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Combat needs to be reworked.


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I think this spec is suffering from an inbalance between attacks and buffs and is too simple in it's design. You have at least four different buffs that you can activate in the same fight and only three attacks that is used regularly. Combat needs at least one more attack that can be triggered either randomly or manually if that's what you want. Just give us more to play around with to make it less repetitive. Better passive defense for better survivability and less spamming of boring buffs would also be an improvement.


Since you made Precision into a buff you further increased the inbalance I'm talking about. It makes sense that it is a buff but if you take away something you need to replace it. These changes will make it better for beginners and more fun for experienced players at the same time.


I don't have much experience with end-game so this concerns pre-55. Another option could be to add more skills earlier to improve the options you have. Levelling shouldn't just be a transport to level 60.

Edited by nexaar
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I sort of agree.


I would like our old crippling slash back without the stupid heroic utility choices required...and precision (and back to its old duration) being an actual attack.


I'm sure there's more, but as a quick gut reaction to this post, that's what i'd like to see.

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I agree Combat does need to be reworked but then the entire sent/mara AC needs to be reworked.


It is not working as intended and not providing a useful placement in a PvP or raid group. I don't know what the combat team have in mind but lets hope it some significant improvements and not just splitting defensive forms into 3 utilities.

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Get crippling slash back?


Nah, just use 2 utility points to regain that using another skill. /sarcasm


I used to love combat. I'm enjoying getting used to concentration since they decided to give us some kind of cc immunity 4 months late.

Edited by Jboath
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I agree that the spec could use one more ability the "thicken" it's rotation a bit. The two ideas that I had in mind (that I also think would be the least disruptive to how it plays) are:


1) Change Ataru Savvy so that it also applies to Slash/Vicious Slash. Then, change Blade Rush/Massacre so that: it no longer procs Ataru strikes automatically; gains 100% armor penetration; gains a CD equal to Precision/Gore (currently 12s); its Blade Rush/Massacre buff that increases Ataru proc chances has its duration increased to the CD length; and has its damage increased to correspond to the longer CD.


This creates a good, hard-hitting ability that doesn't go in a Precision/Gore window, which would be nice, and Slash/Vicious Slash simply replaces the current Blade Rush/Massacre's spot in the rotation.


2) Change Clashing/Devastating Blast so that it no longer shares a cooldown with Blade Storm/Force Scream. Then, alter a passive (probably the level 59 passive) so that BS/FS get a damage buff to bring it up to CB/DB's damage level, nerf CB/DB's damage to something slightly less (around BS/FS's current, maybe?), and make sure to change all passives in the discipline that affect either BS/FS or CB/DB to affect BOTH abilities.


This gives us another big hitter that uses our Execute/Opportune Attack, but wouldn't be a top choice for our Precision/Gore window. Basically, the first window would be BS/FS + Dispatch/VT + Slash/VS. The second window would be BS/FS + Slash/VS + CB/DB.


Cooldowns may need some tweaking to smooth out the rotation.


I know there's also been a lot of chatter by players about moving Precision/Gore to a charge system. It's another interesting way the class could be reworked.

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For me 2 30m leaps with short cd OR vengi jugg stun immunity (simple immunity after leap i.e. plain leap without preparations!) can fix almost all my problems with current maras (Anni and Carnage, i don't like Fury)... but i'm not a pro, just a filthy casual PvP'er. :D
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I think this spec is suffering from an inbalance between attacks and buffs and is too simple in it's design. You have at least four different buffs that you can activate in the same fight and only three attacks that is used regularly. Combat needs at least one more attack that can be triggered either randomly or manually if that's what you want. Just give us more to play around with to make it less repetitive. Better passive defense for better survivability and less spamming of boring buffs would also be an improvement.


Since you made Precision into a buff you further increased the inbalance I'm talking about. It makes sense that it is a buff but if you take away something you need to replace it. These changes will make it better for beginners and more fun for experienced players at the same time.


I don't have much experience with end-game so this concerns pre-55. Another option could be to add more skills earlier to improve the options you have. Levelling shouldn't just be a transport to level 60.


So you have little experience with the spec yet you are suggesting changes already?


I would like the developers to leave alone combat, is one of the most balance specs right now and it's damage output is right where it should be. If anything I wouldn't like any changes to combat, specially after what happened to watchman.

Edited by g_mK
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Sents should be made absolutely unkiteable and have their dmg gutted extremely hard. There current burst is way too much for them to to be unkiteable(especially considering you can't interrupt them) Please don't BS me folks. 99.9% of pvp sents want 100% uptime on everyone which would be stupid OP with their current burst in combat and con.

Then again this would make them a non factor in PVE.

Could just make classes function differently in PVP and in PVE.

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I agree that the spec could use one more ability the "thicken" it's rotation a bit. The two ideas that I had in mind (that I also think would be the least disruptive to how it plays) are:


1) Change Ataru Savvy so that it also applies to Slash/Vicious Slash. Then, change Blade Rush/Massacre so that: it no longer procs Ataru strikes automatically; gains 100% armor penetration; gains a CD equal to Precision/Gore (currently 12s); its Blade Rush/Massacre buff that increases Ataru proc chances has its duration increased to the CD length; and has its damage increased to correspond to the longer CD.


This creates a good, hard-hitting ability that doesn't go in a Precision/Gore window, which would be nice, and Slash/Vicious Slash simply replaces the current Blade Rush/Massacre's spot in the rotation.


2) Change Clashing/Devastating Blast so that it no longer shares a cooldown with Blade Storm/Force Scream. Then, alter a passive (probably the level 59 passive) so that BS/FS get a damage buff to bring it up to CB/DB's damage level, nerf CB/DB's damage to something slightly less (around BS/FS's current, maybe?), and make sure to change all passives in the discipline that affect either BS/FS or CB/DB to affect BOTH abilities.


This gives us another big hitter that uses our Execute/Opportune Attack, but wouldn't be a top choice for our Precision/Gore window. Basically, the first window would be BS/FS + Dispatch/VT + Slash/VS. The second window would be BS/FS + Slash/VS + CB/DB.


Cooldowns may need some tweaking to smooth out the rotation.


I know there's also been a lot of chatter by players about moving Precision/Gore to a charge system. It's another interesting way the class could be reworked.


Yeah, no thank you. The relationship between Massacre and Devastating Blast is satisfactory as-is. Massacre is a reliable ataru proc so we don't have to wait and use garbage abilities until we get a proc to use the DB autocrit.


Is there any way you can tweak this to not lose that?

Edited by Svarthrafn
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... combat, is one of the most balance specs right now and it's damage output is right where it should be.


While I agree that combat plays fine with regards to its concept and rotation, I think its raw damaged should be buffed through the roof so that it is the highest parsing spec by design. This raw damaged would then be tempered by the content which heavily punishes melee, bringing it on par with ranged specs in real situation.

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Yeah, no thank you. The relationship between Massacre and Devastating Blast is satisfactory as-is. Massacre is a reliable ataru proc so we don't have to wait and use garbage abilities until we get a proc to use the DB autocrit.


Is there any way you can tweak this to not lose that?


If I understand you, you're concerned with losing the auto-ataru proc right? (If I'm misunderstanding, please correct me)


I mentioned that Slash/Vicious Slash would be included in Ataru Savvy. That's the ability that gives Cyclone Slash/Sweeping Slash the 100% chance to proc Ataru. So basically, Slash/Vicious Slash would have the 100% chance to proc ataru, functionally replacing Blade Rush/Massacre except for the buff (the +30% chance to proc ataru for 6 seconds).


Truthfully, though I think those ideas might be interesting, Combat/Carnage isn't in a BAD place right now. It works. It just gets some moments that are a bit Blade Rush/Massacre-spam heavy. Something to break that up would be nice. Another way to do that is to alter Precision/Gore.


In a different thread, people were brainstorming ideas and I had this one (influenced by others'): Change Precision/Gore from a duration to a charge system. It gives 2 charges. Activating an ability consumes a charge and gives that ability 100% armor penetration (the whole ability, so all attacks get the penetration; this is important for AoEs and Master Strike/Ravage), plus 100% armor penetration to any ataru strikes procced by that ability. If you activate Precision/Gore while under the effects of Zen/Berserk, you gain an additional charge. Then, in light of only 2 charges, the cooldown comes down to 9 seconds on Precision/Gore.


This creates a short rotation that goes (using Mara vernacular for brevity):

Gore + DB -> VT -> filler -> filler -> filler -> filler -> Gore + DB -> Ravage -> filler -> filler -> filler -> filler -> REPEAT


Those fillers will be rage builders and Massacres, with the odd gap closer thrown in, so no long periods of just spamming Massacre, waiting for Gore to come off CD to line up with your burst.


Though I've been against the charge system in the past (pre 3.0 days when it probably would have been too much for a spec that was, by almost all accounts, balanced), this would also help with the spec getting shut down in PvP as you can't really lose your Gore window.


EDIT: And, that could be combined with either of the other suggestions, effectively replacing a filler, for even less spam.

Edited by waterboytkd
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Combat/carnage is my main on both sides. I've played my combat sent for over a year straight, mostly in FPs and Ops. The current iteration is fine discounting the lack of uptime on bosses. The truth seems to be there is no magic bullet that fixes this unfortunate fact.


I'm in the camp that thinks damage should be scaled to uptime for pure melee DPS. But the how gets complicated sometimes when (in my convoluted mind) it seems pretty simple to get headed down the right path. I'd like to see precision increased to 4.5 secs off the GCD and bring cauterize back to all specs. That's not a ton of change or a huge damage spike, but it gives us something to keep DPS up for small periods of downtime and a better burst for when we finally get back on target.


My experience is probably not unique nor too insightful, but these two small changes would help our viability in Ops and any fight where downtime is an issue (ie. most bosses).


Thanks for reading.

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While I agree that combat plays fine with regards to its concept and rotation, I think its raw damaged should be buffed through the roof so that it is the highest parsing spec by design. This raw damaged would then be tempered by the content which heavily punishes melee, bringing it on par with ranged specs in real situation.


Combat is not and has never been a sustained spec with low burst. Its never supposed to be the highest parsing spec. Out the sentinel specs that is Watchman. When it was the highest parsing spec, it was the result of an unintended mechanic and Watchman being underpowered.

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to put it bluntly..give carnage back deadly throw..having to spend 2 points to get the same effect from crippling slash is whack..there was nothing wrong with the skill...that made carnage the spec it was before they removed it..everything else is ok with the class..this skill need to come back to make carnage effective as before..


whoever said maras had 3 saber throws and juggs have only 2 is ludicrous..well juggs can leap to you twice if running rage they can leap 3 times..so i feel both classes are equal so give maras back deadly throw..truly carnage dont feel the same with it gone..


devs you can save alot of time and headache putting back deadly throw to carnage skill bar..that is all what carnage needs no other kind of buff ..with deadly throw you didnt have any problems with sticking to target..cause crippling slash being used for deadly throw make carnage feel generic..

Edited by Xertasian
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While I agree Combat / Carnage could use some small tweaks to help it's up time which is lacking in pvp and end game ops, in light of recent iterations on PTS I think that any changes this combat team are likely to make would not be the ones the community wanted so I'll wait till sometime down the road when hopefully a dev with an intimate knowledge of the A.C. takes an interest. I simply have no confidence in the current combat / class guys.


Edit: While I say the above, I certainly think that the guys are trying their best, they just don't have the knowledge of the "in game" issues that plague the class and spreadsheets don't cut it. I certainly don't condone or support the recent abuse that they have faced in any way.

Edited by Bryanseven
Forgot to mention the recent abuse.
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For me I would actually love to see a return of Force Scream, It actually really frustrates me that I cant use that ability any more as I really like that skill. I would love to at least have the option (I.E buffing Screams damage to that of Devastating blast for a bit of variance). Or maybe even making Devastating blast a seperate skill that has an 18 second cd to use every other gore with Ravage.
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I simply have no confidence in the current combat / class guys.


This. It's a damn shame, but I'd rather Carnage remains boring but effective as it currently is then have it go through one of their "QoL" changes.

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