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  1. Kind of agree with this, except I hate pvp and only do it for the weeklies for conquest and Galactic Seasons. I'd support a workable system to discourage AFKing/suicides. Just don't tie it to wins cause that just makes it tedious, and increases toxicity towards people that may not have the perfect build. Tying it to participation medals could be good.
  2. My problem seems to be doing the chapters at veteran difficulty which after the giant nerf they labeled as an "expansion" seems relatively impossible. I got killed on trash mobs.
  3. Seems that you took away more than you gave us pretty much sums up my feelings about 7.0 as well. I am also a founder.
  4. This is a really weird hot take since you do seem to be in the majority opinion. You don't have to go to the same five redditors to get this feedback either. This is from again, what I see and hear in game and on various discord servers as well. And most ie - A MAJORITY, don't like the new gearing system, and would prefer to have something like renown crates back. Sure a lot of them are too apathetic to bother writing on the forums here about this but if you think I am among five people you're either not paying attention or don't know how to count. This is not me trying to manufacture weight to my opinion. I am saying what my experience has been discussion this with a large variety of people. Some don't care, some hate it (maybe you can argue that the don't cares are the majority but if they are it's by a small percentage), and only a very very small number of people actually like the new gearing system. It's evident everywhere. not just hear or reddit. Again I am one of those people that despite discontent usually don't bother with forums, but I am fed up and voicing an opinion shared by nearly everyone else I talk to. Anyways, I am remembering why I don't bother with forums, just wish there was a better way to be heard.
  5. So the majority of people I am talking about are from discussions I have read or participated in from places like reddit, and multiple discord servers, discussions in game, and just about every forum post I have read about 7.0 so far. Whenever I see someone loving the gearing system it is from a very small and vocal minority of full time NiM raiders, and the consensus there is ya'll don't need it; top gear is for us. So yes, I do believe this is a majority I am speaking for here. And, yes you are right, most people playing the game never look at the forums, I for the most part am one of those people. Why I am here giving this feedback cause... the other option is to just leave. SWTOR has already seem some fairly painful player exoduses, I'd rather not have to go through another one.
  6. Forgive me if I am wrong but isn't the Nexu mount locked behind a PvP reward?
  7. And it'd be easy to do considering they've managed for Lana and Theron.
  8. This would be great actually, I would have less chance of accidentally selling something from my load outs, it'd be easier to keep it organized and would generally cut down on the clutter in my inventory. I am curious as to why when I swap load out it puts the items in random slots rather than replacing the slot from the item I just equipped or the first available slot.
  9. This made me smile cause of the City of Heroes reference, but, yes, the purple IOs and generally IOs changed CoH/CoV's entire meta. You needed the recipe though, however purple recipe drops could come from almost anywhere so long as you were of a level to use them. Even then alot of the top builds didn't even have the purple sets as a key feature in them. CoH was a great game for customization, you could make almost anything work really well. But it was math heavy. Even so if you didn't want to go through that, you could still get through anything aside from incarnate content with a decent team sporting high level SOs and HOs.
  10. Gotta say, I really hate this sort of attitude from players, It's pretty much gate keeping. This sort of, if you aren't part of a premade fixed team that spams NiM Ops you shouldn't have access to the top gear, cause you don't need it. So, question, how does people not playing the same way you do getting decent gear take away from your fun? While your philosophy on the game decidedly takes away from everyone else's. Literally every post I have ready from you on this thread has had this tone to it. I don't post much on forums, but I need to start here. I have loved SWTOR since launch, but the changes to gearing is patently regressive. the UI sucks, the content is short, and they probably spent a ton of money on changes that would have been better spent somewhere else. I do think that devs need to hear this feedback and hopefully listen to what the majority of players want and how they play, rather than a small group of gatekeeping elitists. Basically the feedback is overwhelmingly bring back 6.0 gearing system. You can make the gear fix some of the issues with that rather than trash the whole thing an go back to ...whatever this was.
  11. If nothing else, making it Legacy wide might breath a little life back into it. Though Warzones would speed up getting it quite a bit especially during leveling, since lowbie pvp is much more fun (at least for me) than elder pvp.
  12. Can we just revisit making social a legacy thing again? please? The rewards for it are hardly worth the effort anymore and it'd be nice to get the outfits I want right off, rather than grind it out for each character. ...again.
  13. What about making the social rank a legacy thing you so you only have to bother with it once to get all the unlocks. It's kind of annoying to have to farm it up to get to wear that ONE costume piece I need for one character.
  14. I didn't think Destiny was worth playing, and I don't see where Anthem is a good move for Bioware. For people that like the arcade shooter style game, I guess they are okay, but Bioware is an RPG company. We expect story arcs, and characters and being able to customize who we play as players from them. This is what has attracted us to Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KoTOR, and SWTOR. This is obviously EA games fault for trying to change the focus on Bioware, but really, your customer base is not going to be interested at all in Anthem. Comments in this article prove it. No one in SWTOR is excited about anthem, no one talks about it in Gen Chat. I mean... if you look at Gen chat Jawas and Trump are more exciting than Anthem I guess, but still. My point remains. People that talk about what they liked and didn't like about past bioware games, it always revolved around the characters, the story arc, and how you could customize your character and how the choices you make effect the outcome. Good or bad this is what your player base is interested in. Destiny did not deliver ANY of this, and Anthem won't either.
  15. Adding my two cents here. But, until they allow me to go into a less populated instance, so I can manage to get some of the bonuses and heroics (Possessed hunter comes to mind) without a ton of people spamming AoEs to steal the kill, I am out, and likely to end my sub. Goodbye TOR, it's been fun, but... I'm done.
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