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Which Race(s) would you like to see added after Togruta?


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I'm wondering if Bioware really researched the species that they DID add to TOR.


For instance:

There are no Sith Pureblood. They went extinct around 5500BBY during the great hyperspace war. All of the "Sith Purebloods" that are around now are hybrids and by this point few of those physical features would remain.


For Twi'leks, they favor obesity to being slim because to them obesity is a sign of affluence and wealth. Guess for them, being fat is awesome. Also there are two distinct subspecies of Twi'lek based on skin color. Shades of blue are Rutian while shades of red are a mutation called Lethan and are supposed to be exceptionally rare.


Chiss don't have an adolescent stage in their development (or rather a very short one), meaning that it's not uncommon for that twenty year old looking Chiss to actually be more like 12 or 13.


About 90% of the Cathar were slaughtered by the Mandaloreans. I doubt they would be very favorable to the Mandaloreans during this time period or to humans in general.


I wonder why these little tidbits from the lore weren't touched on.


Mandalorians should have tried harder....

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All of the above! Zeltron would be easiest, though.


Yes, they should do this out of ease and abundance. Pleeeaaassseee. in canon this is a very populace species in the Star Wars Galaxy, as much if not more then Chiss. It was also in the last game. Please it would be so easy to add this, no headgear issues as it is a near human species.

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Doesn't matter. If you play as Trooper OR Smuggler your starting planet is Ord Mantell. One of the first side quests available to you is one where an NPC explains to you what a Cathar is. That's not a Trooper specific problem as it's not a Trooper Class Quest.


Also if you play a Cathar on the Empire side the Taris side/planet quests are full of NPCs talking about Cathars, what they are, what they're like, etc, etc.


If you're playing a Chiss Smuggler you can ask someone in your Class Quest on Hoth what a Chiss is. That's because Chiss were never meant to be playable for Smugglers.


It doesn't matter if you've never come across this stuff or not because it exists in the game and my point still stands. Your race is cosmetic and completely irrelevant to the plot of the game, so is the rest of your appearance thus players should be able to look any way they want to or be whatever race they want to as long as it works within the games limited mechanics.


Do the NPCs tell you about Cathars/ Chiss regardless of whether you choose to ask about them or not?


Nautolans, btw. :)

Edited by evelynchk
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I'd love to see Rodians (see forum avatar), but the lore requiring Basic-speaking Rodians to have a distinctive lisping speech pattern would mean extra money to code for and hire distinctive voice actors for Rodian player characters, making it less likely to happen.
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Ithorian who speaks BASIC:

10 ? "Hello, World."

20 GOTO 10.


Ha! I get it! It's a programming joke! I'm smart.

Wait, it's a programming joke, right? I know zero coding. Did I figure it out? Am I still smart?



Anyway, I don't see why so many people want so many new races when we don't even have cybernetics or facial hair on any non-humans.


Did that come off sounding harsh? I hope not. I didn't mean it to be.

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I really wish these forums allowed for the creation of polls but since they don't this will have to do.




You may also post races that are not on the poll here but please keep in mind your race must follow the criteria below.


1) must speak basic

2) must be able to be romanced

3) must work for all classes and work with all companions

4) must work with all existing armor


Descriptions of the races courtesy of Oddball :D





Mon Calamari

Kel Dor





Zeltron because she look so ... HOT

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