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Need some help in PvP

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Hi, I'm new to PvP on Merc. Just want to hear some general tips on what to do. What's the best PvP tree? I'm currently Arsenal and liking it. I'm having trouble picking utility because they have several attractive ones PvP on the last 2 tiers. What utilities do you recommend?
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Arsenal is the best PvP tree due to it's low setup time.

For the last tier I find that Thrill of the Hunt and Energy Rebounder are best. Although for solo ranked only it's probably better to take Stabilized armor rather than Rebounder

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Ill toss in my 2 cents...

-in most cases you will be the primary target regardless of spec especially in 4 mans due to lack of effective defensive cooldowns. Be prepared to die, alot. Especially once you get good at it you will be targeted even more becasue #1 you have weak DCDs and #2 you hit hard and do high damage. You are a glass cannon.


-If you are not yet very good at it, learn to kite and use line of site as best you can. The more you stand still, the faster you die. You will learn to hate lolslash.


-Learn when to use certain skills. For example dont use your knockback as a reflex the second someone is on you. On a jugg for example make him use his leap first if possible, or you waste it.


-i think what others have said about utilities is mostly true though I have found Stabilized Armor to be of more general benefit due to the abundance of stuns actually in use. I also like Suit FOE due to the abundance of DOT classes.


-Arsenal is the easiest and most forgiving spec, but make sure you understand when and how to use the skills correctly. Understand the procs that make Rail and Heatseeker hit their hardest and dont waste them without those procs as much as possible.


-I have been running I/O the last few weeks and i like it a lot. Yes, it takes more management and you have to be smarter on your resources, but it has a good combination of punch and pressure. You wont hit as hard as Arsenal, but you can sustain the pressure much better even on the move.


-Your biggest annoyances will likely be with Sins/Ops. Especially the FOTM re-rollers Sins who will target you the entire match cause they cant kill anyone else.


-Dont be afraid to use the "non rotation" skills. Regardless of spec there are set skills you use in your typical rotation, pvp is not pve, you dont get to stand still and pew pew.. or you shouldnt at least. There are times when many of those other skills are relevant.


The rest.. youll figure out :)

Edited by Floplag
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Hi, I'm new to PvP on Merc. Just want to hear some general tips on what to do. What's the best PvP tree? I'm currently Arsenal and liking it. I'm having trouble picking utility because they have several attractive ones PvP on the last 2 tiers. What utilities do you recommend?


Go Innovative ordnace, here why:

-better dps output

-best burst single target(the most of people dont see this only cos they play only arsenal)

-best aoe dmg of the game (i play this class in ranked and if im not focus i do always better dps of assassin hatred)

-best mobility(you can use all ability while moving)


Arsenal is the most noob frendly class of the game and for this reason is played by 90% of the merc. On the other side you have one of the hardest class of the game IO, if you go for it dont follow the dulfy rotation cos are a pve rotation for pvp there are 2 rotation with good heat management.

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-better dps output

Yes, but it's not like that of arsenal is awful. Arsenal also has a good attack type split for dealing with various dcds.

-best burst single target(the most of people dont see this only cos they play only arsenal)

Only in the sense that it can do more damage in shorter span of time given that you get time to setup and there are no guard swap or dcds being popped. Arsenal has far better hardswap type burst, which is generally what matters as far as burst goes.

-best aoe dmg of the game (i play this class in ranked and if im not focus i do always better dps of assassin hatred)

No. I play it in ranked too, and I can only imagine you are comparing to really bad hatred sins if this is your conclusion.

-best mobility(you can use all ability while moving)

Yes, IO is harder to shut down than arsenal, which is why IO should be considered better in non-trinity comp games.


IO has situations where it is better than arsenal. Doesn't mean it's the better spec overall.

Edited by diadox
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Go Innovative ordnace, here why:

-better dps output

-best burst single target(the most of people dont see this only cos they play only arsenal)

-best aoe dmg of the game (i play this class in ranked and if im not focus i do always better dps of assassin hatred)

-best mobility(you can use all ability while moving)


Arsenal is the most noob frendly class of the game and for this reason is played by 90% of the merc. On the other side you have one of the hardest class of the game IO, if you go for it dont follow the dulfy rotation cos are a pve rotation for pvp there are 2 rotation with good heat management.


All of that. If your good at kiting and LoS, IO is amazing. If they gave us another stun, we'd actually be really good. Arsenal isn't bad, but it is the noob spec and easier to shut down than IO.

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Go Innovative ordnace, here why:

-better dps output

-best burst single target(the most of people dont see this only cos they play only arsenal)

-best aoe dmg of the game (i play this class in ranked and if im not focus i do always better dps of assassin hatred)

-best mobility(you can use all ability while moving)


Arsenal is the most noob frendly class of the game and for this reason is played by 90% of the merc. On the other side you have one of the hardest class of the game IO, if you go for it dont follow the dulfy rotation cos are a pve rotation for pvp there are 2 rotation with good heat management.


All great tips however you shoot yourself in the foot with statements like "arsenal is the most noob class in the game" merc is difficult all around if you think anything about playing a merc is easy you should go play madness sorc. Ill look for you at the top of ranked listings yes, since your just that pro.

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-best burst single target(the most of people dont see this only cos they play only arsenal)

Completely and utterly false. Tracer + HSM + Rail is better than IO's, besides IO suffers from horrendous setup time and can't target swap to save it's own life. Then there is the fact that IO's burst is extremely telegraphed.


-best aoe dmg of the game (i play this class in ranked and if im not focus i do always better dps of assassin hatred)


No it doesn't even qualify as AoE period. Hatred, Madness, Lightning, Plasmatech, and Engineering all have significantly better AoE.


Also if you are out doing a Hatred sin in DPS then that Hatred sin doesn't qualify as competent.

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All great tips however you shoot yourself in the foot with statements like "arsenal is the most noob class in the game" merc is difficult all around if you think anything about playing a merc is easy you should go play madness sorc. Ill look for you at the top of ranked listings yes, since your just that pro.


By noob class he means its an easy spec to get the hang of.

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Mercenaries are already high priority targets. Playing IO is just sticking your chin out and daring enemy teams to focus you down in seconds. You might get away with IO when your pre-made is farming pugs, but in solo areans, IO is a free lunch and always has been.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Mercenaries are already high priority targets. Playing IO is just sticking your chin out and daring enemy teams to focus you down in seconds. You might get away with IO when your pre-made is farming pugs, but in solo areans, IO is a free lunch and always has been.


In solo ranked Arsenal is worse than IO because decoy is weak against multiple opponents and because Arsenal's is a pure burst class which is bad in solos because you don't get the luxury of coordinated target swaps. If you are playing any class that has a viable dotspec you should always use the dotspec for solo ranked. Why? Because IO like all dotspecs is a spec where "tunnel target until it dies" is a workable strat.

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I have been debating trying Assault specialist in PvP I have always played gunnery. What is the best rotation if you are allowed one?


Goodl uck getting any replies for that, been barking up that tree for a week now and nothing. No help with stat allocation either.

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Goodl uck getting any replies for that, been barking up that tree for a week now and nothing. No help with stat allocation either.


For IO? There is only one rotation for IO and it's the same as the PvE one. The only change is that you always want to apply Thermal Det 2 GCDs ahead of your next Mag.

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For IO? There is only one rotation for IO and it's the same as the PvE one. The only change is that you always want to apply Thermal Det 2 GCDs ahead of your next Mag.


So how about stat allocation, is 25 % crit enough, or should i leave it at 30% which is what it goes up to when putting plasma cell on.

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All great tips however you shoot yourself in the foot with statements like "arsenal is the most noob class in the game" merc is difficult all around if you think anything about playing a merc is easy you should go play madness sorc. Ill look for you at the top of ranked listings yes, since your just that pro.


I have to agree with this to a certain point... yes, the "baseline" rotation is very easy and forgiving, but if thats all your doing, your not doing it right in my opinion especially in pvp.

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All great tips however you shoot yourself in the foot with statements like "arsenal is the most noob class in the game" merc is difficult all around if you think anything about playing a merc is easy you should go play madness sorc. Ill look for you at the top of ranked listings yes, since your just that pro.


Pretty sure he means "noob class" simply from a perspective of doing your actual DPS (i.e. on a target dummy), and in that case he'd be correct. Needs moar tracer missile

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I am new to the Merc/ Commando as well. Gotta say I love the class!! It is lacking some on defense, but damage seems to be right up there. IO seems to be the most mobile PVP spec, but the energy management is a beast. With Arsenal tho, Damage and Energy management is a dream, but abilities on the move are not as good. I seem to stick with IO solely due to the mobility,but any tips out there for the energy management I seem to be having? Thank you!:D Edited by badmoonblood
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  • 3 weeks later...
Arsenal isn't the most noob-friendly spec in the game, not by a longshot. However, it is indeed the easiest of the three Mercenary classes to play at a competent level. But it does take some technique to master, just like Marksman or Carnage.
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