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People who undersell by 1 credit.


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Actually, that's real life. Taxes are why retailers sell stuff for 9.99, and not 10.00, because at 10.00 the tax rate is higher. To maximize profits without driving away your customers, price at the maximum your shoppers will pay - including the tax.

No, retailers sell stuff for 9.99 and not 10.00(*) for a combination of employee-fraud-prevention and customer-psychology reasons. Taxes(*) don't enter into it at all.


Those reasons?


* Back in the day, there was no electronic stock control, and stores priced at slightly below a whole number of pounds, dollars, francs, or whatever so that employees would *have* to go to a till and get change (thereby leaving the actual money in the till) rather than "helping" the customer by taking the money there and then, and just not ever putting it in a till. This was, of course, at a time when there were more employees working on the shop floors, and retail procedures were different.

* Prices like 9.99 versus 10.00 straddle a psychological boundary, "under ten euros" versus "ten euros or more", and the difference "feels" bigger than it really is.


(*) This blither about taxes is probably to do with the American habit of having sales taxes (added at the checkout) versus the European habit of Value Added Taxes (included in the price you pay at the till). That said, however, I'll add that I've never heard of anywhere with progressive sales tax rates (percentage tax rate gets higher as prices get higher). Whether it's a sales tax or VAT, it is a flat rate on any specific item. The difference in a 5% or even 20% tax when you are talking about a 0.01 euro difference in price isn't worth talking about.

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I was correct.So what I do is pull my items and wait for them to disappear, then try to sell them again at my original price. I'm counting on what I like to call "the sweet spot". It's basically the time frame in which my item has to sell before some scrub sees it up there and tries to undercut me. I mean yeah, I could relist lower but then they could just do the same thing and unlike FFXIV these items don't stay up indefinitely.

So someone who undercuts your price is a scrub. You're undercutting someone else. So that makes you a scrub, too. So everyone other than the person with the highest priced item is a scrub.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I was correct.So what I do is pull my items and wait for them to disappear, then try to sell them again at my original price. I'm counting on what I like to call "the sweet spot". It's basically the time frame in which my item has to sell before some scrub sees it up there and tries to undercut me. I mean yeah, I could relist lower but then they could just do the same thing and unlike FFXIV these items don't stay up indefinitely.


Actually you're wrong. Nothing you've said at all is true tbh.

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So someone who undercuts your price is a scrub. You're undercutting someone else. So that makes you a scrub, too. So everyone other than the person with the highest priced item is a scrub.


quoted for truth. you burned him. :rolleyes:

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I do it sometimes....sometimes I undercut by a few credits. Blame BW.....most of the CM items have almost no deposit cost so people can constantly re-list things. The deposit should be based on the price you're listing at and you should forfeit a meaningful deposit (not the nominal deposit cost of most CM items) when you re-list. However, I also will usually buy the slightly higher priced item and not reward the undercutter.
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I've found about three items that I can consistently buy low and sell high. I tend to stick to those items. Sometimes I get lucky and find that someone has deliberatly driven the price down by 50% or so below normal market. I snatch them all up and wait for the market to recover, then sell them one at a time. I mark down a small percentage below current market and relist each time I log on. If you list at 500000, you can bet I'll list a couple thousand below you just to get in the 400k range. I'd much rather see someone listing at 1 credit below me than driving the market into the ground on something that I'm currently listing. I just relist and go play.
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What REALLY annoys me are those D-bags who sell things for 1 credit more than I do and complain. Seriously, when I sell things for 999,999, why do they have to go and sell it for 1,000,000. d-bag move, guys!
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I sort by price, then buy the cheapest one.


Don't take it personal! It's a tough life...my mom needs medicine, my wife needs robes, my speeder needs brakes, my kids are hungry, and my dog hates me. A credit is a credit, I'll take it where I can get it :)


As do I. If someone is selling cheaper than you are that's not a **** move, its giving a better price than you are. 1 Credit isn't much, and its not even 'real' money, but just like real life I'm going to look for the best price I can find.

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I've found about three items that I can consistently buy low and sell high. I tend to stick to those items. Sometimes I get lucky and find that someone has deliberatly driven the price down by 50% or so below normal market. I snatch them all up and wait for the market to recover, then sell them one at a time. I mark down a small percentage below current market and relist each time I log on. If you list at 500000, you can bet I'll list a couple thousand below you just to get in the 400k range. I'd much rather see someone listing at 1 credit below me than driving the market into the ground on something that I'm currently listing. I just relist and go play.

You mean you actually buy items you think are under priced and then re-list them for what you think is a good price, rather than whining on the forums about "d-bag" under cutters? Whoa, say it ain't so!

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those that cut by 1 credit, maximize profit that benefits the sellers, those that cut by more, leave money on the table and that benefits the buyers.


I usually undercut by 1 cred, cause I'm competing against the bots. When I sell Yavin things, it's a lot easier to tell that the people listing 20+ stacks of mats are the bots, and I have no hard feelings undercutting them and their asdjhk names.

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Basically you DO NOT want to sell at the highest price; you want to sell for maximum gain. Those two aren't the same and making it work requires a long-term view. A high price that languishes unsold is not doing you any good. Getting angry that someone else undercuts you, by one credit or 1,000, just shows, as someone said, that you suck at GTN PvP.


Recently I bought a hypercrate for a specific project I had in mind. I figured at the going GTN rate I would net about 9 million I would break-even at the end of the project (raising all companions on every toon to 10,000) and gain a long-term benefit to my many crafters by the corresponding rise in crit. Well, wouldn't you know it, BW put the damn crate for sale 50% off the very next day. My embargo timer had not even gone down yet! What happened was predictable. A lot of people jumped on it and as soon as their timers went to zero the price for the crates dropped like a stone. Had I known that I would have purchased a different crate. Was it their fault? No, it was BW's for manipulating the market, but, oh well.


(Sigh) What to do? 1) Be patient. 2) Stick a single crate at the price I wanted up for 2 days on the GTN as a bellwether. Relist as necessary until the buzzer went off meaning it sold. 3) When it sold, re-investigate and put up a couple more crates. 4) Rinse and repeat. 5) Profit. Eventually, despite the initial setback, all the crates sold at my desired price.


It's the same with anything. The "crafting price" for a lot of items is more than they will sell for. And the initial price PAID for a lot of items is ZERO because they were unneeded drops. When you try to sell something on the GTN you got for free, the price is strictly what the market will bear.


There's no good reason to whine at GTN prices. If it really bothers you that much, don't play the game.

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This complaint makes no sense. Surely being undercut by 1 credit is much better than the usual 10% which drives prices down. When someone undercuts me by 1 credit I feel relieved that I'm not going to sacrifice credits if I want to shift my stuff.
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This complaint makes no sense. Surely being undercut by 1 credit is much better than the usual 10% which drives prices down. When someone undercuts me by 1 credit I feel relieved that I'm not going to sacrifice credits if I want to shift my stuff.


Yeah, I hate it when I have something going for a good price (augments are my bread and butter at around 100K a pop,) and someone undercuts me by like 20K and lists tons of them. Everyone else tries to undercut them, and my profits go nowhere for a week or two while the market stabilizes because of that one idiot.

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Yeah, I hate it when I have something going for a good price (augments are my bread and butter at around 100K a pop,) and someone undercuts me by like 20K and lists tons of them. Everyone else tries to undercut them, and my profits go nowhere for a week or two while the market stabilizes because of that one idiot.


Guess I'm an idiot then! I typically sell my augments for 80-85k. For me it's about turnover, and reinvesting. I take the money and reinvest into other crafting, buying/selling off GTN, more mats, etc. so I need quick turnaround to keep the machine moving. As long as I get a good return, I will sell and move the money to something else. I don't want items to sit on the GTN or in storage to try and get a certain price. I sell for the going rate, assuming it's not below my cost.

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Guess I'm an idiot then! I typically sell my augments for 80-85k. For me it's about turnover, and reinvesting. I take the money and reinvest into other crafting, buying/selling off GTN, more mats, etc. so I need quick turnaround to keep the machine moving. As long as I get a good return, I will sell and move the money to something else. I don't want items to sit on the GTN or in storage to try and get a certain price. I sell for the going rate, assuming it's not below my cost.


We found the Sam Walton of SWTOR.

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What REALLY annoys me are those D-bags who sell things for 1 credit more than I do and complain. Seriously, when I sell things for 999,999, why do they have to go and sell it for 1,000,000. d-bag move, guys!


That would be me (overcutting, not complaining). I like it when I see that there is an X-1 price item but no X priced item -- it shows me that the undercutter already lost one potential sale, so I list mine at X and it usually sells (and when I go to relist my next one at X, I often see the X-1 item still there).

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