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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Girl rejected me at school today because i like star wars....


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Only if they are fat and lonely, or if they were tricked into it before realizing they may actually be a hot.

You are one of those guys who also think that good looking gals are automatically fake gamers and such things? Wake up, there are more geek girls around than you know and I am pretty sure the new Star wars movies will bring many more to Star wars, since they surely make more interesting female characters in the new films.

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You are one of those guys who also think that good looking gals are automatically fake gamers and such things? Wake up, there are more geek girls around than you know and I am pretty sure the new Star wars movies will bring many more to Star wars, since they surely make more interesting female characters in the new films.


In the grand scheme of life, people who look good, and are popular, rarely play games. Especially beyond consoles/iphones. I'm simply making a truthful observation on today's society. Are there exceptions? Sure there are, but a good 99% of the time my original statement stands true.


Beautiful, smart geeky girls are like unicorns, and trust me, you don't have a chance at getting one, because they are truly inundated with gobs and gobs of guys, both dorks and good looking ones. So unless the op is a muscular tatted up bad ***, he doesn't stand the chance, and maybe should lower his standards, so his feelings won't get so hurt. Or maybe he can change things by joining a gym, or doing a an outdoor sport.

Edited by Holocron
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Feel the hatred swelling in you. Let it swell. Pity the poor whore for turning you down. She is most likely after an organ and not after a relation anyhow. /spits . The dregs of society.


Just let the hate guide your path!

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Well, while i am fine with someone that isn't into starwars or star trek like i am, but rejecting someone cause you like the stuff is just stupid.


In the end, for something to work, you need commonalities, but not too much of them, otherwise it will be sooo boring.

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im so depressed right now


That's a shame. But after you finally cheer up or your balls drop just remember that at your age it doesn't matter much whether girls like star wars or not, because you're just going to tag it and go anyway.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I feel the need to point out that the movies are fantastic...if accompanied by Rifftrax commentary. For your amusement
. It was a win-win for me. I got to watch the movie laughing hysterically and ignoring the plot, and my girlfriend got to watch the plot and ignore the commentary.

Riftrax is about as funny as a pile of dung that no one has fallen face first into.

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In the grand scheme of life, people who look good, and are popular, rarely play games. Especially beyond consoles/iphones. I'm simply making a truthful observation on today's society. Are there exceptions? Sure there are, but a good 99% of the time my original statement stands true.


Beautiful, smart geeky girls are like unicorns, and trust me, you don't have a chance at getting one, because they are truly inundated with gobs and gobs of guys, both dorks and good looking ones. So unless the op is a muscular tatted up bad ***, he doesn't stand the chance, and maybe should lower his standards, so his feelings won't get so hurt. Or maybe he can change things by joining a gym, or doing a an outdoor sport.


Double your Darthing! :rak_03:

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Worth your time, she is not. Move on, you should.


Yoda cracks aside, though.....being rejected over something so petty is kinda shallow. I mean, I love Star Trek and Star Wars, and I'm pretty much certifiable nerd.


My wife is a Twihard fan, and all she understands of Star Trek is "beam me up, Scotty!" and she's almost as meh on Star Wars.


Yet we've been married nine years. And we play SWTOR together. It takes all kinds.

Edited by Lewintelamon
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Wanna know the real way to get her back? Hit on the girl next to her and completely ignore her from now on...Flip the rejection in essence. Hot chicks cannot tolerate being ignored. She'll be on ya like ticks on a wookie.
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