyone's fault except Verain's LOL(yes very introspective). As you had already stated you were playing on The Harbinger pre-bomber. No you were not being tunneled. With the talent level on The Harbinger at that time you were just random GS#43298. And thank you for further supporting my point by saying you hoped those people never queued again. You may be good at the game, but you are not good for the game. People like you will run people away from games even if they were perfectly developed. Edited by Lendul
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We haven't even had Festivus dinner yet and already we're knee deep in the Airing of Grievances.


Take a long breath in, walk around the block, get some fresh air, smile happily at the dog across the street, and ponder what positive repercussions you are likely to have by publicly shaming someone for perceived injustices that weren't even committed against you directly.


It seems pretty solidly established who does and who doesn't like each other. Further bloviating on the subject is not necessary.


You'd think someone yelled 'nerf gunships' with all this hate flying around.



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You'd think someone yelled 'nerf gunships' with all this hate flying around.



Speaking of that...


ZOMG, NERF GUNSHIPS NAO!!!! They blow me up repeatedly, and I'm tired of never seeing the shot coming! NERF, NERF, NERF!!!!




Now, back to my popcorn. :D


EDIT - Because I like to edit. Rather than just make another post. :D

Edited by nyghtrunner
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We haven't even had Festivus dinner yet and already we're knee deep in the Airing of Grievances.


Indeed. I'm pretty sure Feats of Strength are next. My slug versus your slug, I guess.


I'll focus on the positive: I really like what Hal's doing. It's that kind of initiative and enthusiasm that we need more of around here. Anything to bring in new pilots is positive, in my book. I know he's working hard to draw noobs into our ranks, and I say more power to him. Keep on keepin' on, Hal.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I like that I've been seeing a lot of new pilots on Pub side on Jedi Covenant. Mairenn has quickly gone from being someone who just showed up in a match one day to being as good/better than I am. Aesghir too, he just showed up and a week later he was coming out with six and more kills in a scout.


Don't know if either of them are alts, as far as I can tell they aren't, but it's nice to have new faces to play with. But it sadly also shows that out of maybe 50+ people I've personally sen who try GSF over the course of a month, like two of them will actually stay with it.

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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EDIT: Pointless post in a pointless thread. NVM


I think that pretty much sums it up.


Complaining about people grouping in a multiplayer game makes no sense.


Complaining about people in fully equipped ships makes no sense because they had to put a LOT of time and effort to have them, and thus you're effectively complaining that they're being rewarded with better gear. It's like saying people should do ops for no loot. Just not gonna happen.


One-sided losses are inevitable in pvp. People who experience it their first time and leave aren't going to be willing to endure them anyway and would not become gsf pilots. What really hurts is that req gains are far too low considering you have to level ships per character and not per legacy. Not very motivating to have to grind for days/weeks/months just to have a competitive ship.


Some people just don't like losing.


Ultimately, complaining about typical pvp is pretty meaningless unless you can offer a solution. I myself would overhaul the entire system so that it didn't feel like it took forever and a day to compete with the aces. A fully mastered ship only goes so far if the pilot isn't up to snuff. The only reason that's a rarity is because it takes soooo much req to master a ship that the player has almost assuredly put in the time and effort to become a quality pilot by the time said ship is mastered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just curious what the people who transferred to harbinger after killing the queues on their own server with pug-stomping are going to do once they kill it there too.


So far the defensive replies to this topic are:


.. get better.

Not possible to get any better while being continually 2 shotted or spawn camped, you can't learn anything without being able to fly longer then 20seconds a pop. Not to mention your requisition gains will be horrifically slow for losing that badly, further compounding the problem.


..get friends.

People continually shoot down the idea of splitting queues between premade / pugs, but are always quick to use this as an excuse. There aren't many friends to get, because premades drive out 9/10 people who try GSF within a few days....you are killing the interest and queues, then complaining about it, or suggesting people group up with non-existant ( extinct) other people to fight you. The other side of that being okay, what if I do get some friends...then I am part of the problem, because solo players are still going to get stomped and give up / leave the game mode permanently.


...It's a team game.

Cool, then what's wrong with your team having to fight another team instead of random uncoordinated newbies that are still learning the controls and nuances? I mean that actually sounds fun for both sides, instead of just fun for your side.


..Stop crying.

Yea that seems like a good way to get it changed... by NOT mentioning it, good call.


...Population is to low to split the queues to premade vs premade and pug vs pug.

Because people regularly stomp all the new players that try GSF out of the game with premades. You are most of the reason the population is so low..granted there are other factors. Sometimes matchmaking is still unbalanced even if it isn't a premade. Requisition gains are entirely too low to have any hope of being able to compete in a reasonable time frame. Tutorial is ludicrously uninformative...These are valid points, but we as players can't do anything about that...we CAN stop pug-stomping each other though. No one is forcing you to use your mastered gunship in your premade versus that group of 5 enemy stock ships( for that matter no one is stopping your team from dropping that match manually and finding a more balanced one yourselves), but you choose to do it anyways. Most likely, you will never see those guys again.


If you want GSF ( or even ground PvP) to thrive the queues must be split, yea your premade might have to sit in the queue for 40minutes until another premade queues if they do that...but Honestly I don't have much pity in me for people that spend their day rolling newbies and try to justify it...why should the game cater to toxic players that are killing it. I realize that you could all just queue solo and end up on the same team regardless, but at least it wouldn't be a guarantee like it is now.


If it still isn't possible to split the queues then a band-aid fix would be to increase requisition gains by a factor of x5-x10 so people can actually "gear up" and be competitive in a shorter period of time... it doesn't take 4+ months to gear up for ground PvP, why does it for GSF? This would only solve part of the problem though, because coordinated players will always have an advantage over randoms.


I'm not trying to say here that anyone that flies with their friends is a toxic player, but lets be honest here...a good amount of them are. There are people that refuse to play any form of PvP unless they are absolutely dominating, you can see this especially in any MOBA, where players will leave a match as soon as you are down by 1 point. Basically this sort of player says to themselves " I don't care if anyone else enjoys this, as long as I do, and I only enjoy winning"..every person with this attitude probably drives off 100 other players that were just trying to have fun over the life of their account, there is no reason that play style should ever be catered to. But for some reason it is, across multiple games...this is a persistent problem for online games. A quick google search of "premade vs pug" will show you a ton of threads from other games that have this same issue, funny thing is the excuse/ justifications for it are always the exact same. You will see all the points I brought up across every one of those threads, shot down the exact same way, by people with the exact same mentality.


If you care about the game, or actually want to see some balanced matches for your own premade to fight, then support this, or throw out some of your own ideas to combat this issue. Justifying why it's fine to yourselves won't help the game.

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I am just curious what the people who transferred to harbinger after killing the queues on their own server with pug-stomping are going to do once they kill it there too.

And this is 100% pure speculation and subjection. It's real easy to say that the groups killed the queue when the population of the entire friggin' server dried up, but I'm 99.9% sure that you have not one single iota of actual data to back this statement of "fact" up.


Thanks for the valuable and constructive input. You are a boon to the game.

So I suppose you didn't read the 22 pages of back and forth on this topic, and come to the conclusion that it's pointless to discuss this topic? It's heated, and both sides feel quite strongly about this. There will never be consensus on this issue.


Here's the bottom line. It is all but useless to try to self police. How would we even "punish" offenders? "You're not allowed to queue any more!" Yeah... let me know how well that works. I've got no desire to tell other people how they are allowed to have fun, and I'm not the only one. Some people will let up on the n00b teams. Some people will continue to press on as hard as they can, because it's their personality. I understand sometimes that it's like the pros going after high school kids, but pros don't become pros by letting up. It's not our fault that there's not a split queue, or cross-server. Or a ladder of some kind.


No, GSF, warts and all, is what it is. And let me tell you one of my thoughts about this that helped propagate the problem here in the first place... BioWare did GSF no favors at all with their staggered release for subs, preferred, and F2Pers. By the time the preferred and F2P people joined in, the subs knew what they were doing, and were already racking up ridiculous kill counts and already had groups of pilots formed. That put everyone else joining late at a pretty serious disadvantage.


I'm not trying to say here that anyone that flies with their friends is a toxic player, but lets be honest here...a good amount of them are. There are people that refuse to play any form of PvP unless they are absolutely dominating, you can see this especially in any MOBA, where players will leave a match as soon as you are down by 1 point. Basically this sort of player says to themselves " I don't care if anyone else enjoys this, as long as I do, and I only enjoy winning"..every person with this attitude probably drives off 100 other players that were just trying to have fun over the life of their account, there is no reason that play style should ever be catered to. But for some reason it is, across multiple games...this is a persistent problem for online games. A quick google search of "premade vs pug" will show you a ton of threads from other games that have this same issue, funny thing is the excuse/ justifications for it are always the exact same. You will see all the points I brought up across every one of those threads, shot down the exact same way, by people with the exact same mentality.


Then there's this gem... You go so far as to recognize the problem as you see it, and note that it's not just this game. It actually is a common problem among pretty much all the PVP games in the world. Yet we here in the GSF community are to figure out how to combat it here, with ZERO Dev support? "GSFers of the world, your mission, should you choose to accept it: You are to rid the internet of trolls!" Good luck with that... And I'm 100% serious. I would love to have a world without trolls. I also want a money tree, world peace, and the fountain of youth. Doesn't mean I'll get any of those things.


The reason that SithAcel and btbarrett replied the way they did is that they were here for all 22 pages of arguing. You raise no point in your post that has not been brought up before in this thread and elsewhere.


Look, the best we can do, outside of flying lesser ships (which often times still end up with ridiculous numbers, because we... you know... know what we're doing...), is to put a comment in chat "might want to ease up a bit." But we can't force anyone else to take that advice. We can't punish or put in "time out" those who don't. And I'm certainly not going to get into the business of telling people who they can or can't fly with.

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It's heated, and both sides feel quite strongly about this. There will never be consensus on this issue.


I learned that in spades, which is why I stopped contributing.


Here's the bottom line. It is all but useless to try to self police. How would we even "punish" offenders?


Well, the only way that the undermanned side can punish the offenders is to exit the battle en masse, which ends the wargame.


It's not our fault that there's not a split queue, or cross-server. Or a ladder of some kind.


That's true, but here is what is your fault. Only playing with four/eight man groups comprised of people with multiple mastered ships, often using voice chat to help coordinate. That's all fine and good when you come up against another team that is that stacked and also using voice chat, but there are way more matches that are not that way.


But people say "I want to play with my friends." Fine, you want to play with your friends. Here's a simple solution that I use when I'm on the winning side of a clownstomping. I get in my worst ship and fly. Gives me a chance to earn more requisition than I would otherwise earn in that ship because the majority of requisition comes from winning and double requisition and I can try to improve my skills on that ship in relative peace. Also, I tend to only target people that I either recognize or that have demonstrated in the match that they are good pilots.


There are many people on this server who never get out of their Flashfire/Stings or their Manglers, regardless of the competition and love targeting new players.


Yet we here in the GSF community are to figure out how to combat it here, with ZERO Dev support?


Well, if you know the game could use improvement and you know that Bioware isn't going to put any effort into changing the mechanics of the game, it's up to the people that play it to self-police.


Look, the best we can do, outside of flying lesser ships (which often times still end up with ridiculous numbers, because we... you know... know what we're doing...), is to put a comment in chat "might want to ease up a bit."


My understanding from Drakolich is that the only people who can see what's said in the /say channel are ships in your immediate vicinity. But yeah, you should fly lesser ships when you realize it's a stomping. Some people never will. Some might.


Changing the subject, I love the Saturday night events. I love Solo Queue Saturday and Stock Saturday. The games I played in that night were all close scores right down to the wire. Now you still had your people who had to be in their gunships and Flashfire/Stings and there were people who weren't playing stock ships either because they weren't participating or because they were getting frustrated about losing and switching to better ships mid-game, but all in all those events are the most fun I have playing the game, even moreso than having the fortune to play with a good team against another good team and beating them without the benefit of voice chat. I would like to see those events happen twice a week if possible. I think they're good for the game and good for the community.

Edited by ShallowHal
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Well, the only way that the undermanned side can punish the offenders is to exit the battle en masse, which ends the wargame.

Yeah. You can do that. But there's not a whole lot the overmanned side can do to change the fact that it's overmanned. And the only way to make those games competitive would be for all but 1-2 on the better team to hit "x" when you spawn at the beginning, walk away from the keyboard, drop a deuce, go get a drink, call your girlfriend, then eventually get back to the match, only to see that your 2 people won 38-14 on a timeout. That's not playing for anyone other than those 2 people. It's a useless waste of time for the other 6-10, since they aren't allowed to do what they signed on to do. They might as well log out, and go do something else. If we're in the camp that we need to tell people to log out to let others have a little fun or whatever... No, sorry. That's not something I want any part of.


"Hey man, I know you just logged on and all, but there's really no good opposition on right now. You should probably log on some other time. K, thx, bye." Effectively, that translates to, "You're not wanted here right now. Go do something else." I have no idea how I would react to that sort of thing, but I know a lot of people who would just say "Eff you! Who do you think you are telling me what to do?"


That's true, but here is what is your fault. Only playing with four/eight man groups comprised of people with multiple mastered ships, often using voice chat to help coordinate.

Except that I queue solo ~90% of the time. Maybe even up to 95%. You may not be specifically referencing me, but the way it's phrased makes it sound like you are specifically referencing me. If that's the case, then this comment is 1000% wrong.


There are many people on this server who never get out of their Flashfire/Stings or their Manglers, regardless of the competition and love targeting new players.

That very well may be true. So how do you propose we stop that from happening? We can't ban people from the queue. We can't force them to take those ships off their bar. What is an actual punishment that I can employ against a teammate I think is actively participating in this? Start suiciding? How does that help anyone? "You're too good, I'm going to fly into asteroids to keep it close!"


Well, if you know the game could use improvement and you know that Bioware isn't going to put any effort into changing the mechanics of the game, it's up to the people that play it to self-police.

Except that even if it were in our power, and a part of me is very glad it isn't... How do you propose we "self-police"? As I said, the bottom line is that we can't.


My understanding from Drakolich is that the only people who can see what's said in the /say channel are ships in your immediate vicinity. But yeah, you should fly lesser ships when you realize it's a stomping. Some people never will. Some might.

That's true only of the opposition. Anyone on your team can see what is typed into Ops chat. And again, me getting on an Imperium isn't going to change the outcome of an extremely lopsided match. I, personally, do it anyway. But I can't say I particularly enjoy flying that ship, and I'm not going to just tell someone to get on another ship in the effort of "self-policing", as all that does is create bad blood. I'll sometimes say at the beginning something to the effect of "Looks like an easy win. Time to bring out the Strikes!" But that's all the actual control I have. I can't help it if others on my team want to go all out. And you know what the most common response to me suggesting we should back off is?


Some variation of, "They've done it to us. They deserve it." Now how am I to constructively argue with that when it's largely the newer guys on my own team taking advantage of the fact that there's no good opposition? The ONLY thing I can do to help balance that particular game out would be to quit, hop factions, queue immediately, and hope I get backfilled into that very same game in the opposition. That's another complete waste of my time, especially if I'm only queueing on the one side for the daily or something. When there's no competition, I usually just stop after a game or 2.

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